How will they rule ??!

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Oh Willy, you are so dumb.

"Hur hur, I can throw around BS in just a few sentences and avoid thinking or responding in any sort of meaningful way! Hur hur! Traitor! Duke! Hur hur." Christ almighty... Logs into a politics forum to discuss politics, and then can't even read what was posted. Painful.

You are the reason the GOP cannot get its act together and support a good candidate. The GOP has become infiltrated by these low intellect, low information voters who do not have the patience or candlepower to digest a serious Republican politicians nuanced stances in primaries. And the base isn't going to go for a "emotional" leader who calls for Americans to work together to overcome obstacles or talks about freedom or anything "traditionally American", because that message doesn't resonante with poor uneducated angry whites... Instead, we get promising, intelligent, thoughtful candidates like Kasich getting ignored by people too dumb to follow their actual policies and getting drowned out by the loudest "emotional" call, which happens to be The Donald. Primaries kill good GOP candidates.

You wonder why the GOP cannot get it together? It is because of low intellect, low curiousity,low intelligence voters... Like you:) They make it impossible for a thoughtful GOP candidate to make it out of the primaries. Personally I am waiting for the day that the GOP actually gets back to serious policy discussion and expecting intelligence from its leaders... The country will be SO much stronger if and when that happens. Thankfully the leadership of the Grand Old Party seems to get it, even if elements of the base do not.

Willy Willy Willy... You are such a glorious example. It would never even occur to me to care about what college someone I was discussing politics went to, and even if I knew it wouldn't matter. But you, with your narrow little world view and deeply held angers... Man. It must be tough being you, not reading stuff and automatically deciding that someone who went to a rival university is instantly wrong about everything. You are the reason that the GOP cannot get a good candidate out of primary season:)
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Oh Willy, you are so dumb.

"Hur hur, I can throw around BS in just a few sentences and avoid thinking or responding in any sort of meaningful way! Hur hur! Traitor! Duke! Hur hur." Christ almighty... Logs into a politics forum to discuss politics, and then can't even read what was posted. Painful.

You are the reason the GOP cannot get its act together and support a good candidate. The GOP has become infiltrated by these low intellect, low information voters who do not have the patience or candlepower to digest a serious Republican politicians nuanced stances in primaries. And the base isn't going to go for a "emotional" leader who calls for Americans to work together to overcome obstacles or talks about freedom or anything "traditionally American", because that message doesn't resonante with poor uneducated angry whites... Instead, we get promising, intelligent, thoughtful candidates like Kasich getting ignored by people too dumb to follow their actual policies and getting drowned out by the loudest "emotional" call, which happens to be The Donald. Primaries kill good GOP candidates.

You wonder why the GOP cannot get it together? It is because of low intellect, low curiousity,low intelligence voters... Like you:) They make it impossible for a thoughtful GOP candidate to make it out of the primaries. Personally I am waiting for the day that the GOP actually gets back to serious policy discussion and expecting intelligence from its leaders... The country will be SO much stronger if and when that happens. Thankfully the leadership of the Grand Old Party seems to get it, even if elements of the base do not.

You stupid f***. I'm registered Libertarian. But go on....

Dude1, here's your problem. You follow the same typical liberal plot. It's so easy. You think you're smarter than everyone else and you think you know what's best for everyone. That's delusion. You lack 0 insight. But how could you lack it If you are smarter than everyone else? That's the dilemma...
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On the way home last night, I heard some of the debate on the radio. It was the portion covering the lawsuit against Trump. Trump was yelling about how he doesn't settle lawsuits. Rubio was yelling about how Trump was a fraudster. Trump was yelling about how the BBB improved the grade for the school and how Rubio is the real fraudster for perpetrating a fraud on Florida voters. Megan Kelly was yelling about the lawsuit and BBB ranking. Cruz was presumably eating boogers until he chimed in with some bullshit.

I assume that's how all of the debates have been? It was absolutely nauseating and embarrassing.
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Oh Willy, you are so dumb.

"Hur hur, I can throw around BS in just a few sentences and avoid thinking or responding in any sort of meaningful way! Hur hur! Traitor! Duke! Hur hur." Christ almighty... Logs into a politics forum to discuss politics, and then can't even read what was posted. Painful.

You are the reason the GOP cannot get its act together and support a good candidate. The GOP has become infiltrated by these low intellect, low information voters who do not have the patience or candlepower to digest a serious Republican politicians nuanced stances in primaries. And the base isn't going to go for a "emotional" leader who calls for Americans to work together to overcome obstacles or talks about freedom or anything "traditionally American", because that message doesn't resonante with poor uneducated angry whites... Instead, we get promising, intelligent, thoughtful candidates like Kasich getting ignored by people too dumb to follow their actual policies and getting drowned out by the loudest "emotional" call, which happens to be The Donald. Primaries kill good GOP candidates.

