How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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Sounds good to me. F**k the demo☭rats and RINOs. If Trump wants Gaetz for the job, get him in any way legally possible.

It's GD past time for Pubs to grow a pair and stop worrying about playing nice to avoid pissing off demo☭rat scum. They always do whatever they want regardless if it's legal, ethical, or based on outright lies!

Present the facts and bring the Legal Hammer of Justice to these deserving criminals! It must be done for the future of human decency.

Amen. As Bongino likes to say, cutesy time is over. Gaetz is Trump’s nuclear option. Very telling how many Republicans that do not want to get on board.
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Sorry military, you can't get past this CNN lady...who says we are going to shoot are own people to round up illegals. She is ready for the hypothetical fight that will never happen.

I love the line: 'Are there terrorists among them? I don't know.'

She doesn't live next to these people. Liberals are such idiots.
Sorry man, Ron will never be president. That’s a fact. The guy got destroyed by the overly leather tan skinned gay man known as Charlie Crist in a debate. Dude destroyed Ron. Destroyed him. But I know you’ve drank the Ron Kool-Aid. But you’ll see….

Yes would be awful to have fair elections, booming economy, woke mind virus completely stamped out, and miles ahead on covid and bug pharma.

It amazes me how many don't want one of the greatest conservative governors ever to be in some position of national leadership.
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She literally wrote in her diary. Showers with my dad, probably not appropriate.
She also said those were private stream of consciousness thoughts that were not meant to be shared and were twisted into something they were not that were hurtful to her loved ones.
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No proof, just BS. His daughter said so herself.

Just like the laptop, the feds pulled every string they could to suppress it. Maybe it was just for appearances but im not convinced.

Im not saying there is proof he touched her but there is definitely proof he showered with her at an age most everyone would agree is inappropriate.

Whether you find that proof compelling or not id another matter, but the proof certainly exists. So "no proof" is definitely inaccurate.
True. Her own words deny it. You just chose to lie about it.
"I am deeply saddened that I even have to write this letter because my personal private journal was stolen and sold for profit," Biden wrote in that April 8 letter.
"The point of the theft, I assume, was to be able to peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream-of-consciousness thoughts," Biden wrote.
"Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love."
Democrats have PROVEN they have no business managing the country's money. SEVEN AUDITS IN A ROW FAILED.

However ... the DoD is not setup like a business and therefore will never pass an audit based on gaap or business rules. one quick easy example, when an aircraft is purchased, it is not amortized over 30 years. Same for a building. There needs to be accounting standards for a non-business entity. JMO.
Back in the day, 2007-2008 maybe, I drove Kenny (ORUACAT2) crazy when referring to such leftist loons as "Martyr of the Week".

Gal belongs in Cuba.
Do you remember the poster Bigbluebrew? OMG, he and Kenny had it OUT every day on the old Political forum! Brew was a conservative, but he was an ass, lol.

I actually got to meet Kenny back in the day. Shadow1671 and myself used to attend a few tailgates with @LordEggForgotHisPassword and his buddies. If you recall several of us met up once at a tailgate, and everyone brought a bottle of their favorite bourbon. Good times. He and Kenny were friends, and one evening he took me to where Kenny tended bar and Kenny bought us drinks. He came across as a liberal ass at times on here, but he was actually a really nice guy .

Rest in peace ORUACAT2 )Kenny)
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Sessions is a name I haven't heard in a minute. What a massive disappointment he was as AG.
In one way he was a bit like his 'dream job' and totally screwed it up.
I've been going to the same doctors and the same VA since late 2016. Methods have changed in Maryland (My primary care physician VA) and at the DC VA where I get my treatments. (Good workers but darn the service is not what you'd expect the healthcare industry to be from medical professionals (Doctors), especially at the VA.
Got a nephew who is a MD. Highly trained doc...slang term is a 'hi tech doctor'. Wife is a MD too. They both say that the VA has basically the bottom of the barrel of doctors. Doctors who were near the bottom of their med school class, or doctors who went to offshore med schools.
when did oregon go completly off the rails?
When the tree huggers started living in trees so the timber companies couldn't cut them down.
Wife stopped at BJ's tonight and took advantage of the "free Butterball turkey with minimum purchase." So now we also have our Christmas turkey. Man I love turkey. I love making sandwiches for weeks after Thanksgiving. And that butterball is a MONSTER.
Me too. Going to a family members house for Thanksgiving but I've got a turkey breast in the freezer. Will fix it Fri/Sat after T'giving so I'll have turkey, dressing, etc for the weekend and college football games. The leftovers for the weekend I have always enjoyed more than the meal at T'giving...which I love.
Do you remember the poster Bigbluebrew? OMG, he and Kenny had it OUT every day on the old Political forum! Brew was a conservative, but he was an ass, lol.

I actually got to meet Kenny back in the day. Shadow1671 and myself used to attend a few tailgates with @LordEggForgotHisPassword and his buddies. If you recall several of us met up once at a tailgate, and everyone brought a bottle of their favorite bourbon. Good times. He and Kenny were friends, and one evening he took me to where Kenny tended bar and Kenny bought us drinks. He came across as a liberal ass at times on here, but he was actually a really nice guy .

Rest in peace ORUACAT2 )Kenny)
Yeah, Bigbluebrew could act quite an ass at times. Have not heard his name in years.

Kenny = great people. He's definitely missed.
I learned this a.m. that you're right about Prez being able to order Congress recess when one chamber wants to & the other doesn't. It's never been done though. Yes, recess appointments have happened, hence the Senate's pro forma sessions to stop them.
The historical reason for recess appointments is obvious - the US Congress used to not be in session year round so there had to be a way for the Executive Branch to get necessary positions filled quickly. The vast majority of recess appointments have been of lower-level and non-controversial people. There have only been 3 cabinet level recess appointments since 1900.

Obama abused the recess appointment power by trying to appoint three highly controversial members of the NLRB that way. He was sued and lost. In that case (Noel Canning) the Supreme Court laid out the parameters of recess appointments. Obviously they are easier to accomplish where the President's party has control of the House and Senate (Obama did not). But if Trump tries to appoint cabinet level members this way, there will certainly be lawsuits challenging it. For example, there is no guarantee that the "10 day" recess time is a hard and fast rule. The Noel Canning opinion mentioned less than 10 days being too short, but it didn't hold that 10 days was definitively long enough. Trump does have what should be a friendly Supreme Court, so they might side with him.

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