How will they rule ??!

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Remind me again when Obama asked his VP Joe Biden to acknowledge fake electors and gavel Hillary elected?
Whether or not the Bill of Rights applies to noncitizens is immaterial to the point. As is the focus on the God part of 'natural rights'. And your attempted semantics between the Constitution and its Bill of Rights.

Simply: If one believes in the concept of 'natural rights' that are inherent to humans(whether God-given or naturally discovered or whatever) then they should be against suppressing those rights. Regardless of the legal complexities.

No one has as of yet explained why they do. Other than obviously the entire point of contention, their undocumented status, which even if taken to the worst extreme and there's no asylum legal complexities is a misdemeanor. Rarely do misdemeanors cause you to lose your constitutional rights.

“No one has as of yet explained why”, other than these people illegally invading the United States.

Uh yeah, no shit. That’s the explanation, you dunce.

These people have chosen to invade the United States, deciding the laws of the US don’t apply to them. It’s perfectly reasonable for someone to think rights are inherent, but if you illegally invade the United States you shouldn’t be afforded the same protections from the US government as people who’ve decided to abide by the laws of the United States. And if they don’t want the US government to infringe upon their rights, they could choose not to invade.

The current classification of invading the US as a misdemeanor is completely and totally irrelevant. I’d imagine most people who think illegal aliens shouldn’t be afforded the same protections under the US Constitution as people here legally also feel illegally invading the United States should be much more than a misdemeanor.
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Maybe just picking a gay man whose sole qualification is that he’s gay to be the Secretary of Transportation was a bad move.

But keep sending those tax dollars to Washington to fund these bloated, ineffective departments. Dion needs his welfare.

Just keep your sun roof open if you drive over any major bridges.
On the EV situation, Toyota once again outflanked U.S. manufacturers by investing in hybrid technology. They are also working on better battery technology but recognize its not marketable yet for an electric option.

The whole EV situation is ridiculous. The national infrastructure doesn't exist for it and yet politicos want to shove it down everyone's throats even though the technology doesn't exist yet. It's insane.

Yet the tech for hydrogen hybrids exists (and has for at least 30yrs) hydrogen is everywhere, and all it takes is small modifications to existing engines to extend their gas mileage from 30mpg to upwards of 150-200mpg.
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most all plants will die at 150ppm. Many larger plants will die at 200 ppm. Maybe you don't care for biodiversity and just want a wind swept cactus and moss planet.... IDK.
I read below 200ppm becomes a problem, not 200+.
The video I posted that I already told you to watch answers all your questions.
So you cannot summarize it?

Nope. Couldnt find it. Post it again.

EDIT: the point that went over your smooth brain has been illustrated by several posters, providing info and links of instances that occurred over decades. But a video ...
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Stuff like this along with trying to take Trump's properties is the reason for the numbers I saw in a recent poll. It showed that 50% of the people in NYC was planning on moving out of there in the next 5 years. You put demoncrats in charge like they are in NYC & it's not a question of if they will ruin it, the question is how long will it take?


This is just the last 450ish thousand years and 800ish thousand years. You can see that co2 tends to rise after the cooling.



My bad... We had ice ages wayyyyy higher than 1800ppm. I think you might have been alive during the silurian ice age.
Thanks. Yes, CO2 levels have been much higher than 1800ppm/0.18%. By Ice Age, I thought you were referring to the last period of them going back 2-3M years, not 50M+.
Also... ppm stands for parts per million. So imagine you had a pool with 1 million m&m's.... Now imagine you had 200 blue m&m's and the rest were green. Then go to 400 blue and the rest are green.... Do you honestly think you can tell a difference?

People keep saying "oh we are going to have runaway warming like Venus"..... Venus has 96% co2 in their atmosphere.... That isn't measured in ppm.... its percent. Venus has 960,000ppm CO2. People need to actually look at this stuff without just taking what they tell you as gospel.


So much ignorance even among "scientists" and other supposed leaders. The dumbing down of the educational system has been a rampant and overwhelming success. PT Barnum would be amazed and rich beyond his wildest dreams if he was still around
One trick that was exposed was putting temp sites near huge corn fields in the midwest and plains. So they get outside the heat island effect yet still gain a bit of heat with the humidity domes that surround corn fields.

Hawaii has a co2 detector on the slope of the volcano.... can someone explain to vhcat why having a co2 detector on a volcano might give off biased data.....????

Not in a way he'll choose to understand
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When you over-inflate your net worth and then get called on it in court, the bottom line can take a hit. So, there’s that, plus laying a big turdburger called Truth Social that lost a few million.
* KA -- BOOM *

There doesn’t seem like there would have been foul play or terrorism involved in Baltimore.

But the fact the FBI said there wasn’t now has me wondering.
Ice cores are how we compare temperatures, nimrod. How else would we have temperature records from thousands of years ago? Were there cavemen out there with thermometers? You demonstrate your ignorance in every post.

And ice cores come from the Antarctic, not the tundra...

Thought those were all melted by now. Al gore told me in 2009 that they would be gone in 10 years.

Remember 'An Inconvenient Truth'?
Cyclical meaning what? Sometimes things happen that make the temperature go up. Other times other things happen that make it go down. Both have happened at various times in our planet's long multibillion year history. Currently humans are burning lots of fossil fuels, pumping tons of CO2 into the atmosphere, making it go up. What about that is confuTruth?
With all these rising sea levels, why is the Panama Canal running at less than capacity due to low water? At this moment?

Why, Dion?
There doesn’t seem like there would have been foul play or terrorism involved in Baltimore.

But the fact the FBI said there wasn’t now has me wondering.
They'd never admit it if it was, but the ship losing power and the smoke before the impact makes one wonder. Could the ship have been hijacked? on board explosion of some kind? who nows.
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