How will they rule ??!

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This guy previously moderated a presidential debate:

Shot (2024):


Chaser (what he said in 2021):


If Joe can't run, then he really has no business finishing his term out either. I'm thinking if I'm the dems, I remove him, if you can get him to agree to step down that's even better, the MSM will fall all over itself with his bravery, his selflessness, remind people that it's like Washington giving his farewell address. Then Kamala can actually be President and the ecstasy of our first female president who is also a POC. There will then be the stories of how much she has grown and the difficult role she has of bringing America together as president. Any success will be given the narrative that it was her leadership between now and November. It's all BS, but I think that has to be the play.
edit: I did not see the other responses before writing my post below. lol

I KNEW I should have caught up on the thread first.

I am sure I deserve a "silver medal" or similar for that one. doh!

If they do not have to announce the pardons and in his condition, could they write the pardons and immunity deals for the whole circle and have him sign them?

Not just the immediate family.

Then just put them away for a rainy day?

I honestly do not know the particulars of how pardons and immunity work.

I thought these could be done before any charges are brought.

In my layman's mind, the key would be no requirement to announce them at the time. It's an insurance policy type of thing.
Joe Biden is far enough gone, he seriously needs someone with signatory powers to sign for him. Not even joking on that.

Seriously speaking could some of the things he signed into law technically be challenged because he wasn't in a cognitive state of mind when he signed them?

If he didn’t spend his time in the bowels of Reddit or other left wing cesspools, that means he truly was radicalized by the mainstream media and democrats.

Or he was a patsy.

It’s far more concerning to me if an everyday lunatic decides things are bad enough he needs to shoot the president than it would be if a radical lefty like sambowieshin or Dion did the same. I know they spend their days consuming radical Reddit left wing project 2025 fearporn.
If Joe can't run, then he really has no business finishing his term out either. I'm thinking if I'm the dems, I remove him, if you can get him to agree to step down that's even better, the MSM will fall all over itself with his bravery, his selflessness, remind people that it's like Washington giving his farewell address. Then Kamala can actually be President and the ecstasy of our first female president who is also a POC. There will then be the stories of how much she has grown and the difficult role she has of bringing America together as president. Any success will be given the narrative that it was her leadership between now and November. It's all BS, but I think that has to be the play.
Yeah and they'll probably get Shapiro to run alongside her in order to get PA since it's shaky at best at this point.
If Joe can't run, then he really has no business finishing his term out either. I'm thinking if I'm the dems, I remove him, if you can get him to agree to step down that's even better, the MSM will fall all over itself with his bravery, his selflessness, remind people that it's like Washington giving his farewell address. Then Kamala can actually be President and the ecstasy of our first female president who is also a POC. There will then be the stories of how much she has grown and the difficult role she has of bringing America together as president. Any success will be given the narrative that it was her leadership between now and November. It's all BS, but I think that has to be the play.
I agree that if he's not running, he should also resign UNLESS he claims it's not because of his health/mind but strictly for political reasons.

But assuming he includes health in his reason(s), stepping down, would a) as you said, put the first woman & black woman president in his legacy, but bigger, b) almost forces Dims to select her as the nominee which sticks it to those that would like to nominate someone besides her. The Obamas would be at the top of that list. And that's a super thing.
I was reading an article on the stock shorting story and was going to copy/paste it and somehow this article came up. My laptop's keyboard, etc is super sensitive (really bugs me at times...barely touch the mouse pad and no telling). Anyway this must have been in the article (on The Gateway Pundit) and this new tab popped up. Never ever heard of this site. Didn't look past this article but I would imagine there's some weird/goofy stuff on it.
I've seen this guy's name mentioned on here since Saturday, so I thought I'd copy/paste this. Have never seen it anywhere else.
Plus the photo of the dead guy. I doubt if the SS or FBI has released a picture of the guy on the roof (all though I've seen a couple of him lying on the roof from a drone...and I questions them).

Serious question, does anyone know how they used DNA to identify Crooks? Maybe I'm unaware of something but he wouldn't be in a database unless this kid did stuff. How could they so quickly identify him like that? I always thought CSI was BS as it usually takes some time to identify DNA but apparently I was wrong.
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Does anyone wonder if the SS didn't take this kid seriously because they were looking for Iranians? Not saying it's excusable.

Do you really think the SS would be so incompetent to think Iran would send Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to kill the president as opposed to someone that could blend into a crowd in PA?

Before Saturday I would have called you insane.

After Saturday, yes it’s plausible they were only looking for Iranians and were concerned with the scrawny white kid walking around with a ladder, rifle and range finder.
I had zerrrro. All far left. All of them. It was routinely shown in our assignments as well with the hypothetical scenarios they would give us. Never was there anything that was presented that was negative toward Democrats or leftism unless I brought it up in class which after awhile I felt was my duty so that at least one kid in the class could hear something that was different.

My favorite professor is the one that worked at the White House and the house. He was involved fairly high up inHuck’s staff at the Gov mansion in Arkansas. The stories he told me about Huck and his family I’ve never forgotten. The things they had to do because of the Clinton’s is unreal. Huckabee wouldn’t allow his family there until everything was secure and security had been re adjusted. His kids had security around the clock. Huck slept in his office with one eye open and there was legitimate concern by the staff that something might happen. It was a real life horror movie because of some very bizarre situations. We still talk and became friends.

***also claims the Arkansas gov mansion is 100% haunted and witnessed by many. lol.

He was a great professor that was a Republican turned independent (of course) but was fairly conservative. One other was moderately, moderately conservative. I still communicate with both and neither supported Trump of course.

Almost all of the rest in POLS were Marxists. In my clinical T program in graduate school all were either mod D’s to marxists. Most would try and tell you academic professors are impartial even if they are more left leaning. I used to get a kick out of that.

I spent my days going back and forth constantly, and in doing that I did manage to help several students away from their propaganda.
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Serious question, does anyone know how they used DNA to identify Crooks? Maybe I'm unaware of something but he wouldn't be in a database unless this kid did stuff. How could they so quickly identify him like that? I always thought CSI was BS as it usually takes some time to identify DNA but apparently I was wrong.

I believe they used the gun to see who it was registered to. Went to the house and got a DNA sample (hair from a comb) and matched them. I know normally it takes weeks to get results back but that’s usually because there’s a line. But with this being Donald Trump they were able to skip ahead of all the other testing.

But I could 100% be wrong
Also, I think it’s very important to point out if Iran has a plot to murder Donald Trump, they either think they have a green light from the Biden admin, or they’re willing to be blown off the map in retaliation for killing a former president and current front runner.

I think we all know they have the green light.
Yeah, it's totally normal for a loner/gamer to have two phones. That's definitely not weird at all.


I find it hilarious that this is shaping up to go exactly how it would go with the people in charge in charge.

Loner, no social media, 20 years old, independent in politics, no opinions anywhere minus a few that can’t be substantiated. Somehow thought without having Friends or a social media life, or a job requiring it, he has two cell phones. I guess one for each parent?

What a white wash job. And regardless of what they find they’re going to do everything in their power to destroy or ignore any evidence that he’s left wing which he obviously is.

That’s not even considering intelligence agencies and how this fits with the pattern of the CIA patsy routine like a glove. I fear America will never recover from Obama coming into office. Nothing has been the same since. I’ll hate independents forever for putting him in office. I’m beginning to loathe these small party platforms that give life to these commies / Marxists. America just can’t grow up and wake up.

And I’m far from a Republican or Democrat.