How will they rule ??!

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My Ged...

Just saw a commercial on the Salem app (watching Mike Gallagher)....a very conservative network/show....where some old woman (60ish) tells the story that she was taking a flight...stewardess asked her if she would like to sit in first class...when she sat down she was sitting next to Trump...and he immediately starting groping her.

Don't know whether to be super pi**ed or laugh.
Dem/libs are crazy...and I agree with @Mike-McD ... the name starts with S and ends with N.
I just had a good conversation with the Terminix man (Young guy, seems to be very smart). I asked him if he had voted yet and he said he’s not sure if he will. He feels like it doesn’t matter anymore. He like most people I talk to feel like the last election was stolen and that it doesn’t matter anymore. I told him it won’t after this election if Harris goes in and then they give citizenship to all illegals that have come into our country. It’s sad but true, a lot of people have no faith in our elections being fair.
On Bret Baier last night, Dim panelist made the argument that the silent woman pro-abortion vote could carry Kamala like it boosted Dims in the 2022 Congress elections when aa anticipated red wave didn't happen. Makes some sense. See how big the women margin for Harris is vs. the men margin for Trump.
We joke about this, but honestly just once I’d like to see these dirty tactics turned around on the democrats. Why not have a random person from Kamala’s past come out with some outlandish claim? Put them on defense.
Well, it happened in '20 with Biden when the girl who was on his Senate staff, accused Biden of sexual went nowhere.
When the msm covers things up to where nobody hears never gets traction.
James Carville needs to have his f***ing face Martinized and pressed* if he's going to subject TV audiences to it.

*(heavy on the starch)
Carville is aging very badly. He is really looking like a very old, worn out, decrepit old man....and when he spews his hatred not only is it the old man 'get off my lawn' but sounds like a very old man who is losing his mental faculties.
My Ged...

Just saw a commercial on the Salem app (watching Mike Gallagher)....a very conservative network/show....where some old woman (60ish) tells the story that she was taking a flight...stewardess asked her if she would like to sit in first class...when she sat down she was sitting next to Trump...and he immediately starting groping her.

Don't know whether to be super pi**ed or laugh.
Dem/libs are crazy...and I agree with @Mike-McD ... the name starts with S and ends with N.
This ad (and I read where there is a second one with another is put out by George Conway, who I guess has a PAC. The clown who was married (didn't know til I looked him up that Kellyanne finally got smart and kicked his butt to the curb last year) to Kellyanne.

Who is going to pay for peer reviews if they don't?
Agree to an extent, but isn't there a huge potential conflict of interest? If you don't pay us to 'review' your research, then we won't give it good marks. Sort of like giving the NIH and CDC a piece of the royalties of any new pharma that is up for approval, isn't it? Didn't we see a similar dynamic when the bond ratings agencies in early oughts felt like they had to give A ratings on junk bonds or risk not being paid to rate mortgage bonds? How did that turn out?

This photo makes me mad. Not mad at Trump. Who cares, he’s faking being a Christian anyways and probably actually is thinking about Big Macs. No what pisses me off is the group of fake Christians putting their hands on him. If you want to pray for the president and ask God to bless him and give him wisdom then cool, have at it. But praying for the candidate to win like all these preachers keep doing? Grow up. Would they pray for Biden right now? Will they pray for Kamala? Nope. They’re in the cult too. Not the Christian cult but the MAGA cult and it’s gross. I was raised in church and had to go to Christian school my whole life. I distinctly remember teachers praying for whoever was the president at the time regardless of what party they were in because they’re the president. The Christians have definitely lost their way. All because he pretends to care about the abortion issue to get votes lol

This photo makes me mad. Not mad at Trump. Who cares, he’s faking being a Christian anyways and probably actually is thinking about Big Macs. No what pisses me off is the group of fake Christians putting their hands on him. If you want to pray for the president and ask God to bless him and give him wisdom then cool, have at it. But praying for the candidate to win like all these preachers keep doing? Grow up. Would they pray for Biden right now? Will they pray for Kamala? Nope. They’re in the cult too. Not the Christian cult but the MAGA cult and it’s gross. I was raised in church and had to go to Christian school my whole life. I distinctly remember teachers praying for whoever was the president at the time regardless of what party they were in because they’re the president. The Christians have definitely lost their way. All because he pretends to care about the abortion issue to get votes lol

Tell me you got diddled by a priest without telling me you got diddled by a priest.

