How will they rule ??!

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Trump is a billionaire by his own admissions. He doesn’t need your money. If he were truly for the people like he claims, for you, he would just fund his own campaigns. Instead he fundraises at every single opportunity, begging working class people to send him money he doesn’t need, just to have it. Do you think Ivanka would be living under a bridge without her inheritance? Trump could literally spend every billion he has on these campaigns and functionally lose nothing. You can support him and give him your vote without sending him money.
Not Sam's post, the idiotic screencap from reddit. They're arguing over fake propaganda trolling like it's real. It isn't. I would say Musk should know better, but by this point everyone realizes he doesn

Never disparaged a child. I am disparaging adults who try to tell other people what they can and can't do with their own bodies.
I have said repeatedly I'm opposed to permanent sex change surgery on kids under 18. Too bad for that 17 year old that they made a poor personal choice with their life. Who knows, maybe they will change it again 5 years from now.
It's their life and none of my business.
You seem to want to wrap everyone in bubble wrap and create a Nanny State that controls everyone.
Let's just pass a law that says the state will make all decisions for us about our body and actions so nobody will ever be responsible for their own actions.
That sound good to you??
I'm going to respond one more time and then give the rest of the posters on here a break from this. It's run it course, and you have completely pulled off the veil and let it be known what kind of person you are. With that being said, you 100% disparaged a child. You called them an idiot and said tough sh!t. The person that made the post was 10 (a child) when they made the decision and 17 (a child) when they were posting about their regret at the decision and having trusted the trans community to have their best interest at heart.
I’ll be surprised if anything happens to Fani. That judge was a complete pu$$y yesterday which leads me to believe him being a newer judge and up for reelection is going to use kid gloves on the poor old black female AG who clearly is a racist and believes she is untouchable by the way she acted yesterday. Am sure Soros’s people will make sure the judge “does what is best” for the cause.
Everyone at MSNBC's hair (expect for Joy Reid's wig) would catch on fire if a school district allowed Christians to opt out:

That is a fair ruling on this topic. Allow extremist religious families the right to opt out of being taught about certain topics while also allowing some of that reading material to remain in the school and be discussed by the more tolerant and accepting members of the school community.
Seems reasonable.
That is a fair ruling on this topic. Allow extremist religious families the right to opt out of being taught about certain topics while also allowing some of that reading material to remain in the school and be discussed by the more tolerant and accepting members of the school community.
Seems reasonable.

It is not a good ruling.

It's not your job as an "educator" to teach your values to other people's children. A competent educator worth the title should stick to reading, writing and arithmetic, not your perversions.

They should not allow these "educators" around children at all, nevermind what they "teach."
When you over-inflate your net worth and then get called on it in court, the bottom line can take a hit. So, there’s that, plus laying a big turdburger called Truth Social that lost a few million.
** KA -- BOOM **

Securities and Exchange Commission believes otherwise.

Begin exploding heads in 3... 2... 1...
Interesting that they have supposedly known the guy was lying the whole time. With the way the FBI leaks stuff you’d think this would have been out long ago. My guess is there is other bad news for the Biden’s coming down the pike and this is a way of discrediting it.
Shutting up future whistle blowers by showing them who has the power. The Obama/Biden crime syndicate is in full motion right now as they are seeing their chances to keep the power in the White House dwindle with new allegations of wrongdoing (criminal activities) coming out every other day or so. Problem is however, it is becoming common place with nothing being done for so long now, people are becoming calloused and uncaring as we continue to see nothing happen to them.
I'm going to respond one more time and then give the rest of the posters on here a break from this. It's run it course, and you have completely pulled off the veil and let it be known what kind of person you are. With that being said, you 100% disparaged a child. You called them an idiot and said tough sh!t. The person that made the post was 10 (a child) when they made the decision and 17 (a child) when they were posting about their regret at the decision and having trusted the trans community to have their best interest at heart.
Life is filled with choices. Life is filled with consequences. I raised great kids who are productive members of society because I taught them those tenants.
If you wait until someone has reached adulthood to teach them that choices have consequences then you've raised a turd.
The trans community didn't force that kid into anything. Neither did I. Neither did you. The kid can transition back if they don't like their choice. That's not on anyone but them and their family.
If you wanna wrap your kids in bubble wrap, teach them life decisions have no consequences and have the government tell you and your family when to take a sh*", that's your dream not mine.
None of that has anything to do with my personal character....just my personal preference for how I think kids should learn about life. My kids turned out great. I don't need the state to do that for me.
** KA -- BOOM **

Securities and Exchange Commission believes otherwise.

