How will they rule ??!

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One, your throwing averages out there is if it's accurate. I'm not saying the average is wrong, but the number isn't close. Here in Louisville you are a temp at Ford for 6 months at $12 and hour and must contribute to the union. After 6 months they may take you on full time at $14.81 and at that time your Union due goes up.

Basically your not close to realistic to beginning wages in America right now at $20.15.

So like I said it's made up and not accurate for the real comparison. As far as Mexico goes I don't have a clue because most jobs aren't going there yet.
Here you go. USA vs Mex
Chuck Schumer 18 months before GWB left office:

New York Sen. Charles E. Schumer, a powerful member of the Democratic leadership, said Friday the Senate should not confirm another U.S. Supreme Court nominee under President Bush “except in extraordinary circumstances.”

“We should reverse the presumption of confirmation,” Schumer told the American Constitution Society convention in Washington. “The Supreme Court is dangerously out of balance."

Read more:
Not lying or exaggerating I read the USA piece and by itself I have no clue what it is your trying to prove with it.

Now based on our argument I understand what your trying to do, but that piece doesn't help. It just says our labor has increased so people make more now than before.

Once again I will tell you the true labor number isn't what is so important because companies want Americans making money. The more we make the more we overspend.

I know it's hard to truly grasp what I'm saying, especially for someone who supports the side that gives everything away as free, with a 50% income tax.
"We're done here."

"I'm not going to indulge in your foolishness."

Then you proceed to do just that, multiple times.

My original point was whether one can label Trump's xenophobic position on immigration and Islam as racist. I think the distinction matters, because we live in a world that tries to carry over one attack to help promote another until the opposition has been portrayed incorrectly, particularly in a western society that is trigger happy when it comes to the word "racism". You tried to make a connection of Trump's xenophobia to racism, and have failed to do so, particularly since you haven't provided one solitary bit of evidence to support your claim that Trumps comments on immigration/Islam shade out from the xenophobic label and into the racist label.

And now, you insert an attack on my sanity, all while never adding any real support to your counter-claims.

Ad hominem, indeed.
He's made racist comments about blacks and Latinos. It's well documented. A five second search will show. I assumed incorrectly that you research that.

I'm not talking about Islam. I'm using your stupid unthoughtful distinction between xenophobia and racism (which is so dumb). He's a documented racist.

And ad hominem, once again is another concept you don't get. It's an insult to distract. You made a dumbass claim Trump isn't a racist, he's a xenophobe (so dumb). Evidence exists that he's made racist remarks multiple times and lost affiliations for his racism. Yet you continue thinking he's not a racist. That makes you either stupid or insane. I'm not using ad hominem to take away from your argument, I'm using an accurate description of your mental powers. You made a claim that is easily refutable.

Don't quote me anymore, touching idiot.
The Republicans have basically bent over for Obama the past few years. Maybe for once they will stand up to him and not allow him to ram another ultra liberal Justice down our throats.
People who say this crap!

Don't like government? Ignore the rules!

Also, bet good money you can't name the 9 justices (8 now) without looking them up nor do you have an idea other than being told.

If a justice nomination is too extreme, think back to Bork.
Let me ask a politically incorrect question.

I have read that the S Ct are all either Jewish or Catholic and all went to three Ivy League schools, Harvard, Yale, and Columbia. Is that statement essentially true? [Note: I just looked it up, the three Ivy League schools are a fact] Given that the last 27 years of US Presidents all went to Yale or Harvard, that is not hard for me to believe.

That doesn't sound very diverse to me, and hardly represents the real face of the nation, if you will.

So If the above is true, President Obama should really make the court diverse by appointing a Protestant that went to Vandy, Florida or Texas law school, or some other reputable non Ivy. Maybe actually a real live lawyer that tried some civil and criminal cases for a good part of his/her career.
This is a great joke post. Pretty much how some people think. Love the malapropism.
This is a great joke post. Pretty much how some people think. Love the malapropism.

Except it is not a joke. Remember when just a generation ago, it was all white men? Nobody would or should accept that as being a balanced Supreme Court. Find it impossible to believe that there are no qualified justices from any other school in the country but three. And if the Court were all Protestant, imagine the howls from the left . . .
So who killed Scalia?

He's made racist comments about blacks and Latinos. It's well documented. A five second search will show. I assumed incorrectly that you research that.

