How will they rule ??!

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That should blow the left's collective minds.

Do they claim Putin would have doctored the transcript before they get to see it because he's a Trump ally? But then what happens if there is some sort of inappropriate information? Then do they say they were wrong and Putin is trustworthy?

Can the left find out if this transcript is actually damaging to Trump before asking for its release? Or will they go all in on Putin is a liar, or conversely the transcript is valid?

What a time to be alive!!!!!
They'll blindly denounce Putin as a liar and willfully further erode US/Russian relations to chase a fruitless wild goose. The good thing here is that Putin is well aware of the MSM ****stickery. Most moderately intelligent folks are, though.
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So every single person that was in the room said nothing nefarious happened and is on the record. The country that Trump supposedly damaged relations with has said no such thing happened, and is on the record.

We're left with a couple anonymous people who say bad stuff happened in the room they weren't in, and that contrary to what Israel says, our relations with Israel are damaged.

And that warrants impeachment in the left's eyes.

Just mind numbingly retarded. But I guess when you don't want to move the country forward, or put more money in the hands of the American people through tax reform, and economics and reason aren't on your side, you do what you can do.
Has anyone checked out Get Me Roger Stone on Netflix yet? Pretty interesting look
Checked it out last night. Not a bad documentary. Shit eating grin champagne toast at the end was pretty good, too.

Several funny quotes.

Stone -- "He's a prime piece of political horse flesh in my view."

Stone -- "Bill and Hillary Clinton are the penicillin resistant syphilis of the American body of politics."

Stone sex ad -- "No smokers, fatties, or phonies please."

Stone -- "He's one of those dangerous liberal, pinko, left wing, homosexual, New York Times commies, but he's not a bad guy."

Stone -- "What kind of guy does it with his socks on? Sounds like Eliot Spitzer to me."

Stone -- "By the way, I spoke to a Polish language expert the other day. I was unaware of the fact that Lewandowski, loosely translated, means c***sucker."

Stone mocking Bill Clinton -- "Blowjob! Blowjob! Blowjob! Bullshit! Bullshit! Bullshit!"

Alex Jones freak out -- "I don't like them putting chemicals in the water that turn the friggin' frogs gay!"
From the Today Show:

Loudly - What did DJT tell the Russians and what is Congress going to do about it. (17 min)
Softly - For our next story, are AQ and ISIS turning laptops into bombs (20 sec).
Whisper - Israel is downplaying the significance of what happened. (15 sec)

It only took that pencil neck Adam Schiff 10 seconds to leap off the transcript bandwagon on back to Comey's fake memo.

Trump will come out ahead just like he has 1 trillion times before. Jesus those people are terrible humans.
You mean the memo that Comey wrote himself? Yeah, that's not going to hold up. Also, there's no effing way it's impeachable. Good lord.
Memos like that have been proven before to hold up as evidence in court. And I would bet if there's one memo, there is probably another memo.

And don't underestimate the power of the rats squealing as they jump off the sinking ship.
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I am an American not a R or D. Until I see concrete proof Trump has done the things they are saying he did they can all go F themselves.

Drain the Mf'n Swamp!
Memos like that have been proven before to hold up as evidence in court. And I would bet if there's one memo, there is probably another memo.

And don't underestimate the power of the rats squealing as they jump off the sinking ship.

I'm no trial lawyer, but I'd think the evidentiary value of the memo (assuming it actually exists) would be very slim to none at all.

Obviously that doesn't stop the left.

It only took that pencil neck Adam Schiff 10 seconds to leap off the transcript bandwagon on back to Comey's fake memo.

Trump will come out ahead just like he has 1 trillion times before. Jesus those people are terrible humans.
Posted this last night, but if Republicans had a spine they'd bury Schiff, exposing him for the two face hypocrite he is, and have him removed from the House Intel committee like Nunes was.

He's just over 100 days in, give it time. The fact that there are that many reasons to doubt the sanity of the President in this short time proves the point.

I predicted a year so we'll see. Funny how so much we said about Trump is coming to fruition. *golf clap* congrats guys, you won! Captain of the Titanic and worst.president.ever.
Yeah and you predicted Hillary would win the election big. You got that going for you, which is nice.
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I'm no trial lawyer, but I'd think the evidentiary value of the memo (assuming it actually exists) would be very slim to none at all.

Obviously that doesn't stop the left.

An FBI agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations.

What's also interesting is that McCabe, Comey's #2 guy at the FBI testified under other that the FBI had not been any effort to impede their investigations. So, either McCabe lied, didn't know about the memo (highly implausible), or viewed Trump asking Comey to "let it go" as not impeding anything.
Would love to run into Brushy Bill in a dark alley - i could just kick him off the edge of the world.
He would not have to worry about that because I would have my foot up your ass before you got the chance. And yes, I can kick that high because you have proven your ass in seated on your shoulders.
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Jonathan Turley - The Comey memo offers no proof for impeachment of Trump

However, if this is food for obstruction of justice, it is still an awfully thin soup. Some commentators seem to be alleging criminal conduct in office or calling for impeachment before Trump completed the words of his inaugural oath of office. Not surprising, within minutes of the New York Times report, the response was a chorus of breathless “gotcha” announcements. But this memo is neither the Pentagon Papers nor the Watergate tapes. Indeed, it raises as many questions for Comey as it does Trump in terms of the alleged underlying conduct.