Begin exploding heads in 3... 2... 1...
Thought Biden and the government were out to get Trump?? 🤣
Life is filled with choices. Life is filled with consequences. I raised great kids who are productive members of society because I taught them those tenants.
If you wait until someone has reached adulthood to teach them that choices have consequences then you've raised a turd.
The trans community didn't force that kid into anything. Neither did I. Neither did you. The kid can transition back if they don't like their choice. That's not on anyone but them and their family.
If you wanna wrap your kids in bubble wrap, teach them life decisions have no consequences and have the government tell you and your family when to take a sh*", that's your dream not mine.
None of that has anything to do with my personal character....just my personal preference for how I think kids should learn about life. My kids turned out great. I don't need the state to do that for me.

That is completely ignorant, unsurprisingly, and a meaningless straw man argument, also unsurprisingly.

But yes, you radical leftists do not appreciate what you reveal of yourselves. You need to fix yourselves before you go around telling everyone else what's right and wrong.

If only Biden’s Republican opponents had paid the informant/whistleblower to make up lies so those same opponents could use those lies to get a fraudulent warrant from a secret court to spy on Biden then he’d have nothing to worry about. Just dirty politics is all that’d be, right?
It is not a good ruling.

It's not your job as an "educator" to teach your values to other people's children. A competent educator worth the title should stick to reading, writing and arithmetic, not your perversions.

They should not allow these "educators" around children at all, nevermind what they "teach."
It's not your job as a citizen with biased religious views to tell every member of the damn community what they can or can't discuss in a PUBLIC school.
It's not your job to remove any reference to gay or trans in books out of a PUBLIC school.
If you don't want your kid to be involved in any discussion of that topic, opt them out or put them in a private, religious school.
But those people exist and live in our community. You don't have the right to force everyone else around you to pretend they don't.
We all have to live together in a community and compromise is the only way to do that.
It's not your job as a citizen with biased religious views to tell every member of the damn community what they can or can't discuss in a PUBLIC school.
It's not your job to remove any reference to gay or trans in books out of a PUBLIC school.
If you don't want your kid to be involved in any discussion of that topic, opt them out or put them in a private, religious school.
But those people exist and live in our community. You don't have the right to force everyone else around you to pretend they don't.
We all have to live together in a community and compromise is the only way to do that.

Nonsense. You want to indoctrinate children into your ideology and its ideological perversions, like sexualizing children under the guise of tolerance.

You can't fool everyone.
Nonsense. You want to indoctrinate children into your ideology and its ideological perversions, like sexualizing children under the guise of tolerance.

You can't fool everyone.
His idea of compromise is we give in and let him continue to groom children.

How about the sick bastard "compromise" with us and remove himself from society?
That is completely ignorant, unsurprisingly, and a meaningless straw man argument, also unsurprisingly.

But yes, you radical leftists do not appreciate what you reveal of yourselves. You need to fix yourselves before you go around telling everyone else what's right and wrong.
How bout fixing your own nutty political party and getting Trump out on bail before telling Dems what needs to be fixed??
Most unproductive Congress in history.
Dysfunction Junction.
His idea of compromise is we give in and let him continue to groom children.

