How will they rule ??!

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I’m not going to tell you which Democrat member of my family I just had this exchange with

I show the video of the BBC interview where the guy is saying he was telling the cops about a guy on the roof “I don’t believe that.”

I show the video of the dead shooter on the roof.

“How do we know this isn’t some publicity stunt?”

What? You think the dead guy on the roof is on a publicity stunt?

“How do we know he’s dead?”

The AP and the video I just showed you.

“I’m just saying we’re relying on other people for info. We weren’t there.”


A friend of mine has a friend who took a photo of the guy on the roof.

I’m sure they won’t believe that either.
Pundits on both sides are divisive, but Trump is easily the most divisive President in my lifetime.

Also, wtf are you talking about blaming the victim? I never once justified Trump being shot at. What I am disagreeing with is the laughable notion that it's the media making Trump divisive. Trump is divisive. He did that. Like, that's his schtick.
Obummer says hello
wtf are you talking about?

Im just typing what an eye-witness said. Do you think that's politically motivated?

Also, I'd bet the shooter probably was using a silencer. Im just relaying info because it's interesting Einstein. Witness said she would've bet the gun was a ".22 because it didn't make a loud sound. The sound was from falling equipment."

Yeah. You typed that a woman that 'carries' guns made that claim.

Now you're doubling down on it?

Holy schit, you are truly dumb.

Amd off to ignore you go, leftist. Bye.
SLOWLY for YOU.....You're an idiot hopefully you've moved out of mama's basement.

Silencer dear God you moron again you're no ex-military guy, get back to watching Netfix movies

I heard the shots dipshit

You're ****ing right Im not ex-military. Im not using an assasination attempt as a way to flex my knowledge of guns. I don't give a **** about guns. Im typing what is being reported by eye-witnesses. I can't help if that triggers you for some random ****ing reason, Percy.
There is no my side. I don't even like Pelosi.

I will say though the reason I think Trump is a bad President and candidate is because of statements like he made about Pelosi, who was the victim of a home break-in. There is no spin that makes that justified and it's why I distrust him to run the country.

I think that's actually a very fair take.

I am not here making fun of Trump for being shot. What I am saying is that Trump is inherently divisive because of his own behavior. That doesn't warrant him being murdered, but blaming the media for the division...No, I dont agree

I dont know what Trump said about Pelosi but Pelosi was on the losing end of a drugged up gay lovers quarrel. Have friends w SFPD. Not the first time they’ve covered for Paul’s vices. There’s always the media narrative and then there’s reality. Rarely do they cross paths these days.
I dont know what Trump said about Pelosi but Pelosi was on the losing end of a drugged up gay lovers quarrel. Have friends w SFPD. Not the first time they’ve covered for Paul’s vices. There’s always the media narrative and then there’s reality. Rarely do they cross paths these days.

Yea, I mean we can go down that rabbit hole, but the guy who attacked Paul Pelosi was a total stranger. Saying anything else, even if it's funny for memes, is a lie. That's why Trump shouldn't echo it.
You're ****ing right Im not ex-military. Im not using an assasination attempt as a way to flex my knowledge of guns. I don't give a **** about guns. Im typing what is being reported by eye-witnesses. I can't help if that triggers you for some random ****ing reason, Percy.
LMAO dude you're so soft clean your panties have a nice night and celebrate.
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Who did not see this coming??

We have seen things in the last 8 years that would be absolutely unbelievable in 2000. They spied on his campaign, created a phony document linking him to Russia, burned and looted the nation, unleashed a weaponized virus and then unleashed vaccines that are likely killings people, clearly stole an election, bastardized the law to try to get him, convinced their drones that he is Hitler, so that one of them has now tried to kill him.

Anybody reading this should be prepared for God knows what by January of 2025. They will not allow him to win.
Nice to see we've gotten into 'EVERYBODY' on the other side is evil. This country's lost.
You don't read or watch news... We've established that. But if you had you would see that Pubs have been attacked and shot at by dems repeatedly since '16. Not just some random mental case but diehard democrat leftist. The msm won't show it but if you follow alternative news you'd know this.
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All you limp noodle libs go on...wrap yourselves up in a tarp, some bubble wrap, and roll under the bed...I think I heard someone cough today...

Trump is a billionaire. He could be chasing playmates, porn stars, playing golf, buying businesses, creating another mega TV show...instead he's in ass end of nowhere Pennsylvania getting shot at because he cares about this country and its people.

Anyone else would have gone ghost white and beat secret service to the Suburban...this crazy MFer stands up and fists bumps...he wanted to stay up there!

That's the mark of a real the midst of chaos his first thought was with the people.
I don't see how this was allowed to happen.

Definitely some negligence or worse involved.