How will they rule ??!

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Lol, canada will let in muslim terrorists, but not south africans facing genocide

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Manafort filed for a dismissal.. and based on the constitution be should receive it

Reason: Mueller was appointed by rosenstein. Rosenstein is not the attorney general and didn't go thru the process of being confirmed.

Sessions recused himself from matters relating to the election of 2016 and Russian collusion.

Based on the appointments clause, Mueller does not have the powers that he is pretending he does. He has the ability to charge people with crimes involving the election of 2016. Period.

Barring a very liberal judge, this case will get thrown out. At worst, it will be thrown out by the supreme court.

It will also neuter Mueller ability to charge Trump with anything but collusion
Havnt seen this discussed

Manafort filed for a dismissal.. and based on the constitution be should receive it

Reason: Mueller was appointed by rosenstein. Rosenstein is not the attorney general and didn't go thru the process of being confirmed.

Sessions recused himself from matters relating to the election of 2016 and Russian collusion.

Based on the appointments clause, Mueller does not have the powers that he is pretending he does. He has the ability to charge people with crimes involving the election of 2016. Period.

Barring a very liberal judge, this case will get thrown out. At worst, it will be thrown out by the supreme court.

It will also neuter Mueller ability to charge Trump with anything but collusion

Iirc Mueller was given a much broader authorization than that. Can't recall the exact terms but was basically unlimited. Of course that was intentional.
Havnt seen this discussed

Manafort filed for a dismissal.. and based on the constitution be should receive it

Reason: Mueller was appointed by rosenstein. Rosenstein is not the attorney general and didn't go thru the process of being confirmed.

Sessions recused himself from matters relating to the election of 2016 and Russian collusion.

Based on the appointments clause, Mueller does not have the powers that he is pretending he does. He has the ability to charge people with crimes involving the election of 2016. Period.

Barring a very liberal judge, this case will get thrown out. At worst, it will be thrown out by the supreme court.

It will also neuter Mueller ability to charge Trump with anything but collusion
Stupid stuff that conservatives say for $200 please.

I wanna switch up categories and go to 'Conservative Snowflakes all atwitter' for $300. Susan Rice and Netflix has them feeling triggered.
I'm 100% against hand guns. Personal safety is not part of the constitution, it's about being against government tyranny. I'm all for AR-15's, shotguns, and what not, but not handguns.

Why? Handguns are used in the majority of murders, armed robberies and suicides, and they are easily concealable.
I'm 100% against hand guns. Personal safety is not part of the constitution, it's about being against government tyranny. I'm all for AR-15's, shotguns, and what not, but not handguns.

Why? Handguns are used in the majority of murders, armed robberies and suicides, and they are easily concealable.
Do you want handguns banned?
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Iirc Mueller was given a much broader authorization than that. Can't recall the exact terms but was basically unlimited. Of course that was intentional.

Based on the constitution he must be appointed by the attorney general for anything other than what the attorney general has recused himself from.

Manafort will eventually have his case tossed.

Rosenstein doesn't have the constitutional authority to give him a broader range. He has the authority to give the authority on what sessions has recused himself from. That being the election.

Stupid stuff that conservatives say for $200 please.

I wanna switch up categories and go to 'Conservative Snowflakes all atwitter' for $300. Susan Rice and Netflix has them feeling triggered.

Yeah, you couldn't debate it so you act like a petulant child.

Give reasons and facts why it's stupid. And go. You won't be able to because it's spot on.
They've been allowed to live here "legally" for almost 20 years. Their kids were born here and go to (LIB'RUL PUBLIC EDUCATION) school here. Are you really *that* petty to want to yank the rug out from under them because they weren't American enough for you?



A "Liberal" Lunatic Cuck Who Becomes Worm Food Like We All Do

Fake news.

Brookfield, Wis. (July 18, 2017) – The rate of cremation in the United States is at an all-time high and surpassed the rate of burial for the second year in a row according to the National Funeral Directors Association’s (NFDA) 2017 Cremation and Burial Report. The annual report found that 50.2 percent of Americans chose cremation in 2016, up from 48.5 percent in 2015, while 43.5 percent of Americans opted for burial, down from 45.4 percent in 2015.
Real problems.

