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Iraq War was bi-partisan and based on the common knowledge of WMD's.

Bush had very little to do w/ this, especially considering what he presented to congress when the left controlled it. Then comes FM/FM and Obama's massive fubar his first 2 years. Not saying he could have done more to help, but he definitely didn't "cause" it by any stretch.
Donald Trump GIF by Election 2016

Greatest president in our lifetime.

No question.

To even have the balls to tackle the stuff that heā€™s doing sets him apart from anyone Iā€™ve seen. Dealing with even one percent of what heā€™s had to go through would make all of us throw in the towel yet this guy took on the Clintons, Bushes, Obamas, GOP establishment, DNC, corporate media, intel agencies now (the scariest of them all, the war machineā€”- the massive government corruption, the lawfare, and assassination attempts.

Before Trump and even with Trump, most of the GOP are controlled opposition and pussies. What Trump has done is set the wheels in motion to change this party forever so we can rid ourselves of these neocon boomer POS that ruled the party.

The entire Trump saga has showed us just how many weak-minded low info retards want the status quo. They would bitch about DC corruption and career politicians and lobbyists and the first time someone comes along outside of that, these people have an unhinged hatred toward him cause their TV told them to. They prefer business as usual.

Youā€™d think basic shit we could get on board with but no, not when it comes to the Dems. Theyā€™re against financial corruption being exposed, theyā€™re against the border being protected, they donā€™t care that we are taken advantage of by other countries, theyā€™re for mutilating kids, hell, we canā€™t even get them to not want dudes to win womenā€™s sportsšŸ˜‚
Iraq War was bi-partisan and based on the common knowledge of WMD's.

Bush had very little to do w/ this, especially considering what he presented to congress when the left controlled it. Then comes FM/FM and Obama's massive fubar his first 2 years. Not saying he could have done more to help, but he definitely didn't "cause" it by any stretch.
Could be remembering wrong, but 9/11 happened and Bush was authorized for the War on Terror. That was basically aimed at Al Queda and Afghanistan initially. Then about a year later, Bush/Cheney/Rummy tried to convince everyone that Iraq still had WMD's and got permission to go back into Iraq and "finish" his dad's work. Turns out, no WMD's were ever found. Finally, the resolution to go into Iraq was not bi-partisan
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215 Republicans and 81 Dems voted yes on the authorization of war against Iraq.

You can read this too, Mikey, and don't choke on your crow.
What you failed to mention was 126 Dems voted no. That admin screwed up going into Iraq. I put more of the blame on Rummy and Cheney but Bush didn't have the balls to tell them no. That was was an absolute disaster and tarnished his legacy. Should have stuck w. Al Queda and Afghanistan only
Finally, the resolution to go into Iraq was not bi-partisan

215 Republicans and 81 Dems voted yes on the authorization of war against Iraq. That is 40% of the dems in the house at that time. Yeah, that is pretty much bi-partisan all over your face.
The dumbest part of what he said was unelected. Every trump voter hoped elon would do exactly what hes doing. Hell there was probably a good segment of undecideds who voted for elon as much as they did trump.

So how long till chuck gets exposed?

That and the fact that everyone involved with USAID before Elon was unelected, just more secretive and not live tweeting every move.
That and the fact that everyone involved with USAID before Elon was unelected, just more secretive and not live tweeting every move.

The democrats didnā€™t even blink an eye when entrusting a bald red lipsticked tranny stealing luggage from airports with access to US nuclear clearance.

I really donā€™t give a shit how mad they get.

for those saying poor economic conditions don't play a role in lowering the birth rate.

Look at that graph, birth rates in the late 1920s decreased drastically and took years to bounce back up. The number peaked when our economy was at its maxim and has been falling essentially since the 70s. What happened in the 70s and onwards? Crash after crash, poor economic conditions for millions of Americans, wealth distribution from the poor and middle classes to the rich, etc.
Find a graph that shows how many women have joined the workforce over that same time period. Anecdotal, but My dad was one of seven kids. My mother-in law was one of 8 or 9, so was my late Father-in Law. Their Mother's job was raising their families. Outside of WW2, Women by and large were raising large families. But Your side has put such a stigma on stay-at-home parenting to the point you've destroyed Family values. I come from one of three. My wife was one of two. My mom stayed home with us until we were old enough to fend for ourselves then she got a job herself.
So the left is all about Mexico and Canada and routinely show off their anti-American shit. But the comment sections have been filled with the most insane white leftist women.

Saw a woman in regards to the bourbon in Canada stuff saying ā€œMy favorite bourbon is in Japan not that gut rot made in Kentucky.ā€

Never talk bourbon again, dumbass.

But seriously, you could get the left to come out against breathing if Trump endorsed oxygen. šŸ˜‚
ya'll are literally being gaslit, lol

Imagine if you made $100k/year and had $140k in debt. Both you and your spouse decide to start paying down your debt and you come in bragging that you saved a few dollars. She would literally laugh in your face and rightfully so.

It would literally be a waste of both you and her time to scour your finances for a dollar here and a dollar there.

You need to look at your highest expenses and go from there.
You do realize she was just pointing out several examples on a very long list. did you look at the USAID budget? That's not an insignificant number. And please justify ANY of those expenses she listed, regardless of the amounts. They are idiotic and irresponsible uses of taxpayer dollars. They are supposed to be the stewards of our money, and they spend it on BS like that while we all complain about how much taxes we are paying.
Usaid was still sending payments even after told to stop. That is untill they literally pulled their plug. Bet these protests were some of those final rounds.

That was exactly my guess when that pardon timeframe was announced. Was the only thing it could've been.

