If Hillary had been President, Covid would have never been released onto the world.
I disagree. I think the entire situation was delayed because Trump became president. Remember (well, people might remember if the MSM had covered it, OR the covid thread hadn't been deleted) that most of the supply kits used for the swab and pcr testing were actually produced in 2017, well before it was reported to "start" in late 2019 after the HK protests.
Also, the pcr testing protocol was based in March on partial, computer generated, genetic information before the virus itself was said to be isolated. Where did it come from? Didn't come from the Chinese govt or health care system, because our govt said they couldn't be trusted when the Chinese scientists said it was less fatal than the flu, especially among kids and young adults (which turned out to be 100% accurate, since few people died from it directly, but most rather as a result of delayed and/or poor care leading to 2ndary infections, pneumonias, or death due to remdesivir).
Then the first testing kits delivered to the UK were tested by their health admin staff and found to ALL CONTAIN material that would produce a positive test result. The person who ordered them tested was removed and the new kits were never tested once they arrived.
Once the protocol was peer reviewed internationally in April and 1. proven to be approaching 100% flawed for a positive result as well as 2. >75% flawed for a negative result, due to a ridiculously high cycle rate, and 3. absolutely unable to distinguish between coronaviruses, the peer review was hidden from public view and dissemination until late November 2020. Even after the peer review was published in Europe and the protocol slammed by the medical community across the world through the spring of 21, they announced they wouldn't issue a new protocol until December 22, never letting it be peer reviewed nor details of the protocol given to the public.
I think that after the 2016 election the project was going to be delayed until they had a D in the white house in 2020, but nothing they'd done to derail the presidency had the full effect needed to keep Trump from a 2nd term. IMO the release was more haphazard than intended because of this or we'd never have seen all of these missteps become public.
BO saying he handed Trump a pandemic plan that he then rejected, confirms that the whole scenario was already in the works, rather than somehow it snuck up on anyone. There's no way someone who himself opened the border of this country and kept it open to so many unvaccinated people from 2012-2024 was concerned about outbreaks and protecting Americans. If anything it convicts him even more of trying to produce them that he lies like that.
I think the pandemic under Hils would have been the end of the country, as intended by her Chinese financiers. Her role, like that of KH was to be the oppressor, even as KH has shown herself to be, and gun collector that BO was supposed to be (before operation fast & furious blew up in his face). Cali was always the test market for selling everything to the cartels and China to force liquidation on the rest of the country, and it worked there. It's just a matter of time and personnel in the WH before it happens. The invasion force is already in place