How will they rule ??!

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Haha. These people are a walking parody. Every article is negative. Everything has to have a "you're a victim" narrative attached. Nothing is ever anyone's fault but their enemies.

It's not black criminals' fault for committing crime? The system is rigged of systematic oppression.

It's not Antifa/leftist's fault for committing violence. It's conservative's for "inciting violence through 'hate speech' (whatever Libs disagree with)."

It's not the uncivilized scumbag's fault for assaulting someone for a discounted toaster or the mob of morons' fault for storming retail stores like rats. No, it's the one percent or whatever.

These people are just the worst.
Can anyone pinpoint for me when this whole “it’s always someone else’s fault” movement became so prevalent?

I know it’s always existed within society, but in 2017 it seems to always be the answer. And what’s scary is the people that think this way are your news anchors, your journalists, your kid’s teachers, etc. If we don’t find a way to do something as simple as hold people responsible for their actions, the future looks grim.
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Really is remarkable the lunacy that results from the identity politics lense. Just looking at the pic, I was surprised he didn't make the obvious correlation that black friday is systemic racism and white privilege mysogynistic oppression as black kids fight over a TV broken up by white male employee.

Then, sure enough, I scan the actual article to see "racism" where he states the "black" in friday is a racial pun...

jfc what a moron. there's a difference between being in the black on the books vs in the red
I love watching poor people do demeaning things. They can't be shamed enough
I feel for poor people, but a lot of it is self inflicted. Poor people should not be buying big screen TVs. They need books and multiple jobs. I am middle to upper middle class and i rarely even turn the boob tube on.
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Sweden seems like the biggest bunch of pussies. How the hell do you end up like that with the ancestors that they had?.
The Vikings’ reputation is probably somewhat tainted by religious propaganda and by romantic novelists and artists. The horned helmets were actually the infamous pussy hats like the ones Madonna and Ashley wear.
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Really is remarkable the lunacy that results from the identity politics lense. Just looking at the pic, I was surprised he didn't make the obvious correlation that black friday is systemic racism and white privilege mysogynistic oppression as black kids fight over a TV broken up by white male employee.

Then, sure enough, I scan the actual article to see "racism" where he states the "black" in friday is a racial pun...

jfc what a moron. there's a difference between being in the black on the books vs in the red

My goodness, are you serious? I didn't bother to read it. It's just the same crazy rants over and over again. I think they have a template for every article and just insert the latest thing that's racist.
The fact that there's someone even investigating this president after the previous administration we had and the fact that they ran the Clintons, is disgusting.

First time that we get an outsider and you see how the swamp, the media and the insane sheep have behaved.

You didn't even have to look hard at the scandals Obama's admin had. There was plenty there without manufacturing and creating theater for their base.
****, I thought I had a good day yesterday - played golf, enjoyed some 26 yr WFE with friends, even got some action last night. While all that was going on Bezos added $2.4bb to his net worth in 8 hours to crest $100bb.
Hope you're right, but is muslims killing other muslims really something new? Muslims have been killing each other in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan for around a decade or probably longer. They probably kill more of each other off than they do anyone else. What's new about what happened in Egypt (genuinely asking, maybe I'm missing something)
like john yarmuth said a couple months ago, "terrorist attacks happen all the time". What's the big deal? Murder is Islam.
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One of the biggest lies is that these people were plopped down here by God and that they were all united and peaceful.

Do liberals know how every nation that has ever existed was formed?

Yeah, but they’re too busy rewriting history to care.

For example, look at The Democratic Party. They were the party that favored slavery. The republican president that helped free the slaves was assassinated. The party then used the KKK to suppress free black men from voting. The former slaves wanted to vote for the party that freed them.

But you wouldn’t know that today. With help from all the people they have in influential places, democrats have always been signalers of virtue and trying to help minorities (of course anyone with eyes can see they’re still hurting them but that’s another post for another day).
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Hope you're right, but is muslims killing other muslims really something new? Muslims have been killing each other in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan for around a decade or probably longer. They probably kill more of each other off than they do anyone else. What's new about what happened in Egypt (genuinely asking, maybe I'm missing something)
Not as part of an organized conflict, but an act of terror (bombing, shooting, etc. in an area where no active conflict exists). I get your point, though.
My goodness, are you serious? I didn't bother to read it. It's just the same crazy rants over and over again. I think they have a template for every article and just insert the latest thing that's racist.

Yeah, I knew it had to be in there, complaining about the beorgouise couldn’t possibly be enough.

Basically says everyone knows we wouldn’t call it Black Friday if we weren’t such racists.

I also can’t hardly stomach actually reading those articles.
Yeah, I knew it had to be in there, complaining about the beorgouise ..... those articles.

Meanwhile - we're seeing another concrete example of this Admin / 'Defense' Dept wage open warfare against the actual resources and funding streams of certain proxy groups and political entities.

No one knows all the in's and out's but no matter what you think about this admin - you have to be intellectually honest enough to note that this statement is true.

The article is from Wash Post

They're quoting the Air Force's Public Relations Office so I don't see any problems with the story's overall validity

Quick reminder on some of the Historical Data on our efforts there:

  • $14 Billion spent in 17 years
  • Longest running war in US History
  • Intent to eradicate the Taliban never realized
  • Poppy / Heroin production escalating exponentially
  • Legacy of chronic overwork and PTSD culture for a generation of G.I.'s & their families
(Bush and Obama admin's BOTH own it - maybe others)

But this admin is now attacking their actual resource base and production facilities

THINK about that

regardless of whether you agree with it or not
it's evident that were seeing a Hot / Proxy, Guns Blazing War between Int'l Poser Bases.

Theres NO WAY this doesn't escalate quickly IMO
I don't know how or where or whatever means are chosen.....but this is like watching two Mafia families attempt to marginalize / eliminate one another

***More Context/Info for The Interested ***

In a similar context of quantifiable/validated-as-fact attacks against Socio-Political (etc) Systems - we've seen regulatory and/or paramilitary action against the following:

Planned Parenthood
Int'l Sex Trafficking Rings
Individual Pedophiles
the NFL
Drug Cartels (both illicit and pharmaceutical)
USG Civil Service Labor Union groups
Several federal agencies (VA, DOF especially)

and more that I know I'm overlooking....

this is close to unprecedented for US Politics IMO - increasingly visible, violent and remorseless US Political struggle since the Civil War

I think things are worse and heading south even more so than during the Vietnam era.
American's generally don't understand or have any experience with the level of unrest and struggle that's coming quickly to this Balkanized nation.

Sorry again for the f'ing treatise on this but...just think of it as allowing me to vent and speak as clearly about the subject as i know how.....
Haha. These people are a walking parody. Every article is negative. Everything has to have a "you're a victim" narrative attached. Nothing is ever anyone's fault but their enemies.

It's not black criminals' fault for committing crime? The system is rigged of systematic oppression.

It's not Antifa/leftist's fault for committing violence. It's conservative's for "inciting violence through 'hate speech' (whatever Libs disagree with)."

It's not the uncivilized scumbag's fault for assaulting someone for a discounted toaster or the mob of morons' fault for storming retail stores like rats. No, it's the one percent or whatever.

These people are just the worst.

This is meaty and concise like I wanna be

Everything you just stated --- is a near EXACT replay of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia

I am betting on the simple notion(s) that history is largely repeating itself


Communism is close to doing what it said it would do .... for centuries


The US is following a nearly predictable "empire lifecycle" like many others before - outcomes can large be expected to align as well