Creating that virus was intentional. I still think it getting out was unintentional, at least for now.
No, there was nothing unintentional about it's release.
215 Republicans and 81 Dems voted yes on the authorization of war against Iraq.

You can read this too, Mikey, and don't choke on your crow.
The point I am trying to make is the "Bush had little to do" nonsense. Bush, Cheney, Rice, and Rumsfeld orchestrated the WMD nonsense and memos were leaked to British journalist in 2009. Go ahead and read the Chilcot report and try not to choke on your crow.
Thatā€™s not true at all. Theres a debt strategy method called the debt snowball effect where you pay off the smallest debts first - itā€™s meant to keep you motivated and is a good strategy psychologically for instances where the debt seems overwhelming. Overall though, I donā€™t understand why you said ā€œyā€™allā€ as if only one side should want to reduce government spending. Shouldnā€™t we all want that, as itā€™s beneficial to all? Or Iā€™m assuming your just against everything on the other side as youā€™re RAH RAH DEMOCRATS because there are things being done by republicans
THey will literally complain about any and everything Trump or his administration does, just because. if Trump cured cancer and eliminated all income taxes tomorrow, he'd still be on here bitching about it.
I certainly takes huge balls to say "Ya'll always need a boogeyman" when all you lefties in the Dem party have cobbled together a voting block based ENTIRELY on convincing weak minded folks to believe that WE are out to get them and only the Dems can save them. We are racist, bigots, Nazis, White Privileged, too rich, too dumb.... You name it. Look in a mirror before you say something so stupid.

Maybe y'all are not having kids because you tell everyone that a Man can have a baby. THAT my friend is true mental illness.
The "Ya"ll always need a boogeyman" crowd has literally had Trump as THEIR boogeyman for the past 9 years.
Usaid was still sending payments even after told to stop. That is untill they literally pulled their plug. Bet these protests were some of those final rounds.

That was exactly my guess when that pardon timeframe was announced. Was the only thing it could've been.

Creating that virus was intentional. I still think it getting out was unintentional, at least for now.
I absolutely believe it was intentional and said as such from the beginning. All of these countries magically in unison on this, all same type of people benefitted from it (globalist big government tyrants). The timing of it. Fauci/China gotta get this done by 2019.

Too coordinated.

Remember in V for Vendetta, the totalitarian government intentionally releases a bio weapon and presents itself as a savior by providing a cure? Itā€™s like these psychos watched that movie and was like ā€œGenius!ā€
Sam, Mexico and Canada may have talked about this but neither did especially Mexico. Weā€™ll see if either or both follow through now.
Sam is too busy spouting hate like, "What's idiotic is treating your 2 closest trading partners like the meat and donut shop in a shi**ty Mafia movie with a 2 bit mob boss."

Never realizing that the "2 closest trading partners" are not respecting our borders, rule of law, and our power. Just a couple of lessers taking advantage of the big dog. Using us.
THey will literally complain about any and everything Trump or his administration does, just because. if Trump cured cancer and eliminated all income taxes tomorrow, he'd still be on here bitching about it.

If Trump cured cancer, as Biden ACTUALLY promised, then they would be on here bitching about all the med stocks tanking.
ya'll are literally being gaslit, lol

Imagine if you made $100k/year and had $140k in debt. Both you and your spouse decide to start paying down your debt and you come in bragging that you saved a few dollars. She would literally laugh in your face and rightfully so.

It would literally be a waste of both you and her time to scour your finances for a dollar here and a dollar there.

You need to look at your highest expenses and go from there.

In personal finance, you need quick wins. It is psychologically motivating and gets individuals to find more ... increasing your snowball, or the size of your shovel. You clearly don't know shit about Dave Ramsey. As someone else said, look up the debt snowball. DA.

AAANNNDD. If these are such small potatoes, then why are you so against it?

In personal finance, you need quick wins. It is psychologically motivating and gets individuals to find more ... increasing your snowball, or the size of your shovel. You clearly don't know shit about Dave Ramsey. As someone else said, look up the debt snowball. DA.

AAANNNDD. If these are such small potatoes, then why are you so against it?
Kind of like how ā€œno one is committing voter fraudā€ but heā€™s against voter IDšŸ˜‚ So if itā€™s not happening then why are you so against it?

Just like ā€œno one is mutilating kidsā€ but then freaks out at someone stopping whatā€™s apparently not happening.
no you'd do it over time but small amounts are not going to do anything. If I owed 140k me cutting a few pennies or dollars isn't going to anything at all. It's just a waste of resources.

Yeah, that's the Dave Ramsey method and even he would say it's a waste of resources to focus on a few dollars when you can focus on cutting bigger expenses. Like say you had 1000 $2 expenses for a total of $2,000 in debt, versus a handful of $500 dollar debts for $2,500. The latter is 25% more money erased through 200x less work. That's efficiency.

Some things shouldn't be cut though, like USAID. The amount of soft power that org gives us for only a 40b/year investment. With us gutting that, China can just swoop in and get that soft power we just had.

I mean do you see what's going on atm. Employees are blocked from going into the USAID building. They received emails saying to not come to work. Musk and a bunch of 19 to 24 year old's are doing who knows what and we're letting them get away with it.
You obviously don't listen to Dave Ramsey. His whole program is structured around the snowball method. Attack your debts smallest to largest, regardless of the interest rates. Put all you can towards the smallest debt first, while paying minimums on the others. then when that debt is gone, take that money you don't have to pay towards that one and focus on the next smallest debt. Focusing on the higher interest debts or bigger debts first can be defeating. When you start with the smallest and work your way up, you are able to celebrate the small victories quicker and build momentum. Saying that you found a way to save a little bit when you are in a big amount of debt is stupid. Every little bit helps.