How will they rule ??!

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OK, keep being a hypocrite little guy because you just proved your hypocrisy.
Havent been hypocritical one bit. The debate has been about taxpayer money funding abortions, not about the legality of it.

Sorry you can't understand that you brought up another issue and cry when you get shot down.

And as a matter of fact, abortion is legal - Thats a fact. Sorry you can accept that reality.
Not just that but, many probably have no idea that Soros was behind the Occupy "movement" a few years ago. Many of the activist groups he funds simply change their name when the media offers the slightest bit of interest in how they were formed.
Black Lives Matter is another example of a Soros-funded domestic terrorist organization. Look behind any of these so-called "activist organizations" and you'll see George Soros pulling their strings.
Yup. Thats why I said Trump has got to take him down. I am fed up with this POS getting away with this bullcrap.
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Fair enough. The argument of whether the federal government funds it or not is really wasting arguments, in my opinion. The fundamental issue, and the only one worth discussing, in my mind, is whether or not you think it's a human or life or not. To me, that's the only thing that really matters to me on the issue. I don't feel any better because the government doesn't pay for it, as you have pointed out.
That's a fair point.
Havent been hypocritical one bit. The debate has been about taxpayer money funding abortions, not about the legality of it.

Sorry you can't understand that you brought up another issue and cry when you get shot down.

And as a matter of fact, abortion is legal - Thats a fact. Sorry you can accept that reality.
No, I understood you very well. You were posting about one person taking out Ashley because of her beliefs being basically wrong and I agreed saying that it was done all of the time with babies. Then you basically did a 180 saying that was different. Threads evolve, try to keep up.
That's not the argument that has literally been going on for the past 3 hours.

You raise a completely different issue up - whether abortion should be legal or not. Current law in our country says its legal.

End of dispute.

You have made it clear that technically speaking without there being a reason, then taxpayer funds won't be used for abortions. However, do you not think it's possible that the libs running planned parenthood might be fudging some records and claiming rape or other technicalities?

Don't know and don't have proof of that, but after seeing the corruption from them in the past, I certainly wouldn't bet against it.
No, I understood you very well. You were posting about one person taking out Ashley because of her beliefs being basically wrong and I agreed saying that it was done all of the time with babies. Then you basically did a 180 saying that was different. Threads evolve, try to keep up.
Where have I said I supported abortion though. I've just been pointing out that taxpayers fund abortion in very limited circumstances (rape, invest, health of mother at stake) due to the Hyde Amendment. This applies to federal funds and Medicaid in KY.

And by the way - what I said about TrollCat advocating "putting her down" was to point out with what's wrong with our country. We aren't all going to agree on political issues...that doesn't mean that the person you disagree with should be killed.

That's a completely separate issue than the issue of abortion...which you tried to conflate.
You have made it clear that technically speaking without there being a reason, then taxpayer funds won't be used for abortions. However, do you not think it's possible that the libs running planned parenthood might be fudging some records and claiming rape or other technicalities?

Don't know and don't have proof of that, but after seeing the corruption from them in the past, I certainly wouldn't bet against it.
Good question. Without proof of "fudging the books" I personally can't make that leap.

I will say this though...I don't think PP would risk doing something like that b/c they know if caught doing that, it would be an end to their stream of federal funding (what little they have left), which helps them fund all the other services they provide.
So does that work if Trump comes out and says "I choose love!"

I don't understand at this point what he has done so bad, yet!

I mean Obama had to go, his time was up, and someone was coming in behind him.

I'd love a tweet saying "Madonna I agree, only I choose to love America".
Without proof of "fudging the books" I can't make that leap.

I also don't think PP would risk doing something like that b/c they know it would be an end to their stream of federal funding (what little they have left).
They have been caught doing illegal stuff in the past and that was the point of my breaking the law remark.
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They have been caught doing illegal stuff in the past and that was the point of my breaking the law remark.
Have they been caught cooking their books to somehow use taxpayer funds to fund abortions?
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They have been caught doing illegal stuff in the past and that was the point of my breaking the law remark.
And I have to ask...when you say they have been caught doing illegal stuff are your referring to their alleged sale of fetal tissue/body parts?

You realize PP was not indicted in Texas (where that video was made), and that the grand jury in Texas decided instead to indict the two people who made the video.

The whole issue caused many states to open investigations into PP and none of them found any evidence that PP sold fetal tissue/body parts as they were falsely accused of doing.
Have they been caught cooking their books to somehow use taxpayer funds to find abortions?
Don't know that but, they have been caught doing other things so, imo I believe they probably have been doing it as someone else eluded to. In short, i don't trust them.
I believe it was @Willy4UK who questioned whether Ashley Judd would be booed at rupp... after today, I think the answer is "DEFINITELY".

