How will they rule ??!

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Paying attention to this thread a little less than usual over the weekend was a breath of fresh air. I mean Jesus, just look at some of the posts on this page.

Nowhere in my life am I actually exposed to the unhinged lunacy of the left other than Catpaw. Sure, I am exposed to and seek out varying viewpoints on plenty of issues, but at no point in life will I ever be in a situation where some purple haired troglodyte like cardkilla is ranting and raving about all sorts of nonsense, and I willingly read/listen.

Kinda feeling like I should break my internet addiction and do something more productive with my time than actually give a shit what's happening in Washington. In my life, things are going pretty goddam good, and have gotten better with Trump as President.

The thing with the kids being lost/stolen is one of the clearest examples we've ever had to show the bias. There is no such thing as journalism.
1500 children taken from their parents and then disappear, the people responsible for employing these tactics then deny any responsibility and point the finger at people who have nothing to do with these events taking place, if you condone this, if you support this, if you voted for Trump after all the evidence of his megalomania, his relations with known pedophiles, multiple women seeking justice for his criminal sexual molestation and pedophilia, then you are complicit in these crimes against children. You cannot say you didn't know, the fact is you didn't care.

If you say this has been going on for a long time, you are right. And so has your apathy to what our policies has been since at least as far back as the 80's in Central America.
Dude. Get up to date on today's liberal talking points, please. Yesterday's talking points didn't age well at all.
1500 children taken from their parents and then disappear, the people responsible for employing these tactics then deny any responsibility and point the finger at people who have nothing to do with these events taking place, if you condone this, if you support this, if you voted for Trump after all the evidence of his megalomania, his relations with known pedophiles, multiple women seeking justice for his criminal sexual molestation and pedophilia, then you are complicit in these crimes against children. You cannot say you didn't know, the fact is you didn't care.

If you say this has been going on for a long time, you are right. And so has your apathy to what our policies has been since at least as far back as the 80's in Central America.
Haven't tuned in to CNN yet today I see for the new narrative for the day when yesterday's narratives all fell apart. Might want to do some fact checking on the post you must made bc it's all been debunked. I think one of the topics so far today is that Elon musk criticized media, therefore he is a nazi.
1500 children taken from their parents and then disappear, the people responsible for employing these tactics then deny any responsibility and point the finger at people who have nothing to do with these events taking place, if you condone this, if you support this, if you voted for Trump after all the evidence of his megalomania, his relations with known pedophiles, multiple women seeking justice for his criminal sexual molestation and pedophilia, then you are complicit in these crimes against children. You cannot say you didn't know, the fact is you didn't care.

If you say this has been going on for a long time, you are right. And so has your apathy to what our policies has been since at least as far back as the 80's in Central America.

This is why no one takes you seriously, your entire post is BS.

The children weren't taken from their parents, they crossed the border alone, and were given to family or foster parents. Then the recipients didn't respond to a phone call.

Who are hte known pedophiles Trump has relations with? Now you're accusing Trump of pedophilia, wow.
Haven't tuned in to CNN yet today I see for the new narrative for the day when yesterday's narratives all fell apart. Might want to do some fact checking on the post you must made bc it's all been debunked. I think one of the topics so far today is that Elon musk criticized media, therefore he is a nazi.
The Musk reaction by the media is pure fascism.
Some ideas on immigration, I'll start with the red meat in hopes it will keep the attention of those out there that think in terms of "law and order":
  • Prioritize court proceedings against criminal offenders so they can be deported.
  • Prosecute AMERICANS who knowingly employ, rent to, conduct commerce with, or bank with people here illegally.
  • Prosecute and sentence to jail CEO's of corporations that abuse immigrants or immigration laws.
  • Reform and streamline legal immigration.
  • Reform the guest worker VISA program to make it easier to enter the USA for visit or temporary work.
  • End the complete failure known as "The War on Drugs".
Bear in mind some of these ideas were introduced to congress after passing easily in the senate with bipartisan support and died without consideration.
What the heck is up with Hillary's back? We all know that she is unstable on her feet as she fell and broke her arm a few months ago. Has she broken her back now? She is still doing her sour grapes tour but is trying to cover up her brace with heavy clothing. The only problem is that it has been in the high 80's to 90's so its obvious that he is hiding something. Can't she just drink the blood of an infant or use other black magic to heal herself.



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Some ideas on immigration, I'll start with the red meat in hopes it will keep the attention of those out there that think in terms of "law and order":
  • Prioritize court proceedings against criminal offenders so they can be deported.
  • Prosecute AMERICANS who knowingly employ, rent to, conduct commerce with, or bank with people here illegally.
  • Prosecute and sentence to jail CEO's of corporations that abuse immigrants or immigration laws.
  • Reform and streamline legal immigration.
  • Reform the guest worker VISA program to make it easier to enter the USA for visit or temporary work.
  • End the complete failure known as "The War on Drugs".
Bear in mind some of these ideas were introduced to congress after passing easily in the senate with bipartisan support and died without consideration.
Counterpoint: Lefties like you have proven to be so brutally dishonest, power-hungry, and smug that whatever reasonable looking suggestions you mention cannot be trusted.
What the heck is up with Hillary's back? We all know that she is unstable on her feet as she fell and broke her arm a few months ago. Has she broken her back now? She is still doing her sour grapes tour but is trying to cover up her brace with heavy clothing. The only problem is that it has been in the high 80's to 90's so its obvious that he is hiding something. Can't she just drink the blood of an infant or other black magic to heal herself.




