How will they rule ??!

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I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of blaming Biden for anyone killed by an illegal immigrant but absolving Trump of any responsibility when the same GD thing happened on his watch.
Trump passed ZERO border law.
Zip. Zilch. Nada.
This Biden's fault too?? 4 more killed on Trump's watch....

Again, you voted for this. Biden ran on an open border policy. It wasn’t a secret what he was going to do.
You mean Trump, Mike Johnson, Biden and both houses of Congress who ALL failed to get anything done regarding the border for the American people.
That mom didn't want to be a stupid F'ing prop for the Republican turds that just shot down a good immigration reform bill....or listen to Biden who hasn't done jack about it in 4 years.
She ain't going because she sees thru the BS invite from her Pub representative.

Yes, clearly that border bill would have prevented that guy from entering in 2021.

Village Idiot.
Again, you voted for this. Biden ran on an open border policy. It wasn’t a secret what he was going to do.
What's worse??? Claiming to be the border party and doing NOTHING to change Asylum laws (Republicans)...or claiming to want more immigrants and trying to pass tougher border laws (Democrats)?? Hypocrite.

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So not only are you blaming Trump for things that Biden has done as president, you’re blaming Trump for crimes committed by illegal aliens that entered the country when Biden was VP?

You have got to be the dumbest person posting on the Rivals network.
I had to put him and Dion on ignore .. board is MUCH MUCH nicer now
Polling is beginning to swing back to biden with his 38% approval which is a big problem for trump imo. Trump is going to have to pick and establishment candidate for VP to have a chance im afraid. I know maga doesn’t want to hear it but you’re not winning without a cohesive party. I mean biden has failed miserably and he has a legit chance to win re-election in November. The swing in the morning consult poll is concerning. Tonight will only help him. He could go into full blown convulsions tonight and wouldn’t lose much support. He’s already bottomed out. Trump needs to get his shit together because he is close to his ceiling in support he needs to find a way to raise that ceiling some.

My bro is a smart cookie , he says Trump will pick Haley ????
Wrong as always. ASYLUM laws need to change. Trump failed miserably on doing this. Biden tried but Trump stopped Republicans from cooperating.

Legit asylum seekers can stop at the first country of safe harbor. That ain’t what’s happening at our border.

As far the the law that you say Trump stopped republicans from passing… I suppose folks can debate what stopped it from passing. Regardless, that bullshit bill NEEDED to be stopped. Anything that codifies 5000 illegal invaders per day as normal and acceptable is ridiculous.
If Biden broke laws, prosecute him. Like I already said, if you have problems with Biden, don't vote for him. None of that has anything to do with an unprecedented coup attempt. Biden could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue(as Trump joked about) and it wouldn't change a thing about what Trump tried to do to our Constitution and country. You cannot try to overthrow our Constitution you swore to protect. You didn't address any of the substance, just whatabouted Biden. What do you need to wait and see on? Trump already did these things. Years ago.
Trump and Republicans had full control in 2017 and 2018.
They. Passed. No. Border. Law.
Zip. Nada. Nil.
Trump and Republicans have blood on their hands. Why did Trump allow this to happen on his watch??? 🤬
Democrats said there was no crisis at the border so I guess they didn't need to. They also said migrant caravans aren't real.

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I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of blaming Biden for anyone killed by an illegal immigrant but absolving Trump of any responsibility when the same GD thing happened on his watch.
Trump passed ZERO border law.
Zip. Zilch. Nada.
This Biden's fault too?? 4 more killed on Trump's watch....

People are blaming Biden for facilitating an invasion, you moron. When those invaders go on to commit crimes, Biden should be blamed.

If Biden was trying to stop the invasion, rather than facilitate it, people wouldn’t be so quick to blame him for the crimes committed by the invaders.

When you’re on team illegal alien, you share the blame for crimes committed by those illegal aliens.

Hopefully I’ve typed that slow enough for you.
Do dumbasses like Jenna Ellis have any ability to rescind those ridiculous deferred judgment plea deals they entered into when they decided joining team lawfare was a good option?
He killed Mollie under Trump's watch. Why was he not deported?? Inept law enforcement.
What about the FOUR souls killed in Nevada as Trump tweeted but passed NO BORDER Laws when he had the chance??
Because idiot lib/dims like you, fought him at every turn. And despite that, he had the border somewhat under control until YOU IDIOTS opened it wide. Any blood is on your sorry ass hands.
I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of blaming Biden for anyone killed by an illegal immigrant but absolving Trump of any responsibility when the same GD thing happened on his watch.
Trump passed ZERO border law.
Zip. Zilch. Nada.
This Biden's fault too?? 4 more killed on Trump's watch....
Trump ain’t President, Jack.
Again, you voted for this. Biden ran on an open border policy. It wasn’t a secret what he was going to do.
Yea, but trumpie didnt do anything about the border. He should have built a wall. I bet he would have if he had thought about it.

But if he did think of it, i bet the demoncrats would have fought him tooth and nail, even in court.

That was almost 100% sarcasm.

It is funny to watch the leftards blame trump for their failures. That was 100% serious.
I'm simply pointing out the hypocrisy of blaming Biden for anyone killed by an illegal immigrant but absolving Trump of any responsibility when the same GD thing happened on his watch.
Trump passed ZERO border law.
Zip. Zilch. Nada.
This Biden's fault too?? 4 more killed on Trump's watch....
Sambo you saying the 10 million illegals since Brandon signed executive order day he came into office was just a coincidence ? 🍦 cmon man
What's worse??? Claiming to be the border party and doing NOTHING to change Asylum laws (Republicans)...or claiming to want more immigrants and trying to pass tougher border laws (Democrats)?? Hypocrite.

