How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I don't think many people would disagree with the statement that black turnout won't approach the numbers Obama was able to precipitate. Obama's numbers were about as good as could have been imagined.

The bigger question for democrats is (1) turning out the youth vote, which is notoriously difficult, and (2) keeping "legal Hispanics" in the Dem column
You'd think so, but black voter turnout for SC Primary was record-breaking.
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Florida and Ohio are locks.

I don't know about Virginia/Iowa but I think Michigan switches easily.

Bottom line is that it is stupid to just be able to say F everyone else what say you ...........and name 4-5 states that other the election and maybe vacation for Florida.........completely suck!
That deck has been stacked in Hillary's favor for quite awhile. Virginia will almost surely go blue again; Ohio and Florida are still anybody's game, IMO

I admittedly do not know the circumstances of some of these states but I looked at the history of how they voted past elections. What's the deal with Virginia?

If they lose Virginia but gain Michigan, that's even better.
I admittedly do not know the circumstances of some of these states but I looked at the history of how they voted past elections. What's the deal with Virginia?

If they lose Virginia but gain Michigan, that's even better.
Because off-year elections are notoriously friendly to GOP candidates due to democratic voters having awful turnout for anything besides a POTUS election, yet Virginia elected a Democratice governor in 2013 and reelected a Democratic Senator in 2014.

It's not impossible for Virginia to turn red, obviously, but the trend since 2004 has been noticeable.
That deck has been stacked in Hillary's favor for quite awhile. Virginia will almost surely go blue again; Ohio and Florida are still anybody's game, IMO
The Virginia Repub turnout on Tues was up 110%.

If Trump wins, it will be all about the turnout.
This one will be a lot closer than the 2012 election.

For the GOP, you've got

North Dakota
South Dakota
West Virginia
North Carolina
South Carolina (could be iffy)

Swings that I'd put in their favor
Michigan (Since Krazy thinks this one)

I think that gives you 274 electoral votes.
That's fair, I really actually think Trump flips a lot of people over the next few weeks with the GOP turning on him.
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GO ___________ TEAM!!!

Shaping up to be a wild one.

Only one team out there. Team America! Eff yeah!


If you're for America, you're against Hillary. Love it or leave it.

The Trump Tax Plan: A Simpler Tax Code For All Americans

When the income tax was first introduced, just one percent of Americans had to pay it. It was never intended as a tax most Americans would pay. The Trump plan eliminates the income tax for over 73 million households. 42 million households that currently file complex forms to determine they don’t owe any income taxes will now file a one page form saving them time, stress, uncertainty and an average of $110 in preparation costs. Over 31 million households get the same simplification and keep on average nearly $1,000 of their hard-earned money.

For those Americans who will still pay the income tax, the tax rates will go from the current seven brackets to four simpler, fairer brackets that eliminate the marriage penalty and the AMT while providing the lowest tax rate since before World War II:

Income Tax Rate Long Term Cap Gains/ Dividends Rate Single Filers Married Filers Heads of Household
0% 0% $0 to $25,000 $0 to $50,000 $0 to $37,500

10% 0% $25,001 to $50,000 $50,001 to $100,000 $37,501 to $75,000

20% 15% $50,001 to $150,000 $100,001 to $300,000 $75,001 to $225,000

25% 20% $150,001 and up $300,001 and up $225,001 and up

With this huge reduction in rates, many of the current exemptions and deductions will become unnecessary or redundant. Those within the 10% bracket will keep all or most of their current deductions. Those within the 20% bracket will keep more than half of their current deductions. Those within the 25% bracket will keep fewer deductions. Charitable giving and mortgage interest deductions will remain unchanged for all taxpayers.
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IIRC there is about $2T in offshore deposits from American companies.

Business Tax Reform To Encourage Jobs And Spur Economic Growth

Too many companies – from great American brands to innovative startups – are leaving America, either directly or through corporate inversions. The Democrats want to outlaw inversions, but that will never work. Companies leaving is not the disease, it is the symptom. Politicians in Washington have let America fall from the best corporate tax rate in the industrialized world in the 1980’s (thanks to Ronald Reagan) to the worst rate in the industrialized world. That is unacceptable. Under the Trump plan, America will compete with the world and win by cutting the corporate tax rate to 15%, taking our rate from one of the worst to one of the best.

