I dont dodge anything. I dont understand what opinion you want of mine. You took his speech, which im not sure you've read, and turned his words into something i dont see.
And whats your obsession with the Jan 7? Some rednecks walked into the Capitol, and walked out a few hours later. And strangely, they did something the Dems would never do, they didnt set 1 fire or level the place.
You're just like CNN. You look the other way when Democrat politicians call for violence, to get in peoples face, to cause civil unrest, but when Trump says "lets walk down Pennsylvania Ave" you take it like he's lining up the cannons.
Could you imagine if the Republicans torched dozens of cities, destroyed hundreds of businesses for months? But no, lets stay obsessed with 1 day some rednecks barged into the capitol.
Here’s the rub: Jan 6th was a Christmas present to them that they use to try and make you forget about “The summer of Love”. They are GLAD Jan 6th happened because it “one upped” the burning and looting and spitting in cops’ faces all summer. They were giddy when Jan 6th happened as it gave them an out. They’re all losers.