You wonder why the GOP cannot get it together? It is because of low intellect, low curiousity,low intelligence voters... Like you:) They make it impossible for a thoughtful GOP candidate to make it out of the primaries. Personally I am waiting for the day that the GOP actually gets back to serious policy discussion and expecting intelligence from its leaders... The country will be SO much stronger if and when that happens. Thankfully the leadership of the Grand Old Party seems to get it, even if elements of the base do not.

Willy Willy Willy... You are such a glorious example. It would never even occur to me to care about what college someone I was discussing politics went to, and even if I knew it wouldn't matter. But you, with your narrow little world view and deeply held angers... Man. It must be tough being you, not reading stuff and automatically deciding that someone who went to a rival university is instantly wrong about everything. You are the reason that the GOP cannot get a good candidate out of primary season:)
And you guys think I'm a terrible poster.
What's nuts is that he can literally say what ever he wants, and none of his supporters seem to care. It is so bizarre... I've never seen anything like it from either party.

[eyeroll] Were you actually born yesterday?

Tell me-- which one of CANDIDATE obuma's 2008 broken campaign promises is your favorite?
Willy, buddy... okay, let's try this.

Let's take a step back and talk this out.

Now, it doesn't look like you actually READ what I wrote.

Now, here are some excerpts:

"with a GOP controlled Congress the damage (Clinton) could do would be limited."

"Better her (and a vulnerability in four years)"

"Hillary Clinton is... About as scummy a person as you can get in politics ...opportunistic, vengeful, spiteful, conniving... "

"I've got a bunch of guns hanging on the walls of my man cave"

"You know those "jobs no Americans would take" jobs, the ones that some citizens have become too soft and comfortable to take?"

"At the end of the day, there aren't a lot of people who think Hillary is some great (heck, even modestly good) person"

"(Clinton) is ruthless, smart, determined, and a sneaky SOB,"

"Personally I am waiting for the day that the GOP actually gets back to serious policy discussion and expecting intelligence from its leaders... The country will be SO much stronger if and when that happens. Thankfully the leadership of the Grand Old Party seems to get it, even if elements of the base do not."

So... help me out with two things.

First, what about all of that sounds traditionally liberal?

Second, how is Clinton a "traitor?" I've not heard that one before. Please provide a few links, because that is a HUGE statement.

We can start here.

(BTW, if I am engaging the forum crazy, someone just warn me. I'm new here.)
[eyeroll] Were you actually born yesterday?

Tell me-- which one of CANDIDATE obuma's 2008 broken campaign promises is your favorite?

Oh, I'm not talking about broken promises; every candidate on every side does that. Obama has his panties in a twist about that terrible place Gitmo, where we were treating those terrorists so meanly... and somehow, nothing has changed. People who expect politicians to keep campaign promises (and especially PRIMARY promises) are going to be in for a rude awakening.

What I mean is... who on earth runs for President saying Vladimir Putin is a good guy? Who on earth says "Let's kill terrorists... and all their families!" Who on earth mocks disabled folks, and says that millions of immigrants should be kept out, and puts forward bizarre ideas like somehow we can make Mexico pay for a wall on the border or force Japan to pay for their military? John McCain has never said anything like that, Hillary Clinton has never said anything like that, Mitt Romney has never said anything like that, Barack Obama has never said anything like that, Bill Clinton has never said anything like that, Ronald Reagan has never said anything like that, Jimmy Carter has never said anything like that... no serious political candidate has EVER said the mindless nonsense that Trump has said. None. Ever. GOP or Liberal. Trump has also supported a TON of liberal ideas in the past; I mean, the guy was a Democrat, and I cannot imagine anyone truly thinks he is against abortion or gay marriage, can they? I mean... just his constant "I am going to do A and B, and it is going to be the greatest ever" is ridiculous.

I'm just baffled. The guy is such a bloviating blow-hard, and he isn't a conservative at ALL, either socially or fiscally, and I don't get why anyone believes what he says. Cruz at least has the intellect to back it up, Rubio is a thoughtful guy, Kasich is experienced and smart... it kills me to see the worst possible candidate for the GOP getting to the front of the pack.
Oh Willy, you are so dumb.

"Hur hur, I can throw around BS in just a few sentences and avoid thinking or responding in any sort of meaningful way! Hur hur! Traitor! Duke! Hur hur." Christ almighty... Logs into a politics forum to discuss politics, and then can't even read what was posted. Painful.