This lower tax rate cannot be for big business alone; it needs to help the small businesses that are the true engine of our economy. Right now, freelancers, sole proprietors, unincorporated small businesses and pass-through entities are taxed at the high personal income tax rates. This treatment stifles small businesses. It also stifles tax reform because efforts to reduce loopholes and deductions available to the very rich and special interests end up hitting small businesses and job creators as well. The Trump plan addresses this challenge head on with a new business income tax rate within the personal income tax code that matches the 15% corporate tax rate to help these businesses, entrepreneurs and freelancers grow and prosper.

These lower rates will provide a tremendous stimulus for the economy – significant GDP growth, a huge number of new jobs and an increase in after-tax wages for workers.
Does that mean every candidate who rails against the tax code should also forego any tax deductions? I see nothing wrong acknowledging the system is broken, expressing a desire to fix it, but utilizing it to your benefit until its fixed.

There is a deep and wide difference, a chasm if you will, between using tax deductions versus acquiring private property through eminent domain and profiting from what the government considers market price, which is obviously a fallacy since true market price is determined by the seller, not the a 3rd party.

Eminent domain is one of the most egregious examples of government overreach, specifically in the instance in which private property is transferred to another private buyer. In Trumps case he is leveraging his position of power and wealth to influence public entities to essentially force homeowners from their property so that he can construct parking lots for limousines. No true self proclaimed proponent of free market conservatism, or classical liberalism, can justify the legitimacy of such actions as simply 'working the system'. The practice is the very opposite of the ideology.
More Trump:

NATIONAL RIGHT TO CARRY. The right of self-defense doesn’t stop at the end of your driveway. That’s why I have a concealed carry permit and why tens of millions of Americans do too. That permit should be valid in all 50 states. A driver’s license works in every state, so it’s common sense that a concealed carry permit should work in every state. If we can do that for driving – which is a privilege, not a right – then surely we can do that for concealed carry, which is a right, not a privilege.
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To hell with Romney for making this speech. What does this accomplish? Sooner or later these idiots are going to have to get behind Trump, because he's going to be the nominee.

The GOP establishment have definitely gone scorched earth, and its shocking to see. Especially with the extraordinarily weak candidates waiting in the wings if they do take down Trump.

(There are troubling things about both Rubio and Kasich. That's not the point. The point is do you want Hillary to be President?)

Kasich doesnt have a shot at the nomination. I dont think hed win a general anyway. Cruz is unelectable. I was all in on Rubio because I thought he had the best chance in the general, until I saw Christie demolish him while he acted like some programmed robot. If Christie destroyed him, imagine what Hillary will do? Even worse, I doubt he could even deliver Florida since Trumps killing him there.

If Hillary gets in, you're not winning the 2020 election. It's over. That's a guaranteed two-term president and the demographic will heavily shift against Republicans from here on out, I believe.

If Hillary wins, its over. There will never be another republican president, unless hes hispanic.

Looking at the map from 2012, what is a realistic chance that Republicans can win the electoral this time? What's the likely add up here?


I never would have thought it, but today I really think Trump can flip some important states. Florida and OH are both very much in play. Nevada he'll probably get. I think he has a great chance to get Michigan and most of the MW; and 1 or 2 NE states. He just cant afford to lose any of the southern states.

RIght now, I just dont see any GOP candidate being more electable than Trump.

It would be interesting if there was a way to know how the EC has affected the popular vote. I am almost certain that there are blue voters in red states and red voters in blue states that stay home because their votes don't really count.

I can virtually guarantee it has a huge effect on voter turnout. Unless you live in a battleground state, you already know which candidate gets your states electoral votes before you ever walk out the door.

Yeah millennial govt workers picking leaders is so encouraging.

Total nightmare.

Trump: "I'll act Presidential, but if someone hits me, I'll hit back harder".

This is exactly what Repubs want against Hillary.

Its entirely possible he will make her cry onstage.

