Absolutely. Talks over everyone with her “Lying Points”. Gonna drink a beer this morning. My Liberal neighboor is gonna hate living here for the next four years. 🤣Fox needs to fire Tarlov.
Professional liar.
I had to turn her off last night.
Absolutely. Talks over everyone with her “Lying Points”. Gonna drink a beer this morning. My Liberal neighboor is gonna hate living here for the next four years. 🤣Fox needs to fire Tarlov.
Professional liar.
I had to turn her off last night.
Yes. I know these news networks try to at least make a pretense of ideological balance but she makes me gag.Fox needs to fire Tarlov.
Professional liar.
I had to turn her off last night.
Oh, I have, Señor. Additionally, invested during Trump's last run, Obama, GWB, Slick Willie, GHWB and end of Reagan's second term.If you haven’t been investing in the record Biden stock markets, I’m sorry for your loss.
Don't forget Juan Williams.Fox needs to fire Tarlov.
Professional liar.
I had to turn her off last night.
There are many reasons to vote against the fascist left, it's just that THIS one is the most entertaining.Thanks for admitting you vote to only own the libs. Cool.
You're the one emo-ing this morning. Get a grip.Nope. Said from day 1 he was going to win. Please try to catch up.
She is unsufferable and speaks with the lazy way of talking. Can't stand her. Harold Ford is better and more intelligent. He is also more congenial and even keeled.Fox needs to fire Tarlov.
Professional liar.
I had to turn her off last night.
You just claimed to know what twenty million people were thinking? So, your logic is, they were really eager to vote out Trump, but four years later they're like, "Meh he can come back whatevs." LOL but ok I'll bite. Wonder why they weren't that motivated. Maybe because the Democrat Party disenfranchised their own voters? But but but muh democrathy! Or maybe because Biden and the Democrats are CLUELESS when it comes to governing a country? Nah, it can't be that. Probably racism or something right?I don’t think people were very motivated for Kamala, in fact I know that’s the case. Plus 2020 had the huge motivation of moving on from Trump. Not that hard to figure out. But yeah it must’ve been cheating in your mind.
Trim the fat off both coasts (and Chicago), and we have a great countryDespite a rigged debate, a super biased media, and a massive Democrat machine, Trump wins resoundingly. Maybe Americans aren’t stupid after all. We certainly have had enough of Democrats.
Just imagine how much of a landslide there would have been had the media actually reported the news truthfully.Despite a rigged debate, a super biased media, and a massive Democrat machine, Trump wins resoundingly. Maybe Americans aren’t stupid after all. We certainly have had enough of Democrats.
I won't be able to watch but the View should be juicy. Maybe Joy Behar will have an apoplectic attack and die on camera.NPR is probably good today.
Prayers up for your Wife, my friend.Literally just lit a cigar LOL and yes it's time for treasonous traitors to swing from a tree. We have to clean our country up and take it back and today was the first step in that direction. I truly believe we will see some heads roll with any luck.
We can call it Jesusland.Trim the fat off both coasts (and Chicago), and we have a great country
We'll call it AmericaWe can call it Jesusland.
Obviously not my fav, but hardly a bad night. Avoiding a Dim is most important. Yes, I’d have preferred her and several others, Am disappointed on Amendment 2, but expected it. Carry on having your fun.Your having a bad night. You had all your Nikki Haley material all ready.
They all lie.My biggest problem right now is that it is painfully obvious that the election wasn't stolen last time. It was all BS and lies.
Trump is a liar but Americans don't care. They want something done with the border and inflation yesterday...and think that he is the one to do it.
That's why it looks like he will be President again imo.
Pubs were prepared for it this time and were in place to show it as they have been doing for months now.Harris with 15 million less votes than Biden. Extent of the steal was really massive.
Funny because I did have a thought this morning - would I rather have what we have now, or have had Trump for 8 years and watch some Commie win last night? Tough decision."It may have been good that the 2020 election was stolen. Now Trump has a better mandate, a much better VP (Pence would not carry on MAGA like Vance), and he’s exposed utterly the corruption of the media and the deep state. Lawfare is totally discredited for instance. His arc is more heroic this way, and probably more historically consequential."
Not to mention lawfare.
Exactly. Out of nine state reps, one is a Dim. All 3/4 state senators are Pub.To be fair, the three counties might have somehow voted for Beshear by a percentage point or two, less if Grant is included. But Beshear won the state overall by more. Don't EVER include NKY with Louisville or Lexington, which are both less liberals than most other big cities per capita, btw.
What if Biden resigns and Kamala takes over? Then she won't have to certify Trump right?Stay frosty folks. The asylum could be ready to run amuck.
The frustrating thing is that registered Republicans had been telling them that they've been needing to do this for YEARS and YEARS. The popular notion is that Trump took over the Republican party, and it's true. And you know the most important thing he has taught them? How to compete in the ruthless arena of politics, and he had to drag them, kicking and screaming into doing it. In essence, he's taught them how to start f***ing WINNING.Pubs were prepared for it this time and were in place to show it as they have been doing for months now.