Dem/lib lies. Mentioned before of ads here in Ohio (by some dem/lib group 'Win Senate'). It's played constantly about how (supposedly) Moreno was sued, shredded evidence, fired a single mom, etc, etc, etc. The ad has no facts. No supporting small print like a newspaper/date, and so forth. So I looked them up.
He sold a car dealership. When he owned it he would get regular reports (generated in-house) on overtime pay. But when he sold it, he didn't keep them. But did keep ADP reports and time cards of the employee who brought suit.....
'The presiding judge wrote that claims Moreno had committed wholesale destruction of relevant records were “overblown,” but a narrower claim of destruction was not.'
And, the single mom......
'Female former dealership supervisor Cara Wilson, then of Streetsboro, in Portage County, alleged Moreno repeatedly belittled her about being a mother, sometimes in front of her peers. The lawsuit alleged Wilson was stripped of her flex time schedule, was blamed for her dealership’s poor performance despite being deprived of the leeway given to male counterparts to make key decisions and was wrongfully fired.
Reached by phone, Wilson said she and Moreno “are great friends now” — as evidenced by the fact she hosted a fundraiser for his campaign last fall'