During Saturday’s Women’s March in Washington, DC, Ashley Judd ranted, “I am not as nasty as your own daughter being your favorite sex symbol, like your wet dreams infused with your own genes.”
Judd said, “I am not as nasty as racism, fraud, conflict of interest, homophobia, sexual assault, transphobia, white supremacy, misogyny, ignorance, white privilege. I’m not as nasty as using little girls like Pokemon before their bodies have even developed. I am not as nasty as your own daughter being your favorite sex symbol, like your wet dreams infused with your own genes. But, yeah, I’m a nasty woman, a loud, vulgar proud woman. I’m not nasty, like the combo of Trump and Pence being served up to me in my voting booth. I’m nasty like the battles my grandmothers fought to get me into that voting booth. I’m nasty, like the fight for wage equality. Scarlett Johansson, why were the female actors paid less than half of what the male actors earned last year? See, even when we do go into higher paying jobs, our wages are still cut with blades sharpened by testosterone.”

Sick bitch.
Don't know that but, they have been caught doing other things so, imo I believe they probably have been doing it as someone else eluded to. In short, i don't trust them.
Fair enough. It's your right not to trust them.

Alright man - politics and abortion issue aside, I'm about to watch these Cats beat on the Cocks....should be a good game.
During Saturday’s Women’s March in Washington, DC, Ashley Judd ranted, “I am not as nasty as your own daughter being your favorite sex symbol, like your wet dreams infused with your own genes.”
Judd said, “I am not as nasty as racism, fraud, conflict of interest, homophobia, sexual assault, transphobia, white supremacy, misogyny, ignorance, white privilege. I’m not as nasty as using little girls like Pokemon before their bodies have even developed. I am not as nasty as your own daughter being your favorite sex symbol, like your wet dreams infused with your own genes. But, yeah, I’m a nasty woman, a loud, vulgar proud woman. I’m not nasty, like the combo of Trump and Pence being served up to me in my voting booth. I’m nasty like the battles my grandmothers fought to get me into that voting booth. I’m nasty, like the fight for wage equality. Scarlett Johansson, why were the female actors paid less than half of what the male actors earned last year? See, even when we do go into higher paying jobs, our wages are still cut with blades sharpened by testosterone.”

Sick bitch.
Will she even go back to Rupp? She has to know she's pretty much universally hated in Kentucky now.
KY is one of the most restrictive of all, along with CO they not only forbid Medicaid money for abortions but go one step further and forbid insurance companies from offering abortion coverage.
Makes me even angrier. Coming from someone who's been a paraplegic since 1996 (motorcycle wreck, complete T-11/12). The term handaplegic irritates me, especially if his injury was completely fabricated. I hate people who are easily offended and despise political correctness but that kind of irked me for some reason. I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it or take to the streets and start burning shit because someone said something insensitive. lol.

yeah, dude . . . I feel like shit taking that bait. The term should have been red flag enough. Proud of you for dealing with your situation best you can, and for sharing a bit of you story. Been going through a short period feeling down on myself for much lesser problems. I need to stop. Gotta stay in good spirits. Time for tip-off soon! go Cats!
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Schumer's speech said:
My fellow Americans, we live in a challenging and tumultuous time, a quickly evolving, ever more interconnected world, a rapidly changing economy that benefits too few, while leaving too many behind, a fractured media, a politics frequently consumed by rancor.

How can you acknowledge that times suck, but not assign any blame to the president of the country for the last 8 years?
How can you acknowledge that times suck, but not assign any blame to the president of the country for the last 8 years?
I would argue that the obstructionist ways of the Republican controlled Congress did more harm to this country than Obama's policies.

Let's talk about an infrastructure bill. Obama begged for one for years..fixes our roads and bridges and railways..... and puts people to work (albeit not permanent employment, but it's better than sitting on your ass drawing from the gub'nit).

Passing such a bill would have been good for our country, b/c we need to repair our infrastructure and many people still need good jobs....but R Congress wouldn't do it.

Within the next 3-6 months what do you think the R controlled government is going to do? They are going to pass a $1 trillion infrastructure bill.....the final bill may be for more or less than $1 trillion but that's the amount being floated around.
I would argue that the obstructionist ways of the Republican controlled Congress did more harm to this country than Obama's policies.

Let's talk about an infrastructure bill. Obama begged for one for years..fixes our roads and bridges and railways..... and puts people to work (albeit not permanent employment, but it's better than sitting on your ass drawing from the gub'nit).

Passing such a bill would have been good for our country, b/c we need to repair our infrastructure and many people still need good jobs....but R Congress wouldn't do it.

