How will they rule ??!

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I take Newt over Gaetz & MTG any day. Couple of MAGA hero DA's. Not to mention even Gaetz thinks she's screwed up. But go MAGA !!!

"Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R- GA) revealed his thoughts about Republican Party members attempting to oust a second House Speaker in less than a year. ...........Gingrich was asked why he thought some Republicans were abandoning their positions before their term was up. In response, Gingrich said that Matt Gaetz (R-FL.) “unleashed the demons” after he filed a motion to oust former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). He said that Gaetz’s actions toward McCarthy should not be overlooked, suggesting that ever since McCarthy was forced to turn in his gravel, the lower chamber has been a “disaster.”

“Well I think, first of all, you’d have to have a totally different approach,” Gingrich said. “We shouldn’t underestimate how bad what Matt Gaetz did was for the whole system. He unleashed the demons, he went after somebody who would raise $480 million, had gained seats for three elections in a row, and he drove Kevin McCarthy out of office. From that point on, it has been a disaster.”

At the time, in October, Gaetz accused McCarthy of secretly making deals with the Democratic Party and purposefully throwing Republicans under the bus. Since then, the House has been in shambles. Current House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) was voted after a series of chaotic events. Gingrich said that Johnson had been given a difficult situation under the circumstances.

“I don’t blame Johnson, I think Speaker Johnson has a hand that’s virtually impossible to play and that’s where I think some of the people just make it worse,” Gingrich said.

“You have to decide. Sooner or later you’re going to realize the bills have been worse since McCarthy was gone. The Democrats are in greater control. The hard-liners on the right have done nothing except make it worse. The Freedom Caucus right now has been a disaster in public policy terms. If you think your job in life is to grandstand and complain while the other team runs over you, they’re doing a great job,” he continued. "

A new low for democrats....they don't care how they use our money.

And republicans passed the spending bill anyway.

Democrats shoulder sole blame for a lot (mental illness, etc.), but certainly not when it comes to the government spending money on anti American projects. Republicans keep authorizing the spending, no matter how many times they lie to constituents and say they won’t.
Another interesting discussion about the elites vs. everyone else...

69% of "elites" (make over 150K annually, AAD, and live in high population density center) believe it is okay to cheat to get your candidate to win. And these people are the "influencers" of policy.

There is the problem. There is no reconciliation with ppl (69%) that think it is okay to cheat in order to win.
Your hypothetical implies Republicans are honest, when it says right there in the post you're replying to that they're no more honest than Democrats. It isn't a choice between brutal honesty and flowery lies, it's just a choice between whether you want your bombs to have rainbows or crosses on them.
I could NOT have made it simpler for you.

They're BOTH immoral, it's just that one is honest about it, and the other is not.

How on earth could you get that wrong?

This is the perfect example of your illogical brain. And it is what holds you back.
What do you mean by local taxes are exponentially more punitive to the working class? That they pay a higher percent of their income or they pay a higher absolute amount or something else? I mean the poor & working class pay a higher percent of their income for most everything.
Well, duh...

You just said what I said.
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I'll tell yah this, the climate sure FEELS like it's changing. We've been wrecked with some pretty bad wind/ice storms in the northeast, that we never used to get. I've lost power now 6 times over the last 9 months, and some of them for nearly 18 hours. Just had another big outage last night after this weird SNow/ice storm dropped 6 inches on us.. on March 23rd after 2 months of pretty mild weather.

Feels like all the seasons have shifted. Summer is now August to mid October... Fall is from November to January.. Winter from February into March.. I know this is totally just a fraction of data.. but it's crazy that we got more snow AFTER march 22nd, than we did from November to until then.

Makes me wonder about buying Generac stock lol.
Ha this is a critique of the American uniparty. Centrists. Supposedly, you. These are the same people both leftists and MAGAs rail against. Occupy Wall Street were the progressives, Newsom, Pelosi and the Democratic machine are like Romney and the RINOs to actual leftists. The piece even opened with a quote from AOC saying as much. Why would any progressive not enjoy a piece saying exactly what they’ve been saying for decades? Capitalism controls and has corrupted every inch of our political system.
So you don't think the earth is warming? I do.
I think many people of all political persuasions believe that the earth is warming (we did come out of a Little Ice Age in the mid-1800s after all). The argument is more about WHY is the earth warming and/or what is causing it? Many conservatives believe that the earth's climate changes are due almost exclusively to natural phenomena and cyclical changes in the sun's intensity, orbital changes, volcanic activity, etc. Many liberals believe that mankind has an immense effect on the earth's climate and by de-Industrializing the world's economy we can 'fix' and/or 'control' the earth's climate. The 'science' surrounding climate change is controversial and, contrary to popular belief by many, is NOT settled (settled science being an oxymoron) and, in many cases, appears to be politically driven. Many reviews of climate change research have revealed data that is inconsistent, selectively used and, in some cases, falsely created to show a desired result.

