How will they rule ??!

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Leader of the Free World...this guy isn't going to make it through a presidential campaign. Him getting to hide in the basement last time and mail-in balloting were the reasons for his victory. Unless they find some way to keep him in the basement again, a campaign would kill him. He is 2 years away from basically nursing home type care. Can barely talk or walk in the video...has to get instructions. We are the joke of the world.

The person was 10 years old. I can't imagine what type of human being you are to call someone an idiot for a decision they made at 10 years old. As I've said on here before, the person lacked the capacity to make that kind of decision at 10 years old and was preyed upon. You have the audacity to say tough sh!t and call them an idiot. I can't even find the words to describe how terrible of a person you are.
It's a random post on an anonymous forum. It isn't real.
You’re trying to de-person Sambowie. You want him gone like you do a certain other culture people.

I don’t think Sambowie likes what you think about him. Maybe he will post 30 fake news links showing you that you are wrong about him.
Not Sam's post, the idiotic screencap from reddit. They're arguing over fake propaganda trolling like it's real. It isn't. I would say Musk should know better, but by this point everyone realizes he doesn't.

Interesting that they have supposedly known the guy was lying the whole time. With the way the FBI leaks stuff you’d think this would have been out long ago. My guess is there is other bad news for the Biden’s coming down the pike and this is a way of discrediting it.
Village Idiotn how many times must you be reminded that it was the USSR Reagan opposed?

You are aware the soviet union is not Russia, correct?

Because you keep making the same error.

Like a couple of hundred times now.

Seems almost Viallage Idiot-ish.
He's the same moron who INSISTED, DOUBLED DOWN, that Reagan was President in 1980.
Leader of the Free World...this guy isn't going to make it through a presidential campaign. Him getting to hide in the basement last time and mail-in balloting were the reasons for his victory. Unless they find some way to keep him in the basement again, a campaign would kill him. He is 2 years away from basically nursing home type care. Can barely talk or walk in the video...has to get instructions. We are the joke of the world.

"Totters" is more like it.
Musk should know better, but by this point everyone realizes he doesn't.
“Everyone” hahaha

Talk about making generalizations. Terrible. Your projections are way off. Like another galaxy kinda off.

Terrible. But thankfully you have narcissism in your pocket which shields you from your lack of self awareness. Btw, Twitter is at an all time high of usage. Free speech.

I bet you have a mini Auschwitz in your mom’s basement next to your bed with posters of Hitler and Stalin smiling.
Yeah, this still sounds like a pedophile argument.

Let the kid decide! If she wants to sleep with the 30 year old man, it's her body, her choice, right, SCIENCE DUDE?
That's pedophilia. Pedophilia is against the law as it should be.
Comparing gender dysphoria to pedophilia isn't even on the same planet. Bizarre comparison.

From the article:

He is one of four people charged for allegedly entering the Queens Center Mall around 5:33 p.m. Tuesday and 'acting in concert' to steal clothes that they tried to hide in bags.
When a 27-year-old security guard confronted the group, they 'struggled,' police said, and one of the suspects punched him in the face.
The security guard suffered minor injuries as a result, but refused medical attention at the scene.

Let him out of jail and he's immediately back on the streets committing more crimes.

(Almost like letting bad guys out of jail is a bad idea. Almost as bad an idea as letting bad guys just waltz into our country.)

Three of Gomez-Izquiel's buddies who reportedly participated in the Macy's robbery have still yet to be found, but some of the other suspects have been brought in.

There's no indication that any of them belong in this country at all.
Abortion has nothing to do with the post where you called a 10 year old child an idiot and said tough sh!t for feeling like their life is ruined at 17 now. All your caterwauling about a completely different topic isn't going to hide the fact that you made a disgusting post disparaging a child. As I said earlier, you are one messed up individual and need help.
Never disparaged a child. I am disparaging adults who try to tell other people what they can and can't do with their own bodies.
I have said repeatedly I'm opposed to permanent sex change surgery on kids under 18. Too bad for that 17 year old that they made a poor personal choice with their life. Who knows, maybe they will change it again 5 years from now.
It's their life and none of my business.
You seem to want to wrap everyone in bubble wrap and create a Nanny State that controls everyone.
Let's just pass a law that says the state will make all decisions for us about our body and actions so nobody will ever be responsible for their own actions.
That sound good to you??