How will they rule ??!

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At least they stopped promising green jobs. 5m, lol.

Missing from deee's breakdown is the left's wide range of taxes they want imposed on all carbon energy.
Not necessarily spending but providing tax incentives, low or no interest loans, and some grant money to US companies to develop the technology...This would be what at least some Republicans would refer to as a free market solution.


Those Republicans would be dumb asses then.
Dee reminds me of a poor schmuck in a pyramid scheme.

You remind me of a simplistic moron who garners all their economic wisdom from a DVR full of Glen Beck episodes and a worn out copy of Atlas Shrugged. How many of those gold coins that you overpaid for do you have buried in your back yard Transyboy?

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Those Republicans would be dumb asses then.
Yeah, I'm not sure on what planet that was written.

We have *got* to get out of the business of picking winners. I sure as hell wish the government would deem my business worthy of winning, give me money, and annihilate my competition. Haven't given any scratch to the right D groups tho.

How we, and by we I mean Deeee types, allowed the govt that ability I'll never know. Clean up govt, "Wall Street" can get cleaned up. It sure as hell *cannot* happen the other way around. Pretty hilarious the propaganda Deee types will spew to the contrary doh.
Yeah, I'm not sure on what planet that was written.

We have *got* to get out of the business of picking winners.

Rex I'm not for "picking winners" just for the sake of picking winners or based on how much money they dump into the campaign coffers of politicians any more than you are, but there is a huge distinction between picking winners and establishing policy to deal with a major issues that faces our times. Our government has done that successfully throughout history.
It might come as a surprise to you to learn that I pulled the lever for Gary Johnson in 2012. I'd like to see Paul do well, but if I'm right about the mindset of the Republican base he will not gain any traction.
FTS: If you can make it to the SEC Kickoff party in Austin this coming August, first drink is on me. Yeah, okay, all drinks are free during the Kickoff party, particularly Deep Eddy's. Nevertheless, offer still stands.
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I actually get the feeling that Walker would rather not discuss social issues, although I'm sure he has opinions. He seems more about budgets, jobs, breaking govt unions, etc.
My problem with Scott Walker is his avoidance on earning a BS/BA degree via the UWisc system when he easily could have enrolled and completed the sheepskin within the framework he so advocated.
well, phlogiston actually made an appearance ITT. good job, people. good effort.
FTS: If you can make it to the SEC Kickoff party in Austin this coming August, first drink is on me. Yeah, okay, all drinks are free during the Kickoff party, particularly Deep Eddy's. Nevertheless, offer still stands.
The DE ruby red does rock. DE sweet tea with hearty splash of DE lemonade is mighty tasty, too. I get down to Austin once a year or so, so we'll see. Hope you're high and dry down there.
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It is one of the main reasons why I think a lot of the world agrees with our stance. The money being poured in from the US to other countries is ridiculous. Couple that with the money we spend policing the world and you could seriously cut in to our debt. As I said before, if they want our help militarily, they should foot the bill and spearhead or at least help spearhead any attacks our military is engaged in.

I know man. But logic hasn't found it's way outta of the U.S. We're running a deficit on logic too.
Hillary is going to win. She's dominated the media for over a year now. R's don't get it.
There are several folks on here that voted for Johnson that have major issues with Obama and certainly have not already committed to, really curious how FTS can break down his evolution or why if he did not vote for Obama why he defends, deflects, and spins every GD issue on his behalf.
Rex I'm not for "picking winners" just for the sake of picking winners or based on how much money they dump into the campaign coffers of politicians any more than you are, but there is a huge distinction between picking winners and establishing policy to deal with a major issues that faces our times. Our government has done that successfully throughout history.
That is EXACTLY what happened with Solyndra and you defended profusely. That deal was coordinated by a major campaign bundler in CA and they had open access to the WH and the WH cleared several administrative roadblocks so they could get the cash much quicker than normal.

