The problem with liberalism is that sooner or later you run out of everybody else's money.
This reminds me of a situation I was somewhat involved in while on the deaconate at a big Baptist church in SC. One of our very left-leaning church members politicked for months to have the church sponsor and work with the community next to the church to have a Community garden. The community was the Jesse Jackson townhomes, which housed 100% poor African Americans and had extremely high crime throughout. Many on the deaconate, including me, thought this idea was ludicrous and would never work. But, the leading member insisted that the community would embrace the garden, would work together, would share equally or more for those more in need, etc. (and probably join hands and sing 'Kum Baya').
Somehow, the garden project got just enough votes to proceed. Several church members volunteered their time and spent several weekends in the initial phase of getting the garden ready, planting, watering, weeding, etc. And some even continued on until the crops were ready to harvest. Then, the deaconate never heard much more about the 'success' of the community garden. Come to find out, shortly prior to distributing freshly grown vegetables, someone (or more than one someone) picked all the ripe vegetables for themselves and destroyed the remainder of the crops. Never tried that asinine idea again.
But, my anecdote and the quoted coffee shop one illustrates what I think is most prominent and most damaging to Leftist ideology - it assumes this fairy tale existence and completely ignores reality and human nature. "If we get rid of the police, there won't be as much crime", "if we raise minimum wage, all workers will retain their jobs and be earning a living wage", "if we give illegal immigrants a court date, they'll show up", "if we pay $1,000 for newborns in Baltimore to keep the baby from poverty, more poor babies won't be born", "if I open a coffee shop and ask customers to pay what they can, everyone will cooperate, no one will take advantage of 'free' coffee, everyone will comply and this business with thrive', etc., etc., etc. It's difficult for me to rectify the huge disconnect between the 'educated' Left and their plainly stupid, naive and overly simple-minded policies they seem to love.