Here is the problem man...
I literally couldn't get past this first outrageous claim you made to take anything else you said with any validity at all. I immediately looked it up to see that TRUMP on "TRUTH" Social said this same thing and his supporters are regurgitating it. HERE ARE THE FACTS about the situation... You can either go the the NON BIAS link (copy and paste if need be) or you can just know that this was standard in ANY case similar... As follows,
he policy statement on the “use of deadly force,” which appeared in an operations order for the Mar-a-Lago search, is not evidence of a plot to kill Trump. It is a Department of Justice policy that is standard to include in such documents.
It is way too late in the game to believe someone blindly who has cheated on taxes, declared bankruptcy on businesses numerous times, tried to push the narrative of a fixed election and literally cannot accept defeat like an adult... Everything is "cheating"... Kind of like a 7 year old on the playground accusing everyone of cheating to win. It surprises me how many people just want to believe Donald Trumps word above everything... INCLUDING LAW.
I hope you have a nice day, truthfully...
Is this a joke?
Sorry you spent all your time conducting "research" with your "NON BIAS" AP link (hahahahahaha), but your bias and TDS is showing. All of your disbelief is rooted in your TDS. I don't have Truth social. I didn't need it to see this. My opinion came from the unsealed court docs, not orange man.
There are many things to attack DJT personally on and I'm not going to defend him on those, but what is the point? You want personal attacks ... f***ing Joe Biden showered with his teenage daughter, he is a liar, a cheat, and a miser. Those are all documented facts. It is policy.
And if that is "standard" language, then you're OKAY with DOJ being authorized to use deadly force just because someone doesn't want their door broken down and personal belongings rummaged through? If you're okay with that, then we have different ideas for American "freedom" and exceptionalism.
"cheated on taxes, declared bankruptcy on businesses numerous times" - you mean he followed the laws that corrupt politicians put in place? I haven't heard he "cheated" on his taxes. If that were true, it would be well known bc pearl clutchers would scream like braying jennies all over that. You don't like what his tax professionals did. That is the unbiased fact. Now ... Cohen cheated on his taxes by not reporting at least $30K of income that he ADMITTED stealing. But you're okay with that, right?
"tried to push the narrative of a fixed election and literally cannot accept defeat like an adult" you mean like Hilary? Algore? Or maybe he believes that the midnight counting after sending people home, or the multiple DUPLICATE images gives reason to think it wasn't "safe and secure"? But your TDS elimanates your ability to think rationally or unbiased.
When has a sitting administration RAIDED their political opponents home? When has ANY administration RAIDED a former POTUS' home? This is 3rd world, and unprecedented. They did NOT have to include that "STANDARD" language in the raid of their political opponent. This is VERY dangerous and your TDS has you so biased you cannot see past it.
Edit: I hope you have a nice day too! I will certainly do my best to have a nice day and appreciate your kind word.