How will they rule ??!

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Lols that's about as tin foil as it gets...

Bill Clinton, President of the United States of America, with a chance to kill OBL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Various non-Presidents of the United States of America doing oil business with his brothers

....on a scale of who has a better chance, nay, duty to kill/capture OBL.

I know that's been a popular excuse for "Bubba" but it's ridiculous nonetheless. Hell, my wife has 2 immediate family members she hasn't seen in 20 years and I've never met. Lobbing in "OBLs brothers OMG" is beyond lazy.

Folks like you make 10x the effort to make conspiritorial connections than any human ever should, all to make a political point to make your hero look good? Take the hat off.
Do libraries still have "free" Internet I already pay for still?

Or is it too inconvenient for the poor to have to go to the library to watch Netflix (which I'm sure they can afford)?

Or is this for job applications lol.
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True I don't believe Bush was instrumental in pushing the lies of the war. I just can't see a slacking C average frat boy leading the world's most powerful country being that sly.
Advisers like VP Cheney clearly held the strings to the puppet POTUS.

As for Senators voting for the resolution.
1 of 49 Republican senators voted against the resolution: Sen. Chaffee (RI)

Can you get a more credible source to back you up than some right-wing tabloid like the Daily Caller? Started and co-owned by one of Cheney's former aides.

Bush took over with the government running small or no deficits.
He enacted tax cuts plans that will be a driving factor for permanent deficits spanning 20+ years. They suppose to pay for itself was the propaganda.
So he decreases tax revenue by 1.5 trillion yet increases spending such as Medicare(voter support) 318 billion and Iraq war 2 trillion+.
Yeah tax cut for the middle class would be great if there was any middle class left thanks to his very open trade agreements with China. Which we are now left with the haves and the have-nots since the median income is now back to 1995 levels while the cost of living has increased dramatically.
After 9/11 Bush said "Get down to Disney World in Florida." go out and party and spend like normal. Yeah I don't remember when after Dec 7 1941 that the POTUS told the people that's all normal and not to expect to make sacrifices to avenge an attack on American soil.

Sure Obama may not be man for the job to pull us out. But he got handed a heap load of $hit.
Dumb just keeps pouring out of Obama supporters. They will blame Bush when Hillary is president. As the old adage goes, "You just can't fix stupid".
Ow sexual abuse of a high school student.
Wasn't he one the main critics on Bubba having relations with a White House intern and the push to impeach?
A true representative for the moral compass of the country.
Actually that would be you and ones like you. Your hero's continue to act immorally and you look for someone else to blame. Bravo.
I wonder how "different" Clinton's money is than Romney's? I need to know so I can feel good about voting for Hillary.
But a lot of buildings do produce free wifi for people. I don't understand what you are getting at. You pay an electric bill, you pay a garbage and sewer bill, you pay water bill. Why should internet service any be any different? Why do you think the internet should be free and not electric and water? How you gonna run that free internet when you can't pay your electric bill? As for Comcast, lobbying and monopolying is the name of their game. Look and see what politicians are getting donations from Comcast and vote them out of office.

All I'm saying is internet is not a luxury, it's something people need in modern society for communication, information etc. Public hot spots like they have all over Europe are simply a convenience, like a hand rail or an area map and the cost to the agency is infinitesimal compared to what each person would individually have to pay Verizone & AT&T etc for access and for visitors, roaming fees. It just makes sense, but as you point out the telecom lobby and money machine purchases our elected officials to serve their wants not our needs.
Actually that would be you and ones like you. Your hero's continue to act immorally and you look for someone else to blame. Bravo.

You don't get it - he's pointing out the hypocrisy.