Not a single person on this planet should want dirty air, foul water, poisoned soil, etc. No one. But, that's not good enough for the climate crusaders. With an amazing amount of arrogance and hubris, we are supposed to believe that we have the means to CONTROL the climate and 'stop the oceans rising' and reverse the melting of the icecaps, etc. If one only looks at some of the policies this administration has adopted, it is very easy to come to the conclusion that the climate emergency is a political ploy more than an existential crisis. Looking only at the mandate for EVs, we see an administration that ignores recent research that concludes EVs produce MORE harmful emissions than do ICEs, the problems associated with disposing of old batteries and panels, the mining operations to obtain the materials for this technology led by China who hates us and whose environmental and humanitarian history is, quite frankly, appalling, the cost of EVs for the average person, the lack of infrastructure to support millions of EVs, the higher wear and tear on roads and bridges due to the much heavier EVs, etc.

To many skeptics, whether the earth's climate is truly changing/warming is not the issue. The issue is that the 'elites' want to have total control over the world (WEF) and climate change is the premise for doing so. To many, the response to climate change is just the premise for a One World Order and a worldwide totalitarian state - you will own nothing and be happy.
Your post basically sums up my line of inquiry. If these rights are "natural and theoretically pertain to all people" then you should support them having those rights, correct? Especially if the rights derive directly from God Himself.

The legality at that point is a separate issue from the morality. There are many legal/constitutional questions that would take a really long time to discuss thoroughly and accurately, none of which will be resolved anytime soon. That however does not preclude us from discussing where our personal positions on the underlying issues lie.
I think your questions reinforce my original point. When the State is responsible for granting rights, they can do whatever they want. You and I can have two different sets of rights and there is no basis for saying that is wrong. It is important to describe natural rights as the foundation for human rights because it is a basis for saying these apply to all men and Governments who do not acknowledge those rights are not behaving as they should. Without some basis for the existence of certain inalienable rights, the world has no basis condemning what any Government does or doesn't do. The only argument you have if your premise is Government is source of all rights is I want rights the government isn't giving me. Not much of an argument to condemn the actions of a oppressive Government.
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Because the alternative is Republicans who're the same self-serving thing but don't even give the lip service to begin with.
Your hypothetical implies Republicans are honest, when it says right there in the post you're replying to that they're no more honest than Democrats. It isn't a choice between brutal honesty and flowery lies, it's just a choice between whether you want your bombs to have rainbows or crosses on them.
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And republicans passed the spending bill anyway.

Democrats shoulder sole blame for a lot (mental illness, etc.), but certainly not when it comes to the government spending money on anti American projects. Republicans keep authorizing the spending, no matter how many times they lie to constituents and say they won’t.
The alternative is shutting down government, assuring Dim complete control for a decade. I thus take that's your preference. It's not mine.
That is not what he said, or what I read. The issue is how much is man-made vs natural climate change. Did man cause the ice age?
I didn't say he did. That's why I asked the question - so I knew where he is coming from. You didn't see the question.

I doubt it. Not many folks around then. A few million then vs. 8B now.
The alternative is shutting down government, assuring Dim complete control for a decade. I thus take that's your preference. It's not mine.

Like with firing John Calipari, I’m perfectly confident the United States of America we actually know and love will thrive if we shut down the federal government for an extended period.

What is going to happen, Fed attorneys won’t be able to try and tie TX up in court to prevent them from securing the border? Fed attorneys won’t have the lead opposition candidate tied up in kangaroo courts across the country? Fed agents won’t be staging kidnappings and riots in the Capitol? Etc. Etc.
Like with firing John Calipari, I’m perfectly confident the United States of America we actually know and love will thrive if we shut down the federal government for an extended period.

What is going to happen, Fed attorneys won’t be able to try and tie TX up in court to prevent them from securing the border? Fed attorneys won’t have the lead opposition candidate tied up in kangaroo courts across the country? Fed agents won’t be staging kidnappings and riots in the Capitol? Etc. Etc.
Regardless, Dims will successfully exploit it for their gain.
I asked a question, so not duh.
Sorry, I thought the answer was implied.

