How will they rule ??!

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Ben is on it.


Exactly what I was going to say. It’s reached the point where these people are not only huge hypocrites, but they don’t even care. It’s as if mountains of quotes, photos, screen shots, etc. don’t exist. It’s crazy.
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Every single week it is something new from the left about Trump. I knew it would be a bumpy road for Trump when he announced he would run, but never imagined how vicious it would be. There is no way he ever imagined this when he decided to run and likely if he could go back would not have done it.

The life he gave up to do this job, taking no salary, his family having to endure the negativity, constantly being backstabbed, the list goes on and on yet he gets up everyday determined to try and help this country. Millions of people including myself are benefiting greatly with the dramatic rise of our retirement funds, people getting off welfare, ISIS being nearly destroyed, etc. and yet this guy is evil, unstable, etc. etc.

Just pure insanity we are seeing right now. This is 50 times worse than Obama's worst day against the right.
Okay, so this week I'm trying something new, my own mini version of Super Size Me. This week except for this thread I'm going to post as an SJW liberal. I hope my soul is not irreversibly damaged, but I want to see what is in the mind of these mentally ill large children. Who knows I might even start receiving a check in the mail from George Soros. Wish me luck men. Godspeed.
If Oprah was to win the presidency she would just be a figure head an Obama would be in office for a 3rd term. Within 8 years the United States would be a full fledged communist country. Complete with it's first dictator, Barack Obama.
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I wonder if the Oprah fiction novels are going to be anywhere near the tone of the Russian dossier and this recent novel. I certainly doubt it. She'll double her goddam net worth as POTUS. What a fraud.

Also, speaking of Russians. I still subject myself to 60 Minutes from time to time. You'd think with the amount of time they spend crafting anti-American propaganda they could make stories more believable, but the feisty big tittied Russian lady came off as the believable one as opposed to 60 Minutes.

If you were a nation state and wanted to fundamentally change and reshape America without any military action how would would you do it? The first answer would be to control the media. The second would be to introduce your form government as nirvania (not the rock band).

Remember when Hollywood remade Red Dawn in 2012. That was originally suppose to be China as the invading force but China used it's influence to have the entire movie changed to North Korea. I honestly believe something more notorious is happening here in America.
About as honest assessment of Trump over Hill as there could ever be:

"......despite my own frustration over his missteps, there has never been a day when I wished Hillary Clinton were president. Not one.

Indeed, as Trump’s accomplishments accumulate, the mere thought of Clinton in the White House, doubling down on Barack Obama’s failed policies, washes away any doubts that America made the right choice.

This was truly a change election — and the changes Trump is bringing are far-reaching and necessary.

The economic boom is the most obvious difference voters got by electing him. The tax law he campaigned on, fought for and signed promises to add new dimensions to the boom and should fuel growth and new opportunities for millions of people.

Generations of families will lead better lives as a result, while a Clinton presidency would have been an orgy of regulations aimed at strangling capitalism’s last animal spirits. How many thousands of points lower would the Dow be?

But the Trump effect is not limited to the economy. Think of the difference between Neil Gorsuch and a supreme court justice Clinton would have picked, now multiply that difference throughout the judicial food chain.

Think of Trump’s policy toward Israel. Would Clinton dare to right historic wrongs and declare Jerusalem the capital of the Jewish state?

Never. Like Obama, she would have given the Palestinians a heckler’s veto — and paid them millions more for their obstinance.

And what of North Korea? While Trump’s taunting of Rocket Man makes me uneasy, the big difference is that he refuses to accept a nuclear North Korea. Clinton, on the other hand, would have adopted the Obama policy of “containment,” which is a diplomatic fig leaf for appeasing a madman with nukes.

Take Iran. Clinton shared Obama’s fantasy that there are “moderates” among the mullahs eager to play nice, so she backed the nuclear deal that is helping to finance Iranian war and aggression in the mideast. Similarly, Clinton probably would repeat Obama’s 2009 mistake and remain silent during the current demonstrations against the regime, while Trump is making it clear America stands with the demonstrators.

If Clinton had been elected, we would not know that top FBI leaders conspired against Trump to help her. Her financing of the Russian dossier would still be a secret, and there would be no knowledge that the FBI used her dirtiest trick to spy on Trump associates. Russian collusion would have been accepted as fact without a shred of evidence.

Even with Trump in the White House and Republicans controlling Congress, getting the truth about the deep state’s political meddling is proving difficult. But with Clinton in the White House, there would be no search and the truth of what looks like an unprecedented scandal would remain hidden forever.

Likewise, Clinton as president would face no further scrutiny over the classified email mess despite the rigged FBI probe that cleared her. And the revived examination of her pay-to-play arrangements as secretary of state would never have been considered.

There is another potential consequence of the election, too. With Bill and Hillary in the White House, would The New York Times have outed Harvey Weinstein as the sexual monster he seems to be?"
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It's def happening. Oprah is running. We are f'd guys. Seriously.

Wouldn't be surprised if Oprah got Trump elected just so she could easily follow him and become the first black and first female president.
And these mfers who constantly refer to Trump as REALITY TV STAR OMGZ....get f'd. You know exactly what you're doing, and you know exactly what Trump is, which is far cry from "reality tv star". gtfo.
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Okay so I was listening to ksr and talks about how Oprah shouldn't run for president and made comparisons to Trump. It was clear he was only saying this to sound unbiased for criticizing Trump. Look at what he wrote about Al Sharpton though.
I'll go back to my SJW act now, I'm learning a lot about them already.

Nice cowboy hat caught in 80s trying to by coke, then became a snitch

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Hope this guy remains a pain in the Dems ass for eternity.


Her speech was no different than any other celebs since Trump took office. A tyrant... yeah, sucks Trump took all of our freedom. I miss the days of being able to go where I want and do what I want. Value the media now more than ever? At a time where they’re clearly agenda driven and couldn’t care less about the truth? But oh yeah... “your” truth is what’s important. Or in other words, whatever you want to be true.

Ben is right. It’s either truth or lie. And Oprah, like the rest of Hollywood, kept their lips zipped about rape, harassment, and pedophillia that they knew was taking place. “Her truth” is I had no idea. But we all know her truth is a lie.

Eff these holier than thou Hollywood celebs. Majority of them are diseased in the brain... probably untreated syphilis.
Is Oprah really still that popular? I hear pretty much nothing about her unless she makes a speech like she did last night.

She would just be Obama 2.0 if she did run and win.
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Trump was/is insane to want this job and Oprah would be even more insane. Cannot imagine many "outsiders" wanting any part of the shi1fe$ that is Washington D.C.
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