How will they rule ??!

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That was pretty good stuff

I watched a few of his videos. He tells his side of the Clinton admin. No fan of Hildabeast. In related news Bongino told his side of the Clinton/Obama security detail. Obamas and Bill treated him well. Nobody wanted to be around Hildawg. Called her a liar and evil. This tax plan could be decent but like he said anything is better than her.
Speaking of tax reform, there are parts of the proposal that are attractive:

1. Estate tax is the most unfair tax of them all, for two reasons, first, the money taxed has already been taxed once when it was earned. Second, it penalizes investors and successful people, especially those that are thrifty and live well beneath their means all their lives, instead of blowing all their money.
So what? Those points are exactly why those who support the estate tax want it: punish success & give the proceeds to douche bags. Net, not at all convincing to libs.
I mean let's be honest nothing Trump does will appease those losers. In all fairness they could give him a list and he could do it all and they'd blame him for doing everything they asked for.

Liberals are like women, you can't please them bitches!
Why am I not surprised that you're being an idiot again?

If they are not protesting against the flag and anthem, then why are they doing their protests while the flag is out, and the anthem is being played?
EXACTLY. The players can protest - on thier own time, but why insult the people that have paid to see you play? Note: Loved the USA! USA! chant at Pack's game after the anthem.

It's just like the damn actor in Hamilton who lectured VP Pence who had come to see him perform. Who pays to hear what the f they think? I had been dying to see Hamilton since the book was great, now I have no intent on ever seeing it - unless they pay me & let me lecture those actors first. F em all.
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These pieces of garbage are everywhere in education. They're like parasites. I will work like hell to make sure my kids don't get subjected to this type of shit.
EXACTLY. The players can protest - on thier own time, but why insult the people that have paid to see you play? Note: Loved the USA! USA! chant at Pack's game after the anthem.

It's just like the damn actor in Hamilton who lectured VP Pence who had come to see him perform. Who pays to hear what the f they think? I had been dying to see Hamilton since the book was great, now I have no intent on ever seeing it - unless they pay me & let me lecture those actors first. F em all.
Cancelled my NFL package the other day. Will not watch another NFL game until they correct this problem.
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I wonder why CNN isn't discussing Green Bay fan reaction to Aaron Rodgers request, or the hit Direct TV is taking because of their protest.

I offered a guy I know for his Titans tickets and he said know they are going in the trash. I gave him a friendly hard time then realized he was serious!
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Who said that... besides you, just now, and the media? Let me guess -- you also think the fans who are opposed to the protest/kneeling are insensitive racists?

P.S. If you haven't noticed, the flag, anthem and country are the enemy, not the other way around.
You're being trolled and will be again!
Gotta see this.

The guy then makes his account private but this reply is still visible.

WTH has happened to these people?
It would be great if the resist crowd would extend their kneeling to protest Trump. That way, wherever he goes, people will be kneeling.



There are actual human beings being auctioned off into slavery again in Africa
(The irony of NFL owners /GMS measuring, "husbanding" , and trading isn't lost with their hat more urgent fact)

The sex trafficking/pedophile stings that this administration is pushing -- has netted more pedo-arrests in a single month than many years normally produce...

The Vatican had to recall their Wash D.C. Cardinal because he was ABOUT TO GET ARRESTED
(Vatican recalled him for an "internal investigation")

And the media stirs the pot on etiquette at football games
Snowflakes melt over NFL players protesting?
The typical liberal snowflake reaction, pull the race card when you lack an intelligent response. This is why many do not believe you guys anymore. The only real racism in this country anymore is the entire left and about 100 KKK members nation wide. Good luck with that.
I was the first to say the Dems would go Oprah 2020. Now it is being discussed. Blind squirrel found a nut.


I called this in like 2005 btw.

This is literally the end of times. And she can't lose. This is way scarier than Hillary. She is way whiter and blacker than Hillary, and killed many more people. This is bad. MFER.
Oprah has a lot of money but I'm not even a little worried about her beating Trump. The dems would have to do better than that, IMO.
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There are actual human beings being auctioned off into slavery again in Africa
(The irony of NFL owners /GMS measuring, "husbanding" , and trading isn't lost with their hat more urgent fact)

The sex trafficking/pedophile stings that this administration is pushing -- has netted more pedo-arrests in a single month than many years normally produce...

The Vatican had to recall their Wash D.C. Cardinal because he was ABOUT TO GET ARRESTED
(Vatican recalled him for an "internal investigation")

And the media stirs the pot on etiquette at football games


Another one!

You would think this stuff would be great for media to push their Christianity is evil, and we should just bend over for Islam! stuff.

I also had no idea Vatican gets immunity??? Wtf is that. We can't prosecute this pedo because he's a member of the Vatican? That is sone weird/powerful/cultish shit.

Vatican must kill a lot of people.