Notice how it's always some unprovable lie.
Zero actual proof but we just know the election was stolen!!!
Zero actual phone calls or paperwork but we know Trump called for the National Guard.
We're the ones that called for a rally in DC....even though the election was lost.
We're the ones that brought thousands of angry people to the Capitol.... but it's Nancy Pelosi's fault they rioted.
We're the ones that incited the crowd by telling them they must fight like hell to win their country back and that their votes were stolen from them...but the feds caused the riot.
We're the ones that asked for the National Guard....even though there is no evidence of a phone call that day....other than audio/video of Pelosi and Schumer actually begging for it.
No calls from Trump from the Oval Office on Jan 6th. NONE. But we just know he asked for the guard. He told us so. 🤣
The depth of the stupidity to jump your Trump shark is unending.
Literally, just shut up. You are The Village Idiot here, everyone knows it, you're a sick demented loser.
All you do is whine about Trump, 10 year old rape victims, and those scary ar-15's being used to shoot refrigerators in fields.
Give it a rest, you absolute clown.