How will they rule ??!

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Admins were required to be at the school daily.
My parents, grandparents and/or babysitters had to provide the transportation. Most were working remotely so it wasn't a problem most days.
The school was open every day because the cafeteria was open/operating and the county delivered lunches by bus every day to all kids in the county that needed them.
My kids ate theirs at school or sometimes opted to take them to go at the end of our learning/basketball session.
You can't possibly comprehend the dedication of the admins, cafeteria workers, bus drivers and teachers like me voluntarily going into school at the height of Covid to help out students because you are a selfish loser that can't imagine ever doing anything like that for others.
You sure as hell wouldn't with your sh**ty attitude on life.
It's so obvious from you're nonstop negativity and disbelief about what teachers do for their students you're a total Loser.

Nope. Just you.

Generally, I do think most get into teaching because it is looked at as an easy job, with good benefits.

You've admitted such yourself. (When you're not crying and whining the opposite, which also happens quite frequently)

If you had my career, by the end of day 1, you'd be crying in a corner.
I found out today several 3letter agencies (DoD, FBI, CIA) have been making multiple high-level flights in and out of NY the past couple of weeks. MUCH more than normal. Something is going on.
Watch America’s Untold Stories on YouTube on Tuesday and Friday. Great show. You will get hooked.

Today was advanced the theory that this drone activity is to create public support for pending legislation to control all drone activity by the government. House bill apparently trying to be snuck into the omnibus bill by Mike Johnson.

You can find todays episode where this was discussed. Promise greater detail on Friday show.

It’s on 6:00 pm eastern live both days but can be watched anytime afterward.
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There are a number of Gideon bibles in motels across America with a dollar in them. I used to put a dollar in every one I found in a room.

And My wife called me a liar when I used to travel a lot. Said the Gideon Bible people started paying people to read their Bibles during hotel stays. Told her I did because it was honest pay.... If they'd put a dollar in a Bible as I found a few, then I'd at least read a chapter.... or two....

Hey, it could have happened...
Could be, it's probably a defense contractor with a security clearance testing new equipment. With that being said, just bc they air force doesn't know what it is, doesn't mean the army doesn't and vice versa...or the CIA.

You know they all don't just have some group chat or something, right? It would be overload communication if they did. It's why the fbi and cia don't share info

The WH, however knows, as that's the top of the communication chain....and they are lying altogether the American ppl.
You may be right about the factions within the military. Hard to say for sure. You are definitely right about the government lying to us.
Lol, BBC and CNN are fake news. Not reliable. Next

I think it was silly to quickly assume it is trans, however, I think it’s okay to say that trans aggression is in the rise.

My complaint yesterday was the quick reaction to assume that.
Pretty sure before anyone made any kind of guess, you were the first one to say, "I bet it's a white boy." Could have been Sam though, you two post all of the same drivel.
Anyone else find it hilarious that The Village Idiot has, of course, and as expected always, worked himself into a frenzy about the 'drone crisis'?

I bet this guy is glued to a bunch of nonsense in Chicken Little circles.

Just all over the place with basically every theory available except the most probable and correct ones.

'If they were ours, we'd have shot them down already'...

Never said none belonged to us. There is a lot going on if you are paying attention. There are orbs. There are plasmids. There are "drones" that are not drones. There are drones that are drones. The drones that are drones are ours. The rest are unknown or most likely extraterrestrial.
The sh** flying over our military bases, nuclear facilities, government officials houses, and airports ain't ours dude. If they were.... They would have been blasted out of the sky.
The drones flying around trying to figure out wtf the other things are.... Are ours.
Never said none belonged to us. There is a lot going on if you are paying attention. There are orbs. There are plasmids. There are "drones" that are not drones. There are drones that are drones. The drones that are drones are ours. The rest are unknown or most likely extraterrestrial.
The sh** flying over our military bases, nuclear facilities, government officials houses, and airports ain't ours dude. If they were.... They would have been blasted out of the sky.
The drones flying around trying to figure out wtf the other things are.... Are ours.

My bad, 'blasted out of the sky'.

Yes, let's shoot down our own equipment.

Oh, poop, wait, Biden and company already did that in Afghanistan.

So I guess I've misjudged the Village Idiot.

Maybe we WOULD shoot down our own equipment.
Why are you laughing? You leftists keep on and keep on whining about healthcare, and Luigi and that evil CEO but Obama care fixed healthcare over a decade ago! He told us himself!

Were you duped? What happened, Mikey? Why is healthcare in such bad shape? Biden, Obama's VP, and still puppet, has been in office almost 4 years.

Explain, leftist.

This is exactly right. Whether it’s healthcare, education, the border etc the left destroys everything it touches and then they want to cry when illegals are out in their neighborhoods, blame guns when confused kids are shooting up schools, and make heroes out of dudes who can’t afford back surgeries out assassinating insurance CEOS.

Just oblivious it was all their insane policies that led to these messes.
SIAP...I didn't see it if so.

Very interesting, if so, very interesting. I never have believed he died of Chauvin pinning him. If GF could say: "I can't breathe"......he's breathing.

Chauvin was judged on public opinion, not on facts, ie: GF's heavy, heavy lethal dose.

Hopefully they let him out. George Floyd was a raging drug addict who tried to kill cops. Thankfully, fentanyl did it’s one good task.
12 positive links yesterday (mostly dealing with doge and immigration reform)

Only 7 rage bait links.

Link all the good news you see, locally and abroad. I want to be excited on January 20th.
Trannies are killing everybody.

Everyone watch out there. Stay safe.

Hopefully we can get some real mental health treatment for them. Like Thorazine and insane asylums.
Actually, I think we should give California, Washington state, and New York to the feds to use as mental health-controlled lands to allow them freedoms to do what they want. Wall off those states and guard the perimeter to keep them in.
Actually, I think we should give California, Washington state, and New York to the feds to use as mental health-controlled lands to allow them freedoms to do what they want. Wall off those states and guard the perimeter to keep them in.

NY still has potential, unlike Cal, Wash, wouldn't hurt anyone to see those 3 states float away into the pacific.