Academics always have the biggest egos yet very little actual skill. They also think so highly of themselves cause of the bubble in which they operate and they have no ability to consider that they could be wrong.
“I’ve been a professor for 51 years.” So? That just tells me you don’t really do shit. You have no actual skill and your arrogance has led to self delusion. “I’m great cause I’ve been in a job where no one can get fired and no results need produced and 20 year olds have to parrot my thoughts back to me.”
Yes! Professors just like the smell of their own farts, most of em. That and creating echo chambers for their egos to thrive in. Oooh I'm a tenured professor oooooh I teach Women's Literature and Woke 101 ooooh.. I regurgitate the party line and never get out of line. I don't ask questions so DON'T question me, after all I am a scholar and a beacon of academia.. PSH HA!