I’ll put this in the positive news.There is a good thing that we can emphasize!!
I’ll put this in the positive news.There is a good thing that we can emphasize!!
I'm telling you all ... the Democrat war on women is real.
you cannot pump little girls full of testosterone and expect them to stay passive. God knew better.I think it was silly to quickly assume it is trans, however, I think it’s okay to say that trans aggression is in the rise.
My complaint yesterday was the quick reaction to assume that.
Leftism is by dictionary definition a mental illness. The entire left is a cobbling together of mental patients who are trying to normalize their mental illness. That is why Gavin Newsom legalized, in Cali, 14yo female 8th graders having sex with their 24yo teachers.None of the shooters were in their right minds so...liberals most likely.
I love the Amish.Love seeing them do this. Pretty cool. Way cooler than ants lifting a dead animal carcass and taking it into their hill.
3 people on here posted and commented about this imaginary fellow. Pretty low considering 2 people lost their lives to a real sicko.
I’m not familiar with 4chan humor, forgive me mardog.
I thought everyone, all 330mm of us would have it, Joe and Kackles have had 4 years to pull that off. What happened?Let’s don’t skim over the fact that you think school shootings are a joke.
ACA isn’t perfect, but 50 million Americans have insurance because of it. Trump had 4 years to fix it the last time and didn’t. He’s had 8 years to form a solution and hasn’t. Hopefully he does reform it so we have fewer bankruptcies tied to medical debt.
Making guns illegal will not prevent the next Sandy Hook.We mock the idea that thoughts and prayers are all that should be done. Saying “thoughts and prayers” and then moving onto something else after children have been shredded by bullets is disingenuous and not helpful. To your point, so is the idea to only address guns. Guns are part of the problem but it’s a multi-pronged approach to fixing all this. I have 3 kids in school. It’s frustrating that nothing will ever get done. I gave up on that after everyone decided things were fine after Sandy Hook.
Eh, they suck too.I thought everyone, all 330mm of us would have it, Joe and Kackles have had 4 years to pull that off. What happened?
I actually got special permission to go in person every day with 5 at risk behavior disordered students. We went in every day for 3 hours because they were doing nothing at home. Opened the windows...social distanced and even shot ball in the gym as an incentive. Parents and kids loved it.
So KMA know nothing fool. 🤡
Hopefully but we all know they will get their power back again one day.Hope this and Trumps victory are steps towards the WEF/UN Globalist agenda falling to pieces.
Not surprised. IIRC there was a school shooting under Trump and the AP or Reuters (or whoever it was) reported there were like 1600 school shootings that year or some absurd lie. I even remember leftists saying the number in this thread. And like 95% of the "school shootings" weren't even related to the schools.School shootings numbers are fraudulent:
NYT Claims Madison Attack the 323rd School Shooting this Year
Hours after the attack on the Madison Christian school occurred, the New York Times claimed it was the 323rd school shooting this year.www.breitbart.com
Point to a quote where I said to “make guns illegal” . Don’t worry I’ll wait.Making guns illegal will not prevent the next Sandy Hook.
Why are you unable to grasp that?
They used more money to go after Elon Musk than to help the people in NC who are still living in tents.
Community notes is perfectly fine, the government needs to stay as far away from having anything to do with it as humanly possible.I get your concerns. I am just spitballin’, but if each form of social media had its on “community notes” and then that was occasionally audited, that that would be a good start.
I think opinions are fine on both sides, but if comments like “tourist are 3x likely to be assaulted in Kentucky” were to gain traction, that hurts the people of Kentucky. There just needs to be stopgaps, like community notes, to stop misinformation.
I really hate to say the SEC would have a part in this, but some sort of entity has to have teeth to force these media companies to stop misinformation and to discern misinformation and political opinions.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...Whining about Trump not fixing a DEMOCRAT CREATED MESS.Let’s don’t skim over the fact that you think school shootings are a joke.
ACA isn’t perfect, but 50 million Americans have insurance because of it. Trump had 4 years to fix it the last time and didn’t. He’s had 8 years to form a solution and hasn’t. Hopefully he does reform it so we have fewer bankruptcies tied to medical debt.
Yes. Separate basketballs. Kids love to shoot ball in a gym. Played horse. They came for the basketball but had to do work in order to earn the play time.I assume everyone had a separate basketball and hand washed in between shots, right?
You say it was an incentive. Incentive for what? Either shooting basketball was safe to do or it wasn’t.
Eh, they suck too.
I get the appeal of Trump, I do. He represents the change most Americans want. I just think he’s more likely to grift even more money from us.
Maybe I’m just a battered wife? I’m just skeptical about politics in general.
If we want to be glass half full tonight, I’ve been reading about Argentina. Lots of positivity and the this video further condensed it.
It's our own equipment shutting down our own airbases in Ohio and England?? Okey Dokey Cletus. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣No need, don't care.
I didn't say if they were ours... we'd blow them out of the sky. That was you.
Why, pray tell, would we shoot down our own equipment, Village Idiot
Scared of the truth.No need, don't care.
I didn't say if they were ours... we'd blow them out of the sky. That was you.
Why, pray tell, would we shoot down our own equipment, Village Idiot?
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA...Whining about Trump not fixing a DEMOCRAT CREATED MESS.
By the way, you guys are on the way to becoming a regional party once the mass deportations take effect. There's a census coming in 2030, and guess how many districts California's about to lose? LOL
It's our own equipment shutting down our own airbases in Ohio and England?? Okey Dokey Cletus. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why are drones flying near US airbases in Suffolk and Norfolk?
In a village close to a military site, residents report aerial vehicles hovering above their houses.www.bbc.com
Could be, it's probably a defense contractor with a security clearance testing new equipment. With that being said, just bc they air force doesn't know what it is, doesn't mean the army doesn't and vice versa...or the CIA.It's our own equipment shutting down our own airbases in Ohio and England?? Okey Dokey Cletus. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Why are drones flying near US airbases in Suffolk and Norfolk?
In a village close to a military site, residents report aerial vehicles hovering above their houses.www.bbc.com
Scared of the truth.
Admins were required to be at the school daily.Bullshit, you liar.
Who opened the school? Who turned on the heat and electric? How did the kids arrive there? I could go on here.
Village Idiot Liar.
I found out today several 3letter agencies (DoD, FBI, CIA) have been making multiple high-level flights in and out of NY the past couple of weeks. MUCH more than normal. Something is going on.
Then he can testify to the shakedown from the Biden admin...
Not most teachers. Just you.It's so obvious from you're nonstop negativity and disbelief about what teachers do for their students you're a total Loser.
I guess black lives matter ... just not this one? The left hypocrisy is very sad...Not only "where is BLM" but where are the hypocrite leftists in this thread?
I always get a good feeling seeing the Gideon Bible in the hotel drawer when traveling on business. 😎. Seems as American as apple pieIsn’t that your guys answer for everything that’s wrong with the country? Put the Bible back in school. Get prayers back in school. None of that will stop any of this. Hopefully you eventually realize that .
There is one way you can top it, Dion.I’ll put this in the positive news.
Does he mean Chinese labor? If so, then it makes sense.
Yea, a newspaper shouldn't put the truth out there. Good take, DA.- What do you want them to say? How would that change anything?
- What outlets have a front pg article on it?