How will they rule ??!

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Good point. Except that line of thinking didn’t apply when it came to mandatory Covid vaccines. Do you think it was wrong for military members to be kicked out because of their refusal to take the jab and are you relieved to see Trump reinstate them?
The military requires all kinds of vaccines. My family members had to get a sh** ton of vaxes before deploying to Afghanistan. The military owns your butt once you sign on.
Same goes for hospital/medical staff. If you work in that field you can't be anti science/medicine/vaccines. If you are ... you're in the wrong field.
I have much more sympathy for federal workers or factory workers who were strong armed into it. That crossed the line imo.
I generally do prefer that the government stay out of private body decisions but at the end of the day nobody was ever actually held down and forced to vaccinate. It was always a choice.
I do see both sides on this issue and understand why some refused to get vaccinated. I also see why the military would say jab or get out. That's how the military rolls.
I am relieved to see the military reinstate them.... But insubordination is not good for military performance either.
I just saw a lady with blue and pink hair talking about how her 4th grader is wondering if he's really a girl and she's upset because she can't get funding to have him checked. She's in the middle among the rest of this lovely looking crew....

If the country could get back to this, we'd all be a helluva lot better off....

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That is incorrect. It affects health care costs, public restrooms, work environment, military, etc. It is immoral and is a blatant sin against God's greatest creation.
Ok. I agree that no public tax dollars should go to trans surgery. It currently is very rare but unless it is medically should not be on the public dime, anymore than breast augmentation or cosmetic surgery.
Trans have ZERO impact on public restrooms. They go in... Go to a stall....take a piss/sh**....then hopefully wash their hands. ZERO impact except in your small mind.
Unless a trans person is not performing the duties they are assigned, they have ZERO impact on the military except in your small mind.
Your morals and biblical beliefs are not effected one iota by a trans person unless you are trans yourself.
Nobody is passing laws forcing you to disregard your Bible and transition to the opposite sex that I'm aware of.
Mind your own damn business.
What if the kids consents to daddy having sex with her? Should it be legal then, sicko?

Because that logically tracks with your ideology.
Dumb as hell scenario and you know it.
And in other Trump news....
Make America Gulag Again.
Hey look they're labeling everything DEI.

Would love to see people argue this position. I can y'all saying to ban Pride Month but observing MLK or the Holocaust Fay of Remembrance.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck, I mean fascism.

"The Defense Department’s intelligence agency has paused observances of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Pride Month, Holocaust Days of Remembrance and other cultural or historical annual events in response to President Donald Trump’s ban on diversity, equity and inclusion programs in the federal workplace."
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Hey look they're labeling everything DEI.

Would love to see people argue this position. I can y'all saying to ban Pride Month but observing MLK or the Holocaust Fay of Remembrance.

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck, I mean fascism.

"The Defense Department’s intelligence agency has paused observances of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Pride Month, Holocaust Days of Remembrance and other cultural or historical annual events in response to President Donald Trump’s ban on diversity, equity and inclusion programs in the federal workplace."
That's how dumb federal workers are, provably intentionally sabotage. Considering they tried this already claiming you couldn't teach about the tuskeegee airmen and it was immediately shot down that it wasn't happening.
Foreign invasion😂😂😂😂. That’s what you’re worried about living in Kentucky. A Mexican crew just painted my house yesterday for half what an all white crew painted it for.

I hope Trump fixes the nations debt, but he was one of the biggest spenders in presidential history his last go around.
So you admit to exploiting illegal alien labor and you object to hiring American workers to do the same job. Typical leftie.
@sambowieshin let me guess, you thought it was a fabulous idea when Bill Clinton did it? Lololololol

I have no problem with incentives for early retirement for federal workers. Never said I did.
Meanwhile new press secretary is lying already....
"In three previous years under Biden, USAID spent no money on condoms in the entire Middle East: A detailed federal report published last year said USAID did not provide or fund any condoms in the Middle East in the 2021, 2022 and 2023 fiscal years."
I had 3 family members (cousins, etc) who died within months of getting it. Between me and my brother we probably knew 4 or 5 people/friends who did as well.

As for Krogers....I've mentioned this before....they sent out an email from their CEO during all the BLM crap full off all the social justice BS. I still go there, but my spending after that is way down. Probably 60-70% Meijer is cheaper anyway.

VH will show up in 3,2,1 Posting pro-vax BS
killed my mother as well...
Now do all the young healthy athletes with heart problems in the last 3+ years vs prior to that mRNA garbage people like you demended they take because you were a cowardly craven sorry excuse for a USA citizen.

Coward. Craven. Lickspittle.
And it is not just the fact that pussies like simple sam wanted to FORCE the experiment on all of us, but they also DENIED natural immunity. but SCIENCE ya'll...
Oh, hell. Prayers sent.


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He's wrong.

Another example of abject stupidity.

Take any issue, and the Village Idiot is sure to take the incorrect position.

Explain, exactly, beyond parroting what you've been told, how 'diversity is our greatest strength'.

Especially since you NPC types have no 'tolerance' for any views 'diverse' from your orthodoxy?
Yeah, I don't like cat turd. This guy is like an angry boomer on Facbeook. The moment anyone is not lockstep on something, they're 'dead to him.' He's every bit just like the left. I saw this guy lose his shit over Kyle Rittenhouse not endorsing Trump or something and he went bananas. I'm like "WGAF? He's some 20 year old kid?"
Yeah, I don't like cat turd. This guy is like an angry boomer on Facbeook. The moment anyone is not lockstep on something, they're 'dead to him.' He's every bit just like the left. I saw this guy lose his shit over Kyle Rittenhouse not endorsing Trump or something and he went bananas. I'm like "WGAF? He's some 20 year old kid?"
Agree. I no longer post any of his rants.

Oh to see the world through the prism of a white female Democrat in the suburbs.

Also, do you think Washington Post gets money from pharmaceutical companies? I'd say maybe. Haha

Oh the mind of a leftist. On one hand, they celebrate a guy who murdered a health insurance company CEO because they say how the companies deserve that for what they do and then on the other hand, they freak out and passionaly defend the big unethical pharmaceutical companies and try to destroy those who stand up against them.

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