You are the reason the GOP cannot get its act together and support a good candidate. The GOP has become infiltrated by these low intellect, low information voters who do not have the patience or candlepower to digest a serious Republican politicians nuanced stances in primaries. And the base isn't going to go for a "emotional" leader who calls for Americans to work together to overcome obstacles or talks about freedom or anything "traditionally American", because that message doesn't resonante with poor uneducated angry whites... Instead, we get promising, intelligent, thoughtful candidates like Kasich getting ignored by people too dumb to follow their actual policies and getting drowned out by the loudest "emotional" call, which happens to be The Donald. Primaries kill good GOP candidates.

You wonder why the GOP cannot get it together? It is because of low intellect, low curiousity,low intelligence voters... Like you:) They make it impossible for a thoughtful GOP candidate to make it out of the primaries. Personally I am waiting for the day that the GOP actually gets back to serious policy discussion and expecting intelligence from its leaders... The country will be SO much stronger if and when that happens. Thankfully the leadership of the Grand Old Party seems to get it, even if elements of the base do not.

Willy Willy Willy... You are such a glorious example. It would never even occur to me to care about what college someone I was discussing politics went to, and even if I knew it wouldn't matter. But you, with your narrow little world view and deeply held angers... Man. It must be tough being you, not reading stuff and automatically deciding that someone who went to a rival university is instantly wrong about everything. You are the reason that the GOP cannot get a good candidate out of primary season:)
Holy sh*t man. Even our resident hard core liberals here don't slurp hillary this much. I never dreamed someone could make AlbanyCat seem pleasant. Congratulations. And shouldn't calling Willy a GOP lover be automatic grounds for a perma-man? Where's Deeeeeefense when we need him?
Willy, buddy... okay, let's try this.

Let's take a step back and talk this out.

Now, it doesn't look like you actually READ what I wrote.

Dude, I have a little over an hour in the morning to smoke my weed, masturbate, and get riled up about the state of the country. I am a below intelligent person with a low paying job. Man, I ain't got time for War & Peace.
Hillary's experience as Secretary of State seems to be limited to somehow making Libya a worse place to live and trying pretty hard to get even more involved in Syria. O, and glad-handing brutal theocrats into making donations to her foundations. WHAT A WOMAN!

And the Citizens United case was centered around a negative movie about...drumroll...Hillary Clinton. She wants to limit speech that is negative towards her. Maybe the fact that she is obsessed with overturning it has less to do with her ideological convictions ([roll]) and more to do with the fact that she is vindictive slime who has no qualms about obtaining power simply to punish those who dislike her.

Please bring something better to the table or you will be put on ignore. I didn't even do that to fuzz or dabossisback. Nothing wrong with a little trolling, but you are either not very good or not very smart. Or both, I suppose
BTW, to reiterate...

The primary process is what is undermining the GOP.

Way I see it, there are two types of leaders; the policy leaders, and the emotional leaders.

Policy isn't sexy. Policy doesn't get Fox all excited. Policy doesn't appeal to ANGRY PEOPLE who are sure our country is in the toilet, which makes up a big part of the primary voting block for the GOP. So someone who knows their policy often doesn't get far (think Kasich in this election, or Huntsman in the last). And if a policy leader DOES make it out of primary season (Mitt Romney) he doesn't usually have enough of that emotional leadership to really "work".

On the other hand, you have those emotional leaders. And in order for your emotional message to resonate in the current GOP, it has to be what Trump is spewing; angry, scornful, and prideful... pissed at how the country is collapsing, knowing your opponents are terrible, and sure you are the greatest. So the loudest version of THAT is what makes it out of the primary.

And in the general, that's not going to make a lot of friends.

The GOP desperately needs to field an experienced policy-wonk with some charisma, but it also needs the base to wisen up and realize how our government works, and that if the right doesn't allow good candidates to survive their primary season then demographics show that the White House will continue to be Democrat.
Dude, I have a little over an hour in the morning to smoke my weed, masturbate, and get riled up about the state of the country. I am a below intelligent person with a low paying job. Man, I ain't got time for War & Peace.

Okay, so you're not all bad. Don't try to make me like you.
Holy hell. I literally called Hillary Clinton scummy, opportunistic, vengeful, spiteful, conniving, ruthless, and a sneaky SOB...

And I'm slurping her?


