Not a fan of it myself....and I'm a supporter of the LGBTQ community.
I'm a supporter of humanity, not for self titled groups who feel they deserve more govn't cheese because they were too wacked in one way or another to have a normal relationship.
Not a fan of it myself....and I'm a supporter of the LGBTQ community.
You are consumed!!
Nerd.He's such an idiot. Cherry picking at that. Must not have read them as I did when I was a kid. Weird that a dyed in the wool welfarist would comment on something they clearly haven't read.
1) The "master race" from an island off the coast is not a "purebred" or "white" human but a half-breed. It is half human and half elf genetics.
2) The eastern races are not "dark skinned." They are more akin to slavic/Russian in description.
3) The southerners are more dark complected because they live in the south. Doesn't say they are a different race, but from a different country/realm/kingdom.
4) The wraiths are/were not "dark skinned" because they came from the same people the welfarist calls "white" to begin with.
5) Saruman the (White) wizard, whose skin color wasn't described that I recall, was an enemy. He came from the west (undying lands). He is however always portrayed as a "white" man.
6) Sauron likewise is of the same type as Saruman and Gandalf. He is not black, except in name, reputation, (or choice).
To a racist, everything looks like racism, as to a hammer everything looks like a nail.
You mean BASTARDS.....or listen to Biden who hasn't done jack about it in 4 years.
Isn’t he guilty of insurrection? When Trump said to fight like hell they said he was guilty of inciting insurrection. How is Biden not guilty of inciting invasion?You mean Biden created it.
He said for all to “Surge the border”
He literally ran on exactly what’s taking place right now. You voted for it.
I read the entire trilogy and subsequent Silmarillion when I was in 3rd grade. I'm even more of a lore nerd than political nerd. Basically all this is wrong. Let’s take it point by point:He's such an idiot. Cherry picking at that. Must not have read them as I did when I was a kid. Weird that a dyed in the wool welfarist would comment on something they clearly haven't read.
1) The "master race" from an island off the coast is not a "purebred" or "white" human but a half-breed. It is half human and half elf genetics.
2) The eastern races are not "dark skinned." They are more akin to slavic/Russian in description.
3) The southerners are more dark complected because they live in the south. Doesn't say they are a different race, but from a different country/realm/kingdom.
4) The wraiths are/were not "dark skinned" because they came from the same people the welfarist calls "white" to begin with.
5) Saruman the (White) wizard, whose skin color wasn't described that I recall, was an enemy. He came from the west (undying lands). He is however always portrayed as a "white" man.
6) Sauron likewise is of the same type as Saruman and Gandalf. He is not black, except in name, reputation, (or choice).
To a racist, everything looks like racism, as to a hammer everything looks like a nail.
Just another campaign promise he lied about.
Let it go man. He’s a self proclaimed ‘centrist’ who’s yet to find a bridge too far with the looney democrat party. Hates us and everything we stand for, but loves the slippery slope of insanity that spews from the democrat party. F that guy. Don’t waste your time.Again you don't know what you're talking about. Look at the polls man. Trump is beating Biden in the same polls that Biden was up 5 in '20. Also, Trump gets more black men, Hispanics and younger voters than Haley. Try reading instead of just regurgitating the same nonsense over and over.
I read the entire trilogy and subsequent Silmarillion when I was in 3rd grade. I'm even more of a lore nerd than political nerd. Basically all this is wrong. Let’s take it point by point:
1) The Numenoreans are not half-elven. They are full human.
2+3) There is no distinction here. The Easterlings and Southerlings are both described as dark-skinned. Orcs are even described as "slant-eyed".
4) The Ringwraiths are specifically traitors.
5+6) Saruman and Gandalf are both Maiar(angels), not humans. All the angels are white definitely. Until they fall. Similar to the wraiths.
If you think this, than you are absolutely the stupidest person on the planet with ZERO reading comprehension. Their kings are descended from a half-elven brother to Elrond. One chose to be mortal and the other (Elrond) chose to be elven (immortal).
Lol. Hammer sees nail
Lmao.... Except they aren't traitors. They became the way they became because of the rings. They weren't told that the rings would corrupt them and make them evil. So they weren't making a conscious decision to betray anyone.
Lol. They aren't angels. They still can die, just like elves can. Even angels aren't all "white," but that's just another book you haven't read except to see it as you want to see it.
The pigment of an angel's skin has never been described as "white" or "black." Light accompanies them and they may be dressed in white to indicate a perception of purity/glory, but they are not described as "white" in skin color. Try reading these things without your bias.
Some men are described in Tolkien as "swarthy" and perhaps "slant-eyed" as you say, but those are physical traits, not racist. If you were to describe someone as having a slanted eye to a sketch artist, their eye would be drawn at an angle. To not describe it as such when it was physically slanted would be to lie.
If you are offended by physical traits and descriptions of people, that's a you thing.
Easterlings are not enemies of the west because of their skin color or eye angles. They are enemies of the west because they choose to go to war on the side of Sauron, who promises them things in return. Namely to rule oppressively over those in the west, after Sauron's pattern. Likewise, he promises the southern kingdoms the same- free stuff. Probably land, gold, and slaves.
Orcs were bred, likely from elves as one part of their genetics, since they live indefinitely. They are dark because of how they were bred, not because of some perceived racism.
At some point you have to understand the differences between character and colors. Causes and coincidences. Orcs/goblins are dark in character and some happen to be dark skinned. They produce nothing and grow nothing. They were bred for dark purposes and will consume their own just as Sauron and his master consume everything.
The Haradrim and Easterlings (like some of the men of Bree, Dale, Gondor, and as the men who once refused to come to Gondors aid as pledged) simply chose the side they thought would win the war and bring them abundance. Whatever their skin color, the story is about honor and character, choosing good things over evil. Gondor didn't choose to go to war with Sauron or the other kingdoms, nor did they provoke it when peace could easily have been had.
If the pattern of Tolkien, taken from the dispersement of people in the real world, is offensive to anyone, it's just revealing the darkness and/or ignorance in the people reading it.
This can’t possibly be real… can it? Absolute clown show, if true.Haha WHAT
Is that a joke?
All we need now is a meme of Trump standing at the border yelling “You Shall Not Pass!”A lot more Lord of the Rings talk than I expected when I decided to log on today
Sheriff Grady Judd Reveals How US Federal Government Provides UNLIMITED Plane Tickets to ILLEGALS FOR FREE to Any Destination in the US - And Traffics Women in Sex Trade This Way (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
This will be the most explosive report you read
All we need now is a meme of Trump standing at the border yelling “You Shall Not Pass!”
Hilarious backdrop in the image… “GoodDay New York”Totally not dystopian. Nope. Everything is A-OK under democrat regimes.
Yes it 100% is. Everyone drives on the roads. Only some of the population pays positive in taxes.
Agreed. Just Crap posting. LOL. I wonder how bad it has to get for people like him to admit there is a problem?Let it go man. He’s a self proclaimed ‘centrist’ who’s yet to find a bridge too far with the looney democrat party. Hates us and everything we stand for, but loves the slippery slope of insanity that spews from the democrat party. F that guy. Don’t waste your time.
2 breaks have to be for pooping and to make sure he remembers not to say the N word.Wonder how many drugs Biden is on to get him to appear as competent as possible