And any comment on the tax increases on carbon the left is advocating?
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but there is a huge distinction between picking winners and establishing policy to deal with a major issues that faces our times. Our government has done that successfully throughout history.

Which specific situations are you talking about?
Chris Cuomo says that drawing Muhammad is the same as using the N word and both, as hate speech, should not be protected by the constitution.
It's the end of another week. The 21st week Mitch has been Senate Majority Leader.

Has he done anything for Kentucky yet?
It's the end of another week. The 21st week Mitch has been Senate Majority Leader.

Has he done anything for Kentucky yet?
Passed the first Senate budget in 6 years and leading the fight against the EPA, but overall not much/enough. Just don't understand a Dem being upset with him since he is on your side on the NSA and the Trade bill.
Weird days we're living in when free trade deals are considered Democratic bills.
When the Democrat POTUS keeps a bill secret and only the people who have been sufficiently paid by the Chamber get to see it, yes, it becomes a Democrat bill.

I'm all for free trade. Just not really for expanding free trade when the US economy is in such a fragile state, and the dollar is so strong.

Plus, we don't actually know what the hell is going on, because once again, the most corrupt administration in history won't let the American people know what is going on before it's too late.
According to a Rasmussen poll, a majority of Democrats think illegal aliens should be able to vote.

That's goddam insanity.
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Weird situation on the Patriot act in the Senate. You have one Kentucky Senator leading the support and the other Kentucky senator leading the opposition. Both from the same party.
It's really only weird if your political knowledge is as deep as a plate of cereal.

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Head of the FCC proposes "free" internet for the poor. Good stuff. Always fun to keep on working and giving to people who get everything handed to them despite being lazy as touch.

Public access to internet is free and readily available in many industrialized countries, only in America is our relatively sluggish connectivity controlled and rationed out by a handful of megacorps at bloated prices. Maybe someday we'll catch up with Estonia :(
It is one of the main reasons why I think a lot of the world agrees with our stance. The money being poured in from the US to other countries is ridiculous. Couple that with the money we spend policing the world and you could seriously cut in to our debt. As I said before, if they want our help militarily, they should foot the bill and spearhead or at least help spearhead any attacks our military is engaged in.

I agree that it's extraordinarily unfair to the US tax payer to be expected to bankroll a world police force. South Korea for instance is a modern industrialized nation with a strong economy, why are we providing a 30,000 defense force to them free of charge? We have 650 military installations in other countries - by comparison, China the #2 world economy has zero. I'm not sure why this has never been more of a publicly debated issues, especially during elections. I think there is a lot of support for reform.
You're missing my point...

Biden clearly lied thru his nose about the "recovery". NO ONE believed it (no one believes anything he says but that's another story). Who in their right mind would support this inept administration?

... and here's the track record ...

"Over the first five years of Obama’s presidency, the U.S. economy grew more slowly than during any five-year period since just after the end of World War II, averaging less than 1.3 percent per year. If we leave out the sharp recession of 1945-46 following World War II, Obama looks even worse, ranking dead last among all presidents since 1932. No other president since the Great Depression has presided over such a steadily poor rate of economic growth during his first five years in office."

Looks like the Repubs who voted against it were right and tried to save us some $$ since the adminstration can't even spend us out of this mess.

On to the war...

Bush didn't lie.

Lots of folks believed the intelligence, including the following Dems in the Senate (oh look, there's Hillary Clinton!):

  • 58% of Democratic senators (29 of 50) voted for the resolution. Those voting for the resolution are:
And if you actually believe the POTUS Bush orchestrated the greatest lie/scam in the history of our country then wow... take off your tin foil hat.

True I don't believe Bush was instrumental in pushing the lies of the war. I just can't see a slacking C average frat boy leading the world's most powerful country being that sly.
Advisers like VP Cheney clearly held the strings to the puppet POTUS.

As for Senators voting for the resolution.
1 of 49 Republican senators voted against the resolution: Sen. Chaffee (RI)

Can you get a more credible source to back you up than some right-wing tabloid like the Daily Caller? Started and co-owned by one of Cheney's former aides.