That's weird. Maybe it's back support brace/bulletproof vest.
This is why no one takes you seriously, your entire post is BS.

The children weren't taken from their parents, they crossed the border alone, and were given to family or foster parents. Then the recipients didn't respond to a phone call.

Who are hte known pedophiles Trump has relations with? Now you're accusing Trump of pedophilia, wow.

Crazy huh? Liberals are literally running a global child trafficking ring and Levi posts that junk. Gotta say that I'm amazed that sheer stupidity
Crazy huh? Liberals are literally running a global child trafficking ring and Levi posts that junk. Gotta say that I'm amazed that sheer stupidity
Yesterday, over three different replies, I reinforced the notion that the "missing 1,500" is fake news. What happens today?

Good grief.
Counterpoint: Lefties like you have proven to be so brutally dishonest, completely lacking in both common sense and intelligence, power-hungry, and smug that whatever reasonable looking suggestions you mention cannot be trusted.


In the race to the title "Least Intelligent", its a virtual tie between Cardkilla, Levi, and Plat.

Having said that, they're just following liberal leadership. When your party is led by Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, Biden, et al... its unfair to expect intelligent thought.
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This "angry mob causes a ruckus for no apparent reason" seems like a popular thing to do..

Is this kind of basically what muslims do over in europe and stuff?

I know it became very popular here with the BLM stuff, but I think it was also kind of popular even before that.

It's concerning. Kids especially need to understand that there will be consequences to these sort of actions, but I don't think there really are. Cops don't want to do anything because their city doesn't wanna be on the news for arresting a young minority.
This "angry mob causes a ruckus for no apparent reason" seems like a popular thing to do..

Is this kind of basically what muslims do over in europe and stuff?

I know it became very popular here with the BLM stuff, but I think it was also kind of popular even before that.

It's concerning. Kids especially need to understand that there will be consequences to these sort of actions, but I don't think there really are. Cops don't want to do anything because their city doesn't wanna be on the news for arresting a young minority.

I’d guess a lot of these kids don’t have much structure in their life, anywhere. Their parents, guardians, caretakers, etc. either pay no attention to them or let them get away with damn near anything. Some parents are afraid to discipline their children based on fears ranging from their kid hating them to having their kids taken away because they spank them.

Schools are afraid to discipline kids because they may make a parent mad and they don’t want that. Kids will rip their work in half, refuse to learn and yet somehow end up moving up a grade. I’ve witnessed kids push, kick, punch, and scream to high heaven at teachers. Punishment? Send them home for the day, only to come back the next day with recess and field trips included.

Then what you said regarding police is true. A lot of chances to show kids there are consequences are missed. It’s really no surprise some of them end up acting like this.
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There is no such thing as journalism.
Been saying this for a while. Media is dead, journalism is dead. Died in 2017 far as I can tell. Can't go back across that rubicon. In the rush to i) bury Trump and ii) enjoy a ratings spike from the 'we hate Trump' crowd, they have failed to understand those ratings over time will deteriorate to their normal levels, and they've forevermore lost credibility in the process. There is no coming back from this. They can't go back to pretending to play it straight once Trump is gone.

Another aspect of all that: "Low information voter" is a pejorative term. As in "Nov 10, 2016 - Donald Trump always enjoyed massive support from uneducated, low-information white people." - that was one of the first hits when I googled the term. Before, it was a valid criticism of someone, they're too lazy to get informed. Now? Now, it's hard to be informed. I trust no one, not the Times, not the Post, not CNN or ABC, not Fox. So how do I get to be informed?
Liberals see the dangers associated with anyone who hears conservative/reasonable/logical thinking. That person will likely agree.

That's why they pour so much effort into controlling the media, and all levels of education. They can't risk anyone hearing an opposing viewpoint and realizing what trash their ideology really is
Roseanne screwed up by apologizing. Never freaking apologize! Good lord, why can't anybody understand that they'll kill you if you apologize.
She screwed up by apologizing for being racist, not by being racist, that's fine. Should have known that'd be the take on here.
That douche Jimmy Kimmel has said horrific things about Trump and his family almost nightly and ABC keeps him. Remember when he made fun of Melanias accent? Hows that not racist? Yet hes still there.
That douche Jimmy Kimmel has said horrific things about Trump and his family almost nightly and ABC keeps him. Remember when he made fun of Melanias accent? Hows that not racist? Yet hes still there.

“Slovenian” isn’t a race.

But I agree with the rest of your post. If you’re a racist prick, which Roseanne clearly is, just own it and live with it.