How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Friendly reminder: the 2020 election was stolen and only an idiot would think otherwise. NET - you’re an idiot, so if you think one way I’m thinking the other way.
Hard to shake beliefs in the unproven. They really dig in. Oh well.
If they stole this election, why didn’t they steal this election? Also, republicans down ballot did well in 2020.
Too big to rig.... 2020 they sent out balllots to every single person on a list. Bundlers were able to go to old folks homes and apartment buildings and get 100's of ballots that may or may not have been legit. PA got caught trying to add 2500 fake ballots and one old folks home got caught having 200 ballots when only 90 patients lived there... Stuff like that was harder this time but they still tried. Harris didn't get as many legit votes as Clinton.
Too big to rig.... 2020 they sent out balllots to every single person on a list. Bundlers were able to go to old folks homes and apartment buildings and get 100's of ballots that may or may not have been legit. PA got caught trying to add 2500 fake ballots and one old folks home got caught having 200 ballots when only 90 patients lived there... Stuff like that was harder this time but they still tried. Harris didn't get as many legit votes as Clinton.
I get the uncertainty of the mass mail in votes, but I just trust that process of vetting them. To each their own, I guess.

I approach voter fraud in US as Occam’s razor. All the coordination to steal an election makes it truly difficult to accomplish.

Also to add, I think continuously crying foul over alleged voter fraud waters down accomplishments done in future elections. Republicans did really well this go around. I feel like more time should be spent on celebrating that, analyzing why, and trying to repeat this than being a sore loser on the past.
I get the uncertainty of the mass mail in votes, but I just trust that process of vetting them. To each their own, I guess.

I approach voter fraud in US as Occam’s razor. All the coordination to steal an election makes it truly difficult to accomplish.

Also to add, I think continuously crying foul over alleged voter fraud waters down accomplishments done in future elections. Republicans did really well this go around. I feel like more time should be spent on celebrating that, analyzing why, and trying to repeat this than being a sore loser on the past.
I guess it's just coincidence that FL cleaned it's voter rolls and changed how they handle ballots and all the sudden it went from a 50/50 state to being one of the reddest states in the country??? Also, why do all of the late arriving ballots go 90% for dems? Shouldn't some of them sometimes favor the pubs? Shouldn't they sometimes be close to what the rest of the election showed? Why do states with dem governors and dem AG's take so much longer to count votes than every other state?
I get the uncertainty of the mass mail in votes, but I just trust that process of vetting them. To each their own, I guess.

I approach voter fraud in US as Occam’s razor. All the coordination to steal an election makes it truly difficult to accomplish.

Also to add, I think continuously crying foul over alleged voter fraud waters down accomplishments done in future elections. Republicans did really well this go around. I feel like more time should be spent on celebrating that, analyzing why, and trying to repeat this than being a sore loser on the past.
Also... You did see the people in PA admit they were counting illegal ballots and the woman basically dared the judge to do something about it? If they do that in the open then what do you think they do behind closed doors? LOL
I guess it's just coincidence that FL cleaned it's voter rolls and changed how they handle ballots and all the sudden it went from a 50/50 state to being one of the reddest states in the country??? Also, why do all of the late arriving ballots go 90% for dems? Shouldn't some of them sometimes favor the pubs? Shouldn't they sometimes be close to what the rest of the election showed? Why do states with dem governors and dem AG's take so much longer to count votes than every other state?
I’ll try to explain it in the way I understand it:

I think after COVID, Texas and Florida saw mass immigration from states like California and New York that had similar viewpoints. I had two students leave KY for Florida and the mama put on Facebook that the decision in part was because of Beshear.

Immigrants are also voting more conservatively. It makes sense because of religion, but for decades, they voted solidly blue. You’re seeing Cubans and Venezuelans do this in Florida.

Many states choose not to count mail-in ballots until after the election polls have closed. This will naturally cause a delay in some votes and more dems vote this way.

I think that blinders cause the last point, I think states that do ranked choice like Alaska also take some time, but I agree, it does take way too long to count.
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If Pubs go as far right as it looks.... they will be swept out of office in 2 years. There's no rigging... Just voters sending a message to our government.

