The military requires all kinds of vaccines. My family members had to get a sh** ton of vaxes before deploying to Afghanistan. The military owns your butt once you sign on.Good point. Except that line of thinking didn’t apply when it came to mandatory Covid vaccines. Do you think it was wrong for military members to be kicked out because of their refusal to take the jab and are you relieved to see Trump reinstate them?
Same goes for hospital/medical staff. If you work in that field you can't be anti science/medicine/vaccines. If you are ... you're in the wrong field.
I have much more sympathy for federal workers or factory workers who were strong armed into it. That crossed the line imo.
I generally do prefer that the government stay out of private body decisions but at the end of the day nobody was ever actually held down and forced to vaccinate. It was always a choice.
I do see both sides on this issue and understand why some refused to get vaccinated. I also see why the military would say jab or get out. That's how the military rolls.
I am relieved to see the military reinstate them.... But insubordination is not good for military performance either.