Newt Gingrich speaker of the house lead the charge to bring down Slick Willy over a sex scandal then was thrown out of the Speaker's position over a sex scandal of his own; he was replaced by Bob Livingston who was also thrown out of his position over a sex scandal; he was replaced by Denny Hastert and you already know the rest of the story.
All I'm saying is internet is not a luxury, it's something people need in modern society for communication, information etc. Public hot spots like they have all over Europe are simply a convenience, like a hand rail or an area map and the cost to the agency is infinitesimal compared to what each person would individually have to pay Verizone & AT&T etc for access and for visitors, roaming fees. It just makes sense, but as you point out the telecom lobby and money machine purchases our elected officials to serve their wants not our needs.

the people in modern society who use the internet for communication and information have jobs and do not have a problem paying for it. It's the phucking liberals that want something else paid for by the gov't that advocate your position. The free obama phone isn't enough for communication they want internet too, lmao.
All I'm saying is internet is not a luxury, it's something people need in modern society for communication, information etc. Public hot spots like they have all over Europe are simply a convenience, like a hand rail or an area map and the cost to the agency is infinitesimal compared to what each person would individually have to pay Verizone & AT&T etc for access and for visitors, roaming fees. It just makes sense, but as you point out the telecom lobby and money machine purchases our elected officials to serve their wants not our needs.

Technically it is Deee. How is it that we pay a water bill, which is absolutely necessary for survival and yet you want internet to be free? That doesn't make any sense at all Deee.

Water= Survival that we pay

Internet= Non-survival but free?

Something is wrong with that logic man.
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You don't get it - he's pointing out the hypocrisy.

Newt Gingrich speaker of the house lead the charge to bring down Slick Willy over a sex scandal then was thrown out of the Speaker's position over a sex scandal of his own; he was replaced by Bob Livingston who was also thrown out of his position over a sex scandal; he was replaced by Denny Hastert and you already know the rest of the story.
You don't get it. Dems do this kind of stuff all of the time, from not paying taxes to sexual immorality to lying about where there money comes from to race get the point. you don't. You and him are sinking in the same boat. Never mind.
Technically it is Deee. How is it that we pay a water bill, which is absolutely necessary for survival and yet you want internet to be free? That doesn't make any sense at all Deee.

Water= Survival that we pay

Internet= Non-survival but free?

Something is wrong with that logic man.
Welp, that about wraps up this tangent. Next one, Deeee?
Yep deeee worked the Perot campaign due to his fiscal restraint policies. Sure did. Perfectly believable.

All you can do is laugh and mock these morons.
Dumb just keeps pouring out of Obama supporters. They will blame Bush when Hillary is president. As the old adage goes, "You just can't fix stupid".

Regardless as to whether you think the tax cuts were a good or bad idea, the fact is the tax cuts did contribute significantly to deficits. And yes your damn right GW Bush will get the blame for the Iraq war and all of it's subsequent costs and consequences as much as you would like to shift it onto others, when the next president takes office and the next one after that to ~

Name one thing in his post that isn't factually inaccurate.
Technically it is Deee. How is it that we pay a water bill, which is absolutely necessary for survival and yet you want internet to be free? That doesn't make any sense at all Deee.

Water= Survival that we pay

Internet= Non-survival but free?

Something is wrong with that logic man.

I don't want internet to be free Willie, I fully expect to pay for access in my home or business, and I also fully expect to pay my water bill, but in a public place it's just a convenience to have public wifi. I think historically we have thought of internet access as a luxury but in today's world I think that is rapidly changing. I'll give you an example, just yesterday I had to give a short presentation to a business group I belong to. The presentation required access a few websites. We met at the public library conference room. I brought my laptop but since I seldom use it, I don't have it on my Verizone account as it would be a waste of money. However since the public library had a free wifi connection there was no problem. Had they not, I would have had to find a different solution.

Anyway I would much rather the governments spend money on things that benefit the public rather than squandering trillions on needless military campaigns, and cold war weapons programs we no longer need. But that's just me.
You don't get it. Dems do this kind of stuff all of the time, from not paying taxes to sexual immorality to lying about where there money comes from to race get the point. you don't. You and him are sinking in the same boat. Never mind.

You still don't get it. No one is suggesting that the Democrats don't have their share of scumbags, we can all freely acknowledged that. What he was pointing out is that the very people that were going after the president on sexual misconduct issues, were having sexual misconduct of their own. Now if then President Clinton was lobbying for Mr. Gingrich to step down becasue of his behavior then you could yell hypocrisy right back and I would agree with you, but that wasn't the case.
Passed the first Senate budget in 6 years and leading the fight against the EPA, but overall not much/enough. Just don't understand a Dem being upset with him since he is on your side on the NSA and the Trade bill.
Re-read the post. I said has he done anything for Ky yet? I'm upset with him because he has been there too long and should have been voted out. I don't vote party lines like you.
Re-read the post. I said has he done anything for Ky yet? I'm upset with him because he has been there too long and should have been voted out. I don't vote party lines like you.
You are a moron Chuck which is why you missed the comment about the EPA which very much effects Ky.