Bush took over with the government running small or no deficits.
He enacted tax cuts plans that will be a driving factor for permanent deficits spanning 20+ years. They suppose to pay for itself was the propaganda.
So he decreases tax revenue by 1.5 trillion yet increases spending such as Medicare(voter support) 318 billion and Iraq war 2 trillion+.
Yeah tax cut for the middle class would be great if there was any middle class left thanks to his very open trade agreements with China. Which we are now left with the haves and the have-nots since the median income is now back to 1995 levels while the cost of living has increased dramatically.
After 9/11 Bush said "Get down to Disney World in Florida." go out and party and spend like normal. Yeah I don't remember when after Dec 7 1941 that the POTUS told the people that's all normal and not to expect to make sacrifices to avenge an attack on American soil.

Sure Obama may not be man for the job to pull us out. But he got handed a heap load of $hit.
Public access to internet is free and readily available in many industrialized countries, only in America is our relatively sluggish connectivity controlled and rationed out by a handful of megacorps at bloated prices. Maybe someday we'll catch up with Estonia :(

Man, ya know what. I don't get it. We pay a water bill, which Deeee, includes taking your liberal doo doo drops to a place that disposes of it. Regardless of private or local, you're paying. That's what keeps jobs going. Now, if everything is free, who is paying for the satellites to jettison into space so that it is "free" for everyone? The gov't? No. Us. That's who. Ya know man, you can use words like "creating, innovative, progressing, evolving" and yet I wanna know how this is getting paid. Tell you what. Quit taxing me to death and I'll donate 3% of my yearly pay to Science and Research. Ya know, donations. Because if I have the extra money in my pocket, I'll donate it to Science. But giving that shit out? No, absolutely not. What makes the Internet more important than water?
Public access to internet is free and readily available in many industrialized countries, only in America is our relatively sluggish connectivity controlled and rationed out by a handful of megacorps at bloated prices. Maybe someday we'll catch up with Estonia :(
Although somewhat controlled, access is relatively easy here, comparatively speaking. Purchase a $1 cup of Joe at nearly any MCD across the USA and you're connected for an hour. Just last month, I logged on for free at Krystal in Middlesboro for two hours while munching out on junk food. Probably transferred 1 GB data through that particular network. 3 years ago, I commented on this forum how open the access points were at the square in Bowling Green, KY.

Now, where you find tight restrictions on net access is Germany, arguably one of the most industrialized nations on the planet. Having spent 90 days total in Deutschland over 4 visits between 2010-2013, I submit connecting over there is a real bitch, although this is slowly changing (please see the linked report).

Yeah, gaining net access here sucks sometimes, but is not as difficult as you describe.
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I love the revisionists' take on how GWB squandered the projected surplus from Clinton. Just a cowboy doin' his thang.

Never mind the dot com bubble/recession started under BC, oh yeah the 9/11 happened (despite Clinton having several cracks at OBL), most Dems couldn't trip on their dicks fast enough to call for Saddam's ouster, and the roots of the Great Recession took hold years before he touched Laura's bosom in the White House via lax housing and mortgage practices.


Yikes at some folks on here. Wouldn't know questioning their own leaders if they took a dump in their grande vanilla latte.

Obama is a terrible potus, btw. Can I get a LIKE, Modeeeeeerate? Weird times.
Austin, you nailed it. Hell, you don't hear the homeless complain about wifi problems. Homes, yeah. Wifi, hell no.
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Man, ya know what. I don't get it. We pay a water bill, which Deeee, includes taking your liberal doo doo drops to a place that disposes of it. Regardless of private or local, you're paying. That's what keeps jobs going. Now, if everything is free, who is paying for the satellites to jettison into space so that it is "free" for everyone? The gov't? No. Us. That's who. Ya know man, you can use words like "creating, innovative, progressing, evolving" and yet I wanna know how this is getting paid. Tell you what. Quit taxing me to death and I'll donate 3% of my yearly pay to Science and Research. Ya know, donations. Because if I have the extra money in my pocket, I'll donate it to Science. But giving that shit out? No, absolutely not. What makes the Internet more important than water?