Not unless the left comes back more towards the center and there’s been no sign of that yet. Just more doubling down on the same nonsense. You know your party has went off the rails when Bernie is the voice of reason and conservative in comparison.
Many states choose not to count mail-in ballots until after the election polls have closed. This will naturally cause a delay in some votes and more dems vote this way.
This is just ignorance on the part of you and many people with this same perspective. We can look at actual data for this election about who requested mail in ballots and what party they were affiliated with. The percentages do not match up in any way with the data. Political scientist have said that some of the voter data is so absurd that it is impossible without something weird going on. For instance... how do you have more votes in a district that registered voters? Please don't give some nonsense answer.... Think about how you have a district with 6000 voters and 7100 votes cast.... How does that happen?
This is just ignorance on the part of you and many people with this same perspective. We can look at actual data for this election about who requested mail in ballots and what party they were affiliated with. The percentages do not match up in any way with the data. Political scientist have said that some of the voter data is so absurd that it is impossible without something weird going on. For instance... how do you have more votes in a district that registered voters? Please don't give some nonsense answer.... Think about how you have a district with 6000 voters and 7100 votes cast.... How does that happen?
Your claims if proven true, would provide more fame, money and excess to any journalist able to uncover. For four years, I’ve heard such allegations without any evidence. It’s much more probable that no fraud is going on on either side and I’ll wait for the bombshell details to emerge on every major news site before I change my opinion.
Not unless the left comes back more towards the center and there’s been no sign of that yet. Just more doubling down on the same nonsense. You know your party has went off the rails when Bernie is the voice of reason and conservative in comparison.
Given the election results, common sense dictates that one of 2 things will happen:

1. The Moderates in the Dem party take their party back, or:

2. The Moderates LEAVE their party and join the Repubs as essentially the left wing of the Repub party.

Option 2 is preferable because it would ensure the Democratic party would never win another election.

Bring on all the RFK's and Tulsi Gabbards we can get! They're not perfect... but if it means we get to drive the leftover Democratic/Liberal party out of existence... I'm all for it!
Your claims if proven true, would provide more fame, money and excess to any journalist able to uncover. For four years, I’ve heard such allegations without any evidence. It’s much more probable that no fraud is going on on either side and I’ll wait for the bombshell details to emerge on every major news site before I change my opinion.
what do you mean "if proven true"? There were over a dozen precincts that had more votes than registered voters. Are you going to do the thing where people make an allegation and a judge refuses to hear it and you claim that proves the allegation is false? It's like the Kari Lake governor race. They wanted a recount. they refused and refused. They finally allowed her to recount 5000 votes and they found enough discrepancies that if that carried out through the rest of the ballots, it would have changed the outcome. The judge refused to let her recount anymore ballots because there was no proof that the rest would be as bad.


When you see something like this do think "we need to see some evidence"?
what do you mean "if proven true"? There were over a dozen precincts that had more votes than registered voters. Are you going to do the thing where people make an allegation and a judge refuses to hear it and you claim that proves the allegation is false? It's like the Kari Lake governor race. They wanted a recount. they refused and refused. They finally allowed her to recount 5000 votes and they found enough discrepancies that if that carried out through the rest of the ballots, it would have changed the outcome. The judge refused to let her recount anymore ballots because there was no proof that the rest would be as bad.


When you see something like this do think "we need to see some evidence"?
Wisconsin allows for same day voter registration.
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what do you mean "if proven true"? There were over a dozen precincts that had more votes than registered voters. Are you going to do the thing where people make an allegation and a judge refuses to hear it and you claim that proves the allegation is false? It's like the Kari Lake governor race. They wanted a recount. they refused and refused. They finally allowed her to recount 5000 votes and they found enough discrepancies that if that carried out through the rest of the ballots, it would have changed the outcome. The judge refused to let her recount anymore ballots because there was no proof that the rest would be as bad.


When you see something like this do think "we need to see some evidence"?
And to add, if they cheated in 20 with the same fervor, what stopped them this go around? Need 100,000 votes between 7 states? Let’s just churn them out like we did last time?
This is just ignorance on the part of you and many people with this same perspective. We can look at actual data for this election about who requested mail in ballots and what party they were affiliated with. The percentages do not match up in any way with the data. Political scientist have said that some of the voter data is so absurd that it is impossible without something weird going on. For instance... how do you have more votes in a district that registered voters? Please don't give some nonsense answer.... Think about how you have a district with 6000 voters and 7100 votes cast.... How does that happen?
This new sock is definitely Dion. 3
3Soccam's razor? Ranked-choice? etc. No other moron pushes for such things.
I guess it's just coincidence that FL cleaned it's voter rolls and changed how they handle ballots and all the sudden it went from a 50/50 state to being one of the reddest states in the country??? Also, why do all of the late arriving ballots go 90% for dems? Shouldn't some of them sometimes favor the pubs? Shouldn't they sometimes be close to what the rest of the election showed? Why do states with dem governors and dem AG's take so much longer to count votes than every other state?
It's either because counting is harder for the Dumbocrats, or corruption.
I know where my vote lies.
How is Norway "the most “nationalistic” country in the entire world"? They're out spreading Norwegianism by the sword like Germany, Russia, and America? Remind me when that was again?
Not by the sword, komrade. Rather by the magic wand. The global warming/climate change magic wand.

