It'sa form of narcissistic manipulation.
Slipped a hip with a slip of the tongue? That must have been a real tongue-lashing!!
So why would they do that if they didn't want to go? No car? parking poor? Paid?
May very well happen. Stay tuned.Yes Biden is a catholic against abortion. But his constituency that made him president is pro choice so he going to support them. Just like Trump is pro choice but pretended to be pro life to support his voters.
Getting her to say ka-MA-la is hilarious !I don't know much about this guy, but I like the calm reply..."Sean Hannity didn't even get my name right"
Wait a minute.... Are the courts rigged or not??Meanwhile, back in the real world...
Georgia Judge Tosses 3 More Charges in Trump Election Interference Case
While the judge kept most of the case intact, it was a win for the defendants, who have been trying to chip away at the case.
Nobody is saying that the border influx is not a problem.The people who tell you white supremacy is everywhere and behind every corner out to get you, are the same ones who do not care about real migrant violence and then will be like "OMG! IT'S JUST A COUPLE OF CATS."
Says the clown passing laws that force minors to carry their rapist's baby.Getchoo some boy.
So if an 80 year old man or woman with vision problems accidentally leaves off the date on their ballot it gets shredded??
Republicans are clowns.
Republicans are clowns.
"Post-election data demonstrate that thrown-out ballots disproportionately come from Democratic and elderly voters, who have a higher propensity to vote by mail."
Sounds like ole Sammy is panicking.Oh man, what a shock, people too stupid (or dead) to figure out how to vote legally disproportionally vote democrat.
Sad thing is, she probably believes Target was slave owners.
You can’t fix this level of stupidity. When I see something this unbelievable, I grow more certain that it can’t be salvaged and that it’s time to start over.
Probably one of sambowieshin’s star pupils.You can’t fix this level of stupidity. When I see something this unbelievable, I grow more certain that it can’t be salvaged and that it’s time to start over.
Musk's lawyers are behind the scenes. I just know it.
I always enjoy this sentiment. Who’re going to be the hardcore tankies putting a bullet in the back of our heads? There are no socially conservative hardcore communists in all of America to call us degenerates lol. That’s you Christo-fascists who won’t make it through the first purges.
Somebody should tell her who sold her ancestors to “Target”.Sad thing is, she probably believes Target was slave owners.
Sam I’m sure Democrats will be more than happy to help the Elderly fill out their ballots.[
Republicans are clowns.
"Post-election data demonstrate that thrown-out ballots disproportionately come from Democratic and elderly voters, who have a higher propensity to vote by mail."
Target is from Minnesota.
How in the hell did America get to this point?When she doesn't have a script or weeks to memorize short answers things get rough quick:
off topic, but…Blubo, I saw your emoji...I'm not kidding on this!
You can choose in the option to block the ad. Bad news is they have several.
I was wondering where he ran off to. Now I need to go get him I guess...