How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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    Votes: 9 18.0%

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This reminds me of a situation I was somewhat involved in while on the deaconate at a big Baptist church in SC. One of our very left-leaning church members politicked for months to have the church sponsor and work with the community next to the church to have a Community garden. The community was the Jesse Jackson townhomes, which housed 100% poor African Americans and had extremely high crime throughout. Many on the deaconate, including me, thought this idea was ludicrous and would never work. But, the leading member insisted that the community would embrace the garden, would work together, would share equally or more for those more in need, etc. (and probably join hands and sing 'Kum Baya').

Somehow, the garden project got just enough votes to proceed. Several church members volunteered their time and spent several weekends in the initial phase of getting the garden ready, planting, watering, weeding, etc. And some even continued on until the crops were ready to harvest. Then, the deaconate never heard much more about the 'success' of the community garden. Come to find out, shortly prior to distributing freshly grown vegetables, someone (or more than one someone) picked all the ripe vegetables for themselves and destroyed the remainder of the crops. Never tried that asinine idea again.

But, my anecdote and the quoted coffee shop one illustrates what I think is most prominent and most damaging to Leftist ideology - it assumes this fairy tale existence and completely ignores reality and human nature. "If we get rid of the police, there won't be as much crime", "if we raise minimum wage, all workers will retain their jobs and be earning a living wage", "if we give illegal immigrants a court date, they'll show up", "if we pay $1,000 for newborns in Baltimore to keep the baby from poverty, more poor babies won't be born", "if I open a coffee shop and ask customers to pay what they can, everyone will cooperate, no one will take advantage of 'free' coffee, everyone will comply and this business with thrive', etc., etc., etc. It's difficult for me to rectify the huge disconnect between the 'educated' Left and their plainly stupid, naive and overly simple-minded policies they seem to love.
Phenomenal post and there’s a million examples of this where common sense and reality never get in the way of Democrat Party idealism.
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I had to laugh out loud with your #16. A 6th grade education in the 50’s is better than a high school diploma today. Most of today’s students are addicted to their smart phones and are becoming dumber by the day. If they took all the fluff and BS out of public education our students would do a whole helluva lot better.
Better at what? I don't disagree with you we need education reform, but the world today is very different from the '50s. An Encyclopaedia Britannica used to be an expensive investment that took up a whole wall of a library. Now people have all the world's knowledge in their pocket at all times. We need cultural context that helps us navigate our world, not rote fact memorization.
At what point do the democrats just finally admit they cheated in 2020, claim Trump was actually elected a second time, and then argue he’s barred from being elected for a third time under the 22nd amendment?
Wouldn't matter. Trump himself will argue the 22nd only applies to consecutive terms if he wins this time and likely run again in 2028. Evoking the 22nd wouldn't stop him this time unless courts ruled on it, blocking him, and as we've already seen SCOTUS won't let that happen.
they now have millions of live bodies who can register without proof of citizenship. all they have to do is check the box that asks “are you an american citizen?” of course lying about it is illegal by law but who’s going to pursue it?

The only way to stop it is to start now by getting injunctions in every state or at the federal level. Massive undertaking but its the only realistic choice.

The only other way is to win by such a large actual margin that it wont matter. Crazy tough because they will just use a program to capture all the registered names and print votes in those names come November
Looks like senile Biden isn't to be awoken if a nuclear attack occurs after his 8:00 PM bedtime. This even though Biden is the only one who can order a counterstrike. This is insane.

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1) literally put armed forces at the southern border and shoot any trying to cross. Make it known any foreign or domestic organization aiding or abetting people intending to illegally cross our borders will be enemies of the state and deemed an act of war or treason. Then expel every single person who ever crossed and strip birth right citizenship from any born here to illegals.
Ever since the mid-late 80s (when I began to see an influx of Hispanics moving to Atlanta...and saw it each biz trip I took to L.A. or Vegas) that we should have all of ouR military installations on the border. Space them every hundred miles or so (or whatever works out) and have maneuvers along the border.

Crazy idea...but abolish the Dept of Education and take that money and put into a massive deportation program. Same with Homeland Security ( it is named SECURITY).
They ran stories about his diet coke consumption. Then discussed for a week removing him via the 25th, saying he was senile because he claimed the feds spied on him.

Biden is so far gone its almost sad to laugh at. True its worse now, but it was really bad last cycle too. They were able to better cover it up because of whatever miracles his drs worked during the debates to make him seem far more competent than normal.

The sad thing is at least cubans were truly escaping a nightmare. Imagine how bad it was that people were willing to float 90 miles of open sea on milk jugs. The treacherous journey kept the numbers low. The ones that made it look were super grateful, wanted the American dream, and gladly assimilated.

What we have now is insanity. People arent coming here to escape a monster like castro. Theyre coming here because of massive handouts, free medical care, free college for kids, all while mostly having no intent whatsoever to assimilate or be productive. There are exceptions of course but thats the general outcome for the millions waltzing across with the help of many groups organized to help them make the journey from as far as lower central America or south america. This is a literal invasion which the president is bound by law to resist.