"Epidemic Of Fatherlessness" – Mike Rowe Reminds The World Of The Importance Of Dads

In my view, a symptom of a society that seems to value fatherhood less and less.

The facts seem pretty clear.

  • 63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes – 5 times the average. (US Dept. Of Health/Census)
  • 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average.
  • 85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average. (Center for Disease Control)
  • 80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes – 14 times the average. (Justice & Behavior, Vol 14, p. 403-26)
  • 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average. (National Principals Association Report)
  • 43% of US children live without their father [US Department of Census]
Is it really so surprising to learn that a majority of bullies also come from fatherless homes? As do a majority of school shooters? As do a majority of older male shooters?

I know this is controversial, and I'm sorry to inject an uncomfortable element into a post about a "feel-good" show, but I think it’s important to consider the possibility that this thing we like to call “an epidemic of bullying,” is really an “epidemic of fatherlessness.” I also think it’s reasonable to conclude that our society is sending a message to men of all ages that is decidedly mixed.

Think about it. On the one hand, we’re telling them to “man-up" whenever the going gets tough. On the other, we’re condemning a climate of "toxic masculinity" at every turn. If that strikes you as confusing, imagine being a fourteen-year old boy with no father figure to help you make sense of it.

Anyway, the bullying crisis is real, but the root cause has nothing to do with video games, or guns, or social media, or rock and roll, or sugary drinks, or any of the other boogymen currently in fashion. Nor is it a function of some new chromosome unique to the current crop of kids coming of age. Kids are the same now as they were a hundred years ago – petulant, brave, arrogant, earnest, frightened, and cocksure. It’s the parents who have changed. It’s the parents who have put their own happiness above the best interests of their kids. It’s the parents who actually believe “the village” will raise their kids, when the village is profoundly incapable of doing anything of the sort.

I agree with most of this. The one exception I take is the video games, music, entertainment etc. The notion that what influences our emotions the most, music and general entertainment, have no negative impact on a mentally ill child is bogus and I've never believed in the (liberal) argument that it has no merit. That started being a combative point of debate when one of their main constituency made music with violent themes.
If you're a progressive, you cant take on the violence in your bases entertainment and music if you want to continue the pandering of the grievance lobby. So they pretend it has no role.

But take Columbine for example, those kids played out a fantasy from their favorite movie "Natural Born Killers" and video game "Doom". They even went so far as to use their favorite gun from Doom. They cited the movie on their T-shirts while they blew up the school.

I'm not saying they wouldn't have done it had they not had those movies or games, I'm just saying in the mind of a child who is homicidal and suicidal, those factors are taken way too lightly.
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lol Obama spent more money than 43 presidents combined. SMH.

and he never had a balanced budget but go on tell us more ignorance.
Who ever pretended Obama was a fiscal conservative? He never tried to shy away from the reality that he could either spend a lot to fight away the recession or let the auto industry and more banks collapse and bring down our economy with them. He still managed to take the deficit from 1.3 trillion a year down to 438 billion a year and then it bounced up some to 600billion. And now Trump has it right back up to a trillion in 1 damn year. He is projected to almost match Obama 2 terms in 4 years and those are very conservative estimates so he will probably go over Obama in 1 term. But we aren't in a recession anymore so now is the time the attack the debt. And yes Obama should have done more to attack the debt/deficit after his 1st term but the GOP wouldn't accept any DOD cuts or tax increases on the rich so instead of a real dubget we got the suquestor bullshit.
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Havnt seen this discussed

Manafort filed for a dismissal.. and based on the constitution be should receive it

Reason: Mueller was appointed by rosenstein. Rosenstein is not the attorney general and didn't go thru the process of being confirmed.

Sessions recused himself from matters relating to the election of 2016 and Russian collusion.

Based on the appointments clause, Mueller does not have the powers that he is pretending he does. He has the ability to charge people with crimes involving the election of 2016. Period.

Barring a very liberal judge, this case will get thrown out. At worst, it will be thrown out by the supreme court.