This photo makes me mad. Not mad at Trump. Who cares, he’s faking being a Christian anyways and probably actually is thinking about Big Macs. No what pisses me off is the group of fake Christians putting their hands on him. If you want to pray for the president and ask God to bless him and give him wisdom then cool, have at it. But praying for the candidate to win like all these preachers keep doing? Grow up. Would they pray for Biden right now? Will they pray for Kamala? Nope. They’re in the cult too. Not the Christian cult but the MAGA cult and it’s gross. I was raised in church and had to go to Christian school my whole life. I distinctly remember teachers praying for whoever was the president at the time regardless of what party they were in because they’re the president. The Christians have definitely lost their way. All because he pretends to care about the abortion issue to get votes lol
Nah, he’s thinking that there sure is a lot of empty space here in sammysdad’s head.
Friend sent me a video clip from Candace Owen's podcast. Seems Harris lied about her grandparents (or great grandparents?) and has what would be considered Northern European and Syrian ancestry rather than African or black. Neither of her progenitors that she claimed were black were in fact so. Though yall might find that interesting.
Her pops family were notorious slave traders in Jamaica
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Man, how much did Calipari's offensive "philosophy"* suck?

Look, I know it was Kentucky Wesleyan. I get it. I also get that if one of Cal's freshman phenom teams played them last night, it would have been a disjointed and ugly affair for the most part. A lot of "GOOOOOOO!!!!!" yelling, with a lot of nerve-wracked players that would all try to "iso" OVER and OVER and OVER, instead of running an offense that makes the other team work their asses off on defense, and getting a wide open shot as a result. And taking that shot w/o fear of getting yanked if they missed it, like we saw last night.

*(meaning, pulling anyone that gets a hot hand, in order to put in one of his non-shooting pets, so we can watch them drive into double teams and either: dribble it off their own foot, OR get their sh*t swatted into the third row, only to watch them let a mediocre/mid-major white kid bust their ankles while driving by them for a layup
The similarities between Trump and Cal are crazy when you think about it.

Both used stupid slogans (“poop ice cream” / “MAGA”) instead of ever really saying anything.

Both started out motivated but really seemed exhausted by the end.

Both failed handling COVID (Cal missed the tournament. Trump bungled the whole thing)

Both said stupid shit that the fans accepted and justified because they liked him (“players first” / Trumps rants about Hannibal Lecter and Arnold Palmers dick”)

Both had assistants and staff that say bad things about them and left them.

Both did dumb stuff that some people still accepted (Cal skipped postgame pressers and refused to play the best players. Trump makes fun of people with disabilities, bashes women, etc)

Both had some followers left by the end but don’t really want to admit it the more time goes on. Even you guys at some point will wonder why you supported Trump.

Both were able to con fanbases to buy into nonsense that should’ve never worked (cal telling us the kids matter more. Trump convincing Christian’s he cares about the Bible).

Both only care about themselves, nothing else.

Both look down on their fans and followers intellectually and laugh about them behind their backs.

Both did shady stuff but blamed everyone else and swore everyone is out to get them(cal with the ncaa, reporters etc. Trump saying the Emmys were rigged and everyone is lying except for him of course).

Neither one prepares for their job or has any kind of plan for what to do. Like Trump with healthcare, Cal likely also had an “idea of a plan” for how to beat Oakland and St Peters.

The list goes on and on. Happy that Cal is gone and we’ve moved on. Looking forward to Trump being out of national conversation at some point so we can have normalcy again. Boring in politics is good.
  • Haha
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This photo makes me mad. Not mad at Trump. Who cares, he’s faking being a Christian anyways and probably actually is thinking about Big Macs. No what pisses me off is the group of fake Christians putting their hands on him. If you want to pray for the president and ask God to bless him and give him wisdom then cool, have at it. But praying for the candidate to win like all these preachers keep doing? Grow up. Would they pray for Biden right now? Will they pray for Kamala? Nope. They’re in the cult too. Not the Christian cult but the MAGA cult and it’s gross. I was raised in church and had to go to Christian school my whole life. I distinctly remember teachers praying for whoever was the president at the time regardless of what party they were in because they’re the president. The Christians have definitely lost their way. All because he pretends to care about the abortion issue to get votes lol
Yes, it’s the Christians that have lost their way.
The similarities between Trump and Cal are crazy when you think about it.

Both used stupid slogans (“poop ice cream” / “MAGA”) instead of ever really saying anything.

Both started out motivated but really seemed exhausted by the end.

Both failed handling COVID (Cal missed the tournament. Trump bungled the whole thing)

Both said stupid shit that the fans accepted and justified because they liked him (“players first” / Trumps rants about Hannibal Lecter and Arnold Palmers dick”)

Both had assistants and staff that say bad things about them and left them.

Both did dumb stuff that some people still accepted (Cal skipped postgame pressers and refused to play the best players. Trump makes fun of people with disabilities, bashes women, etc)

Both had some followers left by the end but don’t really want to admit it the more time goes on. Even you guys at some point will wonder why you supported Trump.

