How will they rule ??!

  • YES - Qualified

    Votes: 41 82.0%
  • NO - Disqualified

    Votes: 9 18.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Wait a minute.... Are the courts rigged or not??
Hunter Biden is guilty. Trump is innocent.

Maybe you're right .... The courts are rigged for Republicans!!!!
Stop the Steal!!!
The judges are crooked!!!
The Cats are eating Haitians!!!!
For whatever reason, the algorithm did a Bill Clinton dump at me. Speeches, debates, interviews, post Presidency ceremonies etc.

I didn't ALWAYS disagree with him politically (but for the most part I did) , and despite the fact that he is a truly reprehensilble human being, it is easy to forget how f***ing great he was at "politics" in general. He could agree to switch positions with you in a debate and whip your ass with your own stuff. LOL

The most gifted politician/snake oil salesman in history. The GOAT. IMO

Now, back to our regularly scheduled bickering. LOL
If parents have the choice to pick their kids school and thus teachers, they would have no one to blame but themselves. As is, with monopoly public schools parents can take the perceived problems out on the teachers and there is no recourse. Net, vote YES on 2 !!!
Love it. Trash the already underfunded public schools. The quicker we can burn it all down the better. It will be back to where it was eventually once all the idiots realize what a great thing this country had at one time with its public school system. It wasn't ever perfect but it was better than the sh** Republicans are trying to replace it with.
  • Haha
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Correct on both accounts (int number was 7). Seriously, that dude was just phenomenal. A LEGEND, and I would bet most UK fans would say, Who? And that isn't their fault. That guy needs some more love from the UK Athletic Dept. if you ask me.

I didn't even know he PLAYED QB, until he was forced into action, either at the end of a geme or something. What an athlete, and like I said, a LEGEND.

Safety - 7 interceptions in 1984

Punter all SEC , averaged 44.6 yards per punt in 1984

QB - 2 for 2 100 completion percentage 30 yards per completion LOL

Also, converted 4th and a mile on a fake punt, which he just decided, all on his own to do, against Miss St. I thought Jerry Claiborne was going to have a stroke when Paul just said, "f*ck it, I'm going" 😆 😆 😆 😆 😆

Best logo ever on that card. Should have stuck with it.
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Love it. Trash the already underfunded public schools. The quicker we can burn it all down the better. It will be back to where it was eventually once all the idiots realize what a great thing this country had at one time with its public school system. It wasn't ever perfect but it was better than the sh** Republicans are trying to replace it with.

Boo hoo. Cry some more

Jimmy Carter killed the US education experience. No amount of your lies or calculated disinformation links can deny that before the Dept of Education being implemented that the US had the highest education in the world. Once Jimmy created that Dept, it took less than a year for US to decline.

People like you are the reason kids are stupid
Biden has been fine the last four years overall. It's the next four that Dems were worried about as he inevitably declined just like Dump is already starting to do.

Boo hoo. Cry some more

Jimmy Carter killed the US education experience. No amount of your lies or calculated disinformation links can deny that before the Dept of Education being implemented that the US had the highest education in the world. Once Jimmy created that Dept, it took less than a year for US to decline.

People like you are the reason kids are stupid
Nah stupid people like you send em to us already dumber than a box of rocks. Can't fix crazy or stupid.
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Wow. With the Senate not looking good for Pelosi, she’s in overdrive looking to cause mayhem.

Without being familiar with the districts at issue, i cant imagine them being vulnerable in fl?

questions and more questions and no answers. i think massie is sincere but every time i read about these investigations they look more and more like staged productions

Since most probably dont know how federal law enforcement works:

Every single ci is assigned a number. I assume its to help protect their identity. They have handlers and their handling gets regular reviews. Almost always, their activity must be pre-approved by the handler, which protects them from prosecution in the event another agency makes an on scene bust, etc; so they aren't just freewheeling.

There is absolutely no way in hell it would ever take this long to get this information. Theyre in a database, not in some spiral notebook somewhere. Its 100% a stall which tells you they definitely had several and they don't want it coming out before election.
I’m actually considering buying a beater and covering it in Trump stuff and parking it at a local grocery store for a few weeks. Just to see what happens to it.
I'll do you one better. All of my leftist friends (and I know a lot of them) are going to get MAGA stickers on their rear bumpers (several actually), courtesy of yours truly. It's my understanding, that under KY law, insurance companies are required to replace automobile windows, free of charge (no deductible) ...

Pelosi might get Cruz this time, but they're not going to get jack sh*t done in Florida.

But you're right, they've made it clear that they're going to start diverting funds towards a Senate race dump. I think the party leadership believes they are going to lose the White House, and will do anything, literally anything, to keep from getting swept (because they don't have much chance at all of getting the House back until 2026
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I'll do you one better. All of my leftist friends (and I know a lot of them) are going to get MAGA stickers on their rear bumpers (several actually), courtesy of yours truly. It's my understanding, that under KY law, insurance companies are required to replace automobile windows, free of charge (no deductible) ...

Pelosi might get Cruz this time, but they're not going to get jack sh*t done in Florida.

But you're right, they've made it clear that they're going to start diverting funds towards a Senate race dump. I think the party leadership believes they are going to lose the White House, and will do anything, literally anything, to keep from getting swept (because they don't have much chance at all of getting the House back.
Only if you have comprehensive coverage.
Say it with me..... "Madam President."
** Newsflash from the 'Lying Liars and the GD Lies They Tell' Department **

Fact check: Harris makes false claim about Trump’s record on manufacturing jobs.​

Facts First: Harris’ claim is false. Trump presided over a gain of 414,000 US manufacturing jobs, not a loss of “at least 200,000,” before the Covid-19 pandemic hit. And the loss for his entire presidency, start to finish, was 178,000 manufacturing jobs, not 200,000 or more as Harris said.

We now rejoin your regularly scheduled programming already in progress.
Love it. Trash the already underfunded public schools. The quicker we can burn it all down the better. It will be back to where it was eventually once all the idiots realize what a great thing this country had at one time with its public school system. It wasn't ever perfect but it was better than the sh** Republicans are trying to replace it with.
You call as sh!t something you know nothing of. People are tired of what government produces and want to decide themselves for their kids. Your opposition to such continues to be mind boggling.
It's mailed from somewhere out of state, that makes the prank much better. The first-place people look is where it was mailed from.
I have a buddy who used to send me that kind of stuff all the time. He would sign me up for random (free) trade magazines and such that I had no interest in.

He sent me beer caps and crap like that when I was in boot camp.

When I was in crypto maintenance school at Mare Island, he would send me stuff to the school with return addresses for places like the Russian consulate.

I had to lay down the law to him before my first overseas assignment.

He was and is a dick but a great friend. lol
Car shopping of late, and I went and talked price w/ the dealer. Unfortunately, they couldn't meet what I wanted, even when I told them I am from the middle class, and I have dreams and aspirations of owning this car. I even asked if they could look at the price holistically and they proceeded to throw me out.
You forget to tell them that you’re aspiring to build up the opportunity economy. That might work…..(?)