How will they rule ??!

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Nice to know. Seems like the kind of person that should have been on stage.

Had the Repubs had a credible candidate that Trump couldn't squash with his "bullying" then Trump would have looked real stupid out there.

Fortunately for him they did not have a single worthy person out there. I mean Ben was honorable, but no politician.
Who shows up if you refuse to abide by the court order?

What/who do you think makes that piece of paper mean anything?

The same people who show up to enforce any order. Whether it be a Writ of possession (eviction), execution of monetary judgment, or to enforce an order changing custody. Its not special to eminent domain.
Cal says he hates 1 and dones. But he recruits the hell out of them because its the rules, and he would be stupid not to. Same thing here.

Comparing NBA eligibility restrictions to acquisition through eminent domain? This is the worst analogy yet. No where near the same thing.

Is Calipari seizing the private property of these recruits when abiding by Article X? Would Calipari continue to recruit the same players if the rule became illegal? Are you morally against the players Calipari is recruiting that ultimately play one season then leave? Does Calipari have any other avenues to recruit these same players? Are these same recruits signing with Calipari and UK against their will? Does Trump actually hate eminent domain but is forced to use it because it's legal? There are so many holes in this comparison that I kinda think you're joking.

A similarly ridiculous analogy is that I hate taking management training courses with my current employer but I do it anyway to keep my job, same as eminent domain.
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The same people who show up to enforce any order. Whether it be a Writ of possession (eviction), execution of monetary judgment, or to enforce an order changing custody. Its not special to eminent domain.
Of course it's not, but in the case of eminent domain (when used to transfer the property to another citizen) it is using that force against the rightful owner. That is a fairly substantial difference

Why is this so hard for you to understand? I'm not arguing the legality of eminent domain, I'm arguing that proactively using it for personal gain is not only contra the 5th Amendment (regardless of the SCOTUS decision), but wholly different from other business practices for the very fact that *requires* the force of government.
What if I told you this is all the strategy to get a winner for president.

The Repubs finally found a way to win. Get a clear cut lead from whoever and then turn and hate them! Essentially realizing that liking them is a downfall, so publicly hate them and get everyone to think they are hiring someone hated by the GOP.

Boom!!!!! Winner winner chicken dinner!!!!
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He's that guy jamo posted about above trying to woo Conservatives by telling them he is for:
1 Legalizing weed
2 Gay marriage
3 Abortion

Funny that those 3 issues are issues that Repubs have no problem utilizing every bit of executive decision and big government. It's socialism of Republican politics.
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Why is this so hard for you to understand? I'm not arguing the legality of eminent domain, I'm arguing that proactively using it for personal gain is not only contra the 5th Amendment (regardless of the SCOTUS decision), but wholly different from other business practices for the very fact that *requires* the force of government.

I understand it perfectly. I just dont agree with you. No big deal. I understand this is an issue where people will disagree.
Fortress Investment Group.
If Baltimore homeowners don’t pay up on these rapidly accelerating debts within two years, the speculators can take their homes away from them through the tax lien foreclosure process.

"... one of the companies capitalizing on this house-stealing scam in Baltimore is the Fortress Investment Group, which this year, watched as several of its employees gave the maximum legal amount to Clinton’s campaign."

Gee, I wonder what party those Baltimore officials, who devised this plan, belonged to? Trump will have to use this kind of ammo against Hellary, while she's throwing the eminent-domain-kicking-little-old-ladies-out-of-their-houses routine at him for the millionth time.

I was a victim of an eminent domain process... but I'll vote for Trump if he's the R. I won't hold it against him, the same way I put less blame on the developer who got my property. In my case, it was my elected officials that betrayed me and forced the sale, so their buddy could get richer. Somehow, I'm sure they got something out of it.

Here's the twist: The developer who bulldozed my place was a Republican... but the elected officials who lied to me and screwed me were those wonderful "we're-always-fighting-for-the-little-guy-Democrats."
Funny that those 3 issues are issues that Repubs have no problem utilizing every bit of executive decision and big government. It's socialism of Republican politics.

Just look at the KY Gov, only thing he had done so far is a crusade to close clinics.
Repubs want to dictate how you live your life just as much as any Obama policies.
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99% sure it doesn't work that way. They have to pick between the candidates who received electoral votes, I believe.
Just saw this - Apparently every convention can write it's own rules so it would be possible for Ryan or Romney to be voted on as nominee - this according to Ben Ginsberg, a veteran Republican campaign lawyer who is highly respected by the GOP establishment and was the negotiator last fall between GOP candidates and the networks in their high-profile battle over how to structure the debates :

Another alternative (to voting among the top 3 vote getters), Ginsberg notes, could be to try to nominate a “virgin” candidate who has not been running at all and has not been subjected to voting. This would entail a convention rules change that would set new criteria for putting the name of someone in for selection by delegates and for nomination.

“That is a rule that each convention has to pass for itself,” Ginsberg says.
Just look at the KY Gov, only thing he had done so far is a crusade to close clinics.
Repubs want to dictate how you live your life just as much as any Obama policies.