Both were able to con fanbases to buy into nonsense that should’ve never worked (cal telling us the kids matter more. Trump convincing Christian’s he cares about the Bible).

Both only care about themselves, nothing else.

Both look down on their fans and followers intellectually and laugh about them behind their backs.

Both did shady stuff but blamed everyone else and swore everyone is out to get them(cal with the ncaa, reporters etc. Trump saying the Emmys were rigged and everyone is lying except for him of course).

Neither one prepares for their job or has any kind of plan for what to do. Like Trump with healthcare, Cal likely also had an “idea of a plan” for how to beat Oakland and St Peters.

The list goes on and on. Happy that Cal is gone and we’ve moved on. Looking forward to Trump being out of national conversation at some point so we can have normalcy again. Boring in politics is good.

You could apply 75% of this list to any and every politician.

Like, Neither one prepares for their job or has any kind of plan for what to do. Sure sounds like Kamala to me.
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So when Trump wins like we’ve all said he will, is it a free election ? Or is it only cheating when he loses?
No, then it's 4 years of claiming Russians meddled in our election to help Trump, criminal investigations based on this lie, spying on him, screaming at the sky, and clowns threatening to blow up the White House with pussy hats on, and "mostly peaceful" riots that burn down whole neighborhoods. Maybe one day the left will trying practicing their bumper sticker virtue signaling and actually "embrace diversity." (Shrug)

This photo makes me mad. Not mad at Trump. Who cares, he’s faking being a Christian anyways and probably actually is thinking about Big Macs. No what pisses me off is the group of fake Christians putting their hands on him. If you want to pray for the president and ask God to bless him and give him wisdom then cool, have at it. But praying for the candidate to win like all these preachers keep doing? Grow up. Would they pray for Biden right now? Will they pray for Kamala? Nope. They’re in the cult too. Not the Christian cult but the MAGA cult and it’s gross. I was raised in church and had to go to Christian school my whole life. I distinctly remember teachers praying for whoever was the president at the time regardless of what party they were in because they’re the president. The Christians have definitely lost their way. All because he pretends to care about the abortion issue to get votes lol
They're probably praying for him bc you crazy asses are trying to murder him every day. You know the ppl that claim they're altrustic and full of feelings. Meanwhile no, none of these ppl are trying or advocating to murder biden or Harris

Also, Ron Fillipowski...thx for sharing where you get your information. Lololol

Also, Trump's now leading with Muslims. Are they fake too?

This photo makes me mad. Not mad at Trump. Who cares, he’s faking being a Christian anyways and probably actually is thinking about Big Macs. No what pisses me off is the group of fake Christians putting their hands on him. If you want to pray for the president and ask God to bless him and give him wisdom then cool, have at it. But praying for the candidate to win like all these preachers keep doing? Grow up. Would they pray for Biden right now? Will they pray for Kamala? Nope. They’re in the cult too. Not the Christian cult but the MAGA cult and it’s gross. I was raised in church and had to go to Christian school my whole life. I distinctly remember teachers praying for whoever was the president at the time regardless of what party they were in because they’re the president. The Christians have definitely lost their way. All because he pretends to care about the abortion issue to get votes lol

Maybe they’re praying for his safety and that yalls side don’t succeed in killing the man.

Tell me, who’s lost their way again?
We have an area director in one of our markets that was at a new site we will be converting into a restaurant. It’s an old bank building. She’s married to this little Mexican dude. And I mean little literally. He’s barely five foot tall. Like jockey size. She’s easily twice his size. But I digress. We were talking about what to do with the safe door. She said she wanted it when we demo it. Her little Mexican husband would come get it. She wants it for her gun safe. This building was built in the 70’s so it wasn’t one of those gigantic three ton doors, but it’s still a heavy ass door.
There are a couple of Locksmiths who specialize in safes and can likely move them for you. A building we use to own had a huge vault door, like you see in the movies. I suppose it was built over 100 years ago and must have been a bank. Anyway, they can probably figure out the combination and do all of that. Sometimes they have to drill them out a ruin least that is how it works on Storage Wars.
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It's a stupid fake video from last year that gets reposted fairly often. It was a protest in Vienna. Maga morons like to reuse it for each new conspiracy.
No, then it's 4 years of claiming Russians meddled in our election to help Trump, criminal investigations based on this lie, spying on him, screaming at the sky, and clowns threatening to blow up the White House with pussy hats on, and "mostly peaceful" riots that burn down whole neighborhoods. Maybe one day the left will trying practicing their bumper sticker virtue signaling and actually "embrace diversity." (Shrug)
Speaking of bumper stickers, my neighbor has two. One is Harris for President and the other is In a democracy no one is above the law. Last presidential election he had one that said, “Hands off my environment.” He’s been a lifelong Democrat and is permanently brainwashed.