How about the sick bastard "compromise" with us and remove himself from society?
You're the one indoctrinating kids not me. You're the one telling everyone what they can or can't say about any topic of your chosing....not me.
I am not advocating for discussion of sexuality all day in school. It should only be talked about in sex ed curriculum at specified age appropriate grades.
But to tell schools there can be no mention of gay or trans people in those courses is telling lies thru omission.
Gay people exist. Trans people exist. They live and work among us. Gay/trans parents exist. Gay/trans kids exist.
You can't make everyone pretend they don't.
Sign a paper...opt your kid out of that sex ed curriculum and let the rest of the community go about real life.
Just catching up on all events of the day with Fani Willis. Good *%#!ing grief, what an absolute embarrassment. She deserves every bit of what “should” coming for her. Wonder if she will be so arrogant in court if she is hauled in on felony charges.
She sounded like a mix of a pathological liar/narcissist that thinks she should never be questioned and a teenager making up some absurd story trying to explain to her parents why she didn’t do what they just caught her red-handed doing.
You're the one indoctrinating kids not me. You're the one telling everyone what they can or can't say about any topic of your chosing....not me.
I am not advocating for discussion of sexuality all day in school. It should only be talked about in sex ed curriculum at specified age appropriate grades.
But to tell schools there can be no mention of gay or trans people in those courses is telling lies thru omission.
Gay people exist. Trans people exist. They live and work among us. Gay/trans parents exist. Gay/trans kids exist.
You can't make everyone pretend they don't.
Sign a paper...opt your kid out of that sex ed curriculum and let the rest of the community go about real life.

Which is not what is being debated here, or anywhere. Your radical leftist side comes up with compeltely bs narratives like "don't say gay" to gaslight and obfuscate.

You are despicable. This act is despicable.

A society that doesn't protect its children is doomed to failure. Sex ed is about preventing childhood pregnancy and other undesirable outcomes like STDs, not grooming children, which is what your straw man smoke and mirrors itnends to hide.

You are despicable. This act is despicable. Fix yourselves before you go ruining more lives like that 10 year odl girl's.
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I’ll be surprised if anything happens to Fani. That judge was a complete pu$$y yesterday which leads me to believe him being a newer judge and up for reelection is going to use kid gloves on the poor old black female AG who clearly is a racist and believes she is untouchable by the way she acted yesterday. Am sure Soros’s people will make sure the judge “does what is best” for the cause.
Sad but probably 100% correct. She acted that way as she knows she’s untouchable.
Which is not what is being debated here, or anywhere. Your radical leftist side comes up with compeltely bs narratives like "don't say gay" to gaslight and obfuscate.

You are despicable. This act is despicable.

A society that doesn't protect its children is doomed to failure. Sex ed is about preventing childhood pregnancy and other undesirable outcomes like STDs, not grooming children, which is what your straw man smoke and mirrors itnends to hide.

You are despicable. This act is despicable. Fix yourselves before you go ruining more lives like that 10 year odl girl's.
Your ignorance knows no bounds. Ever heard of a little bug called HIV? Are you completely ignorant to the fact that gay people exist and have sex??
So it's ok to teach the straight kids about sex to protect them from STDs but let the gay people die right?
You're the sicko that wants laws allowing 10 year old girls to get raped and have babies not me.
You're the sick Ahole here that wants to teach straight kids about STDs but let gay kids die from it.... not me.
Look right into the mirror for the sicko.
Your ignorance knows no bounds. Ever heard of a little bug called HIV? Are you completely ignorant to the fact that gay people exist and have sex??
So it's ok to teach the straight kids about sex to protect them from STDs but let the gay people die right?
You're the sicko that wants laws allowing 10 year old girls to get raped and have babies not me.
You're the sick Ahole here that wants to teach straight kids about STDs but let gay kids die from it.... not me.
Look right into the mirror for the sicko.

Yes, teach kids about the dangers of HIV and how much more easily it is transmitted by homosexual sex.

But back to ignore. I got what I wanted from you leftists and am done cluttering the board wiht it, thank you.
This is your projection, i.e. what you are guilty of, to assuage your congnitive dissonance.

Your "argument" (blind partisanship) is innuendo, guilt by association, and prejudiced interpretations and speculations. A pedo leaves victims. That's his argument. Your pedo's own son calls him a pedo.

Maybe you should re-read that study you read about falsse beliefs; this time applyins some introspection.
Perhaps you could share with me how I'm using projection here:

or here:

Which is not what is being debated here, or anywhere. Your radical leftist side comes up with compeltely bs narratives like "don't say gay" to gaslight and obfuscate.

You are despicable. This act is despicable.

A society that doesn't protect its children is doomed to failure. Sex ed is about preventing childhood pregnancy and other undesirable outcomes like STDs, not grooming children, which is what your straw man smoke and mirrors itnends to hide.

You are despicable. This act is despicable. Fix yourselves before you go ruining more lives like that 10 year odl girl's.
Democrats simply shouldn't be allowed near children. They cannot be trusted.