How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You want attention or something?

I could be mean to you, but I want you to step back and ask yourself why you are saying weird shit to someone on the internet for expressing political views.

I could explain it to you if you were actually interested in understanding. But, suffice it to say, to actually be independent means your vote doesn't depend on something like party. You would have evidence of this, like those of us who are in the 9% who voted for both Barry and DJT, for example.

You wouldn't just proclaim your "independence" as a shield from criticism. You'd take a stand.

And no, your (general) throw away vote for Gary Johnson because you don't knw what aleppo is either evidences nothing but ignorance, not indepedence. We have a two party system, a vote against that is not a sign of independence.

Notice how you have no response to Putin disrespecting Trump and totally degrading his wife in front of the whole world.
PuTiN FeARs TrUMp.

What a joke.

Did i wake up in 2016? Or are dems really gonna run it back on the putins puppet nonsense?

Surely i just woke up in 2016.
Some did, others voted for Stein. Look at her % in MI vs. the other states. Then look at which counties those votes came from. The Arab-American swings were Israel protest votes, not support for Trump’s message. You honestly think that shift is permanent?
No, I think the party who suggested bacon as a food topping will get the votes next time LOL

You people are morons.
Yes. She’s an idiot who won’t be on the next ticket.
Don't worry, the Democrats will find someone else to F things up.

Biden was going to lose 400 EVs.

Back to the drawing board, Democrats. Don't forget to look in the mirror!

But you don't, every time. You just try to cheat because you KNOW that your policies suck and Americans instinctively don't like, for some reason, poverty and chaos. All in the name of DEI. Ain't gonna work, pal. So keep flogging that chicken!
Trump’s MAGA message also doesn’t play well specifically with Mormons. They’re an extremely interesting subculture with their own peculiarities, one of which is extremely tame rhetoric. Everyone is nice in Utah and God help you if you aren’t. They actually generally agree with what he says, just HATE how he says it.
More ignorance from you. My best friend is a Mormon and his whole family is as MAGA as I am. And all their friends are too. By the way, he is constantly bugging me to do a podcast since he's one of the most boisterous, blunt people I know. Trump is right up his alley.

So much for that theory.

You really should stop bleating like a shorn sheep. It's embarrassing.
Don't worry, the Democrats will find someone else to F things up.

Biden was going to lose 400 EVs.

Back to the drawing board, Democrats. Don't forget to look in the mirror!

But you don't, every time. You just try to cheat because you KNOW that your policies suck and Americans instinctively don't like, for some reason, poverty and chaos. All in the name of DEI. Ain't gonna work, pal. So keep flogging that chicken!

What's crucial is trump understands to root out this anti American woke virus and it's foreign agents, it will take more than 4 years. Its an 8-12 year job. I say 8-12 because it will take that long to get rid of the woke virus in schools and universities. Thats their last brainwashing stronghold and its strong indeed.

Even so, the mission starts now.

That means these next 4 years, trump acts presidential. No mean tweets, no Twitter beefs, not forgetting the crowd of important people that helped put him in office. I know we all think its hilarious when he mean tweets but it isnt productive. It absolutely turns off independent voters as we saw the midterms the last few years.

Ignore the noise. Put these people in the admin somewhere. Push the woke crushing agenda everyone voted for. That way you don't lose ground in the midterms.

Then get aggressive but not stupid the next two. Set it up for Vance and whomever so they can finish the job in their terms.
What's crucial is trump understands to root out this anti American woke virus and it's foreign agents, it will take more than 4 years. Its an 8-12 year job. I say 8-12 because it will take that long to get rid of the woke virus in schools and universities. Thats their last brainwashing stronghold and its strong indeed.

Even so, the mission starts now.

That means these next 4 years, trump acts presidential. No mean tweets, no Twitter beefs, not forgetting the crowd of important people that helped put him in office. I know we all think its hilarious when he mean tweets but it isnt productive. It absolutely turns off independent voters as we saw the midterms the last few years.

Ignore the noise. Put these people in the admin somewhere. Push the woke crushing agenda everyone voted for. That way you don't lose ground in the midterms.

Then get aggressive but not stupid the next two. Set it up for Vance and whomever so they can finish the job in their terms.
I generally don't have a problem with that, but he absolutely MUST push back against media attacks. Bush didn't do that and he lost midterms as well as the next eight years. Trump won't be given a fair shake in the media; they will absolutely LIE about what he says. Twitter gives him unedited and clean media. He HAS to push back when they lie. If you want Vance in office in 2028 then Trump has to break the media. And I disagree that his bombast will turn off indies going forward. They voted him in this time, they know what he is. They're used to him, and they hate poverty and chaos more than they hate bombastery.
Don't worry, the Democrats will find someone else to F things up.

Biden was going to lose 400 EVs.

Back to the drawing board, Democrats. Don't forget to look in the mirror!