Wait till the great awakening happens. When 300 million people wake up one day and realize they are all Libertarians. Then the world gets fixed, kids play in happiness, and everyone lives great and dies happy. The end.
Just saw this - Apparently every convention can write it's own rules so it would be possible for Ryan or Romney to be voted on as nominee - this according to Ben Ginsberg, a veteran Republican campaign lawyer who is highly respected by the GOP establishment and was the negotiator last fall between GOP candidates and the networks in their high-profile battle over how to structure the debates :

Another alternative (to voting among the top 3 vote getters), Ginsberg notes, could be to try to nominate a “virgin” candidate who has not been running at all and has not been subjected to voting. This would entail a convention rules change that would set new criteria for putting the name of someone in for selection by delegates and for nomination.

“That is a rule that each convention has to pass for itself,” Ginsberg says.
you were talking about the electoral college, not the primary process...
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He's that guy jamo posted about above trying to woo Conservatives by telling them he is for:
1 Legalizing weed
2 Gay marriage
3 Abortion
Which are issues conservatives are going to have to let go of if they want to keep gun rights, get spending under control, and put a slow down to the Liberal movement.
Which are issues conservatives are going to have to let go of if they want to keep gun rights, get spending under control, and put a slow down to the Liberal movement.

If the evangelical right would just simmer down for about 4 years, they will easily see these new millennials stick their own feet in their mouth by nagging the 1st amendment to death.
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Which are issues conservatives are going to have to let go of if they want to keep gun rights, get spending under control, and put a slow down to the Liberal movement.
If the evangelical right would just simmer down for about 4 years, they will easily see these new millennials stick their own feet in their mouth by nagging the 1st amendment to death.
Absolutely. The millenials are ruining this country but it's the evangelicals that are enabling them and they have no clue they are doing it.
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Gallup Unfavorable Ratings:
Vladimir Putin, 69%;
Bashar al Assad, 68%;
Bill Cosby, 62%;
Al Sharpton, 62 %,
Watching this debate, amazing. Trump is pro abortion, anti gun, pro Obamacare, pro Obama stimulus, supported Carter over Reagan, Kerry over Bush, supported Harry Reid and Nancy Reid. Is less popular than Bill Cosby. And is about to be Republican nominee for President! Lol. Crazy times......
Why? The only reason republicans didn't want to pass obamacare is because it forces people to pay a fine if they didn't have insurance. Obamacare was a republican idea and Obama tweaked it to make it more radical.

As far as guns, I know a lot of people with an arsenal of weapons that would absolutely make most scared or jealous and even they say our gun laws are a joke! They laugh because of how many illegals go to flea markets and pay 200 over retail price to avoid the laws!

Everyone wanted stimulus because the country was frozen financially.

Reagan was an actor out of Hollywood before he was the Reagan we know. But LOL at caring about something that happened 30+ years ago like people don't change, Christ!

I am against Bush and no matter how proud of him I was for not being a weakling he was flat out wrong and misled. The bush years were as bad as Obama!

To add to this, who gives a crap, everyone has seen his endorsement all day of Mitt in 2012, anyone care to bring that up? No? Ok then shut up!

As far as supporting politicians, look EVERY politician right now is talking about how lobbyists pay politicians off to get what they want/need for profits! Yet we are going to act as if a billionaire business man now running for office shouldn't have in the past abused the system we are all aware of? Or that he should have known he was going to run for president.
Our gun laws are a joke and stimulus is cool from a Republican standpoint?


I can't tell if people are tying themselves in knots to support Trump just to oppose Hillary or if these are actual thoughts from a fully functioning brain
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^people are tying themselves to Trump because they are sick and tired of "establishment" candidates, and the GOP is trying to force feed us Rubio. Trump is a narcissistic maniac, yea. but the repubs and dems are scared shitless of him and that is the main reason he has grown on a lot of people.
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I'm not tying myself to trump, although his business ideas are very appealing. Otherwise he is a democrat!

Yes our gun laws are a joke, the last one that passed and tightened things up a little and was good. As a legal citizen with no trouble on my record(for 16 years at least) I do not have a problem getting what I want.

It is still easy to get guns at a flea market or a gun show, illegally. Of course that will always be the case but it's a little tougher now and there is at least a law to enforce against that.

Did you turn in your $300 in stimulus?
So instead of seeking out a qualified candidate, they will latch on to any idiot who says crazy shit?

Hope that comforts everyone when Bill's trying find his little black book he left in the White House back in '98 come this time next year
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So the 2nd amendment means nothing since you personally can get whatever you want. I'm glad the Constitution has that, "Any right can be abridged as long as it doesn't directly affect krazykats" clause in it.

Didn't get a stimulus check, bruh. Even if I did, that's the same ol Libertarians shouldn't accept Social Security argument.
Kasich is content to stand aside and let Rubio and Cruz engage with Trump. To his benefit - he looks like the only adult on the stage.

As a Rubio supporter, I have to confess that the last couple of weeks, when he made a sharp turn and got in the mud with Trump, has diminished him. I suppose it had gotten to the point where he felt like the nomination was slipping away, and he no longer had a choice, couldn't avoid it any longer. But it's not helped him, and I'm not sure it's hurt trump at all....
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As a Rubio supporter, I have to confess that the last couple of weeks, when he made a sharp turn and got in the mud with Trump, has diminished him. I suppose it had gotten to the point where he felt like the nomination was slipping away, and he no longer had a choice, couldn't avoid it any longer. But it's not helped him, and I'm not sure it's hurt trump at all....
he's making the same mistake Jeb did.

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