I don't think it is fair to assume all democrats fit the mold of the soundbytes you see.
Incumbents lost everywhere this past election cycle because of inflation. I think most people think that republicans do a better job at controlling inflation and so this with the backlash of incumbency is why he won.
I will be consider the second trump term a success if he is able to:
Reduce government spending
Reduce inflation
Reduce the number of people that live in poverty
Prevent the increase in global conflicts (if possible)
What I really want to see avoided is the culture war nonsense. I don't care anything about those issues at all. I work in a school district (home with a sick kid today) where 60% of the students are free or reduced. The most important thing for me is seeing this population have a higher quality of life.
Figured. Lazy answer (inflation).
It’s easy for you to say you don’t care about the culture war nonsense. Fact is, your side has taken a wrecking ball to our societal norms with your culture war nonsense…..and now you say you don’t care about it when you get voter pushback.
Of course you care about. You just don’t like the pendulum swinging away from it and now that it’s clear it’s hurting your sides election chances, you want to pretend like it’s no big deal.
You want honest discussion? I promise you a huge part of Trumps election was retaliation for that culture war wrecking ball. Ignore it at your own peril and watch how that plays out for the Dems in the future. If you so called moderates don’t get control of the extremists running your party, you’ll have a long row to hoe.
BTW, We all want people to rise out of poverty (conservatives just have better ideas on how to do it).
But, You do sound just like every single other so called moderate to ever come in here. And as soon as we start “reducing government spending”, it’s people like you who will be the first to scream we are killing grandma and starving the children.
I’ve said it thousand times; if we truly had as many “fiscally conservative” Dem voters as y’all like to claim, we wouldn’t be in the financial mess we are in and DC would’ve been burnt to the ground decades ago.
Guess what? Fiscal conservatism is dead, buried, and decomposed. Meanwhile our society is in a fight for its life thanks to your sides lunatics.
Maybe start thinking about that socially liberal side you’re on since the fiscal conservatism war is already lost.
The culture was is now at the forefront. Right at our doorstep. You can claim not to care about it, but I have a feeling as soon as we start pushing back, you’ll be screaming like a banshee.