A good place to start would be with the federal law, specifically 18 U.S.C. 1503. The criminal code demands more than what Comey reportedly describes in his memo. There are dozens of different variations of obstruction charges ranging from threatening witnesses to influencing jurors. None would fit this case. That leaves the omnibus provision on attempts to interfere with the “due administration of justice.”

However, that still leaves the need to show that the effort was to influence “corruptly” when Trump could say that he did little but express concern for a longtime associate. The term “corruptly” is actually defined differently under the various obstruction provisions, but it often involves a showing that someone acted “with the intent to secure an unlawful benefit for oneself or another." Encouraging leniency or advocating for an associate is improper but not necessarily seeking an unlawful benefit for him.

Then there is the question of corruptly influencing what? There is no indication of a grand jury proceeding at the time of the Valentine's Day meeting between Trump and Comey. Obstruction cases generally are built around judicial proceedings — not Oval Office meetings.
An FBI agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations.

What's also interesting is that McCabe, Comey's #2 guy at the FBI testified under other that the FBI had not been any effort to impede their investigations. So, either McCabe lied, didn't know about the memo (highly implausible), or viewed Trump asking Comey to "let it go" as not impeding anything.

These aren't just "an FBI gent's contemporaneous written notes". He apparently only, allegedly, documented his conversations with Trump. He did that because, apparently, he didn't like and/or trust Trump. We have no idea as to the chain of evidence here. If the conversation happen as allegedly documented, Comey was legally and ethically required to report it, which he apparently didn't do.

So there are a lot of questions as to the authenticity of the alleged memo, and the accuracy of Comey's alleged statements about what happened, given his conduct.
I have no idea what y'all are talking about...

Comey, the well documented clown who made an ass of himself in front of everybody, more than once, who both sides agreed very strongly should be canned ASAP, was unfit for his job, etc...This guy apparently has some "notes" that say bad stuff about Trump?

Gtfo. I believe the Russian hookers before I belige anything Comey would say. I saw him on cspan. Total joke of a speaker. He didn't answer one question, in fact, he didn't know one gd thing about anything. But, oh, he found some notes or something. Lets pretend this is credible!
Btw McCain and co are making it quite tempting to mail in my R card. At least after Trumps 8 years.

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The question is how does Trump fight back? How do you fight anonymous sources deep within the government, who are breaking the law, and have the entire liberal media abetting them?
The question is how does Trump fight back? How do you fight anonymous sources who are breaking the law and have the entire liberal media abetting them?
He needs to tighten his circle. Pass notes to each other in a freaking tee pee out side the white house so nobody can leak it. He and Bannon are about the only two I trust.
I have voted conservative my entire life. What we're seeing now is EXACTLY why people like myself voted for Trump: Both political sides are ganging up on him...He doesn't play the game according to the rules (rules they developed to protect their own interests). Granted, he has little tact. He's not politically correct or maybe even astute (of course "astute" would mean he acts in accord with previously accepted practice). The reason I voted for him is because he attacks the system....both sides of it....and now that the light has been shed on how corrupt the system is, we see the roaches scrambling.
Should have been Ted Cruz. Ted would know how to deal with the traitor politicians in DC trying to undo the will of the people. I will support Trump but he need not even attempt to co exist with career politicians.
He needs to tighten his circle. Pass notes to each other in a freaking tee pee out side the white house so nobody can leak it. He and Bannon are about the only two I trust.

Agree. That would solve the problem of the Obama holdovers in the WH. He could also replace them as well. But what about the Obama loyalist and/or Trump haters intelligence community? The DOJ? Trump can't fire them, and they are going to be privvy to information, regardless of how tight Trump's circle is.
Agree. That would solve the problem of the Obama holdovers in the WH. He could also replace them as well. But what about the Obama loyalist and/or Trump haters intelligence community? The DOJ? Trump can't fire them, and they are going to be privvy to information, regardless of how tight Trump's circle is.
I reregistered as independent last summer. Had enough of their shit.

I did it years ago. The only right choice imo. No one should be beholden to a party.

I'm no trial lawyer, but I'd think the evidentiary value of the memo (assuming it actually exists) would be very slim to none at all.

Obviously that doesn't stop the left.

An FBI agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations.

They are always admissible. But only when that agent is on the stand. Otherwise, hearsay.

Its an interesting allegation that Comey wrote memos after meeting with Trump. That would be high irregular. No one writes memos after every conversation they have.

This notion it was required is also false. Its only required when an agent is interviewing someone related to an investigation. Those are recorded on fbi form 302.


If there is a written memo thats of note in and of itself. If its on form 302, thats of incredible signifigance because it means Comey was treating Trump as an interview relating to an investigation.

If it isnt, its almost certainly some bs that Comey cooked up after the fact. If it exists at all.
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Should have been Ted Cruz. Ted would know how to deal with the traitor politicians in DC trying to undo the will of the people. I will support Trump but he need not even attempt to co exist with career politicians.

I don't think Cruz would have beaten Hillary. You honestly think he would have went to battle like Trump did on certain issues? Cruz would have folded to the politically correct crowd, offered immigration reform and lost most of the base. Also, no way he flips Penn, WI and MI. There was also FL, NC and OH that had to be won.
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