How will they rule ??!

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1. You confederacy supporters are awful.

Just admit you're a GD redneck. It's fine. I would actually think higher of you people if you did that.

2. Don't argue institutional racism with white guys in the south. It's a waste of time. Stupid blacks are lazy criminals and every hardship they have is their fault. The end.

3. Skunt, please tell us more about your whites only community. Sounds like a swell place.
^ sure, but I was pointing out that NYC's general blue-ness (millions of voters, of which 99.99999% are not "finance and corp leadership") does not lead to your conclusion that "[m]ost finance and corp leadership are liberals." Because it doesn't. Like I said, "[w]hile that may be true, it's not at all supported by" the data you gave.

And your supplement here sorta supports the idea, but a string cite of liberals in these professions does not lead to a conclusion that "[m]ost ... are liberals." "Most" has a meaning, and it's not "the people I can name that I know support liberals." If you're going with "[m]ost," then you have to mine the data or meaningfully sample it. A quick Google search led to a Business Insider article, which shows the finance sector is slightly conservative as a whole. It doesn't break it down by "leadership," nor is "corp" or anything related listed, but I'm not the one making generalization about "[m]ost" people in a profession, so I'm not worried about supporting a point here.

But, this is the same board (not the same poster, of course) that has a poster that thinks that Google's doodle of a 19th Amendment pioneer's birthday is some type of Hillary support, so whatever.
BB79, again the discussion was about power structures and I was replying to the silly notion that those are GOP dominated. There is easily more evidence the opposite is true. I will say that if Google's CEO was working the data bank within a GOP candidates' campaign there would conspiracy theories and outrage everywhere.

Somewhat related, this tweet today was spectacular.

Hillary ClintonVerified account‏@HillaryClinton
The NRA. Big pharma. The Koch brothers. American families need a champion to defend them from special interests.
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Almost as though Obama has very recently taught the Iranians kidnapping & holding Americans hostage can be incredibly profitable or something!!!
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^ sure, but I was
pointing out that NYC's general blue-ness (millions of voters, of which 99.99999% are not "finance and corp leadership") does not lead to your conclusion that "[m]ost finance and corp leadership are liberals." Because it doesn't. Like I said, "[w]hile that may be true, it's not at all supported by" the data you gave.

And your supplement here sorta supports the idea, but a string cite of liberals in these professions does not lead to a conclusion that "[m]ost ... are liberals." "Most" has a meaning, and it's not "the people I can name that I know support liberals." If you're going with "[m]ost," then you have to mine the data or meaningfully sample it. A quick Google search led to a Business Insider article, which shows the finance sector is slightly conservative as a whole. It doesn't break it down by "leadership," nor is "corp" or anything related listed, but I'm not the one making generalization about "[m]ost" people in a profession, so I'm not worried about supporting a point here.

But, this is the same board (not the same poster, of course) that has a poster that thinks that Google's doodle of a 19th Amendment pioneer's birthday is some type of Hillary support, so whatever.


What'd google say your favorite color is?
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Half the population of the planet doesn't have access to a clean reliable source of drinking water and scrape by on whatever scraps they can come up with. They live like dogs. Yet here we are in the richest most powerful country the world has ever known acting like complete spoiled jackasses.
word from the NH trenches (not from the Kasich camp, btw) is that the Ohio governor is getting the numbers everyone thinks he needs to straight-up win the primary there. A lot of guarded skepticism about how inflated Trump's poll numbers are by primary voters who won't actually turn out to vote for the Donald.

If Kasich really does double-up Rubio's totals in NH, the GOP might end up getting that ideal ticket after all.
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We'll see about that. Getting pretty anxious to see how the primaries play out on both sides. If Trump and Hiliary nosedive both parties will flat out be in panic mode.

What'd google say your favorite color is?

I don't usually reference a search engine for personal, subjective things. But I start with one for facts that would support an assertion that I made, like the political leanings of "[m]ost" of something.
word from the NH trenches (not from the Kasich camp, btw) is that the Ohio governor is getting the numbers everyone thinks he needs to straight-up win the primary there. A lot of guarded skepticism about how inflated Trump's poll numbers are by primary voters who won't actually turn out to vote for the Donald.

If Kasich really does double-up Rubio's totals in NH, the GOP might end up getting that ideal ticket after all.

First good news I've heard in a while. Kasich sounds like an adult in a room of children. Governorship > Senatorship when it comes to POTUS credentials.
We'll see about that. Getting pretty anxious to see how the primaries play out on both sides. If Trump and Hiliary nosedive both parties will flat out be in panic mode.

Republicans are set up better to withstand Trump falling. I think the assumption has always been that he will fade out. If Hillary is out, then it's Sanders and .... ? Biden/Warren? Hard to see someone dropping in this late, with nothing, and getting an operation going that can win the primary, let alone the general. Even Trump or Cruz could beat Sanders in the general. Even Santorum, probably. People love sweater vests. Hillary can win with ~ 50.5% of the popular vote, and that's probably the best case Democrat scenario. They're set up for success in presidential election years, yet they end up with this. It's boggling.
I understand what your saying about the republicans, but I disagree. I think behind closed doors they realize no one except Trump has a shot because he is the only one that can say what he really wants and gets no backlash for it. If it were any other republican there is no way they get away with Trumps mouth.