Kasich has an excellent resume, but just doesnt resonate for whatever reason. Rubio is terrible. Trump is the only candidate I see who can go toe to toe with her. Its still not likely he'll win, but he'll make her pay dearly.
"I could've said 'Mitt, drop to your knees', and he would've." -Trump


wtf is even happening anymore?
John McAfee is also talking of running although I have a suspicion that Trump is paying him so it will make him appear more rational in comparison.
There is a deep and wide difference, a chasm if you will, between using tax deductions versus acquiring private property through eminent domain and profiting from what the government considers market price, which is obviously a fallacy since true market price is determined by the seller, not the a 3rd party.

Eminent domain is one of the most egregious examples of government overreach, specifically in the instance in which private property is transferred to another private buyer. In Trumps case he is leveraging his position of power and wealth to influence public entities to essentially force homeowners from their property so that he can construct parking lots for limousines. No true self proclaimed proponent of free market conservatism, or classical liberalism, can justify the legitimacy of such actions as simply 'working the system'. The practice is the very opposite of the ideology.
Fortress Investment Group.

"Baltimore is one of the only cities in the country to auction off tax liens originating from unpaid residential water bills, and it allows residents to have their debts sold when they accumulate to a mere $250, significantly less than other major cities.

Baltimore also takes the lead when it comes to penalty interest rates, which the City allows to run as high as 18% per annum.

This past May, Baltimore held its annual tax sale, where debts from some of the city’s poorest residents were auctioned off to the highest bidder. Baltimore residents who owed as little as $250 in back taxes, or $350 in unpaid water bills, had those debts auctioned off to a small pool of professional speculators. Once the debts are in their hands, the speculators can charge extremely high interest rates—a maximum of 18% per year—for two years. It’s a difficult proposition for low-income families to keep up with much higher payments – but the alternative is even worse.

If Baltimore homeowners don’t pay up on these rapidly accelerating debts within two years, the speculators can take their homes away from them through the tax lien foreclosure process.

"... one of the companies capitalizing on this house-stealing scam in Baltimore is the Fortress Investment Group, which this year, watched as several of its employees gave the maximum legal amount to Clinton’s campaign."

There is a deep and wide difference, a chasm if you will, between using tax deductions versus acquiring private property through eminent domain and profiting from what the government considers market price, which is obviously a fallacy since true market price is determined by the seller, not the a 3rd party.

Eminent domain is one of the most egregious examples of government overreach, specifically in the instance in which private property is transferred to another private buyer. In Trumps case he is leveraging his position of power and wealth to influence public entities to essentially force homeowners from their property so that he can construct parking lots for limousines. No true self proclaimed proponent of free market conservatism, or classical liberalism, can justify the legitimacy of such actions as simply 'working the system'. The practice is the very opposite of the ideology.

I HATE eminent domain. But lets not pretend its some johnny come lately governmental scheme. Its in the fifth amendment. So its been around for a long time. However only in the last 10 years or so was it possible for a state actor to "take" property for private development, thanks to an AWFUL SCOTUS decision in a pair of cases (one of which originated out of the norwood commons area in Cincinnati).

I just dont see how anyone expects a savvy business person to not use current rules/laws to their advantage. Failure to do isnt some noble cause, its just dumb. My tax deduction analogy was spot on. You dont have to agree with the laws/rules, you just have to follow them.

The other odd thing is - Trump has TONS of legit flaws. I dont see why anyone wastes time on this issue.
Using the force of government to take someone's property and give it to you is morally reprehensible, regardless of legality. It was economically viable to use slaves* as well. That didn't make slavers just savvy businessmen doing what it took to succeed.

You are right about the Kelo decision being awful, but Trump has not shown to be just someone playing the game. He actively supported the decision and has pushed what constitutes "public good" further and further for his own benefit. He isn't just shrugging his shoulders and saying, "well, these are the rules I have to play by."

* NOT comparing eminent domain abuse to slavery in degrees of repugnance, but rather that legality isn't the best determination of whether or not a practice makes sense for an individual to partake in
What's happening is we are dealing with a real MFer!!!


Trump: #keepinitrealbro
Using the force of government to take someone's property and give it to you is morally reprehensible, regardless of legality. It was economically viable to use slaves* as well. That didn't make slavers just savvy businessmen doing what it took to succeed.

