How will they rule ??!

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Remind us again which side is responsible for revoking one of our constitutional rights for the first time in American history?

The GOP taking on Dred Scott and slavery?

Brown v. Board of Education overturning Plessy?

No one with a brain would say that about Roe v Wade. So, we know you don’t mean that.
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You think that decision supports your position that the Constitution grants rights to people?
Yes. They interpret it and can do so however they want. When needed all those 'God-given' rights went up in a puff of smoke. The only reason we have them is because of our foundational document enshrining them. Without it they're nothing more than empty words. As Carlin said, cute idea, but fictional.

If you wish to argue that abortion was a constitutional right "to privacy" later overturned in Dobbs then you must argue that the right to slavery was "revoked". In fact, there was never a right to slavery or abortion because the SCOTUS overturned these bad decisions later. You cannot pick and choose which bad decisions you think should still be in play.
No, SCOTUS never acknowledge a right to slavery. They did with abortion. Completely separate legal mechanisms. Again, you're just highlighting your ignorance.
The GOP taking on Dred Scott and slavery?

Brown v. Board of Education overturning Plessy?

No one with a brain would say that about Roe v Wade. So, we know you don’t mean that.
Neither created constitutional rights. Sorry. And you're a lawyer...
You heard it here first folks. Revoking our constitutional rights “is a grain of sand on a beach”. They do not care about our American rights and freedoms. They will strip them from you and laugh.

This IS a laugh-worthy post. I own my laughter. Very funny. Especially, the “you heard it here folks” carnival call. Very fitting.
The primary distinction is that people actually WANT to purchase Trump marketing, where as, with respect to Obama, his propaganda was distributed (with a funnel and feeding tube if needed), free of charge by the politburo. Are you done pissing up a rope yet?

The great merch debate may top the awesome “tip battle” that was recently waged on the Political thread. 😝
What have we learned today?

1. The fascist left is exponentially more inclined to incite poltical violence than the right (we know this to be true, based on the statistical evidence) but they're terrible with firearms, so they should just stick to street beatings, vandalism, and structure fires. THAT is where they really shine.

2. sam still doesn't understand even the BASICS of comedy and satire.

3. Don't F**K with Israel...
Yes. Now. Because y'all revoked it. That is the point. From 1973 to 2022 it was.
So you're a strict originalist, and believe that the original Constitution is an immutable document, that should remain unchanged in perpetuity.

I have to say; I didn't see THAT coming.

(edited to change constructionist to originalist, in order to avoid one of Dion's pedantic hamster wheels)
So you're a strict originalist, and believe that the original Constitution is an immutable document, that should remain unchanged in perpetuity.

I have to say; I didn't see THAT coming.

(edited to change constructionist to originalist, in order to avoid one of Dion's pedantic hamster wheels)
That's what amendments are for. We've had several of them on some pretty big topics.
Yes. Now. Because y'all revoked it. That is the point. From 1973 to 2022 it was.
Your ignorance continues to show. The Constitution does not establish most inalienable rights. And most importantly the 10th Am is very clear. It is and has always been the states right to determine what medical procedure you can have inside its border. If you don't like it then move. Very simple even for a simpleton.
Yes. They interpret it and can do so however they want. When needed all those 'God-given' rights went up in a puff of smoke. The only reason we have them is because of our foundational document enshrining them. Without it they're nothing more than empty words. As Carlin said, cute idea, but fictional.

Wrong as always. Obviously, as usual, you’re engrained in your position and have no desire to learn.

Have a nice day. Hopefully your pager didn’t do too much damage.
It's because most of the left is broke, because it's hard to hold down a job with your ears (and mind) closed, your mouth open, and your hands holding a panhandling sign. Are you all going to reword your signs when IC cars are outlawed?

Need GAS battery money...
Dion's probably trying to figure out what an IC car is, and he is positive it's racist.
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Let me get this straight. Kamala Harris tweets about a Bail Fund in 2020 that may help some protesters involved in the George Floyd protests.
She didn't bail them out.
She didn't even know this man or any of the protesters that may or may not have committed a crime during the protests. She only pointed out a bail fund that was available if you were arrested during the protests.
A FULL TWO YEARS LATER.....a man Kamala has never met in her life just so happens to have used that fund and commits a completely unrelated crime to the BLM protests.....TWO YEARS after her Tweet.
But somehow in MAGA world that is her fault. 🤡
On the other hand.....Rump incites a full blown riot at the Capitol. Unleashes a mob of red hats on the Congress. Many of whom are actually arrested and charged with crimes like beating cops, theft, vandalism, trespassing and other charges.
Some of Rump's cult are actually convicted of these crimes and serving time in he decides to sing songs with them....and promises to pardon them if he is elected.
Who is the GD danger to America again?????

Why would people out there simply protesting ever need a bail fund?

What type of people need bail funds, Sam?

She loved the country being destroyed, promoted it, and backed those that did it because it caused National chaos for a Trump Presidency. Watch her face light up even talking about it.

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False. MAGA = Make America Great Again.

This means securing our borders, rebuilding our military, establishing election integrity, allowing states to decide their abortion policies, stopping the war on fossil fuels, (which also means stopping the government grift associated with renewable energy), and stopping schools and hospitals from transitioning kids without parental consent. There’s other important facets pertaining to the MAGA agenda but I’ll leave that for now.

The only thing missing is a curb of federal spending. Hopefully Trump will see the light on this.

Your TDS posting is embarrassing to read.
I quit reading after secure our borders.
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You guys never cease to amaze me with always blaming it back on the Republicans. Why do you pass on this disinformation? Just how stupid are you?
"You might be surprised to learn that Routh wasn't as stable as an anvil."

No, we're not. He is a Biden-Harris supporter. Literally NONE of us are surprised that a Harris supporter is weird.

@ukalum1988 @augustaky1

Alum...He is running around in our area...maybe you will spot him.

I got in the elevator today with a guy that looked just like Jimmy Carter. I don't mean there was a passing resemblance...this dude was Jimmy Carter haha. Not Jimmy Carter on his deathbed now but Jimmy from 15-20 years ago.

He got in the elevator and I looked at him...did a double take and I said 'Sir, has anyone ever told you..'...that is all the words I got out and he said 'Jimmy Carter' haha.

Very nice older gentleman. We walked to the doors after getting off the elevator and he told me he went to Israel and a guy there ran up to him and said 'You're Jimmy Carter!' and he said no and the guy said 'yes you are' haha. Said he had to tell him 3 or 4 times 'no' and the guy didn't believe him.

Obviously, I would never ask some stranger about their politics, but when driving off I wondered...does he care about politics? What if he is a Republican? Imagine hating Bill Clinton and you look just like him haha.
For clarification, the Florida guy wasn't in a Blackrock ad, it was a propaganda ad for Asov Brigade.

But I 100% believe these are alphabet agency assets. I think Crooks was a patsy for sure. I doubt that 20 year old kid saw it as a suicide mission. Too stupid to see he was being played. Probably was led to believe he could escape with a distraction of his supposed bomb or something. I don't know.

You're right though that this should be a pretty easy investigation if it wasn't being undermined by the people who orchestrated it. Bank records and phone records, the messaging apps, I would bet everything I have that it shows the communication between them and the feds pushing them to this.
This is why DeSantis' move is brilliant.