How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

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The conspiracy theorists are undefeated. Proud member of didn't get the jab.

SENATOR THOM TILLIS (R): Are you a conspiracy theorist?

RFK JR: That's a term used against me to make me stop asking questions critical of powerful interests. I was called a conspiracy theorist for saying the COVID vax didn't stop transmission. I was right.

TILLIS: Any theory that you can say, 'Alright, fine, you got me?'

RFL: Not yet.
** Wise Words Department **

"In order to get the power and retain it, it is necessary to love power; but love of power is not connected with goodness, but with qualities which are the opposite of goodness, such as pride, cunning, cruelty."

-Leo Tolstoy

One of my favorite, precommunism authors along with fellow Russian Doestoyevsky. Great short stories and philosophical works grounded also in faith.
Evil likes to hang together.
This liberal quote FIFY
"I am a firm believer in individual liberties, unless it means a rapist or murderer is deported or receives the death penalty for taking away someone else's liberty.

Don't smoke cigarettes but dgaf if others do so long as I'm not forced to breathe it, unless it's a company in China where I don't have to see it.

I don't support my wife having an abortion but won't stop someone else from making that decision over their own body, unless it has to do with a shot that may harm them or a transfusion that goes against their beliefs but has no affect on my personal health or well being, and then those people refusing it should lose their jobs, their homes, and die.

There is a logical pattern here with my philosophy on body alterations.... and it's called hypocrisy.

Just mind your own GD business, unless it goes against my political beliefs or fantasies."

Great satyr by the left as always.

"As long as it doesn't hurt me personally and immediately, IDGAF about anything the media tells me not to."

That should be the Democrat campaign slogan in perpetuity.

They don't care about people becoming addicted and homeless.
They don't care about people being raped and murdered.
They don't care about people having their earnings and life savings being stolen.
They don't care about people's businesses being burned to the ground.
They don't care about churches being chained shut and their members being harassed, threatened, arrested, or killed.
They don't care if people are poisoned or poisoning their children.
They don't care if children are being abused or mutilated.
They don't care if children are groomed and manipulated.
They don't care if adoptive parents or foster parents are using their children for porn and sexual abuse.
They don't care if the $200-500 shoes they're buying are being made by slave labor in a country that is pouring waste into the entire world many times over what this country is.
They don't care if one person is beaten by a group of people and hospitalized or killed by them.
They don't care that boys can't really become girls and vice versa just because they want to do so, no matter how many surgeries and drugs they are given for the rest of their lives, and they can't return back to how they were created 10 years later.

All of that is fine if their media tells them it isn't happening.
All of that is fine if their media tells them the right person is doing it.
All of that is fine if the media tells them it's happening to the right people for the right reason.
All of that is fine if they can choose to ignore it or record it on their phones for money.

We can't listen to them anymore. We can't entertain their lies and delusions. It all has to stop because people are not assets to be traded and carved up. People are made in the image of God, with a responsibility and accountability for their choices, as well as the right to know how those choices will affect them and to refuse. Children are not allowed to make major life choices for themselves for a reason. This is all (or should be) common sense.

Nothing that transpired yesterday affected dinkus and his day-to-day.

Yet, he didn’t mind his own damn business.
Global communism is angry.

Let me guess... Soros isn't burying them in money. Wonder why? Oh yeah, it doesn't profit him. It's a waste of money. There's no money to be had there that's worth manipulating them.

And most of all... you only take money from the more conservative to weaken them rather than weakening the programmed npcs.
"That label was applied to me because I said the Covid vaccines didn't prevent transmission and wouldn't prevent infection when the government was saying it would. Now everybody admits it. I was called a conspiracy theorist because I said red dye caused cancer and now FDA has acknowledged that and banned it. I was called a conspiracy theorist because I said fluoride lowered IQ. Last week, 87 studies said there was a direct correlation on IQ loss...I could go on for about a week."