I'm not talking about Islam. I'm using your stupid unthoughtful distinction between xenophobia and racism (which is so dumb). He's a documented racist.

And ad hominem, once again is another concept you don't get. It's an insult to distract. You made a dumbass claim Trump isn't a racist, he's a xenophobe (so dumb). Evidence exists that he's made racist remarks multiple times and lost affiliations for his racism. Yet you continue thinking he's not a racist. That makes you either stupid or insane. I'm not using ad hominem to take away from your argument, I'm using an accurate description of your mental powers. You made a claim that is easily refutable.

Don't quote me anymore, touching idiot.

Why do you keep quoting me when you claim you don't want to engage in a conversation with me? I don't recall inviting you into the initial conversation, nor did I care what your thoughts were on anything (that goes for your entire historical output on this message board) until you initially quoted me. Apparently you unravel if you don't have the last word. Interesting.

Provide the quotes that support your two-fold claim that A. Trump is racist and B. racism and xenophobia are the same thing.

You haven't yet.
Last edited:
Why do you keep quoting me when you claim you don't want to engage in a conversation with me? I don't recall inviting you into the initial conversation, nor did I care what your thoughts were on anything (that goes for your entire historical output on this message board) until you initially quoted me. Apparently you unravel if you don't have the last word. Interesting.

Provide the quotes that support your two-fold claim that A. Trump is racist and B. racism and xenophobia are the same thing.

You haven't yet.

I can see facts are hard for you. I'm not unraveled, just don't think you get it over here. When you say stupid shit, you get called out.

Nor do you understand message boards, actually, it's apparent that you understand very little about your worldviews or surroundings.

I just get annoyed by absolute stupidity, that even in the face of all evidence supporting otherwise the dumb think the counter.

The political board is open conversation open to all, but it's for certain posters. You seem too weak to post here. It's adult swim here, not like the lick everybody's fluffy balls takes in raftards.

Also, I don't remember inviting you to the paddock.

I can see facts are hard for you. I'm not unraveled, just don't think you get it over here. When you say stupid shit, you get called out.

Nor do you understand message boards, actually, it's apparent that you understand very little about your worldviews or surroundings.

I just get annoyed by absolute stupidity, that even in the face of all evidence supporting otherwise the dumb think the counter.

The political board is open conversation open to all, but it's for certain posters. You seem too weak to post here. It's adult swim here, not like the lick everybody's fluffy balls takes in raftards.

Also, I don't remember inviting you to the paddock.

I'm fairly certain I know how message boards work, at least over here in your home-away-from-home:

LEK attacks posters, then claims he doesn't want to engage with them in discussions, then engages with them in discussion, then insults them some more, offers absolutely no support to his claims, then offers even more responses that offer little-to-no support to his clams, then gets a bunch of "likes" that apparently go to his head, and the cycle continues on ad infinitum.

It's interesting when I can almost predict the tone and response-methodology of your next post.
The best thing Obama could do for Republicans is make a recess appointment. Republicans would be able to claim righteous indignation, and it would probably help in the fall election. To start an obstruction battle, the Republican Party opens themselves up to the risk of losing the Senate majority from criticism, let alone lose the election in November.
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I'm fairly certain I know how message boards work, at least over here in your home-away-from-home:

LEK attacks posters, then claims he doesn't want to engage with them in discussions, then engages with them in discussion, then insults them some more, offers absolutely no support to his claims, then offers even more responses that offer little-to-no support to his clams, then gets a bunch of "likes" that apparently go to his head, and the cycle continues on ad infinitum.

It's interesting when I can almost predict the tone and response-methodology of your next post.
You're wasting your time man. LEK is a terrible poster who has obvious self esteem issues, and so all he can do is insult and demean other posters in an attempt to make himself feel better. I don't post often, as I prefer to read other's takes and compare them to my own. This thread is much more enjoyable when you place LEK on ignore. I promise.
Not lying or exaggerating I read the USA piece and by itself I have no clue what it is your trying to prove with it.

Now based on our argument I understand what your trying to do, but that piece doesn't help. It just says our labor has increased so people make more now than before.

Once again I will tell you the true labor number isn't what is so important because companies want Americans making money. The more we make the more we overspend.