But you don't, every time. You just try to cheat because you KNOW that your policies suck and Americans instinctively don't like, for some reason, poverty and chaos. All in the name of DEI. Ain't gonna work, pal. So keep flogging that chicken!
Gavin Newsome will be their next choice even though California will deteriorate even more so in the next 4 years. They will hide it from their base as their base will not face reality or listen to news agencies or internet agencies that actually report the real news. You know, their normal MO.
How bout this for right wing indoctrination?? Everything y'all accuse the left of doing.

No, it doesn't become ok just because the right side, the pro-America side, does it.

But it's miles better than the gender ideology and sexualization of children indoctrination you knowingly supported in your job and by your vote.
What's crucial is trump understands to root out this anti American woke virus and it's foreign agents, it will take more than 4 years. Its an 8-12 year job. I say 8-12 because it will take that long to get rid of the woke virus in schools and universities. Thats their last brainwashing stronghold and its strong indeed.

Even so, the mission starts now.

That means these next 4 years, trump acts presidential. No mean tweets, no Twitter beefs, not forgetting the crowd of important people that helped put him in office. I know we all think its hilarious when he mean tweets but it isnt productive. It absolutely turns off independent voters as we saw the midterms the last few years.

Ignore the noise. Put these people in the admin somewhere. Push the woke crushing agenda everyone voted for. That way you don't lose ground in the midterms.

Then get aggressive but not stupid the next two. Set it up for Vance and whomever so they can finish the job in their terms.

Case in point. Yale. A class on Beyonce and her legacy.
I voted yes on A2 so I have recourse for things like that. How about you?
From the article ...
"The teacher thought it would get President-Elect Trump’s attention because of its quirky little beat. The intent of the song was to get invited back to the upcoming presidential inauguration.

The timing to introduce the song was not in good judgment considering that it was immediately following the election."

If the goal is to get invited, then this is the best time.

Personally, I'm not a fan just like I wasn't a fan of, "Barak Hussein Obama ... mmm, mmm, mmm". Funny I do not recall ONE lefty saying that was inappropriate. Mmm, mmm, mmm..
No, it doesn't become ok just because the right side, the pro-America side, does it.

But it's miles better than the gender ideology and sexualization of children indoctrination you knowingly supported in your job and by your vote.
99.9 percent of your accusations of gender BS only happen in right wingers heads. It is not reality. Teachers can't make kids remember their homework or to bring a pencil to class much less change their sex. It is ridiculous.
I will fully own up to the far left fools that push trans in sports. That does happen but even a majority of Dems don't support that.
How is that degrading? Melania has very publically stated that she's proud of her pictures and her work as a model.

Eff off, turd.
The fact that you think that it is a respectful way to acknowledge the new President of the United States to the Russian people broadcasting nude pictures of his wife on Russian National television says it all about your cult.
Yeah....real respectful and full of fear of the American President. Meanwhile as soon as he hears Trump won, Putin is posting nudies of his wife and amassing thousands of Russian and North Korean soldiers on the border to invade a border country with NATO.
So fearful of the guy that said he would end the war before inauguration.
He'll end it by bending over and handing his boss the keys to Ukraine.
You F off Putin loving cult boy.
  • Haha
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This doesn't matter to me, because you pick the best person for the job, but liberals and minorities both are going to slam Trump if he doesn't appoint a minority to his cabinet, and I am not referring to women.
99.9 percent of your accusations of gender BS only happen in right wingers heads. It is not reality. Teachers can't make kids remember their homework or to bring a pencil to class much less change their sex. It is ridiculous.
I will fully own up to the far left fools that push trans in sports. That does happen but even a majority of Dems don't support that.

You know nothing about reality.

Did i wake up in 2016? Or are dems really gonna run it back on the putins puppet nonsense?

Surely i just woke up in 2016.
Don't remember Putin posting nudies of Jill Biden. Are the nudes being splashed across Russian tv a sign of fear and respect for Trump? How come Trump hasn't said a word about it??? Putin owns Trump and it becomes more and more obvious all the time. Get ready to bend over for Putin for the next four years.
  • Haha
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An undergrad degree from an Ivy League college is the most senseless waste of money since huge/lavish weddings were invented.

The full quote by Richard Nixon reads:"Never forget, the press is the enemy. The establishment is the enemy; the professors are the enemy. Professors are the enemy. Write that on a blackboard 100 times and never forget it."

You know nothing about reality.

Blame society for that shift. Teachers don't create trans kids. The last thing most teachers want in the classroom is chaos and more issues to deal with.
That chart could also correlate nicely with fentanyl/drug use, broken homes, access to porn on phones, alcoholic parents, fatherless families, depression rates, suicide rates, guns in schools and every other GD ailment in our society that teachers deal with daily in the classroom.
But the teachers caused it all right?? BS.
Telling a kid they are welcome in your classroom is not the same as telling them to cut off their junk.
Europeans don't view tasteful nudity the same way you do.

The World laughs at you. Who cares what they think anyway? When you ain't the lead dog, the scenery never changes.
Putin was not presenting an art class to the Russian people. He was showing Trump who is the boss.