How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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GKWC-ZMWcAEXDQt the last
Destroying the US isnt good enough for Biden...hes gotta ruin Israel as well. He is just one evil pile of garbage

Wasn’t Biden a staunch Israel supporter over the years when his brain was semi functional? Or do I have it backwards.

What’s happening in the White House is nothing short of elder abuse. Sleazy caretakers writing themselves into the will of a demented old man essentially.

A Justice Department inquiry launched more than two years ago to mollify conservatives clamoring for more investigations of Hillary Clinton has effectively ended with no tangible results, and current and former law enforcement officials said they never expected the effort to produce much of anything.

John Huber, the U.S. attorney in Utah, was tapped in November 2017 by then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to look into concerns raised by President Trump and his allies in Congress that the FBI had not fully pursued cases of possible corruption at the Clinton Foundation and during Clinton’s time as secretary of state, when the U.S. government decided not to block the sale of a company called Uranium One.

As a part of his review, Huber examined documents and conferred with federal law enforcement officials in Little Rock who were handling a meandering probe into the Clinton Foundation, people familiar with the matter said. Current and former officials said that Huber has largely finished and found nothing worth pursuing — though the assignment has not formally ended and no official notice has been sent to the Justice Department or to lawmakers, these people said.
IMO, that's a bad move by DeSantis/FL. Abortion is a huge issue across the spectrum of politics and holding to, imo, an unreasonable prohibition energizes the Left. I lean Right on this issue, but I'm fine with the current 15 week allowance unless baby's viability, mother's health at risk, rape/incest. 6 weeks is too restrictive and will cost Republicans votes. We need to control more states in order to control Congress. Being reactionary on this one issue will cost the R's some seats that they/we can't afford to lose. God help the US if Biden/Newsome/socialist to be named later wins the WH and controls both Houses. The US is done for if that happens. Thus, we need to hold to principles, yes, but also be practical that we can't get every single thing we want on every issue. The vast majority of the US population supports some time frame for unrestricted choice. Almost the entire population is against unlimited abortion up to 40 weeks. R's have to bend a little on this issue or risk forever becoming irrelevant.
24 week is in the target though. Most people don't want abortion to be illegal but when you poll heartbeat or feeling pain... that number swings pretty radically. The vast majority of Americans do not want abortion up to birth. They have to lie to get people to even come up with scenarios where they are OK with that.
Biden is a traitor, everything he can do to weaken America he does

Stuff like this is what amazes me people defend Biden. Dems wouldn't let Trump top it off when oil tanked to 20 year lows. Then when Biden let oil out to prop up his parties chances in the midterms they all cheered. Then when it comes time to refill it... can't do that because it would cause high gas prices to go up even more right before an election.

We have a brain dead bought off politician running this country like a mob boss.
24 week is in the target though. Most people don't want abortion to be illegal but when you poll heartbeat or feeling pain... that number swings pretty radically. The vast majority of Americans do not want abortion up to birth. They have to lie to get people to even come up with scenarios where they are OK with that.
24 weeks is the target for what?
All cause mortality is higher with the vaxed than the unvaxed champ.
You're saying life expectancy at any age is higher for non-vaxxed folks than vaxxed ones (We now have two years of possible data, 2022-23)? If so, where does that come from? Thanks.
You're saying life expectancy at any age is higher for non-vaxxed folks than vaxxed ones (We now have two years of possible data, 2022-23)? If so, where does that come from? Thanks.

That data will still be inconclusive unless you "somehow" roll in the comorbidities that the subjects had. Died "with covid" is more plausible than "from covid".
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I saw this first hand in an airport not long ago. Straight to the front of the line while we all waited at customs. Then the ones without picture id (most of them) had to split off and get an id made.

It's just total insanity. We have no idea who these people are. They have none of the required vaccines, the ones that actually work. And they were ushered through while me, an actual taxpaying American, had to wait in an endless line and answer questions and submit to facial scanning (not counting the ridiculous process of getting a passport/renewal) just to reenter my own country.
…and on and on and on