The Keystone, Vail etc. area is the only place in Colorado worth stepping in anymore. And even that's just for a summer cool down or winter skiing.
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These people always make a ton of money on these book deals despite always seeing them in bargain bins.Within the week the Biden family will have been pardoned for all their crimes and the family will have a long list of book deals with advances.
9. Actual major 9/11 type terrorist attack on our soil.5. COVID.
6. Mass shooting.
7. Some wartime strike/conflict.
8. If not a cop/black issue.. someone will die from a forced abortion, or some immigrant family will be slaughtered. Something that will be sensationalized and used as a rally point.
The Oh Shit's that probably went through her and everybody else's heads after she said that is hilarious.
I'll take Steamboat, Glenwood Springs, Colorado Springs & the AFA, and Mesa Verde NP.The Keystone, Vail etc. area is the only place in Colorado worth stepping in anymore. And even that's just for a summer cool down or winter skiiing.
Joe Biden is far enough gone, he seriously needs someone with signatory powers to sign for him. Not even joking on that.edit: I did not see the other responses before writing my post below. lol
I KNEW I should have caught up on the thread first.
I am sure I deserve a "silver medal" or similar for that one. doh!
If they do not have to announce the pardons and in his condition, could they write the pardons and immunity deals for the whole circle and have him sign them?
Not just the immediate family.
Then just put them away for a rainy day?
I honestly do not know the particulars of how pardons and immunity work.
I thought these could be done before any charges are brought.
In my layman's mind, the key would be no requirement to announce them at the time. It's an insurance policy type of thing.
Yeah and they'll probably get Shapiro to run alongside her in order to get PA since it's shaky at best at this point.If Joe can't run, then he really has no business finishing his term out either. I'm thinking if I'm the dems, I remove him, if you can get him to agree to step down that's even better, the MSM will fall all over itself with his bravery, his selflessness, remind people that it's like Washington giving his farewell address. Then Kamala can actually be President and the ecstasy of our first female president who is also a POC. There will then be the stories of how much she has grown and the difficult role she has of bringing America together as president. Any success will be given the narrative that it was her leadership between now and November. It's all BS, but I think that has to be the play.
I agree that if he's not running, he should also resign UNLESS he claims it's not because of his health/mind but strictly for political reasons.If Joe can't run, then he really has no business finishing his term out either. I'm thinking if I'm the dems, I remove him, if you can get him to agree to step down that's even better, the MSM will fall all over itself with his bravery, his selflessness, remind people that it's like Washington giving his farewell address. Then Kamala can actually be President and the ecstasy of our first female president who is also a POC. There will then be the stories of how much she has grown and the difficult role she has of bringing America together as president. Any success will be given the narrative that it was her leadership between now and November. It's all BS, but I think that has to be the play.
Wouldn't doubt if his phone, that we will NEVER know the contents of had a plan basically all schemed out and was basically facilitated without him ever being contacted.I wonder how much longer til it comes out that the FBI and Secret Service were made aware of him days/months in advance of his threats to Trump.
This is another perfect example why there is really no hope for this country in the long term. These people are irretrievably broken in the head. There can never be “unity” with people who think this way.
The internet is savage.
Trump is a loser so I guess by his logic that means he is also woke? LMAO! ****ing moron
Does anyone wonder if the SS didn't take this kid seriously because they were looking for Iranians? Not saying it's excusable.
I had zerrrro. All far left. All of them. It was routinely shown in our assignments as well with the hypothetical scenarios they would give us. Never was there anything that was presented that was negative toward Democrats or leftism unless I brought it up in class which after awhile I felt was my duty so that at least one kid in the class could hear something that was different.
Serious question, does anyone know how they used DNA to identify Crooks? Maybe I'm unaware of something but he wouldn't be in a database unless this kid did stuff. How could they so quickly identify him like that? I always thought CSI was BS as it usually takes some time to identify DNA but apparently I was wrong.
Of course it is. The Democratic establishment side. Capitalism. You didn't even understand my post to be able to attempt to critique it.
She's definitely going to be the subject of memes for a long time.The internet is savage
Take a watch sometime, Dion.Of course it is. The Democratic establishment side. Capitalism. You didn't even understand my post to be able to attempt to critique it.
Yeah, it's totally normal for a loner/gamer to have two phones. That's definitely not weird at all.