I know it's hard to truly grasp what I'm saying, especially for someone who supports the side that gives everything away as free, with a 50% income tax.
It doesn't look like you must of tried very hard to look at the information I provided you.

If you scrolled down just a little you would see...

The US numbers are from 1950-Present
United States Labour Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Wages in Manufacturing 20.15 20.16 20.16 1.27 USD/Hour

Mexican numbers are 2007 - Present
Mexico Labour Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Wages in Manufacturing 2.30 2.20 3.60 2.00 USD/Hour
I'm fairly certain I know how message boards work, at least over here in your home-away-from-home:

LEK attacks posters, then claims he doesn't want to engage with them in discussions, then engages with them in discussion, then insults them some more, offers absolutely no support to his claims, then offers even more responses that offer little-to-no support to his clams, then gets a bunch of "likes" that apparently go to his head, and the cycle continues on ad infinitum.

It's interesting when I can almost predict the tone and response-methodology of your next post.
I've offered tons of support, even googling it for you. I'm not attacking you. I have even linked the facts that counter your argument...yet you remain obtuse. I have offered a complete counter. I seriously think you have issues. I will post another link if it helps.

This is the exact wall I knew was coming. But your stupidity kept me responding. I counter with facts, you counter with nu-uh. Nothing I can do will convince you otherwise, no matter how many times I give you the links. It's why I said I wouldn't engage, because your responses are what I predicted.

It's not a big deal. I can ignore. Don't really care to read the ramblings of dolts. Also, likes are stupid as hell. Only an idiot would use them as a measuring stick. But I digress, you did...

As I said, this place requires a little more mental effort than raftards.
You're wasting your time man. LEK is a terrible poster who has obvious self esteem issues, and so all he can do is insult and demean other posters in an attempt to make himself feel better. I don't post often, as I prefer to read other's takes and compare them to my own. This thread is much more enjoyable when you place LEK on ignore. I promise.
If you mean uses facts to destroy your arguments, then yes. Sorry, I just don't care for stupidity. If you think Trump hasn't said racist things, you're an idiot.
It doesn't look like you must of tried very hard to look at the information I provided you.

If you scrolled down just a little you would see...

The US numbers are from 1950-Present
United States Labour Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Wages in Manufacturing 20.15 20.16 20.16 1.27 USD/Hour

Mexican numbers are 2007 - Present
Mexico Labour Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Wages in Manufacturing 2.30 2.20 3.60 2.00 USD/Hour
Please don't use facts to back your argument. They will consider you mean.
The best thing Obama could do for Republicans is make a recess appointment. Republicans would be able to claim righteous indignation, and it would probably help in the fall election. To start an obstruction battle, the Republican Party opens themselves up to the risk of losing the Senate majority from criticism, let alone lose the election in November.

A recess appointment would only last for as long as Obama was still in office. Of course, a lot of key decisions will be made in that time. For instance, the Supreme Court put a hold on some of the EPA restrictions on energy companies until a case was heard later this year. It appeared that one of Obama's signature issues was going down in flames. Scalia's death may now change that.
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So who killed Scalia?

This is a great question. I've been waiting for some discussion on this. I think it's unreal that an autopsy wasn't performed to see what may have been in his system. Hate to sound so suspicious, but I used to watch Quincy.
It doesn't look like you must of tried very hard to look at the information I provided you.

If you scrolled down just a little you would see...

The US numbers are from 1950-Present
United States Labour Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Wages in Manufacturing 20.15 20.16 20.16 1.27 USD/Hour

Mexican numbers are 2007 - Present
Mexico Labour Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit
Wages in Manufacturing 2.30 2.20 3.60 2.00 USD/Hour

Ok, but I don't need a chart showing me third world labor is cheaper. Like I said your missing the point. Companies are not looking to drive American wages through the floor because Americans buy buy buy. Therefore the comparison is in fact irrelevant when comparing taxes corporations have to pay within our borders vs outside our borders.

Had we levied tariffs to keep American products competitive instead of allowing 3rd world countries produce products and tank the prices American companies would have never left American soil.

Buyers pay for the costs involved so getting labor dollars back wasn't the issue. The taxes involved, which we are the highest tax system in the world I believe, is a huge issue and corporations have been finding loopholes to avoid our tax system forever!

It's truly not that hard of a concept.