Of course it is. But is it any worse than undercutting price to put competitor out of business? How about lowballing someone on an offer, because you know you have leverage in an otherwise equal situation?

I could go on. Business is dirty, if youre going to win. Thats true of Trump, Romney, or any random selection of successful business people. Or successful people in most any competitive field.
Yes, it is much worse. Neither of those examples use actual or implied force, as is the case with eminent domain.

Using men with guns to take someone's property is not a business tactic. It's a mafia tactic
Gary Johnson chiming in:

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. – Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, a Libertarian Party presidential candidate, called the policies advocated by Republican presidential front-runner Donald Drumpf “fascist” and hopes to be the alternative conservatives are looking for in November.
“He’s not free trade. He’s about government control. He talks expanding libel. It’s fascist,” Johnson told TheBlaze in an interview. “It’s an erosion of the fundamental principles this country was founded on. It’s why we fought wars.”
“He would be president of the United States. He’s not going to be a dictator,” Johnson said after addressing the Conservative Political Action Conference. “And yet he talks about this very much from the standpoint of being a dictator, and the things he talks about is more government control not less.”
“I think Drumpf is going to be the nominee. I think Hillary is going to be the nominee, and I think there could be a collective head jerk, asking, “Is there another choice?’” Johnson told TheBlaze. “The other choice would be the Libertarian nominee. There is a chance that enough support exists to at least create a curiosity that people will actually hear what a real Libertarian has to say.”
“The biggest issue is the unsustainable debt that we have and government spending. Government is too big. It tries to do too much. It spends too much,” Johnson said. “That’s my track history. Does that jive with conservatives? I think it jives with conservatives 100 percent.”
“Our military interventions are not the cause of the problems we’ve had with Islamic terrorism, but they have made things worse,” Johnson said. “Since 1999, I’ve been for legalizing marijuana. I advocate for marriage equality and a woman’s right to choose. I’m reluctant to support that given that’s a decision that would be horrible to make, but I don’t want to make it for the woman.”
I HATE eminent domain. But lets not pretend its some johnny come lately governmental scheme. Its in the fifth amendment.

Not eminent domain in the form of regulatory taking or transfer of property to other private owners.

But if you HATE it, in all caps, why can't you realize the ethical issue of Trump implementing such practices for private gain?

I just dont see how anyone expects a savvy business person to not use current rules/laws to their advantage. Failure to do isnt some noble cause, its just dumb.

Once again, the issue isn't the legality of the practice, rather the frequent use of it by a politician who in turn continuously espouses limited government and free market enterprise, or continue to ignore such a practice implemented by a candidate when it flies in the face of one of your most prominent political positions.

Trump, and other private businesspersons, that use eminent domain in the quest to expand their wealth generating assets have the ability to acquire lands that they assumed through eminent domain in the free market, but they turn to cronyism through the guise government expropriation to save a few (millions of) bucks.

The other odd thing is - Trump has TONS of legit flaws. I dont see why anyone wastes time on this issue.

I'm certainly open to discuss any of Trumps past decisions that you would have previously found reprehensible but are now willingly able to whitewash as 'being a successful d*ck'.
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The environment is certainly ripe for a 3rd party, 4th party candidate to get a lot of votes in November.

Gonna be a wild ride. Possible 1860 type election results.
Yes, it is much worse. Neither of those examples use actual or implied force, as is the case with eminent domain.

Using men with guns to take someone's property is not a business tactic. It's a mafia tactic

Men with guns? Its a court order. A piece of paper. Lets not be overly dramatic.

Once again, the issue isn't the legality of the practice, rather the frequent use of it by a politician who in turn continuously espouses limited government and free market enterprise, or continue to ignore such a practice implemented by a candidate when it flies in the face of one of your most prominent political positions.

Cal says he hates 1 and dones. But he recruits the hell out of them because its the rules, and he would be stupid not to. Same thing here.

The environment is certainly ripe for a 3rd party, 4th party candidate to get a lot of votes in November.

Gonna be a wild ride. Possible 1860 type election results.

It certainly is. I love Johnson. But Im scared if only he jumps in, itll guarantee a Hillary victory.
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