How will they rule ??!

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I've been saying this for a long time now; their ignorance is only matched by their arrogance.

Case in point, another emblematic instance of my point earlier... stupid gaslighting hoax after hoax used to demonize, useful for nothing but political expediency, a manipulative disingenuous lie foisted upon the ignorant and naive to galvanize the low-information voter. The LEft must fix themselves.
He looks like a leftist loon.

"Orr said some of the backlash is from people who don’t support him as mayor. He won the position in a razor close election, winning by just four votes. He thinks that because he’s gay, he’s been a target of unfair criticism."

Always the victim.
Everyone, please remember to include in the long, long, LONG list of abuses of power that have been employed against Trump: the federal government (I.e., the democrats) illegally appointed and funded a prosecution against him, and in doing so tried to eliminate the separation of powers. These are the protectors of “our democracy”.

But please, won’t you put aside your differences and turn down the temperature a bit so that we can unite with them?
So....who pays the millions and millions that was spent on this fiasco?
Seems to me that the gov't shouldn't pay the bill....that those behind it should. Maybe that '10% for the big guy' is in a rainy day fund.
I hope he doesn't not pick him because he is taller. and would overshadow him like many are saying.

I remember when they called the one on the right a wimp and a lapdog.

Speculation that JD Vance for VP.

Evidently he's a good friend with Don Jr. And that Don Jr. will either 'announce' or 'introduce' the VP candidate.
Me too.

And I still haven't seen an explanation/visual of how Trump turning his head stopped him from being killed as I don't know the bullet path to & past his head. Not saying it's not true, just don't have a visual of it.
Had he been looking directly at the audience he would have been shot in head. You can't see that?
You were a minute faster to the story Dave haha

MSNBC took Morning Joe off the air, at least for this morning haha. They knew those pieces of sh-t wouldn't have been able to treat the attempt on Trump's life with any respect.

I have no idea why the term MSM is even usable anymore. Should be Democrat Leftist Media or DLM.
Had he been looking directly at the audience he would have been shot in head. You can't see that?
I've understood the bullet came from in front of him, left of center. No? But if yes, then upon turning he was presenting the whole left side of his head to the shooter. Now if it came from the right (front?), then it makes some sense to me.
I've understood the bullet came from in front of him, left of center. No? But if yes, then upon turning he was presenting the whole left side of his head to the shooter. Now if it came from the right (front?), then it makes some sense to me.
Kid was in about the 230 or 245 position. If Trump is looking at Audience at noon on a clock. Trumps is looking at about 3 o'clock instead of noon when shot whizzes by. Audience is noon. Bullet came from right.

About 70 degrees Maybe 80.
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So since at least 2016 there has been a parlor game among Leftist celebrities and entertainers joking (one hopes), dreaming, imagining, and just talking about the various and graphic ways they would like to assassinate or seriously injure Trump:

By slugging his face (Robert De Niro), by decapitation (Kathy Griffin, Marilyn Manson), by stabbing (Shakespeare in the Park), by clubbing (Mickey Rourke), by shooting ( Snoop Dogg), by poisoning (Anthony Bourdain), by bounty killing (George Lopez), by carrion eating his corpse (Pearl Jam), by suffocating (Larry Whilmore), by blowing him up (Madonna, Moby), by throwing him over a cliff (Rosie O’Donnell), just by generic “killing” him (Johnny Depp, Big Sean), or by martyring him (Reid Hoffman: “Yeah, I wish I had made him an actual martyr.”).
Yet, recently POTUS Joe Biden was a little bit more graphic and a lot more literal. In a widely reported call to hundreds of donors last week, Biden boasted, “I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”
If a person is in the 70's or 80's or even their 60's and still claims to be Liberal after seeing the nation's landscape the last 10 or so years, they are either incredibly stupid or incredibly selfish. Probably both.
I don't claim to be & in fact, I know that I'm not. But that doesn't stop MAGA from here from claiming such because I'm to the left of their darlings, MTG & Gaetz & similar.
Hopefully Trump picks a VP this week, and hopefully it is someone who can sincerely move America forward, and serve as a leader for the MAGA movement if the democrats successfully blow his head off next time.

Originally I was thinking he should wait until Biden’s replacement was named. But now, I think Biden will serve as the sacrificial lamb and they need to get an heir apparent in place for the MAGA movement.

Hopefully it’s not an establishment hack.
He has to name this week regardless of what the Dims do later.

Who is an establishment hack? Anyone besides Vance?
Just heard on Fox…that building the shooter was on was the responsibility of the local police, not secret service. (Rolleyes). Also, the FBI is STILL working to access shooter’s phone.

I think it’s safe to conclude the federal govt had nothing to do with nothing. They’re doing their best job. WE must do better. WE must love our neighbors.
Per Jesse Watters those two snipers to the right of Trump are 100% loyal to him. Served him in the first term, volunteered to serve on this detail. They are friends with Eric Trump and go to the gun range with him often. They were told to stand down by the lead agent in charge when the shooter was first spotted on the roof.

They sound pretty loyal.