It will also neuter Mueller ability to charge Trump with anything but collusion
Because Mueller was given the authority to look into pretty much anything. A special prosecutor basically has no restrictions. That is by design, they dig up very old shit on people so they get them to flip on the good stuff. All his lawsuits and files for dismissal have been thrown out and his new ones will be as well. What it will do is just make the judge more pissed off at manafort than he already is. The only way he doesn't go to prison is if he flips on Trump or gets a pardon.
How does wanting to ban a type of gun violate your 2nd amendment rights? 2nd amendment doesn't say anything about the right to have assault weapons with large magazines. By your logic, Americans should be able to buy bazookas, tanks, missiles, whatever is needed to protect themselves right? I mean why can't Americans have nuclear weapons? It is clearly within the 2nd amendment rights.

Why do liberals continue to speak about guns as if they know something about them because they watched Die Hard growing up....

Anyone rich enough can have those weapons. It's like liberals have no thought process at all. What do you not get about this.

I still find it fascinating that you, a guy who believes there is a systematic effort to destroy citizens of the united states in the streets, wants to then only allow the oppressors to obtain weaponry. And this is when you've been given a gift that most civilizations throughout the world would die for, the US second amendment.

What kind of citizen wants to give up their right to have ultimate protection, from individuals and government?
An Assault weapon was not used in the Florida school shooting.

They know that by now. I mean they don't know shit about guns at all, or the second amendment, but they know by now that there is a difference between a semi automatic rifle and an assault weapon. It's designed attempt to misinform the public because they cant win on substance.

Think CNN doesn't know by now what the differences are in a semi automatic rifle and an assault weapon? They know, they've been told countless times. But when they interview an anti-gun fanatic or have segments on weapons, they always promote it and always let it slide.

Modern progressives are the ultimate spin machines.
That was Scalia trying to thread an interesting line. He ruled that banning handguns went to far but then contradicted himself in saying that other guns could be banned if deemed dangerous, but that goes against his common use argument. He basically admitted that nobody really has any idea how far to take the limitations of the 2nd amendment anymore because technology has created to big of a rift between what citizens want to play with and what can be deemed safe for public use.

I personally think citizens should be allowed handguns, shotguns, lever action and bolt rifles. All guns that are useful for defense or hunting, everything beyond that is just a dick measuring contest. And the ATF should get a massive influx of manpower to crackdown hard on illegal gun market flowing into cities & Mexico.
That is because you have been indoctrinated with estrogen enhanced pills by your boyfriends and no longer have a penis.
Who ever pretended Obama was a fiscal conservative? He never tried to shy away from the reality that he could either spend a lot to fight away the recession or let the auto industry and more banks collapse and bring down our economy with them. He still managed to take the deficit from 1.3 trillion a year down to 438 billion a year and then it bounced up some to 600billion. And now Trump has it right back up to a trillion in 1 damn year. He is projected to almost match Obama 2 terms in 4 years and those are very conservative estimates so he will probably go over Obama in 1 term. But we aren't in a recession anymore so now is the time the attack the debt. And yes Obama should have done more to attack the debt/deficit after his 1st term but the GOP wouldn't accept any DOD cuts or tax increases on the rich so instead of a real dubget we got the suquestor bullshit.

Lol, ok
[QUOTE="Platinumdrgn, post: 6809529, member: 99581"And yes Obama should have done more to attack the debt/deficit after his 1st term but the GOP wouldn't accept any DOD cuts or tax increases on the rich so instead of a real dubget we got the suquestor bullshit.[/QUOTE]

He got a huge tax increase on the rich in 2012 and refused Boehner's request to have 1/1 cuts for that increase. And the sequester hit the Pentagon more than any other part of govt. You are really dumb.
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They've been allowed to live here "legally" for almost 20 years. Their kids were born here and go to (LIB'RUL PUBLIC EDUCATION) school here. Are you really *that* petty to want to yank the rug out from under them because they weren't American enough for you?



A "Liberal" Lunatic Cuck Who Becomes Worm Food Like We All Do
Translation: What is accountability?
[QUOTE="Platinumdrgn, post: 6809529, member: 99581"And yes Obama should have done more to attack the debt/deficit after his 1st term but the GOP wouldn't accept any DOD cuts or tax increases on the rich so instead of a real dubget we got the suquestor bullshit.