- Norway has some very aggressive domestic green energy policies. Sounds great. Good for them.

- At the same time, Norway has nationalized their fossil fuel industry. A large portion of their GDP is generated from exporting fossil fuels. Top 3 exports: natural gas, crude petroleum, refined petroleum.

- They buy carbon credits from other countries to “offset” and to look good in the carbon emissions rankings yet almost all of the dollars used to purchase said carbon credits are generated from selling fossil fuels to other countries.

Round and round we go…as they wave their magic wand.

- Norway’s “Oil Fund”, which was originally set up in 1990 (they now call it their “Global Government Pension Fund” because it sounds “greener”) benefits ONLY Norwegians and is funded almost exclusively by the profits from the sale of fossil fuels to other European countries and beyond. Sounds pretty nationalistic to me. The Oil Fund currently has $1.5 trillion in assets which is 3 times more than Norway’s GDP. Almost 25% of the Norwegian government’s income comes from fossil fuel revenues.

- The Norwegian government has awarded 700 NEW fossil fuel drilling licenses in the past decade. SEVEN HUNDRED!!! Just in the last 10 years alone. The oil and gas within fields already licensed but not yet developed in Norway will generate an additional three billion tons of CO2emissions — 60 times Norway’s current annual domestic emissions.

I don’t care what they do energy wise domestically because Norway is a tiny little country with 5 million citizens & their energy consumption barely shows up as a tiny blip on the global radar. The bottom line is that Norway’s GLOBAL carbon footprint has gotten much worse since 1990 and exponentially worse in the last decade…if you factor in the huge expansion of their nationalized fossil fuel licensing, extraction & export program. It is ridiculously naive and disingenuous to do otherwise.

One could easily make the case that the main reason they have “gone green” domestically is because it is much more profitable for them to sell the fossil fuels on the global market then it is to consume them domestically. They know that those reserves will run out eventually so they are capitalizing on export profits now and enriching their citizens via the Oil Fund. Even to the extent that they are currently exploiting countries hit the hardest by the energy shortages caused by the Ukraine/Russia war. Enriching Norwegian citizens at the expense of killing the planet all while exploiting their European neighbors. That’s the epitome of nationalistic.

Not to mention the fact that 80% of their population is made up of white, Norwegian born citizens who are at least third generation or beyond. Sounds pretty nationalistic to me.

Also, with very few exceptions, the only immigration to speak of is from other European nations and almost exclusively “white” immigrants. At the very least it is about as far from “global citizenry” as you can get. “Nationalistic” would be the nicest way to describe their immigration policy. But if we actually applied your standards that you spew on this site daily then we would have no choice but to call Norway’s immigration policy “racist” & “xenophobic”. Yet you don’t do that. Instead, you call America racist & xenophobic & you crown Norway as the gold standard country of the global community. Why is that, komrade?

So yeah, Norway is 100% one of the most nationalistic countries in the world. That’s not even debatable. They are looking out for Norway…and ONLY Norway…and their GLOBAL Carbon Footprint per capita is as bad as any country out there BECAUSE they are extremely motivated by nationalism.

It’s just that useful idiots like you have fallen for their sleight of hand magic trick.

The funniest part about all of this is that you championing Norway as the gold standard exposes you as a closeted Trump fan. You’re just too blinded by the MSM’s portrayal of Trump as “literally Hitler” and by your own utopian socialistic democracy nonsense gibberish agenda to realize it. Two of Trump’s biggest campaign promises…

1) Drill, baby, drill!!!

2) Shut down the border.

Norway beat him to the punch on both policies about 35 years ago and they have done nothing short of doubling down on both policies in the last decade. Sooo…

Welcome to Team MAGA, komrade!!!

If you all want a good laugh... Disney has spent over $400 million and reshot this movie 3 times and it's apparently so bad in focus groups that Disney is hiding the trailer... LOL

They need over $1billion to break even on this movie. LOL. Just a week ago the stock surged after Iger "lied" about their economic situation... I wonder what Disney stock will look like in the spring? $115 today.... Tick Tock.
This new sock is definitely Dion. 3
3Soccam's razor? Ranked-choice? etc. No other moron pushes for such things.
Longtime lurker of GYERO and recently started reading this as a way to understand the more conservative side. I have no intention on debating, I just want a good discussion from both parts of the spectrum.
Not by the sword, komrade. Rather by the magic wand. The global warming/climate change magic wand.