There is a Zoolander quote that would work here. Something about crazy pills.
Oh, I'm not talking about broken promises; every candidate on every side does that. Obama has his panties in a twist about that terrible place Gitmo, where we were treating those terrorists so meanly... and somehow, nothing has changed. People who expect politicians to keep campaign promises (and especially PRIMARY promises) are going to be in for a rude awakening.

What I mean is... who on earth runs for President saying Vladimir Putin is a good guy? Who on earth says "Let's kill terrorists... and all their families!" Who on earth mocks disabled folks, and says that millions of immigrants should be kept out, and puts forward bizarre ideas like somehow we can make Mexico pay for a wall on the border or force Japan to pay for their military? John McCain has never said anything like that, Hillary Clinton has never said anything like that, Mitt Romney has never said anything like that, Barack Obama has never said anything like that, Bill Clinton has never said anything like that, Ronald Reagan has never said anything like that, Jimmy Carter has never said anything like that... no serious political candidate has EVER said the mindless nonsense that Trump has said. None. Ever. GOP or Liberal. Trump has also supported a TON of liberal ideas in the past; I mean, the guy was a Democrat, and I cannot imagine anyone truly thinks he is against abortion or gay marriage, can they? I mean... just his constant "I am going to do A and B, and it is going to be the greatest ever" is ridiculous.

I'm just baffled. The guy is such a bloviating blow-hard, and he isn't a conservative at ALL, either socially or fiscally, and I don't get why anyone believes what he says. Cruz at least has the intellect to back it up, Rubio is a thoughtful guy, Kasich is experienced and smart... it kills me to see the worst possible candidate for the GOP getting to the front of the pack.

Yep, Trump sure does speak through a bullhorn... but don't think for a second that everyone is drinking ALL of his Kool-Aid.

The problem is that, for the most part, the R's have exercised a healthy amount of decorum these past few election cycles-- but in return they get stuff like commercials with R's pushing Grandma off of a cliff, and ads that imply they sat back and did nothing while a Black man was dragged to death, etc. The R's lost most of those elections. That Romney got beat up for saying "binders full of women" while obuma lied his ass off about a youtube video says it all.

It's likely going to come down to Hellary vs. Trump. That's what I'm stuck with-- and I only think ONE of them will maybe do TWO things right in the next 4 years.
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Holy hell. I literally called Hillary Clinton scummy, opportunistic, vengeful, spiteful, conniving, ruthless, and a sneaky SOB...

And I'm slurping her?


There is a Zoolander quote that would work here. Something about crazy pills.
You called her those things, but I have a feeling you had a hard on while you were typing it with a big smile on your face like it's some kind of good thing.
Hillary's experience as Secretary of State seems to be limited to somehow making Libya a worse place to live and trying pretty hard to get even more involved in Syria. O, and glad-handing brutal theocrats into making donations to her foundations. WHAT A WOMAN!

No, no... don't sell her short. She's also responsible for the state department losing $6Billion. Like, lost it. Like, "Hey, where'd I put my car keys... and that $6BILLION in federal funds?"
awesome, some newbie is here with the usual "step back, I've got HOT TAKES to deal out, prepare yourself for 10,000 paragraphs & multiple posts saying the same thing over & over!!!"

twitter has spoiled me, if you cant express your thoughts in slightly over 140 it ain't worth my time
You called her those things, but I have a feeling you had a hard on while you were typing it with a big smile on your face like it's some kind of good thing.

Ew. Stop imaging my hard on.

Listen. I know everyone (and yes, I mean everyone, including me) is quick to jump on what we assume the other side to be like...

But no, I was not smiling at any of that stuff. The Clintons are scumballs, have been since Bill was raping women back in Arkansas.

But at the end of the day, as a somewhat ruthless person myself, I can look at two candidates and say "Well, this one disgusts me a lot less than this other one, and I think would do a better job." In this case, there isn't a candidate on either side that disgusts me like Trump, and I can't think of many candidates who disgust me as much as Trump. I would vote for Pat Buchanan before I vote for Donald Trump, because I think Pat at least is smart and disciplined and at least honest about his goals.
FYI: Whenever anyone writes a book on here-- rather than reading it, most of us will usually just wait for the movie.

Unfortunately, the number of producers knocking down my door to make anything I say into a movie is the same as the number of supermodels knocking down my door looking to give me a BJ.

I am definitely not a short-writer, but thoughts take some time to be fleshed out. I'm a little sick of the political echo chamber on my home forum, and since I enjoy the basketball discussion here I thought I would check out the politics, too. I like a good back and forth, I like a good discussion, and if something has some thought in it I don't really do tl:dr. Maybe that's a fault.