You've convinced me internet is no different than water, why should public buildings have free water fountains? Someone has to pay for the water, why tax me to pay for that? Let people go buy their own water. And while they're at it why do I have to pay for other people's street lights? let people bring their own flash lights to see at night, and roads? hell if someone builds a house, let them build their own road to get to it, why should the taxpayers pay for roads?'

Free internet access - bah - just another liberal plot to undermine Comcast :mad:
I love the revisionists' take on how GWB squandered the projected surplus from Clinton. Just a cowboy doin' his thang.

Never mind the dot com bubble/recession started under BC, oh yeah the 9/11 happened (despite Clinton having several cracks at OBL), most Dems couldn't trip on their dicks fast enough to call for Saddam's ouster, and the roots of the Great Recession took hold years before he touched Laura's bosom in the White House via lax housing and mortgage practices.


Yikes at some folks on here. Wouldn't know questioning their own leaders if they took a dump in their grande vanilla latte.

Obama is a terrible potus, btw. Can I get a LIKE, Modeeeeeerate? Weird times.

Tinfoil Hat time

Denver Post
In 1978, Bush and Osama bin Laden's brother, Salem bin Laden, founded Arbusto Energy, an oil company based in Texas.

Several bin Laden family members invested millions in The Carlyle Group, a private global equity firm based in Washington, DC. The company's senior advisor was Bush's father, former President George H.W. Bush. After news of the bin Laden-Bush connection became public, the elder Bush stepped down from Carlyle.

Interestingly, on Sept. 11, 2001, members of the Carlyle Group - including Bush senior, and his former secretary of state, James Baker - were meeting at the Ritz Carlton Hotel in Washington, D.C., along with Shafiq bin Laden, another one of Osama bin Laden's brothers.

While all flights were halted following the terrorist attacks, there was one exception made: The White House authorized planes to pick up 140 Saudi nationals, including 24 members of the bin Laden family, living in various cities in the U.S. to bring them back to Saudi Arabia, where they would be safe. They were never interrogated.

So who had the best chance to gather intelligence and take out Bin Laden? Bubba from Arkansas or oil tycoons with ties to Saudi Arabia?
Wow, just now reading into the Dennis Hastert sexual abuse saga. Yikes! Not pretty.

Ow sexual abuse of a high school student.
Wasn't he one the main critics on Bubba having relations with a White House intern and the push to impeach?
A true representative for the moral compass of the country.

CBS Evening News ‏@CBSEveningNews 40m40 minutes ago
Now: Homicides are up in Baltimore, but arrests are down. @JeffPeguesCBS and @JerickaDuncan report

Give them what they appear to want. If citizens want to burn down businesses that try to provide a service to that neighborhood, then they have no respect for anyone else. Let the idiots,losers, and criminals kill each other off. What cop in his/her right mind wants to take a chance of being jailed and prosecuted for attempting to do their job. It was not the police that screwed Baltimore up, it was the policies the city leaders chose.
You've convinced me internet is no different than water, why should public buildings have free water fountains? Someone has to pay for the water, why tax me to pay for that? Let people go buy their own water. And while they're at it why do I have to pay for other people's street lights? let people bring their own flash lights to see at night, and roads? hell if someone builds a house, let them build their own road to get to it, why should the taxpayers pay for roads?'

Free internet access - bah - just another liberal plot to undermine Comcast :mad:

But a lot of buildings do produce free wifi for people. I don't understand what you are getting at. You pay an electric bill, you pay a garbage and sewer bill, you pay water bill. Why should internet service any be any different? Why do you think the internet should be free and not electric and water? How you gonna run that free internet when you can't pay your electric bill? As for Comcast, lobbying and monopolying is the name of their game. Look and see what politicians are getting donations from Comcast and vote them out of office.