I voted for the guy who ran on deporting illegals and tried to build a wall.

You voted for the guy who ran on surge the border and stopped the building of the wall.

You got exactly what you voted for.

Don’t blame me, I voted for the first guy.
Yup, racist as all get out. Pelosi is terrible, this is even just a drop in the bucket compared to the corruption, elitism, and insider trading. I'd say her and McConnell would retire to a private island somewhere and laugh at us all, but they're too obsessed with power to even give us the courtesy of walking off into the sunset with their ill-gotten gains.
Anyone have a link to the trump play by play tonight of the sotu? I keep seeing articles about it but of course they won’t tell you how to see it
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If you think this, than you are absolutely the stupidest person on the planet with ZERO reading comprehension. Their kings are descended from a half-elven brother to Elrond. One chose to be mortal and the other (Elrond) chose to be elven (immortal).
Yes, the line of kings were descended from Earendil through Elros, but that’s literally only them. The entire Numenorean race was just the remnant of the Edain. They weren’t part elven.

Lmao.... Except they aren't traitors. They became the way they became because of the rings. They weren't told that the rings would corrupt them and make them evil. So they weren't making a conscious decision to betray anyone.
The complicity of the Ringwraiths is ambiguous. It's heavily implied they were open to Sauron's corruption through the gifts of the rings because of their hubris. They had grown fat and haughty on their wealth and accomplishments and desired more wealth and, pivotally, coveted elven immortality. They fell because of their greed, not just because of an evil plot.

Lol. They aren't angels. They still can die, just like elves can. Even angels aren't all "white," but that's just another book you haven't read except to see it as you want to see it.
No, their bond with their physical shell can be broken, but as immortal spirit creatures they can't "die". Any physical representation is basically just an avatar that can be altered or remade. More like clothing. As was done when Gandalf the Grey became Gandalf the White.

They were Some men are described in Tolkien as "swarthy" and perhaps "slant-eyed" as you say, but those are physical traits, not racist. If you were to describe someone as having a slanted eye to a sketch artist, their eye would be drawn at an angle. To not describe it as such when it was physically slanted would be to lie.

If you are offended by physical traits and descriptions of people, that's a you thing.

Easterlings are not enemies of the west because of their skin color or eye angles. They are enemies of the west because they choose to go to war on the side of Sauron, who promises them things in return. Namely to rule oppressively over those in the west, after Sauron's pattern. Likewise, he promises the southern kingdoms the same- free stuff. Probably land, gold, and slaves.

Orcs were bred, likely from elves as one part of their genetics, since they live indefinitely. They are dark because of how they were bred, not because of some perceived racism.

At some point you have to understand the differences between character and colors. Causes and coincidences. Orcs/goblins are dark in character and some happen to be dark skinned. They produce nothing and grow nothing. They were bred for dark purposes and will consume their own just as Sauron and his master consume everything.

The Haradrim and Easterlings (like some of the men of Bree, Dale, Gondor, and as the men who once refused to come to Gondors aid as pledged) simply chose the side they thought would win the war and bring them abundance. Whatever their skin color, the story is about honor and character, choosing good things over evil. Gondor didn't choose to go to war with Sauron or the other kingdoms, nor did they provoke it when peace could easily have been had.

If the pattern of Tolkien, taken from the dispersement of people in the real world, is offensive to anyone, it's just revealing the darkness and/or ignorance in the people reading it.
Yeah, all the people of color chose to be bad and the white people chose to be good. I know, we already talked about it. It's ethnocentric and racist. Like I already said, a product of its day.
Can't believe I would ever say this but you have to be a GD moron to join the military these days and put your life on the line not for your country but for this regime and their thirst to say in power.

As a father of a toddler son, I just hope military service remains voluntary as we go forward under the warmongering uniparty.
Tolkien wrote a great deal. If he was a racist, it would not have to be flimsily premised on the goofball conclusions stated thus far. If DSus read the Silmarillion, one must ask if he read the letters of JRR. There would be evidence of racism in Tolkien’s personal life if he was racist. DSus suggests that authors must make attempts to satisfy his and the wokester cult’s sensibilities or be so dubbed.

Wait, the bad guy in that movie was black and all of the good guys were white, we cannot have that in modern culture!! But, should the white guy be the villain and the good guys be of color, that makes sense!! There better, at least, be one white bad guy and one black good guy for this to be okay.

Damn, race dominates their lives. When you don’t care if someone is of whitish/pinkish color or darker color, life is far better.
There are different levels of racism right? Tolkien was writing from the British imperialist perspective of his day where they were the civilizing saviors improving the entire world(through bloody violence). He didn't hate nonwhite people, he just saw them as intellectual and moral inferiors. His fantasy creation of Arda(which becomes Middle-Earth) is obviously based on Earth. The mythology is a blend of Christian and Norse(western), the geography is a rough approximation, the history is a fantastical extrapolation of European history. Tolkien says as much in his personal writings which you reference. George RR Martin did similarly in his world by just stretching Britain(the island) into the size of a continent. The point is his biases were already baked into that Eurocentric worldview. It isn't some huge moral failure that he deserves to be judged harshly for. It's just the reality of history. Knowing the historical context about the racist nature of the works actually makes Tolkien himself individually less worthy of condemnation, as he was less prejudiced than his average peer of the day. That doesn't make the work any less rooted in pre-existing racial stereotypes though. It's just reality.