Ford doesn't just want to leave because it can't produce a truck at a fair price. They want to leave because because America does nothing to protect them as an American company so Toyota or whoever makes a vehicle for less, pays less taxes, has no tariff(as a matter of fact I think they get a discount on vehicles sold) and undercuts the market.

You have to protect your own people and we don't because we'd rather have foreign companies selling products. We are stupid as a country because politicians are making business decisions and they are stupid.
This is a great question. I've been waiting for some discussion on this. I think it's unreal that an autopsy wasn't performed to see what may have been in his system. Hate to sound so suspicious, but I used to watch Quincy.

Exactly. He was the most strict Constitutionalist and now dead at 79.

79 in SCOTUS years is only 45 in human years.
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I've offered . . . I'm not attacking . . . I have even . . . I have offered . . . I seriously think . . . I will post another . . . I knew . . .me responding . . . I counter with . . . I can do . . I give you. . . I said . . . I wouldn't . . . I predicted . . I can . . I digress . . I said

all you need to see right here
Ok, but I don't need a chart showing me third world labor is cheaper. Like I said your missing the point. Companies are not looking to drive American wages through the floor because Americans buy buy buy. Therefore the comparison is in fact irrelevant when comparing taxes corporations have to pay within our borders vs outside our borders.

Had we levied tariffs to keep American products competitive instead of allowing 3rd world countries produce products and tank the prices American companies would have never left American soil.

Buyers pay for the costs involved so getting labor dollars back wasn't the issue. The taxes involved, which we are the highest tax system in the world I believe, is a huge issue and corporations have been finding loopholes to avoid our tax system forever!

It's truly not that hard of a concept.

Ford doesn't just want to leave because it can't produce a truck at a fair price. They want to leave because because America does nothing to protect them as an American company so Toyota or whoever makes a vehicle for less, pays less taxes, has no tariff(as a matter of fact I think they get a discount on vehicles sold) and undercuts the market.

You have to protect your own people and we don't because we'd rather have foreign companies selling products. We are stupid as a country because politicians are making business decisions and they are stupid.
First, good luck in finding a conservative that will support tariffs. Tariffs are taxes ya know? Trump says he supports tariffs but Trump isn't a conservative.
Toyota, BMW, Nissan, Mercedes, Volkswagen all build their vehicles here because they are required to do so to avoid tariffs on their products. And they all pay taxes wherever they do business meaning that none of them have a tax advantage over Ford, GM or Chrysler all whom also build vehicles overseas.

The decision makers for these companies deciding to move are about maximizing the KPIs upon which they are evaluated and maximizing company stock values. Once they have their 8-9 digit bank account set they're not really concerned about what happens down the road. They are set. They got theirs and don't need to worry about everyone else. That is the major issue with excessive executive compensation. In a very short time the executive can be financially set for life and insulated from the downstream effects of his/her decisions.
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Vehicles are one example, and the one that really hurt the whole market is the one you did not include which was KIA. They now build vehicles hear too, but they did not at first and they crushed everyone price wise and flooded the market with junk cars. In time their products have gotten much better and their prices have risen to be in line with those of their competitors.

Sure tariffs are taxes, but they are put in place to protect American made products.

One thing we must realize if we ever improve is that not everything democrat/republican is bad. Somethings are helpful from both sides and we really need the best of both for a few years instead of extreme from both to counter the extremes we get.
Yep, taxing the hell out of foreign goods and getting into a trade war is probably the best way to really drive the US economy forward. I for one couldn't give a shit less about our international agreements. (Honestly I don't really give a shit about the international bodies of law, but I do think attempting to tax all foreign goods is moronic and it is probably illegal.)

Or maybe, we could give a repatriation holiday to any companies that have cash off shore and are willing to bring that money back to the US and invest in US manufacturing or facilities. But then again, that's a tax break so good luck finding a liberal to support it.
Well nothing drastic can happen over night because it's too bad in America right now. But measures should be taking place to get things in the right direction.

We are too dependent on China and several other countries to be able to stand on our own when/if those countries hit a recession.
Told ya'll that Scalia's death is suspicious. No SCOTUS dies at 79.

I'm not above thinking it's suspicious especially the timing of this and how radically insane the left is today.

I also read that Loretta Lynch is the frontrunner for Obama, which is effing terrifying. No way they can allow this to happen. NO EFFING WAY.
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