Within the next 3-6 months what do you think the R controlled government is going to do? They are going to pass a $1 trillion infrastructure bill.....the final bill may be for more or less than $1 trillion but that's the amount being floated around.
what about the stimulus. The problem is the assumption that money goes to the work needed. You forget about government employees at redundant offices sucking money up as it gets to the union workers. That is the problem: the assumption that those in power are going to do what they say with the money. C'mon man
what about the stimulus. The problem is the assumption that money goes to the work needed. You forget about government employees at redundant offices sucking money up as it gets to the union workers. That is the problem: the assumption that those in power are going to do what they say with the money. C'mon man
I think that could be applied across the board of all federal agencies. Especially and including the Dept of Defense.

There is waste, and there is poor investment, and there is unaccounted for money at every level of government. Has been this way for years....It's a "business as usual", "we'll turn a blind eye" to the missing money issue, created and fostered by both sides.

Infrastructure bill would do good.

In fact, I say make it $10 trillion and build high speed rail across this country. It would create long term jobs (b/c it's a massive project). On the economic side of it, it would create competition among the auto and airplane industry for our business, and would lower the cost of airfare and the price of cars in the process.

Europe has it, China has it, Japan has it....we need to step up and get high speed rail as well....time to get with the program.
Fair enough. It's your right not to trust them.

Alright man - politics and abortion issue aside, I'm about to watch these Cats beat on the Cocks....should be a good game.

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Lordy, that's one of the worst ideas put forth on this storied thread...
Lol. Whatever it would cost to make it happen (high speed rail) - could be less than $10 T....maybe 2 or 3...I dunno.

We are losing to our economic competitors...(China, Europe, etc) by not building high speed rail.

The benefits outweigh the investment. Lower costs to travel....a more mobile society....and more competition to get our business for travel by car, plane or rail.

Also creates jobs.
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Just to start....

- 10T may be light. All borrowed, too. Lols at 2-3. We'd end up spending 2-3T in Right of Ways *alone*.

- currently at $10B for the CA high speed rail for the small stretch of rural land between Bakersfield and Merced.....$6.5M PER MILE. And that's rural. Quadruple it for portions in urban areas to get to stations. I mean, LOOOOOOOL at you getting rail from the outskirts of SF or NY to the inner city stations. Infinity? Infinity money?

- no one will ride. You going to subsidize the ticket? You going to make blacks/browns/olds/poors/whites/kids/trannies pay $300 a ticket? You racist.

Americans do not want to ride that thing. They want to drive or fly. Period. Learn your demo.

- we haven't lost shit to either continent due to effing rail. If so, link that bitch.

- oh China JINA built theirs with space labor

- oh most of Europe is stating to regret their cooperative choices, in case you haven't been paying attention.

- benefits outweigh the Would've already been done. You make it sound like it's an arbitrage opportunity....a no brainer. Sooo false. Would've been built in a NY minute if so.

I can keep going but I'm tied up at the moment. You sound like you're pretty good with others' hard earned money, show us how it's done with high speed rail. Crack an egg of knowledge on me...
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How are we losing to our rivals by not having high speed rail?
First - we pay more for cars and airfare.....bring in a 3rd way to transport us, and the cost of cars and airfare goes down.

Second, when gas prices go up (I remember gas at like $4.50/gal in KY when Bush was president) it offers another way to travel.

Third, those countries can move people, goods and services much more efficiently than we can - which is good for their economies. They are more mobile than us.

Fourth, it reduces traffic congestion and therefore boosts productivity for those countries. We have a major issue of traffic congestion, people running late for work, goods not being delivered on time from one place to the another, etc.

Fifth - it creates jobs. Hundreds of thousands of them.
Just to start....

- 10T may be light. All borrowed, too. Lols at 2-3. We'd end up spending 2-3T in Right of Ways *alone*.

- currently at $10B for the CA high speed rail for the small stretch of rural land between Bakersfield and Merced.....$6.5M PER MILE. And that's rural. Quadruple it for portions in urban areas to get to stations. I mean, LOOOOOOOL at you getting rail from the outskirts of SF or NY to the inner city stations. Infinity? Infinity money?

- no one will ride. You going to subsidize the ticket? You going to make blacks/browns/olds/poors/whites/kids/trannies pay $300 a ticket? You racist.

Americans do not want to ride that thing. They want to drive or fly. Period. Learn your demo.

- we haven't lost shit to either continent due to effing rail. If so, link that bitch.

- oh China JINA built theirs with space labor

- oh most of Europe is stating to regret their cooperative choices, in case you haven't been paying attention.

- benefits outweigh the Would've already been done. You make it sound like it's an arbitrage opportunity....a no brainer. Sooo false. Would've been built in a NY minute if so.

I can keep going but I'm tied up at the moment. You sound like you're pretty good with others' hard earned money, show us how it's done with high speed rail. Crack an egg of knowledge on me...
Before I read all of your post...why couldnt we use the existing rail infrastructure to start? It's already there...and would negate the need for right of ways.
Love how some folks just think all this money to pay for this shi! is going to come from thin air. Bush, Obama and Congress wasted trillions fighting in Iraq, propping up donors belly up energy companies, list goes on and on. Where the hell do people think we can magically find another $10 trillion to pay for free handouts or stuff we should have had years ago is going to come from? China? Why not, they already own half our country now anyway.

