Never forget that these leftist clowns demanded everyone condemn "white supremacy" (as they claim everything is white supremacy lol) but they can never condemn their party pushing this crap on kids. They do support it. They never speak out against it. There's a giant push for this (of course after claiming it wasn't happening)."Nobody supports those things"? Yet here YOU and Dion and others are on here DEFENDING all of those things. All of those parents who had kids in the audiences of those lewd performances supports those things. All of those purple haired, multi-facial piercings, Antifa loving goons that protest, show up on School boards, and teach in the school systems supports those things. Don't you call us fascists for fighting against those things in one post then in the next tell us "NOBODY supports those things."
Only your myopic, sky-is falling, CNN narrative believing mind actually believes they are trying to outlaw drag. All they want is drag SHOWS to be regulated as adult entertainment. Geez.
Body mutilating elective surgeries on minors should be outlawed. It's sick and twisted for anyone to think a young child under the age of consent with a still developing brain and mind, should be subjected to non-reversible body mutilating surgery.
Government overreach? Quite the Hypocrite Mr. Get vaxxed or lose your job. Get vaxxed or you can't travel. Get vaxxed or you can't eat here. Wear your mask or you can't Shop here. No swimming alone on that beach, Shut down your business, Let's create a ministry of truth...Need I go on?
Schools need to stick to teaching the things schools were intended to teach. Let Parents parent. Schools should not become indoctrination factories.
Abortion is murder.
You've been lectured a number of times on here that Guns are not the leading cause of death among children. no need to rehash that stupid argument.
The trans shit is absolutely a big part of the left's platform. They support men in women's bathrooms, on women's sports teams, they support drag queens dancing for kids, reading to kids, they support these surgeries on kids. They portray not wanting pornography and gas agenda trash in elementary schools as "book banning."
No other issue shows how insane and evil and the wrong side of history (a favorite phrase of the left) , the left is on more than the trans nonsense.