How will they rule ??!

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    Votes: 41 82.0%
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Notice how it's always some unprovable lie.
Zero actual proof but we just know the election was stolen!!!
Zero actual phone calls or paperwork but we know Trump called for the National Guard.

We're the ones that called for a rally in DC....even though the election was lost.

We're the ones that brought thousands of angry people to the Capitol.... but it's Nancy Pelosi's fault they rioted.

We're the ones that incited the crowd by telling them they must fight like hell to win their country back and that their votes were stolen from them...but the feds caused the riot.

We're the ones that asked for the National Guard....even though there is no evidence of a phone call that day....other than audio/video of Pelosi and Schumer actually begging for it.

No calls from Trump from the Oval Office on Jan 6th. NONE. But we just know he asked for the guard. He told us so. 🤣

The depth of the stupidity to jump your Trump shark is unending.

Literally, just shut up. You are The Village Idiot here, everyone knows it, you're a sick demented loser.

All you do is whine about Trump, 10 year old rape victims, and those scary ar-15's being used to shoot refrigerators in fields.

Give it a rest, you absolute clown. is why you're in a cult and I'm not.
I think Biden has been weak on the border and not nearly as tough as he could be. I don't defend what those immigrants did to the NYC cops. They should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law then deported.
I don't defend everything Biden does or lap up all the BS that comes out of his mouth.
You do exactly that for Trump.
If Biden had sat for hours doing nothing as our Capitol was under way in hell I would defend that.
You do though.
You're incapable of questioning or contradicting anything Trump says or does anymore.
You are in a cult.

Telling everyone else they’re in a cult and denying you’re in a cult, while repeating all information your spoonfed with no critical thought is totally not something someone in a cult would do.
So please explain to a simple country school teacher......
Why the Commander in Chief would not make one single call out from the White House asking for National Guard assistance to quell the riot that day???????

Not. One. Single. Call.

Not. One. Single. Call.

Not. One. Single. Call.

Explain that to me genius.
More Commoder than Commander. 🤡

Because, you idiot, the president doesn't have that authority. Look it up. It's why his hands were tied during the Floyd riots, as well.
Because it’s a non-question. It’s the same as asking if you still beat your wife. Do you? If you don’t, why did you stop?
I don't beat my wife. I have never beaten my wife. See how easy that is?
Now answer the question. Why did Trump spend hours in the Oval Office watching the Capitol being attacked and made no calls to his defense secretary, Capitol Police, DC police, or his own VP to check on him?
Telling everyone else they’re in a cult and denying you’re in a cult, while repeating all information your spoonfed with no critical thought is totally not something someone in a cult would do.
I can tell we aren't in a cult because people still get mad at Trump for tons of stuff he says or does. Big picture... I still think he's our best option but he's far from perfect. You can't get a dem to criticize Joe except the old "he cares too much" "He loves his family too much" and the old "his stutter from 40 years ago has re-emerged recently"
Because, you idiot, the president doesn't have that authority. Look it up. It's why his hands were tied during the Floyd riots, as well. always.
"the President may call into Federal service members and units of the National Guard of any State in such numbers as he considers necessary to repel the invasion, suppress the rebellion, or execute those laws. Orders for these purposes shall be issued through the governors of the States or, in the case of the District of Columbia, through the commanding general of the National Guard of the District of Columbia."

Did he make any calls?? Nope. Sat with his thumb up his azz watching it on tv.

Good luck getting Sam/Dion/Nightwish or whoever to understand that. It will never happen. Those people want America to fail. I don't know why...because they are living here...I think...but it is what it is. These people HATE America for some reason. It's sad really.

They hate you for loving it; hate you even more for standing in their way to remake it in their loser image.
A living wage is the reasoning and basis for the minimum wage itself. That’s when and why it was passed. Claiming it’s anything else, that those jobs are only for experience, or teenagers, or whatever, is a complete fabrication with no basis in reality or history. FDR and his party invented the minimum wage and passed it. His description of it is seminal, not just one opinion among many.
FBI Director worried about terrorist risks crossing our southern border.

WELL DUH! Dude, you're getting paid 200K+ a year. Try and be a little smarter than that. People that want to destroy America are crossing our southern border under Biden's watch. Anyone that thinks otherwise is beyond STUPID!
You can't get a dem to criticize Joe except the old "he cares too much" "He loves his family too much" and the old "his stutter from 40 years ago has re-emerged recently"
He's an ancient fading puppet of private interest whose support for genocide has soured an entire generation on him. Good enough?
You do have to be worried about it though right? Haley's getting around a quarter of Republican support in most of these states and they're only voting for her as a vote for anybody but Trump. Bunch of Haley voters answering no to the "Vote Republican in Nov. regardless of nominee?" question according to exit polling.