How will they rule ??!

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The Mexicans stopped the French from helping the confederates? Who told you that bullshit?

The French thought they could get a foothold in Mexico while the US was preoccupied fighting itself. Had nothing to do with helping the Confederates.
Libs don't even have a grasp on the present. That's because they have absolutely NO understanding of history.
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McCain wishes he had picked Liberman as his running mate instead of Palin.

McCain was not winning that election. He was a horrible choice and Bush made certain that a Dem was winning the next presidency.

Picking Palin shows the left’s bogus BS about “war on women” and how Republicans are sexist and that’s why Clinton didn’t win.

How do these people operate in the real world? You can’t find a more hysterical bunch who is always miserable, always mad about something, sees oppression and racism and sexism and blah blah blah in everything and judges everyone based on skin color and gender.

It is no wonder that those who swim in this constant bubble of craziness turn out to be lunatics.

Realclearpolitics average has Trump job approval rating at 44%

Rasmussen 51%
Rueters 49%
- Mueller probe isn’t taking him out
- DT gets re-elected ‘20 pretty easily

Those aren’t bold takes imo....the bold take is Ds get polished in ‘18. They may make some net gains, but overall a colossal loss vs their expectations. Hell their senate map looks terrible.’s not going down like conventional wisdom says, hell you’d think some lessons had been learned from last time....
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The Mexicans stopped the French from helping the confederates? Who told you that bullshit?

The French thought they could get a foothold in Mexico while the US was preoccupied fighting itself. Had nothing to do with helping the Confederates.

A few scholars a century and a half later have concluded so. Its asinine... and now hes trying to say one little city in mexico celebrates it bc they hate the south lol

No, its always been recognized in all of mexico.. just the day of turning it into a money making scheme was done by america.
Campaign finance violations. Gonna have to sic Mueller on them. This wasn't an accident either. The intent was very clear.

"She's used different addresses and variations on her name to intentionally break the law. It is that simple. Not an accident, not ignorance of the law, fraud by design."

this is a dumb meme because Mexico doesn't celebrate cinco de mayo. One city does because that is where Mexico stopped the French from helping the Confederates win the civil war. 95% of Americans still think it is their Independence day showing how little they care about Mexico. Southerners should loathe cinco de mayo.
Thank goodness Mexico and President J Edgar Hoover stepped in to stop France from supporting the Confederates in the Civil War.
Putting things simply, am I wrong on any of this?

- Stormy issue....what do they expect to accomplish? Prove he lied? Ok. Minor FEC violation? That’s it, correct?

- Mueller has nathan on collusion. Has only the firing of Comey on obstruction, said firing was in his scope of power. That it brah? Dershowitz just on MTP talking about the dangers of trying to litigate motive....should (and will) only be about Trump’s actions and his action, like it or not, was within his power.

Pretty ingenious plan of everyone crying OMG HE GONNA FIRE MUELLER TOO OBSTRUCTION OF DEMOCRACY basically scaring him from doing it, keeping the narrative going....which leads to the following:

- all this is midterm driven only. Period point blank. There shan’t be one actual plank or platform they will run on.

- I gotta say, after watching more MTP, it’s pretty gd impressive they manufactured literally an entire political industry based on Putin. Obes/Hills....more friendly to Putin than Trump and it’s not close. Jesus they have created life in a test tube.

Remember Trump’s joke “hey Russia if you have the 30000 emails let’s see them”.....COLLUSION! THREAT TO DEMOCRACY AND THE CONSTITUTION!!!! do people sleep at night while pushing shit like that?

Anyways, small derby hangover and I’m delaying a much needed shower to get these political randoms onto Catpaw.

Because liberals are scum.
If McCain had of been true to himself, he would have left the Republicans a long time ago and become a Democrat or at least an Independent.

GOP runs two Dem-lite cowards who weren’t fighters but were establishment cucks and are easily defeated by Obama.

GOP: Gee, why did we lose in 2008 and 2012?

Fast forward to 2016
GOP: We need Jeb Bush or Rubio. Trump is a disgrace.

Trump is the only reason they got the SCOTUS, it certainly wasn’t the help of the Republican Party.
Kanye really starting to piss Hollywood off. Just saw his tmz interview. LMAO.

Wondering what Kim thinks.

I'd say she secretly supports Trump. I'd say their whole clan does

Just like the rest of the country, there are many silent trump supporters who keep their opinions to themselves due to ridiculous attempts by the left to destroy anyone who disagrees with them.
<- - - - Stationed 11 years in Germany. Lived 6 months there as a civilian.

My apologist days ended after the first 5 years over there. I'm American as hell, and made GD certain those f*ckers understood as much. And I speak German fluently, and also have working knowledge of Dutch, Turkish and Spanish.
Speak, read, and write German. Not quite fluent but, can carry on a decent conversation.
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The Mexicans stopped the French from helping the confederates? Who told you that bullshit?

