How will they rule ??!

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Meanwhile, back in the real world....


Welcome to Joe Biden's America.

That dude lost his job. He wrote it before he was fired. He took down his original tweet now that his breakfast story was published. People are now commenting on his well wisher tweets from earlier in the month. 🤣 🤣

Now that's Biden's America.

That dude lost his job. He wrote it before he was fired. He took down his original tweet now that his breakfast story was published. People are now commenting on his well wisher tweets from earlier in the month. 🤣 🤣

Now that's Biden's America.

LeArN tO cODe
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I was trying to explain this to my friends in the war thread 2 years ago, incidentally.

In vain, of course. We are not going to bankrupt them in order to create the conditions for revolution through this proxy war and accompanied sanctions. They are self-sufficient, except tech/chips, which they get from china at a good price. The average urban russian is just as fat and happy as we are, more or less, and they do actually live equal to european standards.
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They won't win but they should

From the article:

A dozen victims of Jeffrey Epstein filed a lawsuit on Wednesday accusing the FBI of covering up its failure to investigate the late financier, enabling his sex trafficking to continue for more than 20 years.

The victims, using Jane Doe pseudonyms, said the FBI received credible tips as early as 1996 that Epstein trafficked young women and girls, yet failed to interview victims or share what it knew with federal and local law enforcement.

Victims said the FBI finally began a probe in 2006, but ended it two years later after Epstein pleaded guilty to a Florida prostitution charge, and kept ignoring tips until his July 2019 arrest.

“As a direct and proximate cause of the FBI’s negligence, plaintiffs would not have been continued to be sex trafficked, abused, raped, tortured and threatened,” the complaint said.

“Jane Does 1-12 bring this lawsuit to get to the bottom — once and for all — of the FBI’s role in Epstein’s criminal sex trafficking ring,” it added.

The US Department of Justice did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

the documentary about Epstein on Netflix, which I'm sure glossed over a LOT, even had an interview with a Florida DA that said they had enough to put the guy away for life and then some when the feds came in and gave him that obscene plea deal.
Our government has become so predictable that you cannot believe anything that comes out of Washington now. All of the sudden some super serious Russian space weapon is of critical importance at the exact same time the Ukraine funding bill is in trouble and all of the dirt on Obama and company spying on Trump comes to the forefront again. They constantly try to distract you from the corruption they are deeply involved in.
The last thing they want is evidence of election fraud being brought to light in a trial of Trump. The media will be forced to present it and if a jury acquits then that gives the evidence life.
The Feds tried to force Giuliani to release it in the defamation case in DC, where he had zero chance of winning even if it showed the 2 women openly using fake or altered ballots.

So far the only thing clear is that Wade and Willis are willing to lie in testimony. They’re going to get away with it absent a smoking gun.

Sure, she reimbursed him for all the expenses in untraceable cash because she doesn’t use credit cards, sure they take 5+ hour round trips to Tennessee frequently for lunch, etc.

Wade is obviously lying but they’re going to need a smoking gun.
Having just gotten back from Italy... its waaay cheaper there also.

Go to any restaurant and you'll spend half what it costs in the US.

Best bowl of pasta you'll ever have= $12

House wine= $4

Tiramisu= $4

Bumped into an ex-pat from Manchester, England while in Venice. Retd airline pilot... so he had some coin... he decided to retire in Italy instead of going back to UK. Bot a house on 2nd largest lake in Italy, with some acreage... cost him $80k.
So the dollar is worth way more than the ruble because Russia is under world sanctions because of Ukraine and their economy sucks.
Right now 100 dollars is worth over 90.00 Rubles. Sooooo that explains why he got a ton of food for a few DOLLARS.
Tucker is such a F'ing dumbazz and so are his useful idiots fan club.
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Steepest decline since March 2023

You are again dismissed.
Can't believe people weren't out spending lots of money during January when it gets dark at 5 and the temperature is 0 degrees outside.
Oh the humanity!!! 🤣🤣
Let's see what happens this spring Chicken Little before going on economic suicide watch.
Um, that's because your Democrat-controlled Senate sent an over-priced bill back to the House. Guess what? No border provisions.

At any rate, you and your funny little friends trying to kill us all.

GD maniacs!
Y'all had a chance to stop it and said no thanks. Border blood's on Pubs now. Look in the mirror for a maniac. 🤬
This ain't no liberal rag....