As for the idea that if something can't be expressed in 140 characters it isn't worth it... yikes. I am going to assume that was said tongue-in-cheek.
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Unfortunately, the number of producers knocking down my door to make anything I say into a movie is the same as the number of supermodels knocking down my door looking to give me a BJ.

I am definitely not a short-writer, but thoughts take some time to be fleshed out. I'm a little sick of the echo chamber on my home forum, and since I enjoy the basketball discussion here I thought I would check out the politics, too. I like a good back and forth, I like a good discussion, and if something has some thought in it I don't really do tl:dr. Maybe that's a fault.

Well-- if one of those BJ-giving supermodels does show up, post some pics of her and you'll definitely get a few "likes" out of it!

I don't blame you for coming here for some post board action. It's been quite a while, but the last time I checked out your political page, it was like:

Rand was best case scenario and he was railroaded. I honestly think he was, policy wise, the best candidate. But he isn't a smooth slick talking guy. He was on stage telling the truth when others lied and pointed out their BS and the GOP leaders wanted him out of there because he made their guys look stupid.

What happened the TV stations shunned him and tried to bury him.

However people do not follow him so to me he may be best served in the senate.

Kasich would be awesome, but it won't happen and I hope like hell if Trump takes this thing he offers VP to Kasich. I'd vote for that.
Kasich/Rubio would win OH/FL and could win big.
Hillary Clinton is essentially a ruthless version of George W Bush and she will get overwhelming support from the left and minority groups.
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Well-- if one of those BJ-giving supermodels does show up, post some pics of her and you'll definitely get a few "likes" out of it!

I don't blame you for coming here for some post board action. It's been quite a while, but the last time I checked out your political page, it was like:


Hah! I'm actually usually over on Scout, and it is really left leaning, but also just a bit quiet:( Plus, I've been there for YEARS AND YEARS, and after a while you sort of know what everyone is going to say.

BTW, just to point out... some folks have already decided I am some crazy liberal treehugger or something. Just FYI...

I've got an entire man-cave dedicated to war, with walls covered in weapons and military memorabilia, and likely own more battle flags of the ANV than anyone here. I love Gitmo. I love the idea of straight-up militarizing our borders. Extreme rendition? Yes, please! Hell, the sound of the growl of the main gun of the A10 gives me a hard-on.

Just wanted to point that out.

And I'll post photos if it happens. I might not get a "Gabriel is committing to UK, and I know because I am his teammate" number of likes, but maybe I'll get some. Still, not holding my breath.
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Trump is the least accepted by the establishment major candidate I've ever seen. It is amazing. It also really is a fantastic demonstration of how angry a big chunk of the GOP base is, as they are ignoring everything every leader of the party is saying about Trump, and indeed ignoring a lot of Trump himself (the guy was a big Democrat from NYC who is married to a foreigner and isn't a very god-fearing man, for gods sake!)

But these same angry folks have been electing their representatives to Congress, and they control two thirds of the branches of government (well, as much as you can control the Supreme Court)... it makes you wonder what all the anger is about, and why they are so angry when they have so much control. I often wonder if they even know what they are angry at, or if they understand how to impact government in a meanginful way.
Kasich/Rubio would win OH/FL and could win big.

I don't think so man. People in Florida dislike Rubio but I guess it's more about Kasich.

I think Kasich is in this and knows he is shooting for VP, once someone offers he will bow out, and Trump should seriously do that ASAP because he needs a Kasich type VP to delegate politics to.

If all we had to do if Trump was president is have him sell the ideas of those he puts in place he wouldn't be so bad really. I mean he is a hell of a salesman!
I don't think so man. People in Florida dislike Rubio but I guess it's more about Kasich.

I think Kasich is in this and knows he is shooting for VP, once someone offers he will bow out, and Trump should seriously do that ASAP because he needs a Kasich type VP to delegate politics to.

If all we had to do if Trump was president is have him sell the ideas of those he puts in place he wouldn't be so bad really. I mean he is a hell of a salesman!

Actually, he IS a good salesman... but I am not sure his sales schtick would work on a large stage. He also has some charisma... I mean, if you used to listen to him when he did interviews with Stern, he was funny and often very candid and outrageous, but often in a fun sort of way.

But I just don't see it working on a world stage, or a national stage, and he hasn't shown to be very good at putting good people in the appropriate roles. So, so, SO many of his ventures have failed miserably, even as he "sold" the hell out of them.
It's common courtesy to use spoiler tags for long posts in this thread.

Keep this in mind krazy and thedude. TIA

Not sure what you mean, if I have something long winded to say you should definitely read it. It doesn't happen often but when it does it is super serious and full of all kinds of non-proper English.