Opposition Research. Everyone does it. Steele compiled every story and rumor that was floating around. That's what opposition research is. It isn't even vaguely illegal.
The State of New York convicted Trump of crimes committed before he ran for office. 34 felonies. It's your party that's trying to run on an anti-crime platform headed by a convicted felon. That's chutzpah. Being a candidate for office doesn't prevent you from committing crimes. It doesn't prevent you from being tried and convicted. His crimes in Florida were committed after he left office. As for punishment, Trump doesn't face prison in NY. There are statutory penalties that specify a sentence, but he won't be given time because his previous fraud trials -- plural -- were civil. He's technically a first offender and he'll be treated as such. But he'll whine like Seth Pecksniff. What Trump deserves for stealing Defense Dept documents, however, is a very long custodial sentence. He had over a year to return the documents and still hasn't accounted for all of them. The closest track indicates that just ahead of the Feds, Trump removed several boxes and flew them north. Some people think he buried them with his ex-wife. Along the way, he pressured others to commit crimes along with him. Such a lovely, innocent guy you're backing.