I really need to work on my disposition. LOL

I didn't think about it until now, but I wonder if that has someting to do with me not being invited to "board game night" anymore. 🤣
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I didn't say he did. That's why I asked the question - so I knew where he is coming from. You didn't see the question.

I doubt it. Not many folks around then. A few million then vs. 8B now.
When he said, "Now do trees, and every other geographical contributor." Do you think he was saying the climate wasn't changing? Or do you think he was saying other things, besides humans alone, are causing changes? I think it was pretty obvious.

Does mankind cause solar flares? Which has a larger impact?

Just asking questions.
When he said, "Now do trees, and every other geographical contributor." Do you think he was saying the climate wasn't changing? Or do you think he was saying other things, besides humans alone, are causing changes? I think it was pretty obvious.

Does mankind cause solar flares? Which has a larger impact?

Just asking questions.

Yeah, I thought what I was saying was pretty clear, other contributing factors, maybe much higher than human activity for CO2 emissions.

In other words, NetCat, while the Temps MAY be rising, I don't think it's solely our fault. Net, climate change is a hoax.
Plus he has another 10 days to pay it. I would think he could put up a few stock options on the 3.5 billion he's going to realize this week. LOL

Can you smell it? I can. It's the unmistakeable scent of left-wing panic.
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Plus he has another 10 days to pay it. I would think he could put up a few stock options on the 3.5 billion he's going to realize this week. LOL
I read that he can't sell those stocks for another 6 months, so that directly may not help immediately. But it clearly would provide basis for collateral. Now ... just also heard that he can use his assets to cover the 175. So, in a liberal district, trumpie just won hugely.
I think many people of all political persuasions believe that the earth is warming (we did come out of a Little Ice Age in the mid-1800s after all). The argument is more about WHY is the earth warming and/or what is causing it? Many conservatives believe that the earth's climate changes are due almost exclusively to natural phenomena and cyclical changes in the sun's intensity, orbital changes, volcanic activity, etc. Many liberals believe that mankind has an immense effect on the earth's climate and by de-Industrializing the world's economy we can 'fix' and/or 'control' the earth's climate. The 'science' surrounding climate change is controversial and, contrary to popular belief by many, is NOT settled (settled science being an oxymoron) and, in many cases, appears to be politically driven. Many reviews of climate change research have revealed data that is inconsistent, selectively used and, in some cases, falsely created to show a desired result.

Not a single person on this planet should want dirty air, foul water, poisoned soil, etc. No one. But, that's not good enough for the climate crusaders. With an amazing amount of arrogance and hubris, we are supposed to believe that we have the means to CONTROL the climate and 'stop the oceans rising' and reverse the melting of the icecaps, etc. If one only looks at some of the policies this administration has adopted, it is very easy to come to the conclusion that the climate emergency is a political ploy more than an existential crisis. Looking only at the mandate for EVs, we see an administration that ignores recent research that concludes EVs produce MORE harmful emissions than do ICEs, the problems associated with disposing of old batteries and panels, the mining operations to obtain the materials for this technology led by China who hates us and whose environmental and humanitarian history is, quite frankly, appalling, the cost of EVs for the average person, the lack of infrastructure to support millions of EVs, the higher wear and tear on roads and bridges due to the much heavier EVs, etc.

To many skeptics, whether the earth's climate is truly changing/warming is not the issue. The issue is that the 'elites' want to have total control over the world (WEF) and climate change is the premise for doing so. To many, the response to climate change is just the premise for a One World Order and a worldwide totalitarian state - you will own nothing and be happy.
I think man is a cause of warming. Didn't use to think so, but recently attended a talk where the presenter showed how the traditional, hundreds of year correlation between sun intensity/earth orbit & earth temperatures isn't follwoing the pattern this time. By the pattern, temps would be dropping now. And there's no denying CO2 is rising - now 425ppm. I recall it being 280ppm at some point in the past. 1970?

Coal is by far the biggest man caused CO2 source at ~40%. Cars & vans are 10%.

So, should we be trying to stop/lower CO2 emissions? Beats me. Should be be imposing auto power source changes that do nothing to 50% reduce their CO2 emissions from materials sourcing to end life? I say hell no till you fix the coal issue, then lets talk.