I can see why our government has no comprehension of spending money wisely because their constituents are about as dumb about finances as they are so where is the accountability....
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Just to start....

- 10T may be light. All borrowed, too. Lols at 2-3. We'd end up spending 2-3T in Right of Ways *alone*.

- currently at $10B for the CA high speed rail for the small stretch of rural land between Bakersfield and Merced.....$6.5M PER MILE. And that's rural. Quadruple it for portions in urban areas to get to stations. I mean, LOOOOOOOL at you getting rail from the outskirts of SF or NY to the inner city stations. Infinity? Infinity money?

- no one will ride. You going to subsidize the ticket? You going to make blacks/browns/olds/poors/whites/kids/trannies pay $300 a ticket? You racist.

Americans do not want to ride that thing. They want to drive or fly. Period. Learn your demo.

- we haven't lost shit to either continent due to effing rail. If so, link that bitch.

- oh China JINA built theirs with space labor

- oh most of Europe is stating to regret their cooperative choices, in case you haven't been paying attention.

- benefits outweigh the Would've already been done. You make it sound like it's an arbitrage opportunity....a no brainer. Sooo false. Would've been built in a NY minute if so.

I can keep going but I'm tied up at the moment. You sound like you're pretty good with others' hard earned money, show us how it's done with high speed rail. Crack an egg of knowledge on me...
As to your last comment - it's Trump's $1 Trillion infrastructure plan, not mine.

Also, I work and pay my fair share of taxes....if much rather a portion of my tax dollars go toward investing in our infrastructure to include high speed rail than to go on another foreign intervention/war costing trillions of dollars, the for certain.

Building a high speed rail system has benefits that would outweigh and pay back any initial investment.

I mean shit, if it were such a bad investment why does it work so well in Europe, China and Japan?
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Love how some folks just think all this money to pay for this shi! is going to come from thin air. Bush, Obama and Congress wasted trillions fighting in Iraq, propping up donors belly up energy companies, list goes on and on. Where the hell do people think we can magically find another $10 trillion to pay for free handouts or stuff we should have had years ago is going to come from? China? Why not, they already own half our country now anyway.

I can see why our government has no comprehension of spending money wisely because their constituents are about as dumb about finances as they are so where is the accountability....
I guess Trump thinks money to pay for his $1 Trillion infrastructure plan comes from thin air as well then.....
Just to start....

- 10T may be light. All borrowed, too. Lols at 2-3. We'd end up spending 2-3T in Right of Ways *alone*.

- currently at $10B for the CA high speed rail for the small stretch of rural land between Bakersfield and Merced.....$6.5M PER MILE. And that's rural. Quadruple it for portions in urban areas to get to stations. I mean, LOOOOOOOL at you getting rail from the outskirts of SF or NY to the inner city stations. Infinity? Infinity money?

- no one will ride. You going to subsidize the ticket? You going to make blacks/browns/olds/poors/whites/kids/trannies pay $300 a ticket? You racist.

Americans do not want to ride that thing. They want to drive or fly. Period. Learn your demo.

- we haven't lost shit to either continent due to effing rail. If so, link that bitch.

- oh China JINA built theirs with space labor

- oh most of Europe is stating to regret their cooperative choices, in case you haven't been paying attention.

- benefits outweigh the Would've already been done. You make it sound like it's an arbitrage opportunity....a no brainer. Sooo false. Would've been built in a NY minute if so.

I can keep going but I'm tied up at the moment. You sound like you're pretty good with others' hard earned money, show us how it's done with high speed rail. Crack an egg of knowledge on me...
Godbless - no one will ride? How about getting down to Florida in 5 hours for less than it costs to fly. You don't think people would travel that way??

And what the hell does the race of passengers have to do with anything. People of all races and ages travel by plane, why wouldn't they travel by train??
First - we pay more for cars and airfare.....bring in a 3rd way to transport us, and the cost of cars and airfare goes down.

Second, when gas prices go up (I remember gas at like $4.50/gal in KY when Bush was president) it offers another way to travel.

Third, those countries can move people, goods and services much more efficiently than we can - which is good for their economies. They are more mobile than us.

Fourth, it reduces traffic congestion and therefore boosts productivity for those countries. We have a major issue of traffic congestion, people running late for work, goods not being delivered on time from one place to the another, etc.

Fifth - it creates jobs. Hundreds of thousands of them.
I think we should become energy independent on current technology, pay down some debt. Then work towards new technology.

The key to our future (IMNSHO) is energy independence.
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