The only solution is one of two approaches:

1) literally put armed forces at the southern border and shoot any trying to cross. Make it known any foreign or domestic organization aiding or abetting people intending to illegally cross our borders will be enemies of the state and deemed an act of war or treason. Then expel every single person who ever crossed and strip birth right citizenship from any born here to illegals.

2) the better option imo is to announce a removal of any benefit whatsoever for an illegal, including no birthright citizenship. Expressly limit any right to even claim asylum to the very limited few countries actually experiencing political tyranny. Threaten any nation allowing a large caravan pass through or any nation assisting such a group.

Then offer free deportation to anyone who voluntarily asks, because there will be many without their freebies. Immediately deport everyone in custody anywhere at any time they come into custody.

This lets the problem solve itself.
Re #1, at some bases we had what was called harassment and interdiction. At random times, usually at night, a guard would be called and told to fire 5000 or 10000 rounds into the perimeter. That would make an illegal think twice.
The only way to stop it is to start now by getting injunctions in every state or at the federal level. Massive undertaking but its the only realistic choice.

The only other way is to win by such a large actual margin that it wont matter. Crazy tough because they will just use a program to capture all the registered names and print votes in those names come November
i don’t have a positive feeling about this election. main reason being i don’t think republicans are fighting the cheating with much effort other than whining on social media, and some of them may even be complicit in it.
All this shit about Biden getting support for election has gone way past stupidity. Total proof that the moron's do not give one shit about who runs the country and the shape it is in. Kids would meet up afterschool or on a weekend to choose teams when playing a football game or maybe basketball. Not one kid would EVER pass on taking the best player over some slobbering shit his pants moron. Kids have more sense than any liberal backing Biden.
Wouldn't matter. Trump himself will argue the 22nd only applies to consecutive terms if he wins this time and likely run again in 2028. Evoking the 22nd wouldn't stop him this time unless courts ruled on it, blocking him, and as we've already seen SCOTUS won't let that happen.
I think you really believe this and if so... what a maroon.
i don’t have a positive feeling about this election. main reason being i don’t think republicans are fighting the cheating with much effort other than whining on social media, and some of them may even be complicit in it.
There are a lot of rinos out there who want the left to continue as they are getting richer. MM being one of the big ones.
i don’t have a positive feeling about this election. main reason being i don’t think republicans are fighting the cheating with much effort other than whining on social media, and some of them may even be complicit in it.
We watch a show several times a week (FlashPoint) that is a faith based show about current events. About 100% politics. Being faith based almost all the participants and guests are positive and optimistic. They're not stupid when it comes to the cheating (they all agree that '20 and others were full of the cheat) but many times they'll talk about all the positives things that have been done in various states to strengthen voting laws, etc. But I always tell the Mrs.....all of the states are deep, deep red. No blue states have done anything. And a lot of red states have done nothing.
All this shit about Biden getting support for election has gone way past stupidity. Total proof that the moron's do not give one shit about who runs the country and the shape it is in. Kids would meet up afterschool or on a weekend to choose teams when playing a football game or maybe basketball. Not one kid would EVER pass on taking the best player over some slobbering shit his pants moron. Kids have more sense than any liberal backing Biden.
they don’t care who they run, although i think they would prefer someone who is at least capable of maybe ordering a pizza by phone, just to make the election results appear a little more believeable. their cheating machine is so vast and coordinated that their candidate really doesn’t matter. they’ll just have to work a little harder this time.
Better at what? I don't disagree with you we need education reform, but the world today is very different from the '50s. An Encyclopaedia Britannica used to be an expensive investment that took up a whole wall of a library. Now people have all the world's knowledge in their pocket at all times. We need cultural context that helps us navigate our world, not rote fact memorization.
You’re way off again. They were taught how to problem solve, our students today can’t even give you the correct change when breaking a $20 bill. They don’t know how to sign their name or even their address. I agree that people have all the world’s knowledge at their finger tips, but instead of using it for that purpose they would rather be on tik tok or looking at porn. Technology has made more people dumber than smarter.
You’re way off again. They were taught how to problem solve, our students today can’t even give you the correct change when breaking a $20 bill. They don’t know how to sign their name or even their address. I agree that people have all the world’s knowledge at their finger tips, but instead of using it for that purpose they would rather be on tik tok or looking at porn. Technology has made more people dumber than smarter.
Because as I just described we've inverted the problem. We used to be in an information drought, only those with access to treasured stores of recorded knowledge with the privileged ability to read them had even the slightest trickle of information. Now the opposite is true, every Tom, Dick, and Harry is drinking from a firehose of more information than we can possibly know what to do with. Intelligence and problem-solving are no longer about knowing lots of things to be able to then apply that learned societal knowledge to problems, it's now about knowing how to navigate our world(technology) to access that information efficiently to then apply it to the problem.

And don't even get me started on cursive.
Always take polls with a grain of salt and the polls don't account for the coming cheat. But interesting to see them nonetheless


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