So the dollar is worth way more than the ruble because Russia is under world sanctions because of Ukraine and their economy sucks.
Right now 100 dollars is worth over 9,000 Rubles. Sooooo that explains why he got a ton of food for a few DOLLARS.
Tucker is such a F'ing dumbazz and so are his useful idiots fan club.
The entire point of the sanctions was to destroy the buying power. Instead the ruble has more purchasing power than the dollar. So if Russia economy sucks why can you get the same amount in groceries for 4x less??? Do you know what a destroyed economy looks like? It looks like massive national debt, no reconciliation insight (meaning deficit for the eye can see), a massive loss of purchasing power (inflation) followed eventually by job losses. We put sanctions and armed Ukraine and have undeniably strengthened Russia.
Meanwhile, back in the real world...


Stock Market Today: Jobless Claims
Ahead of Thursday's open, the Labor Department's initial unemployment claims unexpectedly fell to 212,000. They were expected to rise to 219,000 vs. 218,000 in the previous week.

54 S&P 500 stocks hit new 52-week highs
54 stocks in the S&P 500 hit new 52-week highs during Thursday's trading session.
Here are a few of the names that hit this milestone:
Ralph Lauren
Diamondback Energy

So the dollar is worth way more than the ruble because Russia is under world sanctions because of Ukraine and their economy sucks.
Right now 100 dollars is worth over 9,000 Rubles. Sooooo that explains why he got a ton of food for a few DOLLARS.
Tucker is such a F'ing dumbazz and so are his useful idiots fan club.

This is a more economically illiterate argument than even vhcat could make.
Real estate numbers are misleading in that they are way worse than they appear. For years that market was artificially proposed up by black rock buying loads and loads of residential homes. With that artificial influx of purchasing, the housing market would've been in the dumps. Instead for consumers it's almost impossible to buy a home and a woke investment firm now controls a giant chunk of residential America.

The tech layoffs also include a bunch of ai/automation layoffs. The economy is bad for sure, but there needs to be some aim to limit these tech companies from just automating everyone out of a job.
My mom is trying to downsize and every single house she finds in her price range is pending already. There's just not enough smaller homes for sale. The ones that are for sale are way more than what they should cost and in the process of being sold.

My house would sell for more than double of what I paid for it 19 years ago. Even if I were to sell it, I wouldn't be able to find something else in my price range. It's a screwed up situation. Yet they keep building these huge houses all over the place and ridiculously priced apartments. I don't know how they can find enough people to buy/rent at these prices.
The entire point of the sanctions was to destroy the buying power. Instead the ruble has more purchasing power than the dollar. So if Russia economy sucks why can you get the same amount in groceries for 4x less??? Do you know what a destroyed economy looks like? It looks like massive national debt, no reconciliation insight (meaning deficit for the eye can see), a massive loss of purchasing power (inflation) followed eventually by job losses. We put sanctions and armed Ukraine and have undeniably strengthened Russia.
If you are using dollars you get a lot for your money. Right now one US dollar is worth over 92.28 rubles.
A gallon of milk in Russia costs almost 300 rubles.....which would be the equivalent of about 3 US dollars. Not a big difference.
We've been clashing with Russian backed Syrian soldiers for years..

You left this one off your list....🤡
Yeah, clashing with Russian backed Syrian militants isn't what I posted about. I posted about actual combat between US military and human Russian military assets. The battle I posted about was the first such incident since the Cold War. If you have something showing otherwise, please post it. Btw, we were sending financial and military aid to Ukraine under Trump as well.

Again, I posted about actions, you post rhetoric. I'm the kinda guy that believes actions far outweigh words. As if the article I previously posted detailing the Trump admin's actions wasn't enough, here is an article from extreme right wing NPR detailing how the Trump admin was tougher on Russia than any other admin since the Cold War. You should compare that to Bidens voting record and such since he's been in DC. If you struggle with that, I'll provide a link to that as well.

Yeah, clashing with Russian backed Syrian militants isn't what I posted about. I posted about actual combat between US military and human Russian military assets. The battle I posted about was the first such incident since the Cold War. If you have something showing otherwise, please post it. Btw, we were sending financial and military aid to Ukraine under Trump as well.

Again, I posted about actions, you post rhetoric. I'm the kinda guy that believes actions far outweigh words. As if the article I previously posted detailing the Trump admin's actions wasn't enough, here is an article from extreme right wing NPR detailing how the Trump admin was tougher on Russia than any other admin since the Cold War. You should compare that to Bidens voting record and such since he's been in DC. If you struggle with that, I'll provide a link to that as well.

From what I read on the cite you posted there were a few Russian military contractors caught up in the skirmish....Not the Russian army.
Speaking of firsts since the Cold bout making sure we send weapons to Ukraine who was the victim of the first full scale land invasion in Europe since WW2.