- Norway has some very aggressive domestic green energy policies. Sounds great. Good for them.

- At the same time, Norway has nationalized their fossil fuel industry. A large portion of their GDP is generated from exporting fossil fuels. Top 3 exports: natural gas, crude petroleum, refined petroleum.

- They buy carbon credits from other countries to “offset” and to look good in the carbon emissions rankings yet almost all of the dollars used to purchase said carbon credits are generated from selling fossil fuels to other countries.

Round and round we go…as they wave their magic wand.

- Norway’s “Oil Fund”, which was originally set up in 1990 (they now call it their “Global Government Pension Fund” because it sounds “greener”) benefits ONLY Norwegians and is funded almost exclusively by the profits from the sale of fossil fuels to other European countries and beyond. Sounds pretty nationalistic to me. The Oil Fund currently has $1.5 trillion in assets which is 3 times more than Norway’s GDP. Almost 25% of the Norwegian government’s income comes from fossil fuel revenues.

- The Norwegian government has awarded 700 NEW fossil fuel drilling licenses in the past decade. SEVEN HUNDRED!!! Just in the last 10 years alone. The oil and gas within fields already licensed but not yet developed in Norway will generate an additional three billion tons of CO2emissions — 60 times Norway’s current annual domestic emissions.

I don’t care what they do energy wise domestically because Norway is a tiny little country with 5 million citizens & their energy consumption barely shows up as a tiny blip on the global radar. The bottom line is that Norway’s GLOBAL carbon footprint has gotten much worse since 1990 and exponentially worse in the last decade…if you factor in the huge expansion of their nationalized fossil fuel licensing, extraction & export program. It is ridiculously naive and disingenuous to do otherwise.

One could easily make the case that the main reason they have “gone green” domestically is because it is much more profitable for them to sell the fossil fuels on the global market then it is to consume them domestically. They know that those reserves will run out eventually so they are capitalizing on export profits now and enriching their citizens via the Oil Fund. Even to the extent that they are currently exploiting countries hit the hardest by the energy shortages caused by the Ukraine/Russia war. Enriching Norwegian citizens at the expense of killing the planet all while exploiting their European neighbors. That’s the epitome of nationalistic.

Not to mention the fact that 80% of their population is made up of white, Norwegian born citizens who are at least third generation or beyond. Sounds pretty nationalistic to me.

Also, with very few exceptions, the only immigration to speak of is from other European nations and almost exclusively “white” immigrants. At the very least it is about as far from “global citizenry” as you can get. “Nationalistic” would be the nicest way to describe their immigration policy. But if we actually applied your standards that you spew on this site daily then we would have no choice but to call Norway’s immigration policy “racist” & “xenophobic”. Yet you don’t do that. Instead, you call America racist & xenophobic & you crown Norway as the gold standard country of the global community. Why is that, komrade?

So yeah, Norway is 100% one of the most nationalistic countries in the world. That’s not even debatable. They are looking out for Norway…and ONLY Norway…and their GLOBAL Carbon Footprint per capita is as bad as any country out there BECAUSE they are extremely motivated by nationalism.

It’s just that useful idiots like you have fallen for their sleight of hand magic trick.

The funniest part about all of this is that you championing Norway as the gold standard exposes you as a closeted Trump fan. You’re just too blinded by the MSM’s portrayal of Trump as “literally Hitler” and by your own utopian socialistic democracy nonsense gibberish agenda to realize it. Two of Trump’s biggest campaign promises…

1) Drill, baby, drill!!!

2) Shut down the border.

Norway beat him to the punch on both policies about 35 years ago and they have done nothing short of doubling down on both policies in the last decade. Sooo…

Welcome to Team MAGA, komrade!!!

Not my business but DARN the time you wasted on Celine...

If it weren't for Mayorkas, Garland and "Rachel" levine this dude would be the worst government officer ever.
Didn’t he have those fake tits and pretend to breastfeed? If so he is probably ok and good with squandering billions. I’d even bet he has a political future.

I also should have said, “chest feeding”, so it was culturally appropriate.
Want a real treat. How'd you like to see how all the individual donors to the Demo communist party are "produced".... Think bots, AI, and scripts used in username production, account payments, and one-payer or a few payer accounts are created by the thousands or tens of thousands plus... Power BI as well....

It would not, make your day ....

All that needs to happen is let lawsuits get to the discovery phase ... Yeah, right in my best Nipsey Russell voice....