The French thought they could get a foothold in Mexico while the US was preoccupied fighting itself. Had nothing to do with helping the Confederates.
He watched the Undefeated with John Wayne and Rock Hudson the other day and thought it was an historical document.
I'll trust DJT to run this country any day over you. Yesterday, today, tomorrow, forever.

You got your wish. Sadly, DJT doesn't even like his job. He ran solely for the popularity/publicity. Do you know how bad he wishes he lost? He'd still get to eat McDonald's in his hideous NYC apartment and appear on countless TV shows, know...actually having the responsibility of running our country every day.

The president of the United States does not know how trade operates. At all.

Let that sink in.
At first I figured you were a young guy bc no one says bro that's a grown adult, but then I realized kids dont say bro either, they say bruh. So are you trying too hard? Is this how you try to relate to your I'm sure your students are like "bruh, mr bwls weird as hell." And then their like yeah, "that's why hes a teacher, he couldn't make it in the real world so he still needs to be around children to fit in, feel important, or have some authority where ppl have to listen to his remedial opinions"

Damn, bruh!

Bro, we've been over this before.

I became a teacher for the breaks. I only have two more weeks of work and then I get a couple months off with zero responsibilities. I work hard for that.

Some of you bums have a weird obsession with teachers and their inherent desire for "authority." LOL you're thinking of police officers, buddy.
You got your wish. Sadly, DJT doesn't even like his job. He ran solely for the popularity/publicity. Do you know how bad he wishes he lost? He'd still get to eat McDonald's in his hideous NYC apartment and appear on countless TV shows, know...actually having the responsibility of running our country every day.

The president of the United States does not know how trade operates. At all.

Let that sink in.
Let this sink in again, he is a billionaire businessman who has been dealing in trade all his adult life, you have not. You expect people to believe you have insight to what he thinks. Go to Europe and don't come back please. Those people need you there, they are running out of tax payers and could use your money.
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Only to pedophiles who think what they are doing is acceptable. Sick bastard.

I know he probably said something along the lines of "this next touch is a very special touch"...but what that man did to you was illegal, warrior-cat.

Sorry bro but that's all I've got. If you think teachers/education and your mind zooms to pedophilia, you've probably been sexually abused. Not even joking so don't go there.

Are you Catholic, by any chance?
I know he probably said something along the lines of "this next touch is a very special touch"...but what that man did to you was illegal, warrior-cat.

Sorry bro but that's all I've got. If you think teachers/education and your mind zooms to pedophilia, you've probably been sexually abused. Not even joking so don't go there.

Are you Catholic, by any chance?
Your background as a liberal teacher makes you far more qualified than me as a pedophile and I am not joking about that. Hopefully, a few well armed parents are watching you with their kids. Being the nice guy that I am, I really do hope they get a clean shot.
After deep thought and careful consideration, I am inclined to agree that's it probably a good thing that you are not breeding any unhinged liberal lunatics. We have SJWs enough here and don't need others.

Have fun in Europe, "brodie". Try not to go overboard with the anti-Trump virtue signaling. Despite what you might think, it's not going to make you a lot of friends. Most people aren't too interested in hearing that political crap from tourists. It will just come across as if you are trying to kiss ass.

I've had the same number of real-life, face-to-face political conversations as you.

Nobody's out here talking to strangers about politics.

God, I hope they're not.

With that said, if anyone in Amsterdam asks me about my opinion of Donald Trump, I will certainly oblige. Don't see that happening though.

I'll be spending a lot of time in record stores. Looking to spend a grand or two on records that just don't pop up in America like that, especially in Nashville. Foreign jazz/jazz-funk/library/prog LPs for days, bro!!!! Want me to share my Instagram handle?
Your background as a liberal teacher makes you far more qualified than me as a pedophile and I am not joking about that. Hopefully, a few well armed parents are watching you with their kids. Being the nice guy that I am, I really do hope they get a clean shot.

You just reminded me....


I thought you guys wanted me armed to the teeth in a public school classroom?!?

Now take your bum ass back to the couch, drink a few beers, and watch some NBA playoff action.

Do you keep your gun on your bedside table to keep you aroused during sex?
<- - - - Stationed 11 years in Germany. Lived 6 months there as a civilian.

My apologist days ended after the first 5 years over there. I'm American as hell, and made GD certain those f*ckers understood as much. And I speak German fluently, and also have working knowledge of Dutch, Turkish and Spanish.

Why in the hell would you apologize for being an American?
You just reminded me....


I thought you guys wanted me armed to the teeth in a public school classroom?!?

Now take your bum ass back to the couch, drink a few beers, and watch some NBA playoff action.

Do you keep your gun on your bedside table to keep you aroused during sex?
Yes, but only to keep pervs like you out. I have 10 positioned around the house in various hidden locations so, you will not catch me by surprise.

By the way, we want only qualified sane teachers armed.