Also moving forward because of Trump they would have to tip toe the PC line and the democrats have created "PC". At this point it's Trump or bust and they know it.
I'm not racist, I just call it like I see it. I like black people, I just can't rent property to them without being in the courthouse getting eviction notices every 2 weeks.
You want me to hide the truth? Should I lie, and say every person in the housing rental market is the same? Its obvious, and its not even close.

Why would I lie about this? You rent to a family of Hispanics, and they pay the rent 3 days early, they fix whats broken, they don't complain and if they lose their job, they've got another by the end of the day.
You rent to a black family and in about 4 months they start coming up with fantastic excuses why they can't pay the rent. A family member is in the hospital, they lost a job, a car broke down, wifes really sick, etc etc. THEN---they decide they don't want to pay rent at all because of the late fee's, and completely trash the place after staying in the place for free for 3 months (thats how long it takes them to get legally evicted), because they aren't afraid of getting arrested.
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Palin endorsing Trump is a complete slap in the face to John McCain. She had no business ever being his running mate in the first place, and he has never done anything but defend picking her since. And while Trump has trashed McCain for being no hero for getting captured, he still gets Palin's endorsement anyway? Completely insulting, and this will be the tipping point of the demise of the Donald Trump presidential campaign.
Palin endorsing Trump is a complete slap in the face to John McCain. She had no business ever being his running mate in the first place, and he has never done anything but defend picking her since. And while Trump has trashed McCain for being no hero for getting captured, he still gets Palin's endorsement anyway? Completely insulting, and this will be the tipping point of the demise of the Donald Trump presidential campaign.
Disagree strongly. This will give him a bump in Iowa and ensure he has a significant enough margin to kill Cruz' campaign in the cradle.

I also swear to god she said "and queefing our children trillions of dollars in debt" today

This is still a Rubio v Trump campaign in the long run (as of now)
Palin endorsing Trump is a complete slap in the face to John McCain. She had no business ever being his running mate in the first place, and he has never done anything but defend picking her since. And while Trump has trashed McCain for being no hero for getting captured, he still gets Palin's endorsement anyway? Completely insulting, and this will be the tipping point of the demise of the Donald Trump presidential campaign.
Nothing about his support makes any sense. -25 on approval, only Jeb is within 10 of that.
say what you want about Trump, but he's navigated these electoral waters like a pro (besides the ground game). he's got the macro talent of reagan/clinton/obama and great instincts to boot.

he's getting straight-up wrecked on the tactical side of things, though.
Yep, keep talking, that's what you should do.

Have you ever considered getting published? I mean, your personal experience dealing with brown people has enlightened us all and I think your worldview would really appeal to a much broader audience.

Please, continue.
Why is everybody dogging Louis for giving his opinion on a tiny fraction of the black community, ones who have rented from him, based on his personal experience? I mean, you could argue that it is anecdotal, but come on.

*I'm not racist

* continues on a rant how blacks and Mexicans are bad

I never said anything bad about Hispanics. I think they're hard workers, they don't make excuses, if they get fired they have a new job by sundown..
Its black people that are in question. Don't believe me? Go ask a rental agent. If he's honest, you'll hear exactly what I described.
You want to call me names for calling it how it is. Its not my fault, its just honesty.
or any of several in this video could help knock this thread out . . . (apologies for the semi-offensive video title).

If it goes to a black family, you will definitely have issues down the road getting your rent. Its just how it is.
if I hired a full staff to run a company, any company (Car Dealership, Restaurant, Cleaning Co) I'd stay away from the black guys cause they cause
And it all comes down to THEY ALL FEEL CHEATED from how they're ancestors were treated.
Why, has he been conditioned to be offended at everything? If a black poster makes a negative statement about whites that he has dealt with personally, I'm not going to start labelling him as a racist. Who am I to say he is wrong?
trolling right?
Why, has he been conditioned to be offended at everything? If a black poster makes a negative statement about whites that he has dealt with personally, I'm not going to start labelling him as a racist. Who am I to say he is wrong?

Its called a double standard. Whites are the only ones that are considered RACIST if they call it like it is. But if a black guy gets on TV, makes fun of how whites talk or act....its hilarious.

What about Spike Lee calling out to all blacks to boycott the Emmys for not having any BLACK actors up for an award?? Its ridiculous. They're so sensitive. If the rolls were reversed they'd riot.
Its called a double standard. Whites are the only ones that are considered RACIST if they call it like it is. But if a black guy gets on TV, makes fun of how whites talk or act....its hilarious.

What about Spike Lee calling out to all blacks to boycott the Emmys for not having any BLACK actors up for an award?? Its ridiculous. If the rolls were reversed they'd riot.
You're a peice of shit racist because you say all blacks are bad and you discriminate on color. You're the same garbage people fought against for years.
You're a peice of shit racist because you say all blacks are bad and you discriminate on color. You're the same garbage people fought against for years.
Is it racist to be honest and notice a major trend? Or is it racist to openly admit it?
I don't fight, i don't call them names, I just noticed a trend that even a down syndrome kid would pick up on.
So I wouldn't be racist to turn a blind eye and avoid the BEYOND obvious?

Sounds like you're just angry that you know I'm correct and openly admit the facts.

I might discriminate to save my business, but you're a liar. I never said that all blacks are bad, I said they can't pay rent consistently and cause problems. Not a few, all of them. It doesn't make them bad, it just means they're not good with money and they aren't motivated to find a new job when fired.
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It's racist to discriminate an entire race of people based on color.

Not only are you a bigot, but a dumb bigot.

But yea, you're probably trolling me, so you got me. Even if a joke, you're still scum.