Not one person here is a fan of McConnells. Find another windmill.
The false equivalences between Clinton and those GOP reps are moronic.

POTUS, aka CiC
Reaction within party
Cities have tried providing a public mesh Internet but it is not as simple as throwing up some access points. Funny though people mention providing access at the library and that isn't enough enen tho Deee used that just fine.
Broadband is the new pork along with roads. The state is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to build a high speed network that basically won't be much different than the two public networks already in place. Won't solve the last mile problem.

Reminds me of the $5m public toilet fiasco in Seattle (unusable within days and resold for $50k)

You are a moron Chuck which is why you missed the comment about the EPA which very much effects Ky.

Not one person here is a fan of McConnells. Find another windmill.
Do you really have to call someone names to get your point across. What are you....12?

I didn't miss the EPA comment, it just isn't something I consider doing specifically for Ky since it effects the entire country.
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Do you really have to call someone names to get your point across. What are you....12?

I didn't miss the EPA comment, it just isn't something I consider doing specifically for Ky since it effects the entire country.
Stop being a moron, pretty simple. You asked a question and I gave you a very simple answer (the EPA is a huge issue in KY) and even said it wasn't enough. Yet you came back with a smartass retort so quit whining about getting tapped back.

MM is terrible and I don't like him as the leader of the Senate but getting Harry Reid out of the office was much needed.
Are EPA regulations really *that* important to Kentucky in particular? The entire coal industry provides less than 0.6% of Kentucky jobs, if I'm not mistaken. It also accounts for less than 3% of GSP, while 2% is the benchmark nationally.
Energy costs as well. Ben Chandler lost his job in the bluegrass region to Barr who ran on the issue. And the vast majority of Grimes' ads were with miners trying to negate the national position. I doubt it will hurt Conway in the gov race but Bevin will try.

Somewhat related but the Feds have suspended SSDI payments to the Conn clients, I shutter to think of the economic impact that is going to have in EKY.
You still don't get it. No one is suggesting that the Democrats don't have their share of scumbags, we can all freely acknowledged that. What he was pointing out is that the very people that were going after the president on sexual misconduct issues, were having sexual misconduct of their own. Now if then President Clinton was lobbying for Mr. Gingrich to step down becasue of his behavior then you could yell hypocrisy right back and I would agree with you, but that wasn't the case.
No, you haven't nor will you ever get it because, that entire party is immoral and full of hypocrits right down to its goose stepping supporters. You and a few more on here turn a blind eye to all of the misconduct of the democratic party while jumping at any chance to discredit anyone else.
All I'm saying is internet is not a luxury, it's something people need in modern society for communication, information etc. Public hot spots like they have all over Europe are simply a convenience, like a hand rail or an area map and the cost to the agency is infinitesimal compared to what each person would individually have to pay Verizone & AT&T etc for access and for visitors, roaming fees. It just makes sense, but as you point out the telecom lobby and money machine purchases our elected officials to serve their wants not our needs.
European Union population density: 289/sq mile.
Contiguous USA population density: 103/sq mile

European Union Internet Usage Penetration: 76.5%
United States Internet Usage Penetration: 84.2%

Furthermore, I'd wager WiFi hotspot availability within the 150 largest public library systems in the United States is roughly equivalent to the 150 largest public library systems in the EU. Of course, there's really no way to fully verify such assertion without many hours spent conducting research. As for public access "like they have all over Europe", once again, please see an earlier post and also travel out into the smaller communities during your next European visit.

We fare rather well with what we have and improvements appear constantly.
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So Dee thinks the poor can find their way to a public building (library) to access "free" internet, but they can't find a way to a public building to get a "free" photo ID card to vote with? Interesting.
Lols that's about as tin foil as it gets...

Bill Clinton, President of the United States of America, with a chance to kill OBL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Various non-Presidents of the United States of America doing oil business with his brothers

....on a scale of who has a better chance, nay, duty to kill/capture OBL.

