Man, how much did Calipari's offensive "philosophy"* suck?
Look, I know it was Kentucky Wesleyan. I get it. I also get that if one of Cal's freshman phenom teams played them last night, it would have been a disjointed and ugly affair for the most part. A lot of "GOOOOOOO!!!!!" yelling, with a lot of nerve-wracked players that would all try to "iso" OVER and OVER and OVER, instead of running an offense that makes the other team work their asses off on defense, and getting a wide open shot as a result. And taking that shot w/o fear of getting yanked if they missed it, like we saw last night.
*(meaning, pulling anyone that gets a hot hand, in order to put in one of his non-shooting pets, so we can watch them drive into double teams and either: dribble it off their own foot, OR get their sh*t swatted into the third row, only to watch them let a mediocre/mid-major white kid bust their ankles while driving by them for a layup
The similarities between Trump and Cal are crazy when you think about it.
Both used stupid slogans (“poop ice cream” / “MAGA”) instead of ever really saying anything.
Both started out motivated but really seemed exhausted by the end.
Both failed handling COVID (Cal missed the tournament. Trump bungled the whole thing)
Both said stupid shit that the fans accepted and justified because they liked him (“players first” / Trumps rants about Hannibal Lecter and Arnold Palmers dick”)
Both had assistants and staff that say bad things about them and left them.
Both did dumb stuff that some people still accepted (Cal skipped postgame pressers and refused to play the best players. Trump makes fun of people with disabilities, bashes women, etc)
Both had some followers left by the end but don’t really want to admit it the more time goes on. Even you guys at some point will wonder why you supported Trump.
Both were able to con fanbases to buy into nonsense that should’ve never worked (cal telling us the kids matter more. Trump convincing Christian’s he cares about the Bible).
Both only care about themselves, nothing else.
Both look down on their fans and followers intellectually and laugh about them behind their backs.
Both did shady stuff but blamed everyone else and swore everyone is out to get them(cal with the ncaa, reporters etc. Trump saying the Emmys were rigged and everyone is lying except for him of course).
Neither one prepares for their job or has any kind of plan for what to do. Like Trump with healthcare, Cal likely also had an “idea of a plan” for how to beat Oakland and St Peters.
The list goes on and on. Happy that Cal is gone and we’ve moved on. Looking forward to Trump being out of national conversation at some point so we can have normalcy again. Boring in politics is good.