He got a huge tax increase on the rich in 2012 and refused Boehner's request to have 1/1 cuts for that increase. And the sequester his the Pentagon more than any other part of govt. You are really dumb.[/QUOTE]

Notice that Platinumdrgn started his thread that "Obama wasn't a fiscal conservative" and then goes on to paint him as a fiscal conservative.

I mean wow. Just wow.
From Salon, a very liberal source, maybe platinum was in middle school and missed it:

At one point, according to notes taken by a participant, Mr. Boehner told the president, "I put $800 billion [in tax revenue] on the table. What do I get for that?"

"You get nothing," the president said. "I get that for free."

380 sheriffs in 40 states demand Congress build Trump’s wall, end illegal immigration

"Charging that illegal immigration has endangered national security and America’s law enforcement and first responders, a huge collection of sheriffs have joined to demand that Congress fund President Trump’s wall and campaign to close the border.

“Without border security and immigration reform, more Americans will continue to be victims of crime. Now is the time to act,” said a letter signed by 380 sheriffs from 40 states.

The unified front was orchestrated by outspoken immigration critic Sheriff Thomas M. Hodgson of Bristol County, Mass.

He said on Wednesday, “We’re calling on Congress to take action now, on the security issues at the border and against sanctuary policies in our states, cities and towns.”
I agree with most of this. The one exception I take is the video games, music, entertainment etc. The notion that what influences our emotions the most, music and general entertainment, have no negative impact on a mentally ill child is bogus and I've never believed in the (liberal) argument that it has no merit. That started being a combative point of debate when one of their main constituency made music with violent themes.
If you're a progressive, you cant take on the violence in your bases entertainment and music if you want to continue the pandering of the grievance lobby. So they pretend it has no role.

But take Columbine for example, those kids played out a fantasy from their favorite movie "Natural Born Killers" and video game "Doom". They even went so far as to use their favorite gun from Doom. They cited the movie on their T-shirts while they blew up the school.

I'm not saying they wouldn't have done it had they not had those movies or games, I'm just saying in the mind of a child who is homicidal and suicidal, those factors are taken way too lightly.

I don't think you will find much disagreement with your argument other than the point that Mike makes is that children from fatherless homes have less of the emotional health needed to withstand such exposure. Children that grow up with a loving and nurturing father have less mental illness.

Columbine kids were on mind altering drugs. Not sure about their parents. Add that up with violent media consumption. The questions that remain regarding the behavior keep coming up with little answers. Were they violent kids who craved violent media or were they violent because of media.

I think it is a combination of many factors that leave us debating causes when a simple solution to many of our societal decays is outlined in the article. Males need strong fathers for mental and emotional development to be able to deal with such a destructive culture towards the traditional family structure.
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I agree 20 times is over done. But it still comes back to the fact on most police shootings that people get their panties in a wad is. DO WHAT THE OFFICER TELLS YOU!!!! I don't care if he tells you to stick your finger up your nos and pick a booger and eat it. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS !!!!
Because Mueller was given the authority to look into pretty much anything. A special prosecutor basically has no restrictions. That is by design, they dig up very old shit on people so they get them to flip on the good stuff. All his lawsuits and files for dismissal have been thrown out and his new ones will be as well. What it will do is just make the judge more pissed off at manafort than he already is. The only way he doesn't go to prison is if he flips on Trump or gets a pardon.

They're supposed to have very limited authority. To only investigate a narrow issue. But that's not what happened here. He was given blanket authority.

That's why sessions should be fired. He knew what he was doing when he recused.
What the hell are you waiting on?

The only thing I can't do as a non citizen is vote. That's not worth me renouncing loyalty to Canada. Plus, Canadians are very well liked pretty much anywhere. My CDN passport is a nice thing to carry around when I'm abroad. Don't get me wrong, the US has provided me great opportunities that I'd never had if I'd stayed in my hometown and I'm thankful for those. I'll always be a Canuck at heart though.
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