I know that's been a popular excuse for "Bubba" but it's ridiculous nonetheless. Hell, my wife has 2 immediate family members she hasn't seen in 20 years and I've never met. Lobbing in "OBLs brothers OMG" is beyond lazy.

Folks like you make 10x the effort to make conspiritorial connections than any human ever should, all to make a political point to make your hero look good? Take the hat off.

I warned it was a Tinfoil hat theory.
I doubt anyone on this board actually knew the intelligence available for finding UBL. If your a senior member of the CIA during the 3 past administrations please make it known less it's classified.
If UBL family members were allowed to leave the US without any interrogation, I want to know why then. Why would you waterboarding dirt farmers in Afghanistan be a more strategic target than any member of his family.
In the end after two wars and trillions of dollars and the lives of our service men and women, he was found living in a compound in an "ally" country.
Actually that would be you and ones like you. Your hero's continue to act immorally and you look for someone else to blame. Bravo.

You must be blind to the hypocrisy of one side preaching morals and ethics yet in turn are just as morally corrupt themselves.
Much like your hypocrisy of "you look for someone to blame", yet you stump your toe I bet you blame Obama.
You may have politicians that are your hero's but I don't. The term "Hero" has been diminished today and no longer about a person that does something truly heroic.
People like you have cheapened the words like "Hero" and "Patriotic" into political catch phases,

Continue to be the blinded troll.
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Stop being a moron, pretty simple. You asked a question and I gave you a very simple answer (the EPA is a huge issue in KY) and even said it wasn't enough. Yet you came back with a smartass retort so quit whining about getting tapped back.

MM is terrible and I don't like him as the leader of the Senate but getting Harry Reid out of the office was much needed.
Just stop responding to my posts and I'll do the same with yours. I don't like you any damned way. You are myopic and can't think for yourself.
Just stop responding to my posts and I'll do the same with yours. I don't like you any damned way. You are myopic and can't think for yourself.
You just gotta learn to ignore him. He's like that little poodle behind the neighbors fence that yaps at you when go by. It'd be ridiculous to respond in any way than to move along.
^ I don't know who you'll are talking about but it fits the description of one of the two I have on ignore. BTW the new ignore feature is great. Unlike the old one you don't even see there name and you aren't even aware if they posted something. It's like you instantly just make them vanish from you life forever never to troll you again.:)

Remember trolls are not here to discuss they are here to disrupt the conversation.
You just gotta learn to ignore him. He's like that little poodle behind the neighbors fence that yaps at you when go by. It'd be ridiculous to respond in any way than to move along.[/QUOTE

The next reasonable and supported take either of you dipshits make will be the first.

FTS still waiting on you to describe your path from Johnson in 2012 to HRC 18 months out....everyone knows you are lying.

Best bet to continue as idiot posters is to take the coward way out like deee so your feelings don't get hurt when you have awful takes.
This is a political forum and that being said, I would never vote for Joe Biden, but my thoughts and condolences to he and his family. Losing a child must be terrible, but he lost his wife and a daughter in a car wreck shortly after winning his Senate seat.

Terrible, I don't care who you are.
You just gotta learn to ignore him. He's like that little poodle behind the neighbors fence that yaps at you when go by. It'd be ridiculous to respond in any way than to move along.
I agree. He is just so confrontational about everything. I hate reading his posts and I have never put a poster on ignore. I just don't roll that way, but I certainly will never respond to another one of his.
All I'm saying is internet is not a luxury, it's something people need in modern society for communication, information etc. Public hot spots like they have all over Europe are simply a convenience, like a hand rail or an area map and the cost to the agency is infinitesimal compared to what each person would individually have to pay Verizone & AT&T etc for access and for visitors, roaming fees. It just makes sense, but as you point out the telecom lobby and money machine purchases our elected officials to serve their wants not our needs.

The internet is absolutely a luxury. Cut it off, and people survive. The end.

This is a good illustration of the obama liberals. Always trying to recategorize luxuries as necessities, ie internet, cell phone, etc; just so they can get votes. Noone can actually say the internet is a luxury with a straight face, unless youre looking for a handout, or pandering for votes, or both.
You know what. I want my Obama BMW. Technically, transportation is a necessity just like communication, apparently. I'll take mine black with